The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 174 Bloody Colosseum

Chapter 174 Bloody Colosseum

Ye Sheng's clean and neat fighting allowed her to kill 16 death row prisoners in one night, and 5 participants who had just entered the fighting arena and who had never known her as the master before rashly came on stage.

The manager of the fighting arena was very worried that such a suspenseless battle would lead to a poor final effect and poor enthusiasm from the audience, but he was still wrong. In fact, the effect was very good.

The applause and screams of the audience in the audience became more and more enthusiastic, and sometimes even overwhelmed the voice of the host. For them, even if the sharp battle was just a quick kill, it was exciting enough.

Seeing the thin and tall female assassin standing calmly on the ring, they were inexplicably excited.And they like to look at her quiet side face without the blindfold, especially when there are blood drops hanging on it, it is particularly amazing, and it makes people's blood spurt.

Gradually, Ye Sheng also sensed the meaning in those eyes, frowned in secret disgust, and when the ring was closed and the entire fighting arena was about to close, he returned the fighting uniform and dagger, changed into his own equipment and left the passage first, even Even the rewards were suppressed first.

Although both participants and spectators can walk through the entrance, most of the spectators have a larger and more ornately decorated entrance, so most of the people who walk through here are only participants.

Invisibility is not allowed in Evernight Casino, so Ye Sheng could only go around to the back door and leave invisibility at the door.

It was already midnight at this time, but the area around Yongye Casino was very lively. There was no curfew in Qingxuan Kingdom. Taking advantage of the time when the fighting arena was closed, many supper stalls were set up, making the street outside the casino full of bargaining noise. It is very lively and bright as day.

The aroma of various foods wafting from the tip of her nose made her feel a little hungry. To avoid the crowds, Ye Sheng walked to the edge of the stall and showed her figure, bought some food and took it away.

Back at the hotel where she had reserved her room for a long time, she sat at the table and unfolded the package in her hand, and a smell with a special fragrance overflowed.

That's right, she bought stinky tofu.

This kind of food has almost disappeared in reality, and she had two meals at an old man's house in a slum when she was a child.

The stinky tofu that was fried until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside was poured with a special sauce, which actually smelled delicious to Ye Sheng, she had never felt that stinky tofu was stinky.

Pick up a piece of tofu with chopsticks and put it in your mouth. After biting through the crispy skin on the outer layer, the heat immediately rushed out. She is now more resistant to cold and heat than the average human body, so she can fully withstand this temperature.

The soft tofu wrapped in crispy skin is chewed with the sauce in the mouth, with the special flavor of stinky tofu and the sweet and spicy sauce.

The stinky tofu in this shop is quite delicious, and you can buy a copy after the ring.

After eating a piece, Ye Sheng summed it up in his mind.

But she is not just a foodie, she has ordered the heads before, and she is going to play a dungeon tomorrow, but she hasn't considered which one to play yet.

She knows quite a few Level 20 dungeons of Baijian City, and most of them have been brushed many times. Even if the time is too long, some details may be forgotten, but they should be able to remember after entering the dungeon.

There are a few more cumbersome ones, even ones with plots inside the dungeon. Although the difficulty of fighting the boss will be reduced, Ye Sheng prefers the more efficient dungeons.

This time, the people they bring are all very strong in personal strength, why not go to the Bloody Colosseum?Let's see what kind of strength they have in single-handedly killing monsters now?
Moreover, there are few mobs in the Bloody Colosseum. The boss experience in the dungeon is very high, but the mobs are not very good. It is not as good as the experience of spawning mobs in the wild.

Just fight the Bloody Colosseum first, and you can also train them.

After making the decision, Ye Sheng finished eating the stinky tofu in peace, opened the window to diffuse the smell of the food, and lay down on the bed to rest.

Early the next morning, Ye Sheng left the hotel and went to the Alchemy Association to make a batch of Eagle Eye Pills.

After waiting for all the people who have downloaded this time to go online, they all form a team. First, go to the guild hall to accept the task of clearing the dungeon. This way, they can get the reputation and popularity of completing additional tasks, and then ask people to gather in the teleportation hall.

"Transfer Yanshi Town" blood-stained Colosseum, like Greedy Prison, exists directly in the town, which also saves a lot of time on the road.

Yanshi Town is built in a stone forest. The houses in the entire town are all made of stone, and there are many carved stone sculptures or huge boulders everywhere.

Huge boulders of various sizes and odd shapes constitute the unique scenery of Yanshi Town.

The Bloody Colosseum is located in a rockery. These rockery did not originally exist in Yanshi Town, but were dug out from the bottom of a lake not far from Yanshi Town when the Colosseum was built many years ago. displayed here.

The entrance of the Colosseum is easy to find, because there is a stone pillar standing at the entrance of the copy, with the name of the blood-stained Colosseum engraved on it, and a few iron chains are nailed to the top of the stone pillar, which hang down to the ground along the stone pillar, and have endured for many years The wind and rain are full of rust.

"Blood-stained Colosseum, the dungeon we are going to download today?" Estes twirled the staff in his hand, looked up and down the stone pillar, and there was still a trace of rusty water on it from the rain and rust on the stone pillar .

Hitting an iron chain with a staff, rust rustled and fell down.

"Yes." Ye Sheng replied, and walked to the door of the copy.

As a copy that exists in the town, it has already been discovered by players. Although it is difficult to pass, there are still many players around.

None of them deliberately hid themselves, standing together, this powerful team was particularly noticeable.

"Zongheng?" Immediately, some players recognized them, they didn't dare to approach them, they just looked at them from a distance, and they all whispered to each other.

"The black-clothed assassin is sharp, and Esdesh, this is the level 20 dungeon."

"I don't know whether to brush hell or not."

"Definitely brush it. The thirteenth level is still a dozen or so. I led the team to pass through the level 15 hell book. I feel that the day after tomorrow will be clear, and I can see the announcement of the first pass of the hell book."

"It can't be so fast, the level 20 dungeon is much more difficult."

"Are you confident in clearing the hell book?" After hearing a few words from those players, Ye Sheng asked with a relaxed tone, his lips curved slightly.

"Of course, with the strength of the president, as long as we don't hold back, there will be no problem." Esdesh and the others all looked as if they should pass, and they didn't say a word. Qingshi Hanmu answered.

"Do your best and never hold back!" Po Lixi tightened the dagger in his hand, they had already seen how strong the ability of sharp and single-handedly resisting BOSS, and being able to bring two melee fighters to the next book was obviously to train them.

Whatever you say, you must display your own abilities, and you must not make mistakes and lose face.

 Thank you for the rewards of Banye Time and Going Back, thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Smile Allure, Looking Back at Baimeisheng, thank you for your support

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(End of this chapter)

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