The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 131 Top Inheritance: Edge

Chapter 131 Top Inheritance: Edge

The Demon Emperor took her around the imperial city, and within the imperial city, the Demon Emperor directly announced her as the Dark Emperor through sound transmission, and her identity as the Demon God had already been passed on. The demons are still very calm.

Walking all the way, the soldiers not only met the Demon Emperor, but also called her, the Dark Emperor.

Although a little uncomfortable, Ye Sheng walked past very calmly.

In the end, she stayed in the Library Pavilion, and the Demon Emperor gave her a brief introduction before leaving on her own.

There are not many guards in Zangshu Pavilion, because most of the core information of the demons is passed on according to the bloodline inheritance. For example, when she completely perfected the bloodline in the ninth level, she also received various information about the bloodthirsty dragon bloodline.

However, she didn't know the history of the Demon Race and information about other bloodlines, so she was going to take a walk in Zangshu Pavilion.She was originally a patient and fond of reading, and in her previous life she often read in the library of the human race.

After watching Devil May Cry for a while, he came over first, and handed Mo Che to him: "Inheritance is also gradual. Mo Che continues to upgrade and you can get the next inheritance. This is not something I can control, it is the rule of inheritance. Upgrade Once, all previous inheritances will be obtained."

"Okay." After taking over the ink bite, it is inconvenient for her to use all the inheritance at once, which is just right.

Although she likes the profession of assassin very much, she has to say that the talisman master is completely handy. After receiving such a large wave of information, she has no discomfort and feels that she can use it freely.

Mo Che's kills in this wave, although a total of [-], were completely filled when they were in the battle zone. After all, the dragon's breath she released at the end was still very powerful.With her current attributes, it should be usable.

He directly chose to upgrade, a large wave of information rushed into his mind, and several skills were added to the skill list in an instant.

At the same time, a window for naming the profession popped up in front of him: "Why do you need a name?"

"This shows that the rules determine your potential, or that you will be stronger than me in the future, and you will be qualified to name the top-level inheritance. Even if someone stronger than the top-level inheritance appears in the profession, the inheritance will change. Like the mage's The top-level inheritance has been changed several times, from the ice method to the fire method, to the current dark mage." Devil May Cry explained.

"I see." Ye Sheng directly entered his name, Feng Mang.

Since then, she has been named the top assassin's inheritance, and then she has some doubts: "Are there some professions that have never changed their names?"

"Yes, for example...Tianfu." Guiqi nodded, "Only Tianfu has never changed its name. I don't know how powerful the original one is."

Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows, and looked at Mo Che after naming.

The blood-colored dark lines on it became more refined, and the entire dagger looked sharper.

Ink bite, quality ghost, physical attack +280, strength +115, agility +115, stamina +115, crit +5%, crit damage +13%, ignore defense +10%, blood sucking +5%, magic sucking +5 %.Requirements for use: strength 300, agility 300, stamina 300.

Additional skills: Soul Devourer, 60-second cooldown, devouring power bursts out, sucking the soul of the slain.

The attributes are a little more amazing, and there is an additional weapon skill, Soul Eater, although I still don't understand the effect of absorbing souls.

Her attributes are not enough, and her stamina is 49 points short.

She hadn't seen the dagger that Shensi gave her before, but she also took it out at this time, it was a dark gold dagger.

Ice Ling, quality dark gold, durability 100/100, physical attack +160, strength +52, agility +52, lifesteal +4%, ignore defense 8%.Attacks deal additional ice damage.Requirements for use: Strength 280.

The attributes are also very good, and there are two rare attributes and ice attribute damage bonuses. General weapons don't have triple attribute requirements like Mobu, her strength attribute is quite enough, and she can be directly equipped with ice.

There are still more than 200 free attribute points, and 50 stamina points are directly added to it, and the ink bite is equipped.

At this moment, Ye Sheng was taken aback suddenly, as if something was missing, he looked at the back of Devil May Cry who saw her successfully upgraded and was about to leave: "You erased the memory?"

"You have obtained the inheritance." Devil May Cry stopped.

"I want to ask a question." Devil May Cry looked up at her, "Who is that person Yan Xiu wants to kill?"

"No one." Keenly noticed a slight change in Devil May Cry's expression, but he obviously didn't want to answer.

"Yan Xiu didn't finish, but I heard the word Xuan. The only person I know with Xuan in his name is from the Qingxuan Kingdom." He said tentatively.

"Not from the Qingxuan Kingdom." Devil May Cry only said this, with an indifferent expression.

"That's it, well, I won't guess anymore, it's your private matter after all." Ye Sheng chuckled lightly, and didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, Devil May Cry turned and left directly, but Ye Sheng behind him slowly frowned, but then relaxed, and continued to look at the book in front of him.

Shensi was much slower on the other side, and didn't come to look for her until night.

He neatly packaged the equipment separately in an exquisite box, and he also packed two black bottles made of black sapphire in a jade box, and delivered them to her together.

"It's troublesome." Ye Sheng took the box politely and looked at it one by one. Shensi also helped her fine-tune the appearance of each piece of equipment, and re-dyed the color with potions. He didn't observe carefully and familiarize himself with the original equipment. , no correlation can be found.

Among these equipment, two pieces of physics and one piece of law, Ye Sheng is ready to use it himself, although it is still a long time before he can equip it.

The accessories are of jade quality, and the material is somewhat similar to the Pisces card on her body. It is a palm-sized blood jade biscuit, with a chilong rolling over the waves carved on it.But it was dyed black by Shensi, and it looked like Moyu.

Chilong blood jade, quality jade, level 6, crit rate +10%, crit damage +3%, crit damage reduction +2100%, blood volume +700, physical damage +6, cooldown reduction +[-]%.

The level is one level higher than her Pisces brand, and the attributes are also slightly higher, and they are divided into different categories, and the damage is increased by [-]. I feel that it is easier to kill Lin Jianxiao, but it is a pity that I can't.

Her current attack power is nearly [-]. At this time, players with higher strength may have higher attack power, while ordinary players may only have three or four hundred attack power, and their blood volume is at most four, five, or six thousand. In fact, she still sucks blood now, as long as she has enough physical strength, she can kill players or whatever.

However, after the accessories are dropped, they will automatically return to the unappraisal state. Now that the piece in her hand has been appraised, she can't help but raise her eyebrows: "Your Excellency, Shensi, is omnipotent, and you can appraise it."

"I've lived for a long time, and I've learned a lot." Shensi waved his hand modestly, and then looked a little hesitant, "This piece of jade feels a little strange when erasing the imprint, and your lord should use it with caution."

"...Why did you change your name again?" Ye Sheng muttered helplessly. Hearing this, he took the Chilong Blood Jade in his hand and observed it carefully. His slightly closed eyes and fingertips overflowed with dark blood-colored magic power surrounding the blood Jade. Then he opened his eyes, "There seems to be something inside, but it doesn't feel like a hazard. I'm curious about what's hidden in this blood jade."

"The subordinate left first?" Seeing that she had made a decision, and that the bloodthirsty dragon, the legendary blood of the demon god, had no idea what kind of means the bloodthirsty dragon had, so he didn't say any more.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to leave the Demon Clan tomorrow, can I take the teleportation array now?" It's too late to leave today, and Ye Sheng just happened to read a few more books, and it would be nice to take a few more with me when the time comes.

"Of course, I'll arrange it for you."

"En. You go slowly." Ye Sheng got up and prepared to give Shensi a ride.

Shensi cupped his hands again and again, and retreated respectfully.

With the departure of Shensi, Ye Sheng put away his expression. She thought that other demons would not be like Shensi. Shensi probably studied the human race too much. Even with her, she couldn't help paying attention to etiquette in front of him. coming.

 Thanks to Xiao Liyin (uneducated means I searched for this word for a long time (╥╯^╰╥)) for the reward, thanks for the monthly ticket sent by Qiu, thank you for your support (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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