Chapter 186
When he arrived at the arena area, seeing that the scale was far more lively and grand than the previous few recruitments, Ye Sheng was very satisfied, he should be able to recruit a lot of people.

Up to now, although Zongheng has joined a few people in the follow-up, they are not more than sixty, and there is still a lot of vacancies to be filled.

Esdeth was maintaining order outside, walking past in the cold, causing the surrounding players to obediently stand aside.

In terms of fame, Esdeth is not as good as Lin Jianxiao. After all, as the number one member of the world, he has experienced several battles, and his performance is very impressive.

And Ye Sheng, who focused on leading people to upgrade and improve their strength, didn't give them too many battles. Although the Heaven-defying Zero Realm and Zhaixing Pavilion are still ready to make a move, they don't dare to make a move.Recently, listening to Banzhuan's report, he tried very hard to curry favor with Shinhwa, but at least now Shinhwa won't let them out.

There are only two enemies, and they haven't come to cause trouble. The daily activities of the vertical and horizontal members are very leisurely.

An aisle had been cleared out in the middle. Seeing her appear, Esdesi walked up two steps, glanced at Lin Jianxiao, his expression was a little surprised, but then he returned to indifference. After the two nodded, Ye Sheng Walk in with Lin Jianxiao.

Staying at the door, many of the current core members of Zongheng are there, but most of them are still reading books outside.

Lin Jianxiao stood behind him, Ye Sheng thought for a second, and brought him in, even though she really wanted to throw him outside.

"Hey, Lin Jianxiao!" As a swordsman, Young Master Jiu looked at Lin Jianxiao just like Po Lixi and the others looked at Ye Sheng. He noticed him immediately, exclaimed, and hurriedly asked in the guild again.

Young Master Jiu: President!You dug Lin Jianxiao over here? ! !

Banye Shiguang: No way, this is a bit cruel!I haven't seen anyone entering the guild!
Banye Shiguang took someone outside to download the book, and replied when he saw the news.

The others were also a little surprised, and chatted in the guild channel obediently.

Han Yun Baiyu: No, the president brought Lin Jianxiao here, and he is here to accept people.

Qingshi Hanmu: If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be writing books today!

An Xiaoxi: If Lin Jianxiao was really recruited here, it is estimated that the friendship with the number one guild in the world has been resolved long ago, and there must be another reason.

Qingshi Hanmu: It's rare to see sister Xiaoxi speak.

Edge: No, refer to Xiaoxi’s analysis.

Seeing An Xiaoxi's news, Ye Sheng directly denied their guess without further explanation.

"The number one guild in the world, Lin Jianxiao, hello everyone." Lin Jianxiao greeted the Zongheng members first after entering the door.

"Hey, it's a pity that Xiaoxi is sixth. It would be great if he was fifth. The top five in the world rankings will be collected." Sting Du said with emotion. It was also the first time they saw this player who was second only to Ye Sheng in the past. .

"Find a seat for yourself, we're about to start recruiting people." After bringing him in, Ye Sheng didn't plan to pay any attention to him, just put him aside.

Estes walked into the room, Han Yun Bai Yu and Sting Du went out to maintain order.Gathered beside Ye Sheng with Mu Yan, they were obviously puzzled by Lin Jianxiao's appearance.

"I will take him to upgrade these two days. By the way, Mu Yan, the arrears of No. [-] Under Heaven are all cleared. After recruiting people, we will go to pick the resident." After a short explanation, Ye Sheng greeted Mu Yan, and put his Trade gold coins to her.

"With upgrades?" Esdeth couldn't believe it. Players of this strength are getting more and more arrogant one by one, and there will be someone who bows his head to look for sharpness to level up.

"It's settled so quickly." Mu Yan laughed, it's always a pleasure to collect debts, let alone buy a residence.

"Okay, take your seat, Young Master Jiu, you also go to the ring, and Bai Yu let three people in!" No longer wasting time, Ye Sheng directly raised his voice to order, and began to recruit people, turned around and sat by the wall, his vision was just right. Make up three arenas.

Mu Yan, Estes and Young Master Jiu each occupied a ring, and they were in charge of the assessment.

Although the members are still very curious about the reason why Lin Jianxiao appeared here, but at this time the recruitment has started, and the attention is on the ring, not only can you see the strength of the new members who will join the club next, but also can observe the vertical and horizontal The operation of high-end combat power.

In terms of strength, An Xiaoxi is stronger than Young Master Jiu, but once An Xiaoxi enters the combat state, it is not easy to control. If she is not careful, members who may pass the assessment will be beaten to death by her, and there are already two long-range magic systems. It is better to be professional.

Lin Jianxiao silently moved a chair and sat next to her, watching the three people who entered the field in the first wave have disappeared and resurrected.Zongheng's methods of income are indeed ruthless.

However, most of the people who were killed were overreaching, and those who did not meet the requirements but were capable would still be let go, so as not to bring too much hatred to Zongheng.

"Do you think I can defeat them?" Lin Jianxiao saw that none of the waves of people came in, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed at the sharpness of the sharpness. He himself observed Mu Yan's strength.

"Yes." Ye Sheng knows Lin Jianxiao's strength. Even though Mu Yan is very powerful now, it is not enough to defeat Lin Jianxiao. Even she can only defeat him by relying on attribute advantages.

"So sure?" Lin Jianxiao raised his eyebrows with a smile, and looked at her sideways.

Ye Sheng turned his head to examine him up and down, and now Lin Jianxiao also has an extra accessory around his waist, it's still a silver accessory, I don't know how he got it.

Noticing that her gaze stayed on his waist, Lin Jianxiao also looked down at the accessories on his waist. Ye Sheng's accessories were all hidden in the black robe, and he couldn't see what quality accessories she was wearing. , Hidden so well, it must be a superb product.

"Thank you for reminding us. We found an appraiser in Mingyu Town, but the cost was terribly high. A silver accessory cost 3 gold coins." Lin Jianxiao thanked Ye Sheng for his reminder that day, and complained in a low voice. , this price can buy a piece of bright silver equipment, but it can only be used as an appraisal fee.

"How many grades?" Ye Sheng asked curiously. For 3 gold coins, her Pisces card only cost 1 gold coin. For other NPC identification, at most 3 to 5 gold coins. Silver accessories with 3 gold coins are black enough.

"Fifth grade." Ye Sheng obviously knew a lot, so Lin Jianxiao told the truth about the grade.

"You guys have been cheated. The NPC appraisal fee will be inflated, but fifth-grade silver accessories are at most one gold coin." It's still black, and usually a few hundred silver coins are enough. The NPC probably sees that they don't understand the market, lion He opened his mouth wide, and successfully killed the victim.

Lin Jianxiao's face immediately pulled down, the price offered by that NPC is so black?It's just that with their current levels and abilities, even though there are many appraisers in Mingyu Town, not many can be found.

He wanted to say something, but he saw that Ye Sheng's attention was already on the ring on the left, and a swordsman named Gu Qianyu walked onto the ring slowly.

Players at their level can tell at a glance that Gu Qianyu is very powerful and restrained, but they can still feel the sharpness.

Vertically and horizontally, this is a master recruited.

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(End of this chapter)

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