Endless Debt.

Chapter 174 Stronghold Hut

Chapter 174 Stronghold Hut
"You are late."

Pushing open the door, Taida looked at Burlogo and Palmer with a gloomy face, and said in an emotionless voice, "I don't like people who are not punctual."

"There were some minor problems along the way."

Burrog tried to explain, shaking his clothes as he spoke.

The coat was tattered, and there were bursts of blood on it. From the damaged hole, one could still see the iron-hating suit that Bologo was wearing on the innermost side, with a swimming snake vaguely entwined on it.

"There are always surprises in the place of the Great Rift, isn't it?"

Hearing Bologo's explanation, TEDA didn't continue to ask any questions. As a former member of the Bureau of Order, he knew very well what these field staff represented.

The field staff are the blades of the Bureau of Order, and they are sent there wherever judgments need to be enforced. These are a group of guys who live and die as companions.

If it wasn't for studying the Alchemy Matrix of Overlord Cylinder, Taida actually didn't want to share his alchemy workshop with them and use it as a stronghold.

This will only make him, a reclusive alchemist, be involved in the bloody storm of the Field Service Department.

"All the supplies have arrived. I have vacated a room for you, where you can rest and prepare. Here is the key."

As Teda spoke, he handed over two bunches of keys, one for Burlogo and one for Palmer.

"We'll try to keep our troubles out there." Burrog took the key.

"You also know not to bring trouble here?"

TEDA said disdainfully, he seemed to be still angry, this old guy was unexpectedly obsessed with keeping time.

"Another function of the stronghold is the safe house. When the safe house is used, it means that we have encountered an irresistible enemy, and there is no reinforcement for the time being... Although I will not die, who can be sure, I will not die. Will something similar happen?"

While Burlogo explained, he also took out a key, the surface of which was shimmering.

"But I still have this key of the winding path, and I can use it to leave when necessary."

That being said, if possible, Bologo does not want to bring his work to the club of the undead. These undead are isolated from the extraordinary world and are completely addicted to pleasure. Presumably they themselves do not want to relive the nightmare .

In fact, Bologo quite likes this group of cronies, and he doesn't want to cause trouble to everyone in the Undead Club.

"The key of the crooked path cannot be used in the big rift." Taida's words shattered all Burlogo's thoughts.

"What did you say?"

Bologl holds the Key of the Crooked Path, which he has always regarded as the ultimate solution to his problems, if only a door could save him from impasse.

On the way here, Burrog also discussed with Palmer that perhaps Burrog could jump into the chasm with a door, hit the bottom, and then use the key of the winding path to open the door and return.

"The alchemy matrix implanted by the key of the crooked path belongs to the Constructive School. All alchemy matrices that are difficult to classify will be classified into this category. Obviously, space warp is also a kind."

Taida looked at Bologo incomprehensibly, and asked, "The person who gave you the key, didn't he tell you about the restrictions of the key of the winding path?"

"All I know is that it's restricted to only open fixed doors," Burlogo said.

"Is that so? In fact, this kind of space warping alchemy weapon requires a relatively harsh activation environment. For example, the surrounding ether must maintain a certain concentration, and the ether fluctuations must not be too disordered."

Taida warned, "You don't want to push the door open and only half of your body reaches the destination, right?"

"The Constructive School is like this. It is special, mysterious, and incomprehensible, but it has nothing to do with the Great Rift. You cannot use it in the Great Rift, because there is a... indescribable force in the Great Rift that is interfering."

TEDA walked aside, poured himself a cup of tea, and motioned for the two standing at the door to sit down.

"When I first came to the Great Rift, I also thought about building a door directly connected to the 'transfer station', but the key of the winding path cannot open the door in the Great Rift. After a period of research, it may be related to the fog in the Great Rift .”

"Fog?" Palmer wondered.

"You also know the particularity of the Great Rift. Everyone throws some messy things into the Great Rift, including an alchemist like me who lives in the Great Rift." Speaking of this, Taida looked a little embarrassed, "Dealing with alchemists Residues are troublesome, and most alchemists will choose to dump them directly into the Great Rift."

"I suspect that it is the accumulation of many years, the mixing and reaction of different alchemy residues, creating this weird environment in the big rift. The fog will affect the use of the key of the winding path, even the breakthrough of the winding path that forces the door to open will be affected. .”

Burrog nodded. After learning about this, he put away the key of the crooked path, and his vigilance and doubts about the big rift deepened a bit.

But from TEDA's words, we can understand that maybe the method used when the ninth group appeared was the so-called forced door opening and winding path breakthrough.Burlogo didn't think they would have prepared a crooked key to open the church door.

Then there is also a reason for these people to be late. The big rift affected the breakthrough of the winding path, causing these people to be a few minutes late.

"Ok, I see."

Burrog got up and went to the supplies lying aside, and asked Palmer to tidy up with him.

"By the way, this part is yours, and the other part is mine." TEDA said.

"But... isn't this our supplies?"

Palmer pointed to himself, and then to Burrogo. He looked at TEDA vigilantly. Now TEDA looked like a robber who wanted to rob them of their supplies.

"You have also felt the weirdness of the Great Rift, and here I am not only protected by the Void Domain, but also a power bearer serving you, even though I am an alchemist and not good at fighting."

Teda laughed at Palmer's vigilant reaction and said.

"This is your rent, but you don't have to worry about anything, the Bureau of Order has already paid for you."

Burlogo and Palmer really didn't know what to say, they could only nod and move the supplies into their room.

"Aimu, come and help these guys, don't let them break my things."

Taida then shouted again, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps coming from the stairwell.

"Everyone, do you need any help?"

Soon Amy appeared in front of her eyes. She was wearing a lab coat similar to TEDA's, as if each of these alchemists had a lab coat, and the style was the same.

Taida’s lab coat looks like it has been worn for many years, the white fabric is a little gray, the edges of the cuffs are also frayed, and the thread ends are exposed in a mess, while Amy’s is very new, as if it was just taken out of the washing machine .

"Where is our room? Please show me the way."

The space in the alchemy workshop was larger than what both of them had imagined, with various pipes interspersed in the corners, and different instruments buzzing, both of them needed some time to get familiar with it.


Amy looked very excited, the halo in her eyes was rapidly reciprocating, Amy seldom communicated with living people except Teda, and Burrog and Palmer were like cherished animals in her eyes.

The silver snake crawled out from under Bologo's clothes, and with the injection of ether, the snake's scale fluid began to proliferate, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a silver-white giant python, swallowing all the materials into its mouth.

Burrog carried a few boxes in his hand and followed Amyu. From another angle, it looked like a silver tail stretched out from under Burrog's clothes, rolling up and dragging the boxes.

The room in the stronghold is located in the corner of the first floor of the alchemy studio. The space inside is relatively large and tidy, and Taida has cleaned it beforehand.

Burrog and Palmer unpacked the box and filled the room with its contents.

There are many things distributed by the Bureau of Order, such as conventional weapons and medical supplies. In this ghost place of the Great Rift, in order to maintain external communication in emergencies, they also prepared a miniature version of the Secret Pivot for the two of them.

When necessary, they can use this to extend the communication range of the sentinel, and even directly connect to the Order Bureau. Unfortunately, it is only a shortened version, and the communication time and stability are much worse than the original version. The advantage is that it does not require a correspondent to maintain operation.

There were also some intelligence documents about the Great Rift, which Burrog locked directly into the safe that was sent along.

In fact, they don't need to prepare these things at all. In TEDA's alchemy workshop, any needs will be met, but Burlogo doesn't want to do this.

They maintain a cooperative relationship with TEDA, and they must draw a certain line, even if it will cause some troubles.

But what really made Burlogo unable to let go of his guard against TEDA was because of Bailey's phone call that night, her entrustment to him.

It wasn't that there was any other emotion in it, but Burlogo thought that by the time a madwoman got serious and committed herself seriously, things must have gotten to a bad stage.

Bai Li suspects that TEDA is too obsessed with his own research and is about to fall into madness.

She didn't reveal the deeper inside story to herself, nor did she hand over the matter to the Field Service Department, but just handed it over to herself in private. She knew very well that if the Bureau of Order's attention and intervention were drawn, the matter would not end so easily .

Although Bai Li always had the look of bullying her teacher and destroying her ancestors, she really cared about her teacher.

It didn't take too long to tidy up the room, and soon the two of them built a stronghold here. The shelves were full of weapons, the medical box was placed underneath, and the medicine box was on the other side, which contained important medicines. Some alchemy potions are used to save lives, while others are used to quickly replenish ether.

The miniature version of the secret instrument was placed under the table by Bologo. When it was not activated, it looked like a black cube, and there were some less important intelligence information, which was nailed by Bologo. On the wall, and pulled up the big red net.

Looking at the information network he had set up, for a moment Burrog felt as if he had returned home.

"Palmer, are you done?"

Burrog wiped the sweat from his brow, seemingly relieved, but let himself sweat.

"It's over?"

Palmer's voice sounded behind him, and Burlogo turned his head, and saw a single bed on the other side, with a mattress and sheets on it, the quilt neatly folded, and a pillow on top.

Palmer was lying leisurely on the bed, and he also hung a bracket on the wall, full of books to pass the time.

"Is this what you're applying for?" Burrog froze.

"Is there any problem? Don't we still have to rest here?"

Palmer felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence. After a few seconds, Palmer showed a suddenly realized expression.

"Oh, don't worry, I applied for two single beds. Mattresses, quilts, and pillows are all available, but you have to make them yourself."

Speaking of the last Palmer did not forget to remind.

"I suggest you put your bed on that side. Although it's a bit crowded, if you put the bed next to me, it will appear that we are sleeping on the same bed. Although we are good brothers who were born and died, it still feels quite Weird, you know?"

Burlogo would have liked to have drawn his gun at Palmer, to see whether his own was worse, or Palmer's luckier.

(End of this chapter)

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