Chapter 191 Leveling
Now Orange is very cute. There are not many silver accessories that can be produced in a day, and Ye Sheng is not in a hurry. Since the production is successful, he has been pulled into the team and taken out to hunt monsters and upgrade.

On the second day in the battle world, Ye Sheng and Lin Jianxiao came to the teleportation hall together. From time to time, some subtle eyes were cast on the two of them, and they both walked past without turning their eyes.

Now the members of Zongheng have expanded to more than two groups, and they gathered in the teleportation hall in a swarm, with a terrifying momentum, causing other small groups of players to go around.

"Mu Yan, Esdesi, An Xiaoxi, Gu Qianyu join the team, Qingshi Hanmu and Gongzi Jiu each form a team, and divide the remaining team members that were divided yesterday into two teams for you to take care of, sting, Jiu Wuya is the team leader. The speed team is ready!" Ye Sheng stood in front of everyone and directed.

The members of Zongheng began to separate in an orderly manner, and Mu Yan and others also joined her team and approached her.

"Be quiet, don't make any noise." The old members had already adapted, and they entered the group quietly, while the new members were a little noisy.After Ye Sheng's warning, they all quieted down and clicked on their respective regiment leaders to join the regiment.

Then Ye Sheng waved his hand: "Send to the Thorn Camp!"

She led people into the teleportation formation first, and the follow-up members also entered the teleportation formation one after another, heading to the Thorn Camp.

He led the people all the way to the cracked creek valley: "Polixi, take a look to see if there is anyone at the point where I leaned on my sword and listened to the rain."

"Yes." Po Lixi led the order to walk out of the crowd and walked into the distance.

"Wow, so many monsters!" Walking into the valley and widening the field of vision, you can see tree spirits everywhere, densely packed.

"No, Yijian Listening to the Rain hasn't come to brush for two days, it should be changed." Po Lixi replied quickly.

"Young Master Jiu, Jiu Wuya led the people over there to brush over there. The rest are here to fight the tree spirits."

"Yes!" Immediately, half of the members separated and left the valley.

"Qingshi Hanmu, stabbing poison, I'll leave the outer area to you, and report any accidents in time." After finishing speaking, Ye Sheng waited for Qingshi Hanmu to light the bonfire, ate food and got a buff, and then brought his team, Go around the edge and go further inside.

Except for Gu Qianyu, who is relatively low-level, the rest of the team are at level 18 or 9. Naturally, they have to farm higher-level wild monsters.

Esdeth lagged a few steps behind, and after a few instructions to Cheng Zi, he quickly followed Ye Sheng.

At this time, there was still some mist in the valley, but Lin Jianxiao still saw the huge shadow in the mist at a glance, with a contemplative look on his face, he asked with some hesitation: "Is this a territory?"

The leader monsters in the wild will have their own territory, but most of the ones he has encountered before are not large. If such a large valley is, what level of leader monsters must be in it.

"Yes." Seeing the direction he was looking at, Ye Sheng replied, "But that guy inside doesn't mind us spawning monsters here."

"I can actually find such a monster spawn point." This is not a particularly big monster spawn point, but it is very suitable for Zongheng, and you can spawn monsters here for a long time. district.

"Mu Yu then follow me, Esdeth, the three of you stay here and cooperate to spawn monsters, don't disperse, or you will not be able to resist." I plan to bring the higher-level Mu Yu to level 20, and the monsters at level 24 At the edge of the area, the team split into two again.

Taking Mu Yan and Lin Jianxiao to go deeper, Lin Jianxiao's complexion also changed a little, and the area he went on would not be a place where he could easily protect himself alone.

Ye Sheng stopped when the surrounding dryads were all level 27 to 28. The upper limit of her leapfrog level bonus is level 10, and with such a high output, it is really strange to only kill those who are as high as level 4 or 5 no point.

"That's it. I'll pull the monsters, and I'll spawn from the edge. Mu Yan cooperates with the output. Don't pull other dryads."

As he said that, Ye Sheng directly approached the nearest dryad in stealth, stabbing his back and cutting his throat, another continuous stabbing.

Lin Jianxiao's eyelids twitched when he saw the output of the first backstab. The damage was high, but it looked really scary after a critical hit. Even a level 27 tree spirit lost a bit of his blood in an instant.

The closer the cracked creek valley was, the more scattered the dryads were, which was also suitable for the three of them to spawn monsters.

Although Lin Jianxiao was taken to upgrade, he would not stand aside and just eat experience, he took out a sword and joined in.The two have already cooperated in a dungeon, and the tacit understanding of killing monsters is not a problem at this time. They cooperate with each other and are more efficient.

Mu Yan also stood a little closer, raised his hand and hit the tree spirit with a thunder spell.

Now Mu Yan's output is still a bit worse than that of Lin Jianxiao's, and Lin Jianxiao's output efficiency is also higher than hers. With Ye Sheng resisting monsters all he can, his vital attacks are completed very well, and the damage is very considerable. .

Of course, this is only relative to Mu Yan, and it is still incomparable to Ye Sheng.

Looking at Ye Sheng's injury, he even suspected that Ye Sheng had at least three high-quality accessories when he came into contact with accessories, just like the jade accessories sold in Mingyu Town, but they don't have the authority to buy that kind of jade accessories now. Even if the best in the world can get so many gold coins, it can't be bought.

Thinking of the Greedy Prison where Feng Mang was singled out at the beginning, a task that required singled out a dungeon of hell, the level may be higher than that of the brave, and it may even be an epic task.

At that time, the sharp damage was not so terrible. Obviously, he had completed the task and obtained a very precious reward.

And the black dagger in her hand seems to have become sharper again. It should be growth equipment like her own, and of higher quality. So she has done at least two high-level tasks.

No. [-] in the world has only gotten an opening item for an epic mission, and he still can't do it. I really don't know how lucky Fengmang is to receive so many good missions.

Also, the powerful skills he saw in the sharp battle video seemed to be a series of skills. He hadn't come into contact with the top-level inheritance at this time, and he didn't know that those were all inherited skills.

I just feel that I am facing the edge, and there is really no breakthrough except for the operation.

He was also somewhat fortunate that Number One Under Heaven had established a friendly relationship with her early on. This person could become an opponent, but he didn't want to be an enemy.

With the cooperation of the top output of the three combat worlds, a dryad was quickly killed.

The 27th-level Treant One has more than 200 experience points, and the three share it equally. In addition to Ye Sheng's bonus for killing monsters at the seventh level, she alone has gained more than 600 experience points. Mu Yan and Lin Jianxiao only have an upper limit of 5 levels. Each gained nearly [-] experience points.

Lin Jianxiao also understands why Zongheng's people level up so quickly. Although the experience gained from killing a wild monster is similar to his usual daily monster spawning, their output and killing monsters are too fast, and the efficiency gained from this experience is also high. Much higher than the efficiency of brushing monsters by yourself.

With such a speed, it is basically impossible for the people of Yaoshifutu to surpass him, although he paid a drop of real dragon blood of unknown value for this.

He didn't want to think about whether it was worth it. Anyway, he was not interested in studying the value of the true dragon's blood essence in the future. It was meaningless to study what had already been given away.

 Thank you for the reward of 500 dots from Fireworks, thank you for the monthly pass from Honey Wanwan and Unknown, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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