Chapter 107
After clearing the prisoners and jailers on this road, they encountered the executioner at the end. This is the final boss of the hard mode.

Ye Sheng guessed that there should be two more bosses in the hell mode, the warden didn't come out yet, and there was Yan Xiu.

Tsk, this difficulty...

After killing the executioner, Ye Sheng waited for the clearance announcement, but it didn't appear.

"Oh, it seems that a fish slipped through the net." Jun Gu muttered, "Ready to fight."

Some doubts, isn't this the last boss?Turning around, I saw three prisoners rushing towards them like mad dogs.

Ye Sheng realized in an instant, no wonder he had to clear out the prisoners in the cell before: "Will the prisoners in the cell rush out after beating the last boss?"

"Yes, our guild suffered from this when we played normal mode, and almost wiped out." Jun Gu nodded, summoned the giant wolf again, and met the three prisoners, "They are all lunatics, and they attack indiscriminately. "

Ye Sheng and Lin Jianxiao went forward and pulled one prisoner each. It was easy to deal with only three of them, and they were resolved in a short time. The reward panel for clearing the level finally appeared.

World (announcement): Congratulations to adventurers Jun Gu, Feng Mang, Lin Jian Xiao, Jun Jue, Chong Lin, and Su Qiuchen No.1 for clearing the Greedy Prison Hard Mode and getting a lot of rewards.

System: First pass through the difficult and greedy prison, reward 4000 experience points, and reward a treasure chest.

The soles of Lin Jianxiao's feet lit up, and he finally reached level 15.Now the experience gap between him and Ye Sheng is actually not that big.

A generation of romance: the number one in the world is making money again, what is the greedy prison?

Bai Xiaosheng: popular science, Greedy Prison, level 20 dungeon of Mingyu Town, the difficulty is relatively high.

Bai Xiaosheng: However, it seems that someone who is the number one person in the world has messed up...

Unknown future: Isn't the sharp boss my Daqingxuan? Why did he go to the Jingyun Empire?
Stinging poison: As a player of the Qingxuan Kingdom, I am a bit...

Bai Xiaosheng: No. [-] and No. [-] in the world rankings, and two top [-] players. This lineup is awesome.

"Hey, Feng Mang, if the world announces that you have joined Number One in the World, will you beat me up?" Jun Gu looked at Ye Sheng with a smirk.

"No beating." Ye Sheng curled his lips into a smile, but his gaze was a little dangerous, "I always stabbed him to death with a dagger."

At first, Jun Gu raised his eyebrows eagerly when he heard her words, but the next sentence scared him back a step: "Sister, don't be so violent, please put away your dagger."

"Unidentified talisman, what is this?" The mage didn't want to ignore his funny guild leader, and silently opened the box to check the rewards. He was very curious about the bottom thing because he didn't understand.

"En?" Jun Gu took it out and looked at it over and over again, "What is this, there is no explanation, no attribute, is it a mission item?"

"Feng Mang, your mission?" There must be a reason for Ye Sheng to suddenly come to Jingyun Empire to play a dungeon, and Jun Gu was the first to think that she might be doing a mission.

Glancing at a copper-quality accessory, Ye Sheng thought for a while, and didn't intend to tell them what it was useful for, but he didn't intend to dirty it either. He just shook his head pretending to be puzzled: "No, what is this?"

Lin Jianxiao turned his head to look at Ye Sheng, not knowing why, but instinctively told himself that she must know this thing.

But she didn't want to reveal it, and he had nothing to say, and they had no obligation to tell them.

"It's still the old rule, all points are R." I don't know what the use of this talisman is, so don't worry, I will study it slowly when I get R.

Ye Sheng was unlucky, there wasn't any useful equipment out there, and there was a dark iron dagger as a reward for clearing the level, but it was useless to him.

She hasn't opened the difficult first pass box yet. The chances of opening accessories from this book are quite high. She plans to open it alone later.

After distributing things, everyone exited the dungeon, Ye Sheng checked the time, and directly withdrew from the team.

"Yo, what is Feng Mang doing in such a hurry?" Jun Gu asked casually.

"Mission." Ye Sheng teamed up alone and went straight to the entrance of the instance.

"Hey, you still want to write the book, don't you come together?"

As soon as Jun Gu finished speaking, he saw that the portal of the dungeon suddenly became pitch black, and Ye Sheng disappeared in place. The entire group of people stared wide-eyed: "My God, just go to Hell?"

"Mission? What heaven-defying mission requires you to only clear the dungeon of hell?" Jun Gu stood there, subconsciously looking at Lin Jianxiao, "Suddenly know why she is so far ahead of you, is this a heaven-defying mission? "

Even if the hell mode of the Greedy Prison is equipped with sharpness and the best combat power in the world, Jungu has no confidence at all to survive. How can a person like sharpness survive?
Lin Jianxiao remained silent all the time, he was also shocked, he was curious about what mission she was going to follow them to do, and he didn't see any sign of mission, but he didn't expect it was purely to start the hell mode.

He directly quit the team and formed a team by himself, and then entered the greedy prison of hell.

"Lin Jianxiao!" Jun Gu took a step too late to hold him back, and quickly chatted with him privately, "What are you doing, Feng Mang dares to go in alone, there must be something to rely on, what are you doing in here? Are you looking for death?"

"I'll come in and take a look." Standing in the familiar prison cell, Lin Jianxiao looked around, and there was a bit of black air in the greedy prison in hell mode, and he felt a little ominous for no reason.

Walking out of the cell, he stretched out his hand to touch the black air, the biting cold made him withdraw his hand suddenly, his blood volume dropped by 30 points, and he couldn't help frowning.

Not to mention the strengthening of various mob bosses in the dungeon of hell, these black qi are not easy to deal with.

I don't know where this sharpness has gone, what does she rely on to single-handedly clear the dungeon of hell?Although her output is very high, her operation is similar to her own. With the strength she showed just now, it is impossible to pass.

"You're wasting the number of dungeons like this! Forget it, it's already the end of the month." Jun Gu stood outside the dungeon, with a helpless expression on his face, waved his hands and led the person away, "Leave two people to watch, when will the edge come out?" Let me know."

"You can figure it out yourself, don't die inside." Lin Jianxiao was worried, and Jun Gu looked back, turned and left.

Ye Sheng couldn't care about how Lin Jianxiao and the others reacted, and opened the door of the cell with Mobi.

A strange wisp of black air brushed across her cheeks, feeling the chill on her cheeks, she stretched out her hand, and the black air dispersed and passed through her hand, then gradually gathered and returned to its original shape.

What is this?But it didn't seem to be harmful, and it gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Feeling that there are some unusual changes in this hell mode, I carefully observe the surroundings, and there is incomparable silence.

...Why did the prisoners not move at all, and they were all shivering in the corner.

In the hard mode, the prisoners in a small circle around the boss are so intimidated that they dare not make any movements or words.Which boss is the hell mode, so ruthless that it can deter the prisoners in the entire prison?

Ignoring those prisoners for the time being, she only intends to complete the task, and if she doesn't pass the idea of ​​the dungeon of hell, these prisoners will not be cleaned up.

First, I took out the treasure chest obtained from the dungeon that was difficult to clear, and then opened it to see if it can improve my strength to a certain extent.

Her luck has always been average, neither black nor red, so she ordered a second-grade copper accessory.

Appraisal of copper accessories needs to consume 130 silver coins, the price is not small, directly use the identification skills.

Brass wrench, quality copper, level two, defense +50, physical damage +33.

This thing is completely unreadable in front of the Pisces card, the difference is too much, but it's better than nothing, anyway, there are plenty of positions, so I equip it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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