The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 132 Returning to Qingxuan

Chapter 132 Returning to Qingxuan
On the second day of Zhanjie time, Ye Sheng, who had spent the night reading books in the Library Pavilion, packed another stack of books and prepared to return to the Human Race Continent.

However, the teleportation array is not yet fully prepared, and before that, she also plans to use the Sky God Lianxin first.

Shensi specially arranged for her a land suitable for upgrading to demonization, and even drew a large formation to ensure her smooth upgrade.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the formation, the priest and the devil are standing for her, while Devil May Cry is protecting the law. The upgrade of the demons is also to improve the blood, and it will not be very smooth.

He took out the lotus heart and threw it directly into his mouth. The method of using the sky god lotus heart is very simple, just eat it, but Ye Sheng's face immediately wrinkled as soon as he took it.

She is not someone who can't bear hardships, Huang Lian can chew raw, but this lotus heart is too bitter!

Fortunately, she could feel the energy coming out of it nourishing herself, so she covered her mouth to prevent her physical reaction from spitting out, and the formation lit up under the magic power of the gods and the demon emperor at the same time, and a stream of light surrounded her, assisting her She absorbs the energy of Lian Xin.

At the same time, Ye Sheng's skin was gradually hardening and turning black. The feeling of skin tearing caused her to break out in cold sweat. She lay down on the ground, and then fell off to reveal the smoother and harder dragon scales inside.

Her appearance was also changing, her limbs turned into dragon claws, and her whole body became bigger and longer.If there is a ball of fire burning in the body, the pain is unbearable.

"Roar!" With a subconscious dragon howl, black mist rose up and completely enveloped her, within which Ye Sheng gradually turned into the appearance of a dark bloodthirsty dragon.

There were threads of blood shining between the pure black scales, the dark blood-colored mane extending from the top of the head to the tail moved without wind, and the four dragon claws shone with cold light, easily digging a deep claw mark on the ground.

"Roar!" Ye Sheng raised his head and screamed, Ye Sheng soared into the air, blood-colored flames jetted out from his mouth with strands of black, the flames swept across the stone wall, and instantly the huge limestone disappeared in smoke, leaving a hole with scorched marks.

The coercion was also completely released, and both the Demon Emperor and the Shensi bowed their heads uncontrollably, Devil May Cry's blood was not as good as them, and they knelt down on the ground with a surprised expression.

Is this terrifying coercion the blood of the supreme demon god of the demon clan?

What they didn't know was that the demons in the entire imperial city were subconsciously kneeling in this direction at this time, and the power from the depths of their blood made them unable to resist.

But on the contrary, their expressions were extremely excited. Is this the power of the easily invisible Dark Emperor?Sure enough, the revival of the Demon Race is expected, and the Demon God has never forgotten them!

As Ye Sheng fell to the ground and withdrew the uncontrollable coercion just now, the Demon Emperor raised his head, but his expression was a little strange.

Just now when Ye Sheng released the coercion, his body was not small, but now he only has the length of his arms. He looks like a majestic but petite dragon.

Ye Sheng also discovered this, and silently changed back into a human form. The demonization level has been raised to level 2. Her mana is finally able to support her complete demonization, but... a little too small.

There are also restrictions on the leveling up of demonization. The next time she has to wait for at least ten more levels, she can't understand the things she needs, and she has never heard of them.

"What is Dragon Scale Howling Wild Grass?" decisively consulted the long-lived and knowledgeable Shensi.

Shensi frowned: "As expected of the blood of the demon god, this is a treasure of the dragon clan. It can greatly improve the dragon clan, and it is very rare. We will communicate with the dragon clan for you to see if we can get one."

"En." The Demon Race is willing to help her get it, so she naturally doesn't bother to bother, "Don't worry, just take your time."

The teleportation array was ready at this time, and they left directly to the teleportation array.

She can go through the teleportation array. She finally doesn't have to go to the war zone in a thrilling way. The only disadvantage is that she can only teleport to Tang Xin Kingdom, which is relatively close. To Qingxuan Kingdom.

Standing alone in the teleportation array, waiting for the Demon Emperor and the God Secretary to activate the teleportation array, Ye Sheng looked at Devil May Cry standing aside: "Why, you are staying in the extreme northern ice field?"

"I don't need to go anymore." Devil May Cry answered her expressionlessly.

"Really." The teleportation array had been activated, and Ye Sheng took one last look at Devil May Cry, she would let him go if necessary.

In a blink of an eye, eyes were full of dazzling colors, and Ye Sheng's figure also disappeared into the teleportation array.

The demons of the demon clan looked at the empty teleportation array, and a demon couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, do you really want the Dark Emperor to return to the Human Race Continent?"

"She can grow faster there." The Demon Emperor replied and turned to leave.

After experiencing a period of dizziness, Ye Sheng appeared in a cave, the patterns under his feet were still bright, and gradually faded away, and then no traces could be seen.

I glanced at my position on the map, and I didn't know what was around in the darkness, but the demons gave me a map before.

Silently took out the map, but it couldn't be used, and couldn't directly light up the map in the game.

Holding the map and comparing it to the small area that was lit up, she roughly distinguished the direction. In order to avoid being discovered, this teleportation array was located in a very remote place. She had to walk a long way to get to the nearest teleportation of the Tangxin Kingdom. point.

It's time to go back to the Qingxuan Kingdom to show her face, so thinking she left the cave directly.

There are also various strange areas marked on the map. Anyway, she can't afford to mess with them. She carefully avoided those high-level strange areas and walked for nearly four hours before arriving at the teleportation point. It was a somewhat dilapidated village.

The Tangxin Kingdom was attached to the Cambrian Empire, but it was exploited miserably. Generally, the villages with teleportation points in the Qingxuan Kingdom were well developed. However, the Tangxin Kingdom was really poor and lived in misery. This is already Pretty good village.

Directly enter the teleportation array and teleport to the White Tiger City where the village belongs. The whole city is small in scale, and even many houses are a bit dilapidated.

After making do with a meal and resting for a while to relieve the fatigue of long-distance teleportation, he returned to the teleportation hall and teleported to the capital city of Medog.

Tangxin Kingdom and Qingxuan Kingdom were still separated by Jingyun Empire, and Tangxin Kingdom itself could not afford to operate such a long-distance teleportation array. It could not even manage the distance to the capital of Jingyun Empire. Jingyun's border city was then teleported to the capital, Yunxiao City.

A series of teleportation consumed her a lot of physical strength, but this time she didn't stay long, and then returned to Xuanmu City, the capital of the Qingxuan Kingdom.

Looking at the task of finding Devil May Cry in the task list, and then thinking that she sold the dark gold necklace directly, the Assassin Temple must have known it after so many days, and it probably won't feel good to her.

She didn't expect much from this reward, so instead of going to the Assassin's Temple, she returned directly to Fengjing City.

Almost teleported from the northernmost part of the mainland to the southernmost part, Ye Sheng couldn't take it anymore, and immediately went to the hotel where he used to live to rest.

It is estimated that in a short time, people from the Temple of Assassins will come to the door by themselves. I don't know what expression they will have when they see the inheritance she has named Feng Mang.

 Thank you for the monthly pass from Simon 2, thank you for the recommendation tickets, thank you for your support (`ω) I will work harder to code

(End of this chapter)

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