The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 130 Time is running out

Chapter 130 Time is running out
"Your Excellency, do you need to go to rest? Or go to the main hall to discuss the matters of the Demon Race?" The Demon Emperor bowed his head slightly, and cupped his hands respectfully.

"You can handle all the affairs of the Demon Race as you see fit. After all, you are the Demon Emperor. Now is the time to hide your strength and bide your time. Let me grow up." Ye Sheng shook her head, not yet in time for her to take charge.

"By the way, Devil May Cry, what about inheritance?"

"It was sealed in Mo Che, give me Mo Che, and I will undo the double seal." Devil May Cry reached out to take Mo Che, held it in his hand and looked at it for three seconds, "Wait a minute, I will send it to you soon." come over."

"Okay." Feeling that Devil May Cry's mood was not right, Ye Sheng gave him a suspicious look, and let him turn and leave.

"Okay, let's all go away." The Demon Emperor waved his hand, dismissing all the noisy demons gathered around, leaving only the priest, and said solemnly, "I think you need to understand some things, Within five years, the Arctic ice sheets will be destroyed."

Ye Sheng was taken aback, the ice field was destroyed, could this be the reason why the demons fought so hastily in the previous life?

"what happened?"

"There is a huge volcano suppressed under the imperial city, and there is also a red fierce dragon that is not weaker than me. Now the volcano is getting more and more restless and will erupt within five years. At that time, the northern ice sheet will be destroyed. And Chi Lie is already crazy and will attack anyone who sees it, and we are afraid that we will be attacked by the enemy. It is best to prepare early and leave the Arctic Ice Field in advance."

So this is why the weather in the imperial city is warm?

"So that's right, I can't wait that long, the demons must go out for four years at most." Playing with the dagger in his hand, Ye Sheng thought in his mind, "I will get to the full level as soon as possible."

"Is there any way for the demons to communicate secretly? I have to go back. How can I contact you then?"

"Yes." The Demon Emperor took out a black gemstone with a strange rune, the magic power surged at his fingertips, and he carved a rune on it, and handed it to her, "Use this to contact us directly, your status is special, I won't arrange other demons to contact you, if you have other needs, you can find Hanmo."

"Yes." She is not completely at ease with the rest of the demons, and has no intention of contacting other demons, "but can this thing guarantee such a long-distance connection?"

"Originally it was impossible, but over the years we have built many communication altars on the mainland, which can guarantee such long-distance communication."

Ye Sheng nodded, and put away the contact stone. The three demons were walking on the road, and the soldiers they met along the way bowed their heads and saluted. They turned their heads to look at their awe-inspiring expressions, feeling a little dazed.

Stopping suddenly, Ye Sheng asked, "Do the Demons have a lot of books? I want to take a few books with me."

"Although most of it was lost during the war in the past, there is still a lot left." The Demon Emperor said and turned his direction, "It's just right, I will take you for a walk around the imperial city, but are you going to leave now?"

"Time is running out. I still have my own plan in the human race, and it has been delayed for a long time now." I was delayed for three days in the ninth stage. It is estimated that Lin Jianxiao has narrowed the experience gap by a lot. After more than a week, it's time to go back and set up the guild.

"By the way, the you have the lotus heart of the sky god?" She wanted to get the lotus heart of the sky god herself. God knows when, it depends on whether the demons have it in stock.

"Empty God Lotus Heart?" The Demon Emperor thought for a while, but he was not directly responsible for this. The priest knew better and looked at the priest who had been following them silently, and was strangely silent.

"Yes, you want to strengthen demonization, right?" Shensi nodded without thinking too much.

First, they came to the heavily guarded clan treasury of the demon clan together, and the priest walked in front to take the lotus heart of the god of sky for Ye Sheng.

Then he approached the clan treasury and looked around. In fact, the clan treasury looked very empty, and there were not many things in it. The Demon Emperor couldn't help sighing: "The demon clan is trapped in the extreme north ice field, and many resources are outside. Even if there is no threat from the volcano, the demons can't last long. Either surrender or perish."

"Fortunately, there are a lot of precious minerals and precious stones in the extreme arctic ice field, at least there is no shortage of weapons. We will do our best to create a pair of the best daggers for you."

Ye Sheng's eyes lit up, thinking of the dagger in Devil May Cry's hand, she naturally wanted a pair of such daggers.

After turning around, Kamiji came back with two boxes in his hands: "The black box is the lotus heart of the sky god, and the blue box is a dagger, which is suitable for you to use now. Demons have strong defenses, and they are generally very strong." Wear less equipment and more weapons."

Shensi only brought a dagger and no other equipment, so he explained.

"Thank you!" She didn't even think about this, she remembered the things in her backpack, and quickly took them out. She picked up a few good things in the war zone before, but such things usually bear the mark of the original owner. Once she took out her hand outside, she would be easily spotted, "Can these marks on it be solved for me?"

After thinking about it, she took out the Shenshui Wangzao she had obtained earlier. She didn't have much time to refine and collect medicines. She was looking for someone to deal with it in the human race and was worried about being robbed, so she kept it in her bag.

Fortunately, it has only been a month, and if it is delayed for another two months, the potency of the medicine may be damaged: "The demons should have alchemists, right? Help me deal with this thing?"

"Shensi is the potion master, you just give it to him." Demon Emperor said from the side.

Ye Sheng took the two boxes and handed over a series of equipment in the bag: "It's troublesome."

She didn't have many chances to pick up equipment, but she just picked up three pieces of equipment that were shining with epic light, and one accessory. It might not be noticeable to drop jewelry or something, so I didn't see it.

"Your Highness, you are welcome." Shensi took the equipment with both hands and put it away. Ye Sheng carefully took out the submerged Wang Zao and handed it to him. He directly took out a large jade box and put Wang Zao in it. "I will help you as soon as possible." You're done."

"I'll probably stay at the library, just let me know when it's done." Ye Sheng hastily helped up the Shensi who had been bending over. From this look, he knew that Shensi was the oldest among the demons. God knows how old he was. , she can't bear his respect.

"I'll send it to you when I'm done." Shensi still looked respectful.

Tilting her head a little helplessly, she then separated in front of the clan treasury, and the Demon Emperor led her to the Zangshu Pavilion of the Demon Clan.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Demon Emperor!" The guards at the door knelt down on one knee.

The Demon Emperor paused, and looked at Ye Sheng: "With your current status, you should have a professional title in the Demon Race. How about learning from the Human Race and being called Emperor? Emperor Feng?"

Ye Sheng twitched her eyebrows, why did it sound so strange, but she agreed with what the Demon Emperor said, she needs a high enough status to support her identity and prestige: "I am the Dark Bloodthirsty Dragon, the Dark Emperor."

"I will not replace you. It is still up to you to manage the demons, but I am the inheritance of the demon god, so I should have enough status and identity to deter the demons, so that the demons can obey orders when needed. Of course, I will first Discuss with you. After all, my duty is to become strong enough, stronger than all existences in the war world, to lead the demons to defeat the human race."

The Demon Emperor looked at her deeply, and nodded: "Okay, I will inform the whole family immediately."

 Thank you for the reward of fireworks perishable, thank you hahahahahaha for the monthly ticket, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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