The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 117 Demon Race Imperial City

Chapter 117 Demon Race Imperial City
After Ye Sheng went online, she fell into a deep sleep and rested. The character was in a coma. There was darkness in front of her eyes. She didn't have any perception, and she didn't stay there anymore.

I don't understand the wave of loss of control just now, but at least it can be seen that her blood is indeed very strong.

When I woke up again, I was in a luxuriously decorated room. It really shouldn't be too extravagant to use the light as lighting.

The light spirit is a special kind of unconscious spirit body, and it is also a sacred object for priests and other professions. Once it appears, they can make them crazily snatch it. However, it is only used for lighting in the demons...

However, the spirit of light also has a healing effect, at least the originally extremely weak body has recovered a lot now.

She staggered out of bed and touched her cheeks. The skin had already been removed, and she didn't know where it was put. She didn't even want to wear a blindfold when she was in the demon clan.

Curious about what the Mozu area was like, Ye Sheng sat by the bed and rested for a while, then opened the door and walked out.

What catches the eye is a large courtyard, in the middle is an ice-blue stone road made of unknown materials, and on both sides are full of Bianhua flowers, burning like a flame.

Through the courtyard wall, you can see a tall building with a unique flavor not far from the courtyard. The walls are clean white jade and the roof is as clear as glass, which is completely different from the demon building in her image.

And looking behind him, the house he originally lived in also has the same structure, but the inside and the roof are sealed with white jade slabs.

It was already evening, and she seemed to have slept for a long time.No, the day time in the extreme arctic ice sheet is much shorter than the night time, and the time in the war world is actually only in the afternoon at this time.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the white walls are covered with a layer of warm yellow coat, and the sunset glow reflects on the transparent roof, forming a beautiful picture.

This is the Demon Race?

The incomparably dark, demonic flames in the mouths of the human race?

She remembered that the extreme northern ice field was a place covered with snow all the year round, but she didn't see any snowflakes as far as she could see, let alone ice and snow, but it was very warm. Not bad.

Opening the gate of the courtyard, two people dressed as soldiers, to be precise, Mo was guarding outside, and when they saw her coming out, they both bent down.

Ye Sheng walked out of the yard and looked at the surrounding environment. The ice-blue corridor outside was very wide, probably because of the reminder of the demons after they were demonized.

But the demons she saw were basically in human form, and all the soldiers walking around were lined up.

Looking at the architectural structure here, it feels somewhat similar to the palace of the kingdom, so this is the palace of the demons?

"Where is this place?" Ye Sheng looked at the two gatekeepers and asked.

"Imperial City." The two soldiers guarding the gate were very respectful.

Ye Sheng was puzzled, it was because she was of a higher bloodline.But when did her bloodline change?The blood of her previous life feels somewhat similar to that of Devil May Cry, more like a leopard, definitely not comparable to a dragon.

I hope someone from this demon clan can answer her doubts.

"The Demon Emperor is in the central hall right now, do you want to go there?" A guard asked.

"Well, can you take me there?" Ye Sheng nodded.

"Please." The guard led the way ahead, and the direction he was heading was the tall building that he had seen before.

From time to time along the road, an orderly demon army walked by. Looking all the way, the heinous demons that the human race said were actually not much different from many humans, at most they were stronger.

Arriving at the so-called central hall, a majestic man in black and gold costumes was standing in the hall, and there were quite a few other demons, all wearing black clothes, and Devil May Cry was among them, wearing black armor.

It seems that the demons are still black, so why are all the buildings in the imperial city white?

Following her appearance, all the demons looked at her in unison.

Ye Sheng's scalp felt numb for a moment, and the aura of these demons was not much weaker than Devil May Cry, especially the man in the black gold suit in the middle, who felt unfathomable.

If these guys want to kill her, it's just a thought.

"Please come in." The man stepped forward and waved at her.

The guard had already stepped aside and knelt on one knee.

As soon as he stepped into the main hall, a system message popped up suddenly, and Ye Sheng's scalp was a little blown.

System: Accept the task Demon Race Revival (Immortal).

What the hell!Immortal mission!The highest level of tasks she has seen and heard is ghosts and gods, is there still immortality?

And why don't you ask her if she accepts this kind of task, what's the matter if she accepts it directly?Is she up to the mission of immortality?

Suppressing the mentality that was about to explode, Ye Sheng clicked on the mission and took a look. There was no explanation, maybe coming to the Demon Race is considered a prerequisite?
I looked at the inexplicable task that was full of question marks before, and it was still full of question marks.

She just wants to rely on her reborn golden finger to work hard to become stronger with peace of mind. Why are there so many unexpected situations?

"What's the matter?" Sensing that something was wrong with her expression, the man asked with some doubts.

"It's okay." Shaking her head, trying to keep her face calm, she has accepted all the tasks, and there is no option to give up, what can she do, go down and have a look.

After taking a look at Devil May Cry, she knew Devil May Cry here, and she didn't know anyone else.

"This is my demon emperor." Devil May Cry also stepped forward consciously, pointing at the man to introduce, and pointing to an old man in black robe behind the man, "This is my demon priest? Demon God messenger."

"Demon God?" It felt inexplicably familiar, but he had no clue.

"The demon god is the supreme existence enshrined by my demon clan." The demon emperor and the priest said at the same time, and everyone looked devout, including Devil May Cry.

Ye Sheng, who didn't feel anything, had a flat complexion in the middle, a little...embarrassed.So the demons are also superstitious?

The human race believes in the church and the holy city, and they believe in the so-called demon god?

"I came to the Demon Race just to find answers, some doubts about my body and blood, and... the battle world!" Ye Sheng straight to the point, not interested in flirting with them.

"Please follow me." The priest greeted him, and stretched out his hand to guide him to the main hall.

Suspiciously followed, the Devil Emperor, Devil May Cry and others behind him all looked a little uneasy, but they followed silently.

Why do you always feel that something is wrong?But now she has no way out.

There is a larger room behind the main hall. Strange runes are painted on the floor and walls, densely packed with unknown meanings.

"Please stand here for a while." Shensi led her to the center, then bowed her head and slowly backed out.

The Demon Emperor, Devil May Cry, and several demon clans stood in various places in the room, while the rest of the demons watched from the door.

This is another altar?This scene made her think of the altar of the demons who had not been very good twice. Why do the demons like to play this game so much, and what are they going to do now?
(End of this chapter)

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