Chapter 104

The dungeon was in the town, Lin Jianxiao walked out of the teleportation array, and arrived at the gate of the dungeon not long after.

Ye Sheng has already joined Jun Gu's team, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lin Jianxiao approaching from a distance, and turned his head to look over immediately.

Having received feedback from Chi Yuan before, Lin Jianxiao has arrived.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and after looking at each other, they looked away.

Jun Gu raised his eyebrows, looking ready to watch the excitement.

Looking away, Ye Sheng lowered his head and played with the pitch-black dagger in his hand.

Lin Jianxiao took a second look at the dagger. He has a lot of research on cold weapons, and he can tell at a glance that it is not a mortal weapon. The quality of the debate circle should be very high, at least above dark gold.

"Hello, Lin Jianxiao." He stepped forward, stretched out his hand to Ye Sheng, and at the same time silently sent a wave of friend requests.

"Hello, Feng Mang." She stretched out her hand and shook it back, agreeing to apply by the way.

Then Lin Jianxiao joined the team and reorganized a six-member team.

And in this team, there are four players in the world leaderboard, the first and second of the edge sword owl, and a mage who ranks in the top [-]. As a summoner, the king's output is average in the early stage, and the level is ranked at the bottom of the fifty. open.

There are also two warriors and sages. Ye Sheng actually doesn't like to take sages with him in the next book in the early stage. Generally, a sage who only has a single blood-increasing skill is actually better than taking drugs by himself.Not to mention fighters, with her output, it is estimated that even skills can't pull hatred.

But I don't know the situation in Greedy Prison, and she is just a hitchhiker, so I won't say much. Anyway, the four of them should be able to get by.

"Sharp Ben is very powerful. After all, he is the first to take Ben through the hell mode. Are you going to take over the command?" Jun Gu, the former team leader, asked Ye Sheng.

"You can command." Ye Sheng didn't expect to be able to command the number one person in the world, he just listened to the command and played by himself.

Besides, Jun Gu is best known for his commanding skills. In terms of strength, he may not be ranked in the top [-], but he can be ranked in the top [-] for united front.

"Success, the book has been opened." Jun Gu nodded, and chose the hard mode to enter the instance of Greedy Prison.

Six people appeared in a prison. They were locked up, with one side against the wall and three sides surrounded by iron bars.

Seeing their appearance, the surrounding cells where the prisoners were held looked at them excitedly, slamming on the cell door frantically, as if they were about to come out and eat them.

Everyone drew out their weapons, and Ye Sheng also saw Lin Jianxiao's weapon.

He is a two-handed swordsman with two long swords on his back, but at this time he only drew out one long sword, raising his eyebrows, it was still a dark gold weapon.

This level of dark gold weapons is basically growth-oriented, not to mention excellent attributes, and can be used for a long time, but the resources of the Grand Guild are different.

"Jian Xiao, come here and chop the door lock." Jun Gu directly summoned Lin Jian Xiao.

Lin Jianxiao stepped forward very obediently, broke the chain with a sword, and opened the prison door that closed them.

Their cell was at a three-way intersection, and after they walked out, they waited for Jun Gu to continue to command.

Jun Gu and Lin Jianxiao looked at each other: "Feng Mang, you and Xiao go to the right, first clean up the prison guards outside, at the end there is a cell leader in the torture room, it is a small boss, after killing them, go back and clean up the cell, you will go crazy Prisoners, don’t worry if you’re not crazy. Then come back all the way to meet up, and the four of us will clear the road on the left.”

"Okay." Ye Sheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Let's go." Lin Jianxiao greeted, and walked in front with the sword in hand.

Ye Sheng followed, ignoring the crazy prisoners on both sides, and met a jailer when he walked around a corner. Seeing them, he immediately pulled out his ax and killed them.

Lin Jianxiao blocked the ax with his horizontal sword, and Ye Sheng immediately rushed forward, turned around and stabbed him in the back.

This speed and agility attributes are at least twice as high as his own.
Seeing the high amount of damage on the jailer's head, Lin Jianxiao's eyes twitched. He must have at least [-] basic attack power. Where did the sharpness come from? That mysterious black dagger?
He hadn't touched accessories at this time, so he obviously didn't know how much improvement the accessories brought.

Moreover, Feng Mang's agility attribute is also extremely high. I don't feel that she has any particularly powerful equipment besides weapons. How did this attribute pile up?

Lin Jianxiao was full of doubts.

The jailer was in pain, and he drew back his ax and turned around to attack Ye Sheng, but Lin Jianxiao stabbed in the wound she had caused.
He also has half of his own output, without accessories and ink biting, Lin Jianxiao's attack power is about the same as his own, or even higher than his own.

The speed is much slower than his own. At this time, Lin Jianxiao obviously hasn't grown up yet, and he will really show his glory after he receives the top-level inheritance of the swordsman.

Ye Sheng also estimated his attack and attributes in his heart.

Today, she can completely abuse Jianxiao. Although she is no worse than herself in terms of combat skills and experience, her attributes are completely suppressed.

In the early days of her previous life, she hadn't paid attention to Lin Jianxiao, and she didn't know when he obtained the top-level inheritance.

And the suppression is only in the early stage, with the memory of the previous life, she can have some advantages, but in fact, in terms of combat skills, she is not even as good as Lin Jianxiao now after she has been in the war world for several years.

As the former No. [-] player in the battle world, Lin Jianxiao's own strength is indeed very strong.As for his superb swordsmanship, he is also worthy of his later title, the hero of the sword.

She still needs to maintain a friendly relationship with Number One Under Heaven, she doesn't want to be an enemy of Lin Jianxiao.Fortunately, the relationship between Jingyun Empire and Qingxuan Kingdom has always been good, and there are generally no conflicts between the guilds.

On the other side, Jun Gu and others also encountered the jailer. The soldiers stepped forward to taunt and attract hatred. Jun Gu summoned a giant wolf to output together with the mage.

"You said, I asked Lin Jianxiao to use the beauty trick to hook up with Fengqiang, is it possible to draw people into the guild?" Just as they were talking, Jun Gu suddenly had an idea and asked directly.

The rhythm of the attack was almost disturbed by Jun Gu's words, the mage was covered in black lines and ignored him.

Warriors and sages also look helpless. When the king is serious, he is majestic, but when he is out of tune, he is really skinny.

"Don't talk at all, I think this idea is feasible." But Jun Gu was still thinking there with a serious expression on his face.

"First of all, Lin Jianxiao is definitely not happy. Secondly, I think Feng Mang, you can't treat her as an ordinary woman." The sage will not feel any pressure to increase blood, very relaxed, and imitating Jun Gu's serious face look back at him.

"Yes, yes." Jun Gu nodded in agreement.

"..." The mage and the warrior didn't want to talk at all.

"Has Feng Mang made a move? How is her strength from close observation?" Turning around, he chatted with Lin Jianxiao privately.

"Very strong, with extremely high attributes, I am no match." Lin Jianxiao's reply was very brief.

The evaluation of Feng Mang's strength has risen to another level. As a young boy, he knows very well how strong Lin Jianxiao is. Born in a family of martial arts, he has practiced swords since childhood and is known as a genius.

It can be seen that Lin Jianxiao is willing to say that he is not an opponent, which shows that his sharpness is very terrifying.

Thinking about the sharp attire, this could not be someone from a killer organization, it might be from the army.

After guessing Feng Qiang's real identity for a while, Jun Gu didn't think too deeply about it. This is just a game, no matter what her real identity is.

 Adding drama to the hero (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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