Chapter 175 Beetle?

Ye Sheng clicked on the dungeon. He hadn't even downloaded the Bloody Colosseum yet, so he could only start from the normal mode.

"Huh, is that the person from Zongheng?" Not far away, a team was walking towards this side, and they saw a group of people at the door of the dungeon from a distance. Said aloud.

"Zongheng?" Liangcheng hurriedly looked over upon hearing the words, without Feng Ke pointing it out, the group of people standing at the door of the dungeon was too conspicuous, and the rest of the surrounding teams subconsciously stayed away and left them in the center.

But the next moment, Ye Sheng opened the dungeon, and the six of them disappeared in place following the light that suddenly appeared at the entrance of the dungeon.

"Hey, the first pass of this book is cold." Liangcheng said half-jokingly, with a smile on his lips.

"Without Zongheng, we may not be able to take it down. It's better to wait for Zongheng to go through Hell and find them to buy a strategy. I'm afraid it will be very easy to go through Hell with sharp strength."

Feng Ke's mentality is also very peaceful. It's not easy to get the first pass in this kind of dungeon in the town, and they didn't report much hope. After all, there will be many guilds and teams that specialize in raiding the dungeon.

I can't help but imagine the appearance of Feng Mang. With her output strength, the attributes have exceeded the original level by a lot. The information I got in the previous level 15 dungeon was that she fought against monsters alone. The dungeon she chose must be to clear all the difficulties from my mind.

"Zongheng will sell strategy?" Liangcheng doesn't care about the first pass of a dungeon, but he has never contacted Zongheng people. For a guild, the dungeon strategy may not be easily sold.

"Other guilds, it's hard to say, Zongheng should be able to fight for it." A guild that has an exclusive dungeon strategy will generally not sell it unless the rewards obtained are enough, but Zongheng doesn't need this, maybe you can give it a try. Feng Ke thought so, and answered Liangcheng.

"It's all here, let's beat the difficulties first." Liangcheng walked over with people, and also clicked to enter the dungeon, but they were in difficult mode.

As they also entered the dungeon, the surrounding discussions gradually became louder, and several teams entered afterward.

With a flash in front of Ye Sheng and the others, they stood in the corridor of the Colosseum. The surroundings were all made of stones. Stone pillars surrounded the huge central Colosseum. Through the gap to see the situation in the Colosseum.

Looking to the opposite side, you can see the grandstand extending up from the corridor, but there is no audience at this time, and the stone seats are also dilapidated and covered with moss.

Leading people to the entrance of the Colosseum, there is still a section of stairs. After walking down, there is an arched door in front of you. The stone door at the entrance has long been damaged and turned into a pile of rubble on the threshold. The vision is finally wide, and you can look around the entire circular Colosseum.

The wide stones in the field were polished into squares and paved to form the floor, and many dark red traces can still be seen, and the edges are ground thorns buried by stone pillars.

"An Xiaoxi, Qingshi Hanmu, Soul Lixi, the three of you enter the arena." Ye Sheng looked up at the scorching sun hanging in the sky. There is also time passing in the dungeon, and the initial time set by the Colosseum It must be summer noon.

He turned his head and pointed out three people, but did not tell them what opponents they would encounter.

An Xiaoxi directly entered the arena, Qingshi Hanmu and Po Lixi looked at Ye Sheng with some surprise.

Following An Xiaoxi's entry, the dungeon was triggered, the spikes on one side sank, and a two-person-high stone gate was pulled down by the iron chain until it was completely flat on the ground, and three figures appeared inside the gate.

Although Qingshi Hanmu and Polixi were a little puzzled, they didn't ask any further questions. When the thorns began to sink, they entered the Colosseum resolutely, and stood in front of An Xiaoxi, raising their respective weapons on guard.

"Cockroach? A cockroach as tall as a person, it looks a bit..." Po Lixi saw the three figures slowly walking out of the door, and his brows twitched. These three guys looked familiar, but they were a little bigger.

But as the three monsters approached, they saw the name above their heads - Beetle.

"It's obviously a cockroach." Although some people couldn't tell the difference between a beetle and a cockroach, they still recognized it.

"Here they are just called beetles." Ye Sheng stared at them deeply, and explained in the voice of the team, "Of course they are indeed cockroaches."

An Xiaoxi held the scepter, his expression began to change, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes gradually became bloodthirsty and crazy, and he opened his lips: "Anyway, they are all bugs, just slap them to death."

With a chill down his spine, Qingshi Hanmu and Po Lixi looked at each other, then looked away helplessly, separated, and stood ready.

"Isn't this the BOSS?" Estes leaned against the edge of the door and turned to look at the Colosseum.

"There will be three waves of warm-up elite monsters." Ye Sheng stood directly outside the door, stepped on a stone thorn, and leaned leisurely against the stone wall.

Mu Yan stood upright at the door, almost as a benchmark, glanced to both sides, and felt that he was a little out of place.

The two parties in the Colosseum had already encountered each other. Three people met a beetle one by one. Polixi immediately rushed to the back of a beetle. Seeing that the translucent wings were chopped off, he was relieved. If it can fly, it's not easy to deal with.

A dagger slashed across the carapace on its body, leaving only a faint mark.

"The carapace has high defense, attacking weak positions."

Hearing this, Qingshi Hanmu swung a pair of axes to attack the connecting position of its chest and abdomen, the ax chopped off and splashed green juice, whether it was blood or some kind of juice, subconsciously avoiding it to contaminate it.

An Xiaoxi directly laid the Canglong Luan first, and hit the beetle's head with a move, then approached the beetle and moved to the middle of the three beetles.

These three beetles didn't have any special attack skills, and all three of them could resist them. However, compared to An Xiaoxi, who had always been harmless from the kite, the two in close combat would inevitably suffer some damage.

An Xiaoxi pulled the beetles away, then approached them again, and gave them a cold look, obviously not very satisfied with their blood loss from injuries, and threw a fountain of healing between them.

The Healing Fountain in the dungeon only affects team members and will not restore blood to dungeon monsters.

After getting closer, she waved the divine staff in her hand, and the blood light condensed on the top of the divine staff, pointing at the beetle in front of her.The blood color elongated like a veil and attacked the beetle, submerged into its body, and appeared on the other side, seemingly condensed a bit, and attacked the other one.

After circling among the three beetles, the blood-colored veil returned to the scepter. She is still full of blood, so there is no blood recovery effect from the blood madness. This is the new skill she obtained in the maze treasure chest. up.

After using the heal and raising his hand, Qingshi Hanmu, who received more damage due to the lack of flexibility of the main point, turned around and circled them in the Colosseum, attacking the beetle after a little distance, and moved like this Draining the beetle's blood volume.

Polixi's HP can be maintained by relying on the Healing Spring. As an agile assassin, it is easier to dodge attacks, and the output is also very efficient.

In the end, the beetle that An Xiaoxi faced fell first, followed by his, and he turned around to help Qingshi Hanmu deal with the remaining blood of the last beetle.

Looking at An Xiaoxi who was standing aside, Polixi sighed softly. As an assassin, his output is not as good as that of a sage. It's really uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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