The ultimate edge of online games

Chapter 190 Silver Ring Made Successfully

Chapter 190 Silver Ring Made Successfully
This time Zongheng recruited people for a very long time, and it didn't end until the evening. A total of 53 players were recruited, and Zongheng's staff also increased to 114, and there were more than two groups.

"At the beginning of tomorrow, don't rush to download the dungeon, save it for the second half of the month. The upgrade point is still the Crack Creek Valley. Ordinary members level up on the outside, and elites and above level up in the middle." It's getting late, and it's time to end. Ye Sheng will All the members gathered together.

"Mu Yan divides the new members into teams, and arranges for the old members to take them to level up." Hand over the list of statistics in her hand to Mu Yan, and she will arrange a team with a potential level.

"Okay." Taking a look at the list, Ye Sheng's eyes were sharp, at least the members who passed her in the arena were all in line with her expectations, just a mysterious mirror, she thought that the mysterious mirror could be placed in the second class.

"Xuanjing, please pay more attention. This is just a preliminary potential assessment. She has a second-level potential, but the mage operation is slightly inferior. Let's see how it develops in the future." Just thinking about this, Ye Sheng's private chat came. .

"En." Mu Yan responded.

"Let's leave after Mu Yan's arrangements are finished." After saying the last sentence, the rest was left to Mu Yan's management, and it was about time for her to leave.

Lin Jianxiao silently followed her, he is not a member of Zongheng, so there is no need to keep him now.

The red kite flew by in the sky, which attracted his attention: "What kind of bird is this, I have seen it in Jingyun before?"

"Kites, that is, eagles, are very common in the south." Secretly commanding Chi Yuan to fly farther away, Ye Sheng replied very calmly, "Qingxuan kites are still quite common, and Jingyun should also exist, but the number is relatively small."

"In this way, the appearance is still somewhat different from the real one, and I didn't recognize it for a while."

"You can go too, and gather in the teleportation hall tomorrow." Chasing people away without hesitation, she still has something to do, and she is not interested in hanging around with Lin Jianxiao all the time.

"Where do you live?" Lin Jianxiao asked.

Taking him back to the hotel where he usually lives, ordering a table to eat by the way, seeing him also sitting at his table, raised his eyebrows: "Order whatever you want, these are mine."

"..." Seeing Ye Sheng ordered so many dishes, Lin Jianxiao, who thought he was going to entertain him, didn't know what to say for a while, he was a little embarrassed, and he seemed to be affectionate, "You... eat a lot."

"Huh." With a cold snort, he came to ask her to bring an upgrade, and he was expecting to treat him. It's a good idea, she just can eat it.

Plates full of dishes came to the table, Lin Jianxiao glanced at it, then walked to the next table helplessly and ordered two dishes, then looked at the more than ten dishes on Ye Sheng's table, and felt that he was... a bit weak .

After dinner, Ye Sheng left Lin Jianxiao alone and went to the Artisan Association to see how the blueprints of oranges are cute and silver accessories are going.

Entering the craftsman's room, I saw Esdes was there, sitting on the side watching Cheng Zi concentrating on polishing the silver ring in his hand. One of Cheng Zi's blueprints was a silver ring.

Seeing Esdes on weekdays is like a mouse seeing a cat, Cheng Zi, who is full of fur and nervous, but after entering the working state, he seems extremely serious, completely ignoring the powerful Esdes, and he doesn't even come in by himself distract her.

Standing beside Estes, Ye Sheng bent down not to disturb Cheng Zi, who was very cute, but quietly watched the originally rough silver ring gradually become smooth and delicate as she polished it.

It wasn't until the polishing was finished that Cheng Zi just found her, and she immediately sat upright, extremely obedient, looking at her with dazed eyes: "Hello, President!"

"Well, you continue." Seeing her cute appearance, Ye Sheng couldn't help but think of the little black cat, raised his hand and stroked her head, and Esther looked over with a grim expression.

There is no place to sit in the craftsman's room, but the Zhanjie game's backpack is very large, and basically everything can be thrown into it. He reached out and took out a small chair, sat on the side, and waited for the oranges to be shipped.

"Okay." Nodding vigorously, pinching the much smaller ring in his hand, the orange moved to the edge of the workbench again, picked up the seal carving tool and immersed himself in it, and slowly carved out the imprint according to the requirements on the drawing.

This is the most core step in configuration production. Only after engraving the prints can the accessories have their due effect, but the prints are also extremely complicated, especially for silver accessories.

This is a leapfrog production, and the pressure on Orange is not small. Even she has been familiar with the printing pattern for several days before she dares to make it. She has already failed and lost a lot of materials.

Even Ye Sheng and Estes didn't dare to make any noise to disturb Chengzi, and they talked privately about everything.

The ring is very small, and it is not easy to engrave the print well. One mistake is a direct failure.But in fact the rings are already relatively simple. Those silver medals and silver pendants seem to be larger and easier to carve, but in fact they are more difficult.

That is to add another layer of imprints on top of the complicated shapes that were to be carved.

Shengsheng sat and waited for an hour before Cheng Zi raised his head, turned around to look at them with bright eyes, and looked very excited: "President, Master, I have carved it!"

"Not bad." Estes nodded coldly, but his eyes were gratified.

There was also a smile on the corner of Ye Sheng's mouth, but it wasn't finished yet.

After Cheng Zi finished speaking, she began to polish and polish more carefully. The ring gradually shone silver in her hands, and finally put it in a pot of white translucent liquid and soaked it for two seconds.

A thin layer of white film adhered to the ring, covering its light, and then took out the silver ring. Orange was very cute. Seeing the system message that the production was successful, the corners of his mouth grinned happily, and he handed the ring with both hands. In front of Ye Sheng: "The production is successful! Let's have a look at the attributes under the chairman's appraisal!"

"Okay." After receiving the ring, Esdes also came over, looking forward to the properties of the first silver ring made by Chengzi. Seeing that Chengzi squatted aside, he got up and carried her to the seat, standing by himself.

Put the ring in the palm of your hand, and the film on it will gradually fall off as the brilliance flows. After the appraisal is completed, shake off the dust from your palm to check the properties of the ring.

Silver Ring: Quality Silver, Level 1, Crit Rate +300%, HP +150, Defense +12, HP Recovery +[-].

"It seems to be a bit ordinary." Cheng Zi saw the attribute, and the corners of his mouth that were originally raised fell down again, and he didn't even do any damage.

"It's okay, this is just the first one, you can keep it, if you can successfully make one, it won't be so difficult to make it later, and the attributes will get better and better." Handing the ring back to Cheng Zi with a warm face, He comforted her with a smile.

She will not talk about the completely random appraisal attributes, but secretly annoyed, how could her hands be so dark, there are no useful attributes except for a crit rate, and silver accessories themselves don't have many attributes. Unexpectedly, the attack power was not identified.

"Well, I will work harder to make a few more, and the properties will be better." Cheng Zi, who didn't feel that he was dumped at all, was comforted and laughed again, and took out the smelted silver ore with great enthusiasm to continue making.

"Come on, I'll go first, save what you make and give it to me for a one-time appraisal." It was already dark, and it was time to go to the fighting arena to fight a hundred consecutive victories, so Ye Sheng got up and left.

When Ye Sheng's figure was gone, Cheng Zi suddenly realized and jumped up from his seat: "Oh, I didn't give you the appraisal money!"

"It's okay, I'll just treat it as your labor fee." Estes pushed her down again, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, but he didn't have a clue.

 Thanks to the fairy who saved the world for the monthly pass, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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