The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 103 No. 1 in the world

Chapter 103
"Zhi!" The red kite above her head screamed and circled down, landing on Ye Sheng's shoulder.

The round platform had stopped collapsing, and the teleportation array in the center was lit up. Ye Sheng shook off the blood on the dagger and knocked a bottle of life potion.

Being besieged by four people at the same time still caused her a little wound, but in the end only she was left standing intact.

Stretching out a finger, stroking the feathers on Chi Yuan's head, this is probably her reward.

Ever since the red kite landed on her shoulder, there was a special connection between them, she could see what it saw and smell what it heard.

It is not easy to be found by using it to spy on the enemy's situation, and Chiyuan has excellent eyesight and can see far away, so it is a very good eyeliner.

Bringing Chi Yuan into the teleportation array, Ye Sheng returned to the previous island.

Seeing that only Ye Sheng appeared in the end, the person guarding the door led her directly to the shore, and the boat was ready.

The boatman stood at the bow of the boat expressionlessly, without even looking at Ye Sheng, and left the shore directly after she boarded the boat.

"Where are you going?" asked the boatman.

"Sea Territory City." Ye Sheng thought for a while, and returned the same way.

The boatman was speechless and headed towards Haiyu City.

Let Chi Yuan out, and after a while, she came back with a sea fish in her mouth, standing on the deck to eat.

You don't need to feed them yourself, you can just stock them directly, Ye Sheng said that it is very worry-free.

When I returned to Haiyu City, it was already dark, so I found a hotel to rest and went offline.

After going online again in the afternoon, Ye Sheng went directly to Shanning Village. When she arrived at Mingyu Town, she released Chi Yuan to move around freely. She didn't want this thing to become her symbol again.

Devil May Cry was a little surprised to see her coming to him so soon: "Have you completed your winning streak?"

"I've done it before." He took out his black gold eternal night badge.

Devil May Cry looked at the black gold badge for a while and looked at her up and down. Sure enough, Mo Che would not choose a mediocre person, but: "I actually gave you the black gold badge directly."

"Go to Greedy Prison alone to kill Yan Xiu, and bring back the dagger on his body to see me." After thinking for a while, Devil May Cry decided to take a serious assessment, and took out an hourglass and turned it over, "You only have three days. "

Frowning, Ye Sheng looked at the more detailed instructions in the task, only feeling a little stressed.

Greedy Prison is a level 20 dungeon, and Yan Xiu is in Hell Mode, and he has to do solo, so the difficulty of the assessment jumps a bit.

Suddenly jumped from easy to death difficulty.

Even if she is very confident in her own strength, she is not sure that she will pass the greedy prison in hell mode alone.

What's more, she doesn't have the strategy of Greedy Prison, which is a copy of Jingyun Empire, let alone in her previous life, she has never heard of it.

Taking out Mo Bian casually and playing with it in his hand, Ye Sheng stared at the passing hourglass, she didn't have much time.

It took three days to go from normal to hell, and it felt like there was not enough time for a single copy of hell, which prevented her from getting a chance to get some equipment.

Looking at the location of the dungeon that appeared on the map, Ye Sheng turned around and went to the dungeon. At the same time, he notified Mu Yan of Flying Flowers like a dream, and even called Ye Ming.

However, Mu Yan and Fei Hua Bian Meng are not online, it seems that there is something wrong.There are also some things on Ye Ming's side, so he can't bring people over immediately.

It's just that the house is leaking and it's raining all night!What a headache!
Passing through Mingyu Town, I bought a large amount of mana potions. I expect that it will consume a lot of mana when I download the book later, because she will use magic transformation if necessary, and magic transformation consumes a lot of mana.

She also had no other choice, and she might not be able to complete this task without using magic.

Pull a few people in Jingyun Empire to quickly brush the normal and hard modes, and then demonize hell.Headache!
I just don't know if Devil May Cry will pay attention to her, and whether he should let him know about his identity as a demon, Ye Sheng is a little hesitant.

Because, she couldn't be sure which side Devil May Cry belonged to, even if he was a demon.

The instance of Greedy Prison is located in Mingyu Town. In the corner of the town, a long-abandoned prison building stands quietly there.

This dungeon has been discovered by players because it is in the city, but most of the current players cannot download this dungeon, only occasionally a few players are watching outside.

Ye Sheng noticed a few people leaning against the wall chatting, two of them looked familiar, as if they were number one in the world.

It's normal for top guilds like Number One in the World to be interested in level 20 dungeons. They have this ability, at least with Jun Gu and Lin Jianxiao leading the team, it's okay to pass the hard mode.

However, the dungeon rankings outside the dungeon are still blank at this time. It seems that the number one in the world has not cleared the difficult book yet.

Ye Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up. The number one player in the world must be able to play the normal mode. She might even have cleared the normal mode. She can hitch a ride and play the hard mode directly.

With the best strength in the world, plus she should be very efficient in life, it depends on whether people are willing to take her, but with their own strength, they should be happy to take her.

It just so happened that the portal at the entrance of the dungeon was lit up at this time, and I saw Jun Gu walking out with a dignified expression.

"I have to ask Lin Jianxiao to come over, otherwise it will be hard." Jun Gu shook his head, talking to himself over there.

Ye Sheng took off his hood, showed his ID, walked over, and said straight to the point: "Greedy Prison, do you want to cooperate?"

"Fuck! Sharp? You're not staying in Qingxuan, why did you come to Jingyun to write the book?" Jun Gu saw Ye Sheng approaching, with a ghostly expression on his face.

Immediately, he greeted Ye Sheng with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand: "To see the real face of the first player today, it's really a pleasure to meet you! Add a friend?"

The corners of his eyes twitched, if he hadn't known in his previous life how cruel Jun Gu was when he was serious, Ye Sheng couldn't believe that the guy in front of him who was playing around with a hippie smile was the number one president of the top ten game guilds in the world.

Jun Gu took the initiative to send a friend request, but Ye Sheng had no reason to refuse, so he directly agreed, and shook hands with him, did not answer his words, but asked: "Are you playing hard mode?"

"Yes, but we can't make it through for the time being. When Lin Jianxiao's big output comes, of course, if you want to join, it will be stable." Speaking of the assassins in the original team, they quietly retreated to the side, and Feng Mang joined , definitely won't need him anymore.

On the other hand, his gaze has been lingering on Ye Sheng. For this current highest-level player, who is also recognized as the strongest player, no matter how proud he is in his heart as an assassin, he admires his sharpness very much.

"Are you interested in joining Number One Under Heaven? Our guild name suits you very well." Jun Gu didn't expect Feng Mang to join the guild, but he still had to ask.

At the same time, he chatted frantically with Lin Jianxiao in private: "Come here quickly, I met Feng Mang! She is going to be sent to the Greedy Prison! Come and play the book together, and see Feng Mang's strength up close!"

Lin Jianxiao, who was on the way, was taken aback when he saw the message. Isn't the edge from the Qingxuan Kingdom? Why did he suddenly come to the Jingyun Empire?

However, he really wanted to see the strength of this person.Watching the video is always too one-sided, and he is also extremely curious about what is going on with Feng Mang's terrible output.

Can't help speeding up the pace.

 In fact, there is no such paragraph in the initial setting, so add some drama to my poor male protagonist who has no sense of existence (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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