The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 142 Trading, 5 Gold Coins

Chapter 142 Transaction, Five Thousand Gold Coins

"Unfortunately, if it's a trigger item for other epic missions, it's enough to replace the guild order, but this one doesn't work." Ye Sheng smiled apologetically.

"Why?" Jun Gu asked in surprise.

"I know this task, there are restrictions on undertaking it, and only two or less people can complete it in the early stage, and the punishment for failure is heavy." This task was very famous in the previous life, how many people were defeated by this task, how many people were abolished by the punishment, In the end, the two top guilds cooperated and dispatched the strongest players to complete it.

One of these two guilds is number one in the world, and the person sent is naturally Lin Jianxiao, and the other is from the Extreme Night Kingdom, which is also recognized as the strongest guild among the top ten game guilds. The top-passed Pojun, kills the wolf.

It was only through the cooperation of the two that they completed the preliminary tasks, and finally involved the strongest dungeon below 50.

It’s just that somehow in this life, he fell directly into the hands of Number One in the World. Even if it’s the wings of a butterfly, can it reach this level?
Of course, she didn't know that this thing was indeed in the first hands of the world from the very beginning, but it was really impossible to finish it, so it was released for others to test the water, and it was taken back later.

She hadn't entered the battle world when it was released, so naturally she didn't know.

Jun Gu frowned, and looked at the ancient book on the table with some confusion: "Can you explain it in detail?"

Ye Sheng raised his chin and pointed at Lin Jianxiao: "To put it bluntly, if I want to do this task, I must call Shang Lin Jianxiao, and even if you want to complete it, it is the best choice to find me. This is a task that can only be done. The task of benefiting both parties is not enough to be a condition of exchange.”

Jun Gu's whole face was wrinkled, and he patted his head with some headaches. He thought that the deal that was foolproof had such an accident.

Feng Mang's refusal was too decisive, and she had no reason to refuse an epic mission, which means that what she said was true...

"This is the best thing I can come up with." Jun Gu sighed helplessly.

"However, if you don't mind taking the risk of failure punishment, you can find other experts to join us. I can agree to use the participation qualifications for this task to exchange for the guild order, but there will be an additional price, such as gold coins." Ye Sheng said suddenly, " Looking for other guilds may not be able to come up with any good things."

Lin Jianxiao looked at Ye Sheng strangely, her face seemed ugly for a moment just now.

"That's good. We can add gold coins. You can quote directly." Seeing several cups of tea on the table, Jun Gu picked them up and took a sip. He almost thought it was over, and his mood fluctuated.

"Five thousand." Ye Sheng also simply quoted directly.

"Pfft!" The tea that he had just entered spurted out, Jun Gu's eyes widened, "Five thousand? Are you sure? That's hundreds of millions of credit points!"

"The benefit that the guild building order will bring to you may be more than ten times. If it weren't for Zongheng, it would be a small guild. I am also very interested in tasks, but it will definitely not exceed this price." Leaning on the back of the chair, Ye Sheng folded his hands On her legs, she was really not black at all.

After deliberating for a moment, Jun Gu gritted his teeth and nodded: "Can I pay with credit?"

"No, if you can't get it out for a while, you can install it in installments."

"Okay!" Jun Gu nodded painfully, and looked at the ancient book on the table that made him extremely uncomfortable, "Then when will you go and finish the task?"

Speechlessly glanced at him: "If this task can be done now, with my output, do I need Lin Jianxiao?"

Being mentioned suddenly, with a hint of disgust in his tone, Lin Jianxiao had a question mark on his face, is he not bad?

Jun Gu couldn't help but want to laugh so much, and Lin Jianxiao also had a day when he was disgusted.

Ye Sheng picked up the ancient books on the table, and handed over the guild building order: "I'll keep this thing first, and I'll return it to you when you settle the money, and then come to me after level [-]."

She remembered that Lin Jianxiao's previous life was a top-level swordsman inheritance received after more than 20 levels of ten-nation competitions. She didn't know when he would accept the immortal mission of the human race, but it would not be too late. His attributes at that time should be enough.

"Success." Jun Gu nodded, first traded five hundred gold coins to Ye Sheng, and put away the guild establishment order, "How about a friendly guild?"

"Yes." Ye Sheng clicked to agree to the application sent by Jun Gu, and the two guilds are now friendly.

You can share rewards by cooperating with some dungeon activities. Otherwise, if some dungeons involving guild missions join other people, you will not get rewards, such as the last dungeon of epic missions.

"Go slowly." Ye Sheng was still sitting firmly on the seat, so Mu Yan had no choice but to get up to see the two of them off.

Before going out, Lin Jianxiao looked back, and there seemed to be blue veins popping out on her forehead, as if she was trying her best to suppress her anger.

He also clearly noticed just now that Ye Sheng suddenly changed his mind after he wanted to give up the deal, and it seemed that something unknown happened in the middle.

After the three of them went out and closed the door of the box, Ye Sheng and the others walked away and seemed to go downstairs. They shattered the teacup in front of them with one palm and roared in their hearts:

Devil, are you sick?

If she was not allowed to kill Lin Jianxiao, it would be fine if she insisted on arranging him as her mortal enemy, and forcing her and Lin Jianxiao to take up that epic mission together, she had to tie the two of them together.

That task was famous in her previous life, and she is very clear about it, especially the situation in the hundred-person dungeon later, she knows exactly what will happen if she and Lin Jianxiao are asked to go!
What on earth is this going to do, while wanting to see them become mortal enemies, while pulling red lines inexplicably?Is this lively and beautiful? ! !
are you crazy!

Angry with chest pains, Ye Sheng spread out on the seat feeling hopeless, time was running out and she didn't have much time, but there was a guy who said he would help her, but kept pulling her back. Let her live.

Looking at the list of characters, there is an extra link in the immortal mission and Lin Jianxiao completes the epic mission, and I feel powerless for a while.

Hearing slight footsteps outside the door, the sound insulation of this box is still very good, but now that she is in human form, her facial features have also improved.

He quickly sat up straight, rubbed his face, and kept himself in a normal expressionless state.

Mu Yan entered the door and saw the fragments of teacups and a puddle of tea on the table, and looked at her suspiciously: "Are you not satisfied with this deal, why don't you cancel it?"

"No, it's because of other things." Ye Sheng shook his head, looked at the [-] extra gold coins in his backpack, and mailed [-] to Banzhuan as his support for establishing the guild. These gold coins are enough for him to do in reality. It's been arranged.

After a few private chats, he let Banzhuo operate by himself, and the remaining three hundred was also given to Mu Yan for the daily operation of the guild, although it doesn't need to spend any money now.

However, she still had a lot of gold coins in her backpack, so she didn't keep them for herself: "After all the gold coins arrive in the account, go buy a guild resident."

For the guild resident in Baijian City, if you bought it at such an early stage, about [-] gold coins should be enough, and [-] is already the price when the guild is in short supply after the establishment of the guild in the later stage.

It would save her a lot of trouble to have the qualification to purchase the resident directly, otherwise she doesn't know how long it will take to be eligible to buy the resident.

 Thank you Orange for your lovely tip, thank you for your tip, thank you for your support (*/ω\*)
(End of this chapter)

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