Chapter 102 Killing

Ye Sheng took a fancy to the hidden weapon in the man's hand in the dark, so he wanted to snatch it anyway, and it might be useful to prepare it.

Carefully approaching and going around to the rear, when the time came, she also exited the stealth, but he couldn't see her from the position behind him, so he stopped entering the stealth.

One step forward is full of weeds and fallen leaves, and there will be a sound when stepping on it. Ye Sheng lifted the blindfold to confirm the attacking position, jumped up, and with the inertia of falling, he stabbed the dagger into the man's neck .

Mo Che went directly from the spine into the throat, making him unable to make any sound, and the blood flowed down the blood groove into the soil under him.

Before anyone could react, Ye Sheng had already got off him, and the abyss blade pierced into his back and emptied his blood volume.

At the same time, she pulled out the dagger and took a step away, so as not to splash blood on her body. The smell of blood was too strong to hide.

Lie down one person apart, with the backpack right in the middle, Ye Sheng turned sideways, took out a box of small flying knives from the backpack, and put it into his bag.

After waiting for a while, when the blood was almost gone, he got up and turned over the corpse, searched out all the remaining throwing knives on his body, and then left here.

She didn't go too far. Now the distance between this position and the edge is far enough. According to the speed of shrinking the map, she will be safe here before dawn.

When Ye Sheng hid, he didn't like to stay on the ground, but went up a tree again.

Putting the backpack aside, he fastened the box of throwing knives directly to his belt, and took one to play with in his hand.

This throwing knife is only bronze equipment, and the damage is actually very average, but those flying knives placed on the body are all poisoned, which can be regarded as making up for some lack of damage.

Hidden weapons are more suitable for some dizzy poisons. After all, assassins don't have hard control skills, but unfortunately she hasn't got the formula yet.

There are too many uncertainties and dangers in the dark night, so they probably chose to hide instead of walking around.

Ye Sheng didn't meet anyone again until dawn gradually appeared in the sky, but after dawn, there will probably be many battles.

Because the scope of the proving ground is now very small, people who were originally scattered will gradually gather together and meet each other more easily.

Ye Sheng really wanted to see what it looked like when the edge collapsed. Is this jungle in the air?
Although she was curious, she would not let herself take such a meaningless risk. After looking at the map, the place where she was now would collapse soon, so she started to walk inside.

After walking a certain distance, I met two people who were fighting, and they were very happy to fight back and forth.

And she also found that behind the tree on the other side, there was another person hiding there to watch the battle. Obviously, she wanted to take advantage of the wave of orioles after the two of them finished.

But it's a pity that there is a poisonous snake waiting to go out behind the oriole.

Ye Sheng disappeared directly and approached the "single bird". The two evenly matched guys still couldn't tell the winner, and they couldn't pay attention to this side.

Silently sneaking to the back, Ye Sheng slit her throat with a clean blow, triggering a critical strike, so that she didn't need to make up for the damage, and she was instantly killed.

The praying mantis is still catching the cicada, but the oriole is dead without anyone noticing it.

Ye Sheng supported the corpse, gently put it on the ground, confirmed that there was no one else around, and rushed towards the two injured people.

"Who!" Sensing a sneak attack, one person shouted angrily, and was immediately knocked down by Ye Sheng's backstab.

The other person hadn't reacted yet, and the person who appeared hadn't seen clearly, and a backstab had emptied his already depleted blood volume.

Ye Sheng put away the three backpacks and opened them one by one to look at them. There was nothing useful, so he took out all the medicine and food and threw them on the ground to crush them, so as not to hurt others.

Ye Sheng was very happy that he did something immoral, but at the same time regretted that he didn't think of it yesterday.

He also packed the backpack neatly, stuffed some weeds, and put it on top of various debris to cover it, so he didn't stay any longer, and if he stayed for a while, someone would probably come.

As for the mood of someone who saw these three backpacks and found the weeds in the three backpacks and the rotten food in the ground, she didn't think about it, as long as she was happy.

Slowly get stuck at a distance not far from the edge and head towards the central bank, killing anyone you meet on the road without any hesitation.

Everything that could not be taken away in the backpack was smashed, and even some weapons that looked good were roughly buried, anyway, so as not to give later people a chance to pick up cheap ones.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and the trial field was coming to an end.

During this period, Ye Sheng met two more people, and they all died under her hands.

Ye Sheng quickened her pace and went to the central location, ready to clean up everyone. Of course, those who can survive to this moment are not weak, and she is always on guard.

Seeing the round platform in the center through the bushes from a distance, Ye Sheng disappeared again and approached the round platform.

At this time, there were four people standing on the round platform facing each other. Standing on the edge of the round platform, they took off the blindfold and glanced around, and found two heat sources, that is, two invisible assassins.

Counting myself, there are a total of 7 people here.As expected, she hadn't seen the guy who was very arrogant before.

There is a time limit for invisibility, and the edge of the jungle is collapsing and approaching. Everyone must go to the round platform immediately. The round platform has no cover, and the assassins have nowhere to hide. Although Ye Sheng saw them, he was not in a hurry to find them out.

Ye Sheng finally saw what was going on in this space, it was really an island in the sky, and the ground was full of magma, so it was really lifeless if it fell.

As far as the eye could see, the ground cracked, the trees did not have enough support, leaned outward, and fell as the soil was peeled off, and the whole tree fell.

A small squirrel struggled to run up the tree trunk, but was too slow and fell down in despair.

Ye Sheng had already appeared at this time, and took two steps towards the middle, and the four people who were confronting each other immediately looked at her.

She was not in a hurry to make a move, she had to wait for the two hidden assassins to show up.

There was only one suspended round platform left in the entire area, and two other assassins also appeared, and the seven people confronted each other around the central teleportation array without making any easy moves.

The battle was about to break out, but the atmosphere was very quiet, only the sound of a red kite with fiery feathers hovering above his head.

As the steps at the edge of the platform cracked into stones and fell, as if a signal for war, the seven immediately rushed to the middle and began a melee.

Ye Sheng slowed down and fell behind slightly, and joined the battlefield after they collided together.

With backstabs and consecutive stabs, the person closest to her was eliminated, and then she looked at the other person beside her.

Someone turned his head to attack her, dodged the attack casually, rushed up and cut his throat with his head in his arms, and stabbed him twice in the back.

In the blink of an eye, two people were already dead in her hands.

The other four people realized that she was obviously stronger than them, so they stopped their hands and looked at each other, before turning their heads to attack Ye Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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