The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 118 Demon God Prophecy

Chapter 118 Demon God Prophecy
Ye Sheng didn't really want to stay here, but then she found that her footsteps were so heavy that she couldn't move: "What are you guys doing?"

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon, and it won't hurt you." The Demon Emperor looked at her kindly.

However, these words did not reassure her at all.

Following the murmured chanting in Shensi's mouth, the Demon Emperor and the others gradually released their magic power, and the strange runes were lit up one by one, and the light reflected on her face.

Stretching out his hand to block his eyes, the light was really dazzling.

With all the runes in the room lit up, Ye Sheng couldn't open his eyes at all, but he didn't feel any discomfort physically, he just felt a little hot.

After a while, the rune gradually became darker. Ye Sheng opened his eyes, feeling that he hadn't changed much, but the face of Shensi on the opposite side was very excited: "It's her, that's her, the person in the demon god's prophecy?"

"Really." The Demon Emperor became excited when he heard the words, and looked at her with great satisfaction, "We finally found you?"

"..." Ye Sheng looked at them with an inexplicable expression of excitement, the demon god prophesied?WTF?

"However." Then Shensi looked at her with some hesitation and entanglement, and said, "She is a dark bloodthirsty dragon, and the blood of the demon god is undoubtedly, but she also has the supreme blood of the human race in her body, which is why she has become half-demon, half-demon. The appearance of a person."

"..." Ye Sheng still looked puzzled, what is the supreme blood of the human race?She didn't open a membership, and there were no nobles in the war world to open. She didn't know where her demon god blood came from. Where did the so-called supreme blood of the human race come from?
She really couldn't understand the world more and more, she couldn't even understand herself.

Could it be that besides rebirth, there is also a golden finger that I don't know about?
Suddenly the task list prompts that there is a task update, presumably the immortal task has changed, Ye Sheng quickly clicked on it.

However, there is still no change in the immortal mission, but in the mission description of the weird mission full of greetings, there is a sentence: If you want an answer, come to me in the ninth stage of the Demon Trial.

At the same time, it also showed that there was a task reward for this task, and Ye Sheng chose to receive it directly, but she wanted to see what the reward was.

Afterwards, a blue spirit ring appeared in his hand, without any attribute display, but there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Coming to the Demon Race, who wanted to clarify the doubts, he was confused even more.

What's the matter with this reward, what is the purpose of giving her an assassin spirit ring, to turn her into a wise man?

Assassin's top-level inheritance is in front of her eyes. Unless her brain is flooded at this time, she will not choose to become a wise man.Those assassins would go crazy if they turned their backs on the Assassin's Temple with Mobi, and the Temple of the Wise wouldn't dare to accept her.

No, the Temple of the Wise Men dared to accept it, but she didn't want to transfer it.Even Tianfu seems to be quite interested in her.

Put away the spirit ring, let's put it aside for now, and looked at the Demon Emperor with some confusion, "What is the Demon Trial?"

The Demon Emperor was still struggling with her bloodline issue. When she suddenly heard the question, she was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered her demeanor, and replied: "A place to train the strength of the demons. There are nine floors in total. Only those below level 50 Enter."

"I want to enter the demon trial!" Although she felt that she was being led by the nose, she really had no choice but to answer all the doubts all over her body.

"Although your current situation is a bit strange, you are still a demon, and you are qualified to enter the trial. If you confirm that you want to enter, I will start the trial for you." The demon emperor and the priest looked at each other, as if they had communicated, and then Just said to her.

"The trials of the demons can only rely on your own attributes. All foreign objects cannot be brought into the trials of the demons, including equipment and medicines. The trials will generate weapons for you. And in the trials of the demons, your pain perception is 100%."

"Confirm!" Ye Sheng replied decisively, and at the same time gave the Demon Emperor a deep look, "Who made Zhanjie, are you still human race?"

The Demon Emperor's words just now clearly know the existence of Zhanjie, and I am afraid that many people are aware of the existence of the Zhanjie game.

"The demons, but the human race thinks that they have stolen the past and brought them many potential human beings, but in fact, this is the setting at the beginning. You are originally human." The demon emperor answered her like this.

"We can't rely on the Zhanjie game system to become a demon directly, but we can become a demon in Zhanjie. This is your purpose, right?" Ye Sheng looked at him fiercely.

"To be precise, our goal is only you, and the rest is just incidental." This time it was Shenji's answer.

"..." Ye Sheng was silent. Is this the so-called truth she has been pursuing in Zhanjie?In the end, all players are probably just pawns in the eyes of the human and devil races.

Shensi looked at her expression, and added: "We gave them strength. In the end, the side that wins the battle will always have the ability in the battle world. Of course, the defeated side will have nothing."

"You also brought chaos to that world!" He said indifferently. Of course, what Ye Sheng said was not an accusation. Knowing all this, he would not give up a powerful opportunity, and he was blameless.

That immortal mission has completely tied her to the demon camp. Defeating and having nothing means that if she wants to be strong, she must drag the player who stands in the human camp at the end into the abyss, otherwise she will be the one who falls into the abyss.

When the entire world's power system changes, and the powerless self will only become a dust that is too dead to protect itself.

"What's the matter with the mission I accepted, the demon revival mission at the immortal level?" Before entering the demon trial, Ye Sheng still needed to clear up some doubts.

"You have already accepted?" The Demon Emperor looked at her in surprise, "It is the one predicted by the Demon God. Since you have accepted the mission, we will not doubt anything, but this mission is extremely dangerous."

Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows, and then the priest stepped forward and continued, obviously he knew more than the Demon Emperor: "Once you accept the immortal mission, you and your game character will become one, and the character will never go offline, and you will be killed when the character dies." Reality will also die. Of course, you in reality and the game are fully interoperable. For example, if you are full in the game, you will not be hungry in reality. Besides, the magic power cannot be easily cast, and you in reality already own the game. Now strength. The ultimate goal of the mission is to defeat the human race and lead the demon race to become the overlord of the battle world again."

Hearing this, Ye Sheng's expression became more and more shocked. Now even her own life is tied to the Demon Race, tied to the Battle Realm?
And the so-called oneness is useless in reality, at best, it saves some nutrient solution, and she doesn't go out, and she doesn't have much to do.

But in this case, she doesn't have to go offline to exercise all the time, and now the character will never go offline, so she can't leave the battle world easily, otherwise she will die easily.

"In this case, what about the human race? Does the human race have the so-called immortal mission of defeating the demon race?"

"Yes, just like the Demon Race Immortal Quest, there is a person."

(End of this chapter)

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