The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 189 Wonderful new member

Chapter 189 Wonderful new member
"Can you beat him?" Before entering the ring, Esdesi and Mu Yan stood together, looking at Lin Jianxiao from a distance, and asked.

"No, probably only Feng Mang can defeat him." Mu Yan shook his head, the gap in strength was obvious, and this was even without using skills.Lin Jianxiao is sharper than him, but his attributes are just inferior.

After hearing the reply, Estes slowly rubbed the staff in his hand, and the fighting spirit quietly rose in his eyes. There was another existence stronger than her, but she would also be stronger.

Sting Du let three more people in, and the three people in charge of the assessment also stood on their respective rings.

During the rest period, the doors and windows were closed tightly, and they didn't know what was going on inside. They looked at Lin Jianxiao curiously, and each chose the ring after consideration.

In the end, no one stayed, but two of them walked out alive.

"How many people are you going to accept today?" Looking at Ye Sheng who was extremely strict in selecting candidates, Lin Jianxiao asked.

"Thirty to fifty." Carrying out Zongheng's income philosophy of preferring shortage to excess, although there are many more players participating this time, only those who fully meet the requirements can enter Zongheng.

As he said that, three more players came in. Ye Sheng noticed the handsome man among them at a glance, but upon closer inspection, something was wrong. Although this man had short hair, his facial features were soft and his Adam's apple Not protruding, and the skin is very delicate, but the chest is very flat.

He walked up to Mu Yan's arena, and with Mu Yan's observation ability, he also found out that something was wrong, so he chatted with Ye Sheng privately: "This Xuan Jing seems to be a female player."

"The assessment first." It doesn't matter if he is a man or a woman, he will be considered after passing the assessment, and if he fails the assessment, it has nothing to do with them.

The players in the other two arenas looked mediocre, so Ye Sheng paid more attention to Mu Yan's arena.

Xuan Jing is a mage, but the mage's operation is not too outstanding, but the movement is very flexible, and the skills are quite accurate, but the release speed is average.

Can pass the assessment. Looking at the list in his hand, Ye Sheng was a little hesitant about the potential evaluation. If the skill singing speed can be faster, he can be included in the second-level potential.Judging by his movement and positioning, he is considered excellent in the second class, but he doesn't feel suitable to be a mage.

Put in the C-level potential first, let's observe more later.

Only Xuan Jing passed through, and the other two left after dying.

The management first sent the rules to Xuan Jing, went through the process, and pulled them into the guild when there was no problem. Only then did Ye Sheng ask: "Are you a female player?"

"...En." Xuan Jing was dressed like a man, and he didn't want to admit his gender too much, but since he was discovered, there was no point in denying it.

Players at the level of sharpness have good insight, and she didn't expect to be able to hide it: "I prefer to dress like this."

Xuan Jing is tall and slender, with a flat chest, and there is no feminine beauty between her brows. It is really not easy to find that she is actually a female player without careful observation.

"At will." This is the guild member's self-will, and it does not affect the display of strength. Ye Sheng will not care about it, as long as he knows that she is a woman, he can dress up as he likes, even if there is another big guy in women's clothing, as long as he has the strength to her I don't mind.

However, what I didn't expect was that an hour later, a big man dressed in women's clothing came in, he was also an archer, and he passed the assessment under Esdeth...

Ye Sheng didn't pay much attention at first, and when he looked up, he thought it was the same flat chest as Xuan Jing, but when he opened his mouth, he heard the difference, it was not a woman's voice.

Only then did he look up and down carefully, neither of them concealed their Adam's apple much, and they could easily discover their respective genders, but looking at him dressed in a dress with green eyes, he felt more pleasing to the eye.

"Xi Xi, the archer, is not bad." Ye Sheng didn't even bother to confirm Xi Xi's gender anymore, as long as he knew it himself, he went through the process and was pulled into the guild.

Xixi's comprehensive strength is overall balanced and excellent, and she recorded it in the second-level potential. Regardless of her personality and hobbies, she is a talent anyway. There are not many normal people in Zongheng, so it doesn't matter.

"Heh." Lin Jianxiao noticed that Ye Sheng's expression seemed a little helpless, and he could naturally tell the gender of the two of them, and put his fist in front of his mouth to cover the corner of his mouth.

But after chuckling, his complexion turned flat, but his eyes were secretly solemn. Now Zongheng, an elite guild, is getting stronger and stronger. You must know that any member of Zongheng can take out one of them, and it ranks first in the world in terms of strength. All are top notch.

Is this the guild Feng Mang wants to create?

It feels like this time Mu Yan and others rushing into the leaderboard is just the beginning. In terms of scale and resource acquisition, Zongheng is definitely not as good as those big guilds.

However, the vertical and horizontal resources are few but luxurious, and what everyone can get is far more than what the members of the guild can get. This has already been revealed in the Minotaur maze.

Although the number one in the world is in the Qingxuan Kingdom, it is impossible to participate in the Minotaur Labyrinth, but since Zongheng has participated, they are extremely concerned, and the overall improvement of the Zongheng members is also in their eyes.

The resources obtained may not be as many as Shinhwa, but the improvement rate of members is much higher than the core members of Shinhwa.

Glancing at the snickering Lin Jianxiao, Ye Sheng saw that the next players who came in were relatively mediocre, so he reduced his attention and asked about the number one in the world: "Aren't you going to buy a resident?"

The two guilds are the first official guilds established with a guild establishment order in their respective countries. They have a resident purchase qualification order, and the number one in the world should also have one. After all, Jingyun Empire is much more heroic than Qingxuan.

Jun Gu was able to take out [-] gold coins directly, which shows that he should be very rich in this matter, and it should be no problem to buy a resident.

"I can't buy it, I don't have a title." Lin Jianxiao shook his head, "You guys are going to buy a residence, do you have a title?"

"En?" Shocking Cloud Empire made such a deduction?No eligibility order?Perhaps Qingxuan Kingdom's support is stronger, "We have a resident purchase qualification order in the rewards of our association, and we don't need a title."

His eyes widened slightly, Lin Jianxiao couldn't believe it, No.1 reward for creating a guild is so good?It's a pity that the qualification order can't be bought. Qingxuan's purchase qualification is useless to them, otherwise they really want to collect it at a high price, although Fengmang probably won't sell it.

"The rewards are really generous." He said with emotion. After the official establishment of the guild, he has a better understanding of the series of rights and interests that will follow. The benefits that a guild with a resident can obtain are undoubtedly huge, and can make up for many gaps in scale.

Ye Sheng turned his attention back to the arena. He thought that there would be No. [-] in the world to attract attention. Now it seems that only Zongheng can buy a resident, and then he will be in the limelight.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to delay the purchase of the resident, otherwise the limelight would be too strong, and I'm afraid it would be a myth that would jump up, and behind it there are Heaven-Defying Zero Realm and Zhaixing Pavilion that have been fanning the flames.

Zongheng pays more attention to the improvement of the strength of individual members, and the promotion of the guild can be done in a hurry.

 Thank you for the reward and monthly ticket of Banye Time~~Thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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