Endless Debt.

Chapter 175 Traces

Chapter 175 Traces
There have been many twists and turns in the middle, but in the end the stronghold of the two people has been initially built, which fully meets the requirements of the Ministry of Field Service for the stronghold.

Palmer said that he wanted to enjoy the fruits of his labor, and he lay on the single bed to rest. In fact, this guy just didn't want to work. He would never let go of this opportunity to be a salary thief in an open and honest manner.

Boluogo walked around the alchemy workshop to get acquainted with the environment, while Amyu followed him and explained to him.

"Most of the rooms on the first floor are warehouses, which store a lot of supplies. They can also be regarded as living areas, and the kitchen is also here."

Like a tour guide, Aimu carefully explained to Burrogo, "The second floor is the experimental area. It's best not to come here often. Experiments are often carried out here."

"The third floor is the teacher's private territory. Without his consent, he does not allow anyone to go up to the third floor," Aimiao added, "but generally speaking, the teacher himself will not go to the third floor. He usually Rest in the experimental area on the second floor."

"Is there anything on the third floor?"

Burrogo asked, if Teda had any secrets, they must be hidden in the third floor.

"I don't know, and I haven't been there either." Amyu shrugged, and the halo in his eyes shrank.

The two came to the center of the first floor. When they looked up, they could see that the ceiling above them had been pierced, until they reached the top of the third floor. A thick black spire was located in it, and there was a bright light floating on it, accompanied by the surge of ether. There was a mechanical hum from within the spire.

"This is the hub tower, which runs through the entire building. While supplying energy for the experiment, it also maintains the stability of the virtual domain." Aimiao introduced.

"Unless it is necessary, please don't come near here, especially your partner."

Aimu put her hips on her hips and became serious. When she was serious, the halos in her eyes would stop turning and freeze in place.

"Are you warning?"

Bologo looked at her suspiciously. Judging from the words, Amyu was indeed warning himself, but with her movements and that cold tone, Bologo felt very strange.

"Huh? Isn't that enough warning?"

Aimu is like an actor who has made a mistake in his performance and consults the director for advice.

"If you want to warn me, your tone should be tougher, not cold," Burlogo said.

"That's it..." Ai Miao touched his throat, "I'm still optimizing my vocal cords, so I can only use this tone for the time being."

This sounds really amazing. For Aimiao, everything in the body can be adjusted.

"The other thing is... why are you akimbo?"

Burrogo went on to say that Aimu acted like an angry female character in a romantic drama.

"I read that it is written like this in novels. When female characters are angry, they will put their hands on their hips and scold them." Aimu said.

"What novel are you reading?"

"Based on your human classification, it should be a romance novel," Amyu looked at Burlogo up and down, and then said, "This kind of novel describing courtship should be very suitable for dealing with men like you?"


Burrog felt a headache. He felt that he was facing a strange life. Although she had a human appearance and the same way of thinking as a human, it was obvious that she had not been in this world for a long time, and Cognition also basically comes from various books.

It can be said that there is sufficient theoretical knowledge, but none of the proper practice.

"Theory needs to be practiced," Burlogo said.

"I'm just practicing, how is the effect of the practice?" Aimiao asked excitedly.

"Failure, complete failure."

Burlogo gave Amy a big cross for his imitation of humans.

But Bologo doesn't hate Amyu. This guy is indeed a life with zero practice, as if he was born in this world. Her actions sometimes look silly and clumsy, but Bologo likes this kind of thing. Innocent feeling.

He has witnessed too much bad darkness, a healthy mind sometimes needs some warm things to adjust.

"Is that so?"

The halo in his eyes shrank, and Aimiao leaned aside with a bit of disappointment.

"It's okay, you can learn slowly, we will all be here permanently in the future."

Hearing what Burlogo said, the deflated aura stood up again. Although Amyu's expression fluctuated very little, it was easy to guess her mood through the changes in the aura.

In Burogo's view, Amyu is like a child who has been imprisoned by TEDA for a long time. She is full of curiosity about the outside world, reads the splendor of the world repeatedly in books, and then learns and imitates clumsily.

Like a person who was born in the desert and learned how to control a sailboat from an early age.

Today, Amyau is very happy and active. In the small closed world of the alchemy workshop, there is little change in this monotonous world, and the arrival of Burlogo and Palmer is undoubtedly a falling meteorite. The atmosphere stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

"Speaking of which, you have a familiar smell."

Amyu suddenly approached Burrog, making a sniffing motion.

Burrogo became vigilant instinctively, and then slowly relaxed, his eyes gloomy.

Recently, too many people have mentioned "familiar taste" to him, and all of them are so bad that Burlogo has developed a stress disorder for this sentence.

"Can I see it?" Amy asked, holding out her hand.

She didn't say what it was, but Bologo understood her meaning so directly, and the thing Amy pointed at also became strangely restless at this moment, even though Bologo didn't call it.

Burrog raised his hand, and a small silver snake protruded from his sleeve, wrapped around Burrog's fingertips, and stretched out his thin body.

With the injection of ether, it became more and more animated, like a real snake.

"This is your work," said Burrog.

"Hmm, I didn't expect to see it again."

Aimiao looked happier. She stretched out her hand to stroke the silver snake. It was obviously a cold and dead thing driven by ether, but in Aimiao's eyes, it seemed to have real vitality.

"Actually, I felt it the day you came here, but you and the teacher have business to talk about, so I didn't interrupt."

It's strange that Amy is ignorant and childish in some respects, but in other respects she is truly human, and she can even read atmospheres.

Burlogo wished Palmer could learn to read atmosphere, too.

"This stuff is great, thank you."

Bologo thanked Aimu, he liked this alchemy weapon very much, it was changeable and cunning, and it helped Burlogo solve the problem of carrying metal to a large extent.

The conscripted hand can only manipulate real-existing substances, which makes Bologo very affected by the environment when fighting. In order to make up for this shortcoming, he often carries a pile of steel plates on his body as the conscripted metal.

But it’s different with the Snake Scale Fluid. This weird distortion product combined with its own multiplication ability can make Burogo stay in the metal paradise at any time, swinging deadly iron swords one after another, throwing Out of groups of iron spears.

The only flaw is that the proliferation of Sly Snake Scale Silver also requires ether, and the more it proliferates, the greater the amount of ether it consumes. In combat, ether will often be exhausted.

On top of that, the depletion of the aether also limits his resurrection from the dead.

"You're welcome, this thing will show its value only if it is in the hands of the right person," Amyu said.

"I'm surprised that creations will also try to create things." Burrog stared at Amy's eyes, staring at the halo in the blue pupils, "This thing is your creation."

The halo trembled, and Burrog felt that she was probably raising an eyebrow.

"Why would you want to create this thing? Just to learn alchemy?"

Burrog continued to ask, he thinks Aimu is very wonderful, wonderful in every sense, not only has she awakened herself and thinks she needs a name, but she is still learning and optimizing herself, and even she is still created his own creation.

Taida was probably indulging in the joy of research and teaching, and didn't realize this, but in the eyes of Burrog, Aimu was almost indistinguishable from a human being except for her body.

Learn, use and create.

This can't help but make Burlogo infinitely curious about Amy, and it also makes Burrog start to think, what is hidden under Amy's cold cheek?


Amy began to think, and Burlog continued to stare into her eyes.

Burrog realized that when Amyu was running stably, the halos in her eyes would reciprocate in small increments, and when she was thinking, the halos' rotation and reciprocating speed would gradually increase.

Now the halo in Amyu's eyes was reciprocating rapidly, and suddenly the speed dropped sharply, returning to the normal state, and Burlogo knew that she had finished thinking.

"Human beings are fragile."

Ai Miao said, she still had the same expressionless face, her tone was cold, and her halo froze.

"A fragile life composed of fragile bones, fragile flesh, fragile nerves, and fragile will.

Human beings need to eat every once in a while to maintain their lives. In their short lives, a large part of the time is spent in dormancy. They also need oxygen to allow the flesh and blood to breathe. Once they are out of this gas for a period of time, they will suffocate. and die. "

Under Aimu's narration, human flesh and blood appear so cowardly.

"But even with such a body, it still creates so many interesting things...and me." Amyu looked down at his dark hands.

"I think that humans create so many interesting things, probably because they hope to leave traces in this world?"


"Traces that prove your existence."

Amy struggled to express her thoughts in words, which was difficult for her.

"Every life is bound by the doomed death. All things perish, but the world lasts forever, just like the inscriptions on a tombstone. As long as these traces remain in the world, life has not really died."

"You created it? You want to leave a mark, do you think you're going to die?"

Bologo asked earnestly. During the long time in the black prison, Bologo had thought about many things seriously, just like a philosopher.

Sometimes Bologo thinks that maybe human beings are the only beings who know their own mortality, but now Aimu also understands the existence of death.

For the alchemy doll, there is no death, and only damage and shutdown are greeted by Aimu, but she regards this fate as death.

"Nothing lasts forever, even if I am shaped by multiple alchemy materials, even if the traces left by human beings desperately, everything will disappear."

Amyu hugged the silver snake with both hands, and his voice was filled with joy.

"But I still want the traces to last longer, just longer."

(End of this chapter)

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