The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 185 True Dragon Blood Essence

Chapter 185 True Dragon Blood Essence
Amidst the excited shouts of the audience, Ye Sheng walked onto the ring slowly, walked past his feet and saw a curved broken bone covered in blood, and kicked it to the side.

The power grid around the arena was blocked, and the opponent's fighting style was already full of fighting spirit, and the flames immediately covered his staff and both arms.

Ye Sheng immediately drew out his dagger too, it seemed that he didn't intend to go through the process of introducing himself, so she would be happy and save trouble.

Seeing that the two seemed to be about to start a battle, the host quickly announced the start.

The sorcerer stepped on her feet and charged forward. Ye Sheng was not in a hurry to make a move. Although she had fought many battles, it was all a year ago in her memory.

What she encountered in the later period was basically either the Church or the Assassin Temple's pursuit. On the contrary, there were not many players involved, and most of them were Assassins.

It's not in a hurry to kill him directly, it's good to see the method of this ten-game winning streak.

The attributes of the tactics are higher than those of the opponents she encountered before. To become a fighter, except for the strength attribute, the other four attributes are the key points, especially the endurance and spirit. Important, not to mention the basic intelligence attribute of the mage.

And the speed of this strategy is not slow, and you can feel that a series of attributes should be very balanced during the fight. It seems that he is also a guy with some adventures, otherwise he would dare to be so arrogant.

He easily dodged his attack sideways, and swung the flaming staff in front of him.

He frowned when he missed a single hit in his tactics. He seemed to have underestimated this assassin who had won a hundred consecutive victories, and his agility was a bit high.

Turning around, he waved his staff again, but Ye Sheng easily dodged it, not even touching a corner of his clothes.

"Hmph." Feeling being played on, Zhan Fa snorted coldly, stepped back and put away the flames, lightning appeared from the top of the staff, and covered half of his body, and he slammed into Ye Sheng with the staff.

When approaching, the lightning on his body suddenly exploded and attacked Ye Sheng.

Raising his eyebrows, it seems that there is still some tricks, bringing up a series of black afterimages, and Ye Sheng backs away.

A circle of fire rose up on the ground, wrapped in flames under the feet of Tactical Technique, preventing the circle of fire from hurting him, and then attacked Ye Sheng, provocatively saying: "You're going to shoot! Can you only run?"

Standing just outside the edge of the fire circle, Ye Sheng looked at him indifferently, and a ghostly chill gathered around him.

Sensing something wrong with his tactics, he hurriedly wanted to back off. The cold ghostly whip had already lashed his body, and unfortunately triggered a critical attack. Ye Sheng didn't even swing his dagger, and his tactics were directly cut in half and instantly killed on the spot.

"This clean spike, the sharpness is the sharpness, the style remains the same!" The host looked at this scene and shook his head. He watched her previous battles off the stage, but now standing on the high platform, he can feel it even more. Her cloud is calm and breezy, and she doesn't pay attention to her opponent at all.

"Sharp! Sharp!" There was another burst of cheers from the audience.

After that, the person who came to power became a death row prisoner again, and she almost became the executioner of the kingdom. She fought in a fighting arena and killed many death row prisoners.

The fight continued until the fighting arena was closed, and Ye Sheng had easily won 46 games in a row.As her winning streak continued, the auditorium in the cyan field gradually filled up and became extremely lively.

After receiving a reward of 6 gold coins from the management, he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, an audience member offered 100 gold coins and wants to meet you in private." The manager stopped her and looked at her with burning eyes.

"No." With a slightly cold face, Ye Sheng took off his black and gold badge and flashed it, then turned around and left without paying any attention to him.

She just came to complete the hundred-game winning streak, not to perform, let alone an actor, want to see her?Moreover, with assets of several thousand gold coins, she can't look down on the 100 gold coins.

Walking in the aisle, Ye Sheng sneered, went to change the combat uniform on his body, and left without a trace of nostalgia.

The black gold badge will guarantee her rights, and the people in the fighting field cannot force her to do anything, no matter how much money those gentry pay.

Back at the hotel to rest, Ye Sheng went offline briefly to check on the recovery of the black cat. The black cat obediently raised its head and rubbed against her palm. Although she and Ye Ming didn't care much about it most of the time, but There is also a nanny who takes good care of it.

After sleeping in the game cabin for a while, with the arrival of morning, she was awakened by the noise outside the street.

Today's Baijian City was extremely lively again, many people walked out of the teleportation hall one after another. After Ye Sheng went to the Alchemy Association to make another batch of potions, he received the news that Lin Jianxiao had come.

The arena on Mu Yan's side has also been packed. At this time, many players have gathered, and they will go to the teleportation hall to pick them up.

Lin Jianxiao didn't have the habit of hiding his ID. The word "Lin Jianxiao" was stuck on the top of his head with a big thorn, which attracted the surrounding players to stop and watch. If it wasn't for his information still showing that he was the number one member in the world, he would appear in the white room at this time Jiancheng, they all thought that he was going to quit.

Standing in the corner outside the crowd, Ye Sheng sent a private chat, Lin Jianxiao looked over immediately and walked towards her.

Walking with Lin Jianxiao will inevitably attract people's attention, Ye Sheng simply revealed his ID, and at the same time pulled out his own dagger, releasing a powerful aura without any concealment, making the surrounding players subconsciously go away.

Although the sharpness has focused on writing the book in recent days, the bad name is still there.

"Let's go." After receiving Lin Jianxiao, Ye Sheng turned and walked towards the ring area, and he followed silently.

As the two of them walked away, the voices of discussions behind them gradually sounded.

"My God, Lin Jianxiao won't really want to switch to Zongheng!"

"Number One Under Heaven and Zongheng seem to have a good relationship, so there won't be conflicts."

"It's cold, the best hope of our male players is to bow to the edge."


After Ye Sheng listened to a few words, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Jianxiao who was silently walking by his side.

Since she became the number one on the ranking list, the development and structure of the entire battle world will be affected to a certain extent. It is no longer the route of the previous life, and all the developments of events that she has known for a long time may also have some changes.

At least in his previous life, Lin Jianxiao never relied on others to upgrade.

Stimulated by her, the upgrade speed of players in the entire war world has also increased. I don't know if Ten Kingdoms will start earlier.

She didn't know whether the Ten Kingdoms Discussion of Martial Arts was held according to the time, or if there were any triggering conditions, and she always felt that there would be some changes.

After all, the game of Battle World is more about helping players grow, but the development of the situation in Battle World is out of control and there are many variables.

First, he entered a restaurant and found a private room. Ye Sheng sat down at the table, took out the ancient book and put it on the table: "Where's the blood of the real dragon?"

Lin Jianxiao took out a completely transparent bottle, and could clearly see a drop of light golden liquid inside shaking slightly with the movement, the blood in his body seemed to be a little hot, indicating the desire for essence and blood.

As he put away the ancient books, Ye Sheng also took the blood essence of the real dragon. The transparent bottle couldn't tell what it was made of, and the round bottle, which was clearer than Jinghai crystal, felt very warm to the touch in his hand, with a A little warmth.

Gently opening the mouth of the bottle, a wisp of strange fragrance came out. It was obvious that the outside of the round bottle was warm when held in the hand, but the inside was cold, and a golden cold mist came out.

Quickly closing the bottle, it was indeed the blood of a real dragon. Lin Jianxiao's luck was simply against the sky. This thing can be encountered by accident. Although the purity is average, it is undoubtedly a priceless existence.

Of course, she can't be regarded as taking advantage of it. True dragon blood essence is indeed priceless, but in Lin Jianxiao's hands, it may not be worth the price, or even worthless at all.

As a human race, he couldn't use the blood essence of the real dragon, and if he wanted to sell it in the human race, few people would dare to buy it. Besides, except for her who had the blood of the dragon race, few people could identify the authenticity of the blood essence.

Anyway, she made a lot of money.It's a pity that she can't use this real dragon's blood now, at least she can't use it until she gets the Dragon Scale Howling Kuangcao.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket sent by Bingtai Qingqi, thank you Banye Shiguang and Feihuayi for your rewards, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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