The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 105 Joint Force

Chapter 105 Joint Force
Although there are two more people on Jun Gu's side, the output is still incomparable. While they were still fighting, Feng Mang and Lin Jianxiao had already solved a jailer together, and then walked inside.

People of their level of strength can consciously cooperate with each other without even needing to run-in when they fight together, and they have a pretty good tacit understanding.

The output and efficiency of the two of them were second to none. Ye Sheng was still in a hurry, and worked very hard to output without hiding his clumsiness. The speed of cleaning up the jailers along the way was very fast.

It didn't take long to reach the end.

In the blood-stained torture room, there was still a prisoner with bruises all over his body and a weak breath nailed to the shelf.The inmates who were crazy when they saw them walking past all silenced their voices at this moment, and retreated into the corner of the cell.

Hearing footsteps approaching, he managed to lift his eyelids but couldn't see anything clearly. A red-hot iron was pressed against his chest, which was already full of rotten flesh.

"Ah!" There was a shrill scream, and then the body suddenly went limp, and there was no more breath. The prisoners in the prison outside the torture room also held their breath and did not make a sound.

The head of the cell was wearing an iron chain, with two spiked iron balls hanging from both ends, and he turned around while holding the scorched iron. The iron chains jingled when they collided, and stared at them with gloomy eyes: "Come in! , I will take good care of you."

The sour and rotten meat smelled very bad, but the two walked into the torture room without changing expressions, facing the prison head side by side.

Lin Jianxiao rushed up first, the long sword slashed the red iron, and sparks exploded at the confrontation position.

Ye Sheng attacked directly followed by a general attack, causing a large wave of damage and then holding back the hatred.

Swinging away the soldering iron, Lin Jianxiao, not to be outdone, slashed his chest and wrists in a three-stage slash.Although he knew that he couldn't match the sharp output, but Lin Jianxiao was also trying his best not to let his output gap be too far.

Pulling the monster hard, under the close cooperation of the two, the leader threw away the cooled soldering iron in his hand, and swung the iron ball violently with the iron chain in his hand.

As a short soldier, Ye Sheng is not easy to get close to the output, Lin Jianxiao took advantage of the long sword to find gaps to pierce and chop.

Quickly moving around the prison head, his defense could not be exhaustive, and she seized the opportunity to stab him from the back and stab him repeatedly.

Lin Jianxiao turned to the front, pierced the prisoner's wrist with a sharp-eyed sword, and lost his strength for a moment, causing an iron ball to be thrown out. The iron chain hung around his neck and even the prisoner staggered a step forward.

The other iron ball couldn't be thrown anymore, Ye Sheng quickly stepped forward and cut his throat with a blow from behind, trying his best to produce the maximum output he could.

The sword stabbed straight at the wrist to block the boss, and Ye Sheng had more room to output without the hindrance.

"Drink!" The jailer yelled angrily, and the breath in his body exploded. The two quickly switched to a defensive posture and were shaken two steps away, suffering some shock injuries.

He swung the iron ball and knocked down the oil pan on the side, then swept the torch, and it turned into two fireballs.

He threw it at Ye Sheng head-on, causing her to step back and dodge. The flames almost scorched her face, and a few strands of hair shrank from the heat.

Lin Jianxiao held the sword in both hands, swung it vigorously, and then used his skills to kill the jailer. A scar with deep bone visible appeared and put a buff that continued to bleed on the jailer.

Then he changed to holding the sword with one hand, and drew out the other sword on his back with his left hand and slashed down on his back.

The fireball turned and swept towards him, with the double swords crossed in front of him to parry the attack.

The sparks exploded, and Lin Jianxiao was pushed back all the way, hitting the iron frame.

Ye Sheng immediately stepped forward and stabbed directly at the prison head's heart.
Vital attack, attack to the vital point, the completion rate is 100%, ignore the defense, and get a 100% damage bonus.

Immediately afterwards, the Abyss Blade stabbed three times under the ribs, pulled out the ink bite and cut a wound downward, and then the Abyss Blade cut upwards, leaving two cross-shaped cross scars.

Lin Jianxiao drew back and stepped back, piercing the iron chain with two swords, nailing the iron chain to the ground and dragging the prison head, creating an output environment for Ye Sheng.

However, his face changed suddenly at the next moment, and the spikes still on fire on the iron ball suddenly loosened, and he quickly drew his sword back, and the spikes broke away from the iron ball and shot at him.

With a sharp look in his eyes, Ye Sheng grabbed a throwing knife from his waist and hit the iron thorns to deflect them in some direction.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he swung his sword to block a few iron thorns, jumped to the side, the prisoner pulled the iron chain, and the iron ball hit him head-on again.

Ye Sheng rushed over, grabbed Lin Jianxiao and pulled him over, avoiding the iron ball, but with too much force, Lin Jianxiao's whole body fell on her.

"Thank you." Lin Jianxiao backed away and thanked him while steadying his figure.

"There's not much blood left, hurry up." Just now, Ye Sheng almost dropped the dagger accidentally, but Ye Sheng clenched the dagger tightly, adjusted his position and continued to attack the prisoner.

Seeing that the prison head's blood volume was about to bottom out, the prison head buckled the iron chain and spun on the spot, drawing a huge fire circle in the air with the iron ball.

Both of them were cornered by the wall, the ring of fire was still approaching, and a drop of sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Lin Jianxiao put away a long sword and raised his eyebrows to look at the roof. Ye Sheng also raised his head, stepped into the air together, and shot himself at the prison head with force on the wall.

A black shadow with streaks of blood aimed at the rotating cell head, cut his throat with one blow, and Lin Jianxiao swung his sword behind the cell head while holding the sword in the air.

Kicking the top of the head with two feet in front and one behind, the two used their strength to retreat back to the wall.

The prison head's blood volume was emptied and he died, his hands hang down weakly, and the powerless iron chain wrapped the iron ball around the prison head for a few laps before hitting the ground with a bang, and stopped after rolling for a certain distance, leaving Scorch marks and gravel all over the place.

Ye Sheng's face was a little ugly. This greedy prison is definitely difficult in the level 20 dungeon, otherwise it wouldn't make it so hard for the two of them to fight. Don't even think about hell mode without demonization. I don't know how she uses it now. What is the power of demonization.

Exhaling lightly, Lin Jianxiao stepped forward to open the treasure box, and then looked at Ye Sheng: "I will keep the things first, and distribute them after they are assembled?"

"Yes." Ye Sheng stepped forward to take a look at the things in the treasure box, and let Lin Jianxiao take them all away.

"Let's go, turn around and clean up the miscellaneous fish." Tilting his head, he walked out of the torture room with his sword in hand, and Ye Sheng followed behind him.

"The boss is resolved, and we will start cleaning up the prisoners." At the same time, Lin Jianxiao also reported their progress to Jun Gu on the team channel.

"??? You are so fast, we have only just started fighting!" Jun Gu was stunned. Although he was confident in the strength of these two people, he did not expect such efficiency.

"...Extremely fast, you are indeed two big bosses!" The sage complimented the warrior while recovering his blood volume.

"Let's clean up the criminals on our road after killing them." Jun Gu said again.

"En." In response, he swung his sword and slashed open the lock of a prison door. With the death of the prison head, the inmate who was extremely crazy started to rush out immediately, but was chopped back by a sword.

Ye Sheng also waved the ink bite, opened the door of another cell, and rushed in to deal with the prisoners inside.

(End of this chapter)

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