The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 141 Recruiting, Only Accepting the Strong

Chapter 141 Recruiting, Only Accepting the Strong

Ye Sheng looked at her system panel, creating a guild gave her a full 50 points of national reputation.

Although he has already reached the prestige value that can obtain the title, the title is not easy to obtain.

But now with a reputation of 140 points, she can enter the city. As long as she does not blatantly kill people in the city, the soldiers will not arrest her.

"In the kingdom's support rewards, there is an opportunity to announce the recruitment, do you want to use it?" Mu Yan checked the support rewards, but he didn't receive all of them, so he put them in his backpack first, and asked Ye Sheng.

"I'll use it, you can enter the city now, wait for me." Ye Sheng replied, returned directly to the camp, and teleported all the way to Baijian City.

The world channel was still buzzing, so she directly turned off the stranger's news first.

However, the friend news is also lively. After all, I added a few friends when I downloaded the book before, and they were all from some big guilds. They all came to ask how to obtain the guild establishment order.

Although they knew about the method of obtaining the establishment order for popularity, they also knew that Ye Sheng definitely did not obtain it through this.

It will take a long time to obtain the establishment order relying on popularity, so naturally everyone is extremely curious about Ye Sheng's acquisition channel.

But she also saw the news of Jun Gu, and he was more direct: "I want to buy the order of the establishment of the association!"

She could actually guess that she still has some in her hand, and she is the president of the top ten game guilds.

"Baijian City, interview!"

"It's so simple, how many do you have?" Jun Gu was stunned when he saw Ye Sheng's reply despite the news from his friend, which was refreshing enough.

"There is only one, non-top guilds can't bear it, and you are the only ones I know."

"Okay! Wait a minute and I'll go there right away!" Jun Gu and others were brushing the book, and greeted Lin Jianxiao directly, "Jianxiao! Let's go to Qingxuan Kingdom!"

"Brothers, I'm sorry to waste your time, but the guild establishment order is extremely important, and Lin Jianxiao and I need to withdraw our money and leave." He, the guild leader, has always been unassuming, and even apologized to the members who wrote the book together. , "Of course, don't spread it outside."

Then he and Lin Jianxiao directly exited the dungeon and rushed to the nearby teleportation point.

Ye Sheng first went to Fengjing City to bring Chi Yuan, who had been freed for a long time, and then arrived at Baijian City, and let it out again.

When passing by the forging shop, I went in and repaired the equipment, restoring the durability value.The price of repairing equipment is getting more and more expensive. Fortunately, she is not short of money now.

He Muyan found a private room in a restaurant, ordered food leisurely, waited for a table to be served, and closed the door: "How, what kind of support did you get?"

"A lot, there are orders to declare war, five hundred gold coins, and the purchase eligibility orders for guild residences." Mu Yan took out the support and handed it directly to Ye Sheng.

She was also shocked by this support reward. Just selling [-] gold coins would cost tens of millions. Although this amount of money is nothing to her, it should be a lot to most players in the battle world.

However, when she thought about supporting the guild, she felt that it was a bit lacking. For the big guild, this kind of support was nothing.

"Take these." Ye Sheng only received the qualifications to announce the income, and Mu Yan was in charge of the management, so these things can be left with her.

The world (announcement): Zongheng recruits people, with a quota of [-], and only the strong are accepted.Requirement: Kill one person in ten steps, never stay a thousand miles away.If you think you are strong enough, go to Baijian City of Qingxuan Kingdom by yourself. Of course, if you are not strong enough, you will die in my hands. —— edge

Stinging Poison: Boss, this recruitment announcement is so strong...

Kuanglong: What the hell?Is the guild a treasure when you are vertical and horizontal?

Oranges are cute: I'm going! !It is worth dying at the hands of a goddess!

Cocoa: Men and women upstairs?

Estes: Vertical and horizontal?This guild looks great!

Bai Xiaosheng:! !The super ice method of Frost Kingdom!Also, is Feng Mang able to issue a world announcement to recruit people, is it so daunting?
Orange is very cute: gender female, hobby female!

Jun Gu and Lin Jianxiao were on the way when they saw this recruiting announcement: "My God, this announcement is too rude, it only recruits 100 people, it seems that the way of development is a bit different. It's a shame that only [-] people are recruited. Otherwise, even if the sharpness has appeal, it is estimated that there will not be too many people who would really dare to enter Zongheng."

"This announcement looks good." Lin Jianxiao looked at the world announcement that lasted for a full minute, and commented.

"Don't be tempted, you are the number one person in my world!" Jun Gu stared back at him vigilantly, with some precautions, "Why don't you go?"

Couldn't help but rolled his eyes, Lin Jianxiao ignored him who was playing tricks, and entered the teleportation array on his own, heading to Qingxuan Kingdom.He is even more curious about the strength of Feng Mang now, and he really wants to see it with his own eyes. It would be even better if he could compete with each other.

"But take advantage of the opportunity of the transaction, let's invite a friendly guild." Jun Gu followed Lin Jianxiao into the teleportation array, and teleported to Baijian City together.

"It's possible to get one." Although he wanted to compete with Feng Mang, he didn't want to be an enemy of Feng Mang, and he agreed with Jun Gu's decision.

"Here we are, where do we meet?" Jun Gu directly sent a message to Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng sent his location directly to Jun Gu, called Xiao Er to clean up the mess at the table, and Mu Yan was holding a bowl of rice balls for snacks after dinner. People come to trade association building orders.

Number One in the World is one of the top ten game guilds, and she knew about it when Mu Yan decided to play Zhanjie. She still has a lot of real-life information about this guild, but she didn't find Lin Jianxiao.

"Big Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. You're fine." Entering the box, Jun Gu put on a bright smile. As the real manager of the guild, Mu Yan, who was greeted by Ye Sheng, consciously greeted him. Therefore, he also looked at her, "This is Mu Yan, he is also very skilled. Hello, hello!"

"Hello." The two held hands together for a moment and then separated, "Sit down first, both of you."

Mu Yan glanced at Lin Jianxiao who was behind Jun Gu without a trace. Lin Jianxiao, who was dressed in white, had a trace of noble and dusty temperament, with one hand always on the hilt of the sword, as if ready to draw the sword to fight at any time, narrow and long His brows and eyes were a little sharp.

With just one glance, Mu Yan knew that he was not Lin Jianxiao's opponent, and he was worthy of being a powerful player who is only under the edge now.

And it looks quite young, I have to admire these young people, all of them are extremely talented.

After the two of them took their seats, Mu Yan sat next to Ye Sheng instead.

He directly took out another guild building token in his hand and put it on the table, Ye Sheng cut to the point and said: "Let's make a price, the guild building token is extremely difficult to obtain, I dare say that there will not be a few guilds that can get established before level 30." What is the price of the order, so the president should know it in his heart."

"Tsk, yes, I also like such a straightforward person." Jun Gu took a look at the founding order and put it back on the table, looked at Lin Jianxiao, took out an ancient book and said , "How about we exchange the trigger items of the epic missions for the guild order?"

Jun Gu is very confident, an epic mission is enough to exchange for a guild establishment order.

However, what he didn't expect was that Ye Sheng shook his head just after glancing at the cover of the ancient book.

 Thanks to Nanfeng Bujing and Late Autumn Green Leaves for sending monthly tickets, and thanks to friends for recommending tickets, thank you for your support
  Book friends Q group 831128426, you can join the group to chat and discuss the plot ~ Occasionally there will be spoilers (*/ω\*)
(End of this chapter)

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