Endless Debt.

Chapter 176 The Perfect Path

Chapter 176 The Perfect Path
The feeling of communicating with Aimu was even more peculiar than Burlogo expected.

This feeling is hard to describe. Amyu is like a strange combination. Sometimes she looks very mature, and sometimes she is very naive and naive. Curious and eccentric, at the same time, he can suddenly say something similar to philosophy.

But Bologo didn't feel much relieved because of this. This brand new life's understanding of human beings was limited to everything in the books. She didn't touch the darker and deeper world, let alone realize that she was also in the whirlpool. up.

"Let the existence of the traces continue?" Bologo smiled, and his voice brought some comfort, "I am an undead, if I am lucky, I will carry your traces until the end of the world."

The silver snake quickly retracted into Bologo's cuff, and then crawled out from the collar, like a small animal hiding in a cave, poking its head out slightly, peeping at Aimu.

"Undead? You mean...you won't die?"

Amyu didn't understand that every life was bound by the doomed death, and she couldn't think of anyone who could escape the end of death.

Her eyes lit up, literally lit up, and Bologo could clearly feel that the halo in Amyu's eyes was a little brighter.

"Almost, no matter how many times I get killed, I can stand up again...Need I show you?"

A silver snake wrapped around Borrog's neck, ready to hang himself at any time.

With Burrogo's character, he would not do such a meaningless thing, let alone such a meaningless death, but he suddenly wanted to try Amy.

Observe what this artificial life will do when it witnesses the death of others, even if it knows in advance that it will not die.


Aimu crossed his hands and vetoed solemnly.

"I shall not die," said Burrog.

"Whether you will die or not, don't die."

Amy took life and death very seriously, even if Burlogo made it sound like a joke.

In her view, death is an extremely serious matter that cannot be laughed at. Even if Aimu is not human at all, it is doubtful whether she has life.

"I need maintenance."

After stopping Bologo's actions, Amyu turned her head and left. She seemed to be angry. As an alchemy puppet, even if she couldn't make a vivid expression, her emotions were still easy to guess.

It's like arguing with a little girl, and Burlogo can't figure out if it's a quarrel?And why Aimu suddenly got angry.

But he has confirmed some things, some very important things, and now he needs to talk to TEDA. The actions of these alchemists are more complicated and terrifying than he expected.

When Bologo found TEDA, he was in the experimental area on the second floor. After a short wait, the sealed iron door opened, and TEDA turned sideways to himself, with his whole body lying on the workbench, wearing a mask similar to that of a watchmaker. eyepiece, working nervously on a piece of metal.

Burrog didn't bother him, but waited by the door. It took a while for Teda to finish his work. He took off the eyepiece, which had been worn for a long time, and there were dents around his eye sockets.

"Are you done?" Taida asked.

"Well, it's just some physical work," Burlogo pressed the button next to the door, and the iron door was sealed again. "And... want to talk about my business?"

Bologo and TEDA also have a deal, assisting TEDA in researching its own alchemy matrix, and in the process of research, TEDA may also help Bologo to further grasp the secret energy and even plan the path.

After being promoted, sublimation practitioners will develop different sub-schools, and choose between "narrow and sharp" and "blunt", and each choice will lead to different changes in sublimation practitioners' secret energy. As a result, the secret energy becomes more deceitful and mysterious.

The different choices in promotion are put together and are called "paths", just like the growth track of a big tree, it needs to be constantly pruned and optimized until it is perfect.

Palmer is regarded as the best successor in the history of the Crakes family, to a large extent because the Crakes family, after countless generations of efforts, they have thoroughly studied the secret energy Wind Source.

In countless records, the Krex family members in history have taken different paths. Some people have carried the "narrow and sharp" to the end, some people have reached the extreme in the "broad and blunt", and some are in the Balanced state of affairs.

In addition to the tendency of secret energy, not to mention the sub-schools derived from these people.

The mixture of the main school and the sub-school will cause a qualitative change in the secret energy, and different combinations will also give rise to different powers.

Integrating these different paths together, the Crakes family developed a nearly perfect path, which they called "Wind's Path".

I don't know what kind of testing methods these people have passed, but the Crakes family decided that Palmer is the most suitable candidate for the road to wind. For this reason, as long as Palmer lives well and is promoted, this guy has full potential.

Of course, the premise is that this unlucky ghost can be lucky enough to live to that time.

Many extraordinary organizations, secret associations, and hermit families, with the blessing of their long history, have mastered a few perfect paths through countless trials and errors of predecessors and optimization changes of future generations, even if they have not optimized the paths to Perfect, with the blessing of many materials, it can also provide enough useful suggestions for latecomers.

But all of this has nothing to do with Bologo. The alchemy matrix he implanted belongs to the Overlord Cylinder. This alchemy matrix is ​​extremely mysterious and powerful. Before Burogo appeared, the Bureau of Order had never implanted it. Succeeded.

Bologo is an experimental product, the first trial and error person. In his promotion, he couldn't even find any examples to determine his next promotion direction.

This caused Burlogo a headache for a while, so he could only pin his hopes on TEDA. Before determining the path, he needed to know enough about his own strength, and Burlogo hoped that TEDA could help him.

"On the weekend, come to me during your weekend break. Our research will take a long time, but in order to show your sincerity, you can take these things back to have a look."

As he spoke, TEDA took out a document from the pile of documents and handed it to Bologo. He had already prepared it, "This is some research on the overlord Cylinder when I was in the Bureau of Order, as well as many speculations."

Since then, TEDA has started to study it. For this power, in some respects, he understands it better than Burlogo.

"I still have a lot of research to do for the time being, but from my previous experience, if you want to better master the secret power, what you need is a lot of training, constantly familiarize yourself with your secret power, and make yourself more familiar with it. The manipulation has become more sophisticated, so that it is more in tune with the ether."

TEDA is like Mr. Bologo, teaching him.

"Training? I have a lot of training." Burogo said, few people can compare with him in terms of diligence.

"What is your training?"

"Use your secret energy to pinch all kinds of gadgets?" Taida asked.

"Basically, I often use secret energy to shape things."

"How about the accuracy?"


"So what about the level of complexity?"

Bologo didn't answer. Under TEDA's repeated questioning, he was a little confused, and he didn't know what kind of training TEDA was referring to.

"In the alchemist's theory, the closer you are to the ether, the closer you are to the 'secret source', and the most obvious improvement this brings is the mastery of other etheric skills."

Taida turned around and was rummaging for something on the workbench, and he did not forget to say at the same time.

"Your training is not considered training at all, at most it's just familiarity with the secret energy... Do you know? The members of the Krex family are all good at flying knives. Since they implanted the secret energy Wind Source, they will In the harsh weather of the Fengyuan Highlands, manipulating the airflow to drive the flying knife, passing through the extremely complex environment, and then hitting the target accurately."

Taida took out a broken mechanical watch, which was covered with dust and rust.

"You use it for training."

"Repair it with secret energy?"

Bologo took over the mechanical watch. He knew that to shape an object, he must first understand its structure, just like he did when he shaped a weapon. If he is familiar with the mechanical structure, Bologo might be able to conscript something suitable.

"No, use your secret energy, use metal to mold a mechanical watch, and ensure that it can operate normally."

TEDA also deliberately provoked.

"It won't be difficult for you, will it?"

Burlog was silent for a few seconds, then put away the mechanical watch. Experts are never defeated by difficulties. If they are defeated by difficulties, it can only mean that they are not professional enough.

The two faced each other for a while, and Bologo didn't say anything, like a low EQ who didn't understand the atmosphere, while TEDA looked at Bologo. He thought that Bologo should leave, but he didn't. matter.

Bologo was actually hesitating, he didn't know how to provoke this topic, and the conversation just now was also Burlogo looking for a suitable time to insert.

"She... Amy, she is even more special than I imagined." Burrog finally spoke.

"Of course, she is my best work."

TEDA smiled. He seemed to think that Burlogo just wanted to say this, but what Burlogo said next made TEDA's smile froze.

"I don't know much about alchemy dolls, and I don't know the past of your research, and I don't know what kind of power created Amy..."

Bologo sorted out his language and launched a verbal attack on TEDA.

"But I've seen a lot of people, messy and all kinds of people. Amyu is an ignorant being, but she not only has consciousness, but also has a...personality?"

Amy is so vivid, she is almost like a real living person.

"How did you do it? Teda, how did you 'start' her?"

Burrog stood in front of TEDA, blocking the iron gate behind him, leaving no room.

(End of this chapter)

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