The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 108 Strange Copy

Chapter 108 Strange Copy
"Don't think about the regional model of Greedy Prison in the short term." Lin Jianxiao didn't stay in the dungeon for long, so he gave up the challenge and quit the dungeon, and reported the situation with Jun Gu by the way.

The ubiquitous black energy is too disturbing, and the continuous damage is also very dangerous. After killing two jailers with the black energy, it is a bit overwhelming. Don't worry about the boss, he will definitely not be able to beat it.

"The difficulty has increased a lot, and the entire dungeon has become very weird. As far as the guild's existing MTs are concerned, none of them can handle it."

In fact, even Ye Sheng himself didn't know that the hell mode of Greedy Prison was a special plot dungeon, and it was impossible to pass the script without pre-plot tasks and props to avoid black air.

Devil May Cry didn't give her any props, and didn't want her to come out alive at all.

But the premise of all this is that Ye Sheng is a person.As a demon, those black qi did not threaten her, and with demonization, it is not too difficult for her to kill the boss.

It took more than half a day to clear the difficult dungeon before. Ye Sheng didn't have much time. He didn't care about what was going on with the black air, so he cleaned up the jailers first, and took a look at the cell where he saw Yan Xiu before.

However, in the dungeon of hell mode, Yan Xiu is not in this cell, there is only a big pit in the cell.

Sure enough, it won't be that simple. In no hurry to kill the boss, Ye Sheng walked around the prison while cleaning up the jailers along the road.

Except for the inaccessible area blocked by the boss, she did not see Yan Xiu.

If he didn't kill the previous prison boss, the boss of Prison Bully and the subsequent bosses would not be able to drive, and he would not be able to walk through the road. Ye Sheng had no choice but to go back and look for the prison bosses on both sides.

When the prisoners in the cells on both sides saw Ye Sheng, they all looked ghostly and terrified, and they all shrank into the corners away from her.

Frowning with some doubts, what is going on with this hell mode?It's a little too weird.

Cleaning up the jailers has already consumed a lot of her time, and it is already midnight, so I don't have time to delve into those weird things, so let's take a step at a time.

Putting away the blade of the abyss, Ye Sheng held the ink bite with one hand, and the other hand was ready to demonize and fight at any time.

Today's demonization consumes 40 mana per second, and it takes more than a minute to burn her mana.This is only the amount of mana consumed by partial demonization, and it will consume more if a large area is demonized.

In the torture room, a huge oil pot was set on a fire, and the oil inside was bubbling and bubbling. The prison chief casually put a white thigh in a water tank beside him, rinsed it, and threw it into the oil pot.

Suddenly there was a frying sound, and the wrinkled thighs were rising and falling in the butter. Ye Sheng felt a little creepy, and there were still these stumps and torsos on the ground.

What the hell!
"Come on, do you want to enjoy delicious food together?" The prison chief asked with a sneer as he saw her enter the execution room, holding the iron chain with both hands.

"No." Ye Sheng rushed forward with a blank expression.

An iron ball hit him head-on, and he dodged sideways. Mo Che drew a trail of sparks along the iron chain and got close to the jailer, leaving a wound on his chest.

The left hand was suddenly demonized, and she wanted to try the power of demonization first.

The black claws had smooth and hard skin, with a sharp cold light at the tip, and they grabbed the iron chain.

The sharp claws directly pierced through the iron chain, and Ye Sheng was also surprised, she couldn't cut the iron chain with ink bites, but the magic pierced through it effortlessly!

Moreover, her demonized claws seem to be different from those in her previous life. She remembers that the demonized skin in her previous life has a layer of hair... and it doesn't look like the claws of a species at all, and her fingers are not so long.

When dealing with the Bilin Snake King before, he was too confused in the water and didn't pay attention.

Although the bloodline has been perfected once, will the bloodline perfection have such a big change?Why does it feel like the bloodline has changed, the species has changed.

Not being able to control that much, Ye Sheng directly grabbed the iron chain.

Watching the iron ball on one side fall powerlessly to the ground, the prison chief was taken aback for a moment, with a ghostly expression on his face: "Demon?"

If this is the reality, the cell boss will probably run away, but this is just a copy, he can't get out of this cell at all, so he can only bite the bullet and fight.

After verifying the sharpness of the demonized hind claws, Ye Sheng turned to plan the prisoner's chest.

The cell boss wanted to back away, but Ye Sheng chased after him, and the devil's claws slid across and brought down a few pieces of minced meat.
Seeing the five-figure damage, Ye Sheng's eyes widened. Demonization is so unreasonable.This has not yet hit the vital point, with such high damage, it seems that the mission is expected to be completed.

It's just that the mana was consumed a bit fast, and Ye Sheng dispelled the demonization after one blow, and her mana could not be burned all the time.

The cell boss had already retreated, and she hurried to catch up.

Without the balance of the iron ball on one side, the jailer turned to hold the iron chain with both hands, and swept towards Ye Sheng, but this was just a means to prevent her from approaching him.

He can't get out of this torture chamber, but the fear of the demon race is deep in his bones, even if it's just a consciousness in the dungeon, he's still so scared that he just wants to run away.

It was the first time to fight against the boss in the dungeon, and this experience felt extremely enjoyable.

But then Ye Sheng slowed down and pondered in his heart, why does the prison boss's performance feel similar to that of the prisoners outside.Could it be that those prisoners knew she was a demon from the beginning, otherwise why were they so afraid of her?

But how did those prisoners know, and the task that Devil May Cry gave her, what kind of existence is that Yan Xiu?
Speed ​​up to chase the cell boss, maybe after finding Yan Xiu, she can clear up some doubts.

Although the damage caused by demonization was terribly high, but the prison boss was running around, but it took a lot of time. After finally chasing the prison boss to death, a lot of mana potions were consumed, and no time was saved at all.

Opening the treasure chest directly, a piece of physical bright silver equipment came out.

Ghost bone armor boots, quality bright silver, durability 100/100, defense +58, strength +24, agility +25, mana value +660.Requirements for use: Stamina 79
There is also a piece of black iron equipment from the legal system, all miscellaneous and miscellaneous are directly put into the backpack.

He rushed to another torture room non-stop, this time the cell boss seemed much more normal, and was torturing a prisoner.

The prisoners saw her first, and their faces were full of horror. It seemed that these prisoners could indeed see that she was a demon, but how did they see it.

Ping Yuankai didn't even notice the existence of that level, how did these level [-] NPCs find out?
To get rid of this cell boss, it is already morning in Zhanjie, and the day is gone.

In the level 20 dungeon of Hell, there will be unidentified accessories in the treasure chest, but Ye Sheng only opened a first-grade wooden accessory, and he didn't even throw it into the backpack without the interest of identification.

There is a piece of black iron equipment that can be used.Hunter earrings, quality black iron, durability 80/80, physical attack +21, strength +22, agility +21.

Without Balrog's red hand, there would not be so many good equipment in the dungeon of hell.

Then he went to the Prison Bully, who looked like a pure lunatic, and when he saw her demonized, he rushed up madly, with a bit of hatred on the contrary.

It's a pity that this guy is dumb, otherwise Ye Sheng would like to try to communicate a few words.

When I asked those prisoners and cell bosses, all of them were afraid except for fear, and they were helpless because they couldn't say anything useful even though they were not dumb.

The crazy prison tyrant's combat power is far superior to those of the two prison bosses, and he is a bit difficult to deal with under the demonization. Ye Sheng is almost drinking mana potion and life potion in succession.

The prison tyrant whose chain was broken in his hand directly picked up a prisoner and threw it at Ye Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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