Endless Debt.

Chapter 181 Ninefold Law

Chapter 181 Triple Law
Walking into the living area of ​​the alchemy workshop... probably the living area, there is a dining table, a kitchen, and Palmer's favorite refrigerator. Busy, fiddling with pots and pans.

TEDA sat at the head of the dining table, picked up a knife and fork, and cut the sausage on the plate. Opposite TEDA, there was an empty chair, and Burlogo sat on the chair.

"How did you sleep?" Taida asked.

"not bad."

After a week of getting along, Burlogo was less restrained, and he blended into the environment.

"That's good."

Amy's voice sounded, and she came with a plate and put the breakfast on the table in front of Bologo.

"You did this?"

Burrog glanced at the food on the plate, and then at Amy, who was wearing an apron like a chef.

"Hmm." Amy nodded.

The day's conversation ended with Amy leaving angrily, and Burlogo couldn't understand why Amy was angry, as if she, a cold alchemy puppet, knew life well.

After that, Bologo thought about how to ease the relationship between the two. After all, if he wanted to continue the investigation, it would not be good to freeze the relationship.

Surprisingly, on the second day, Amyu seemed to have forgotten all these things, and his attitude towards himself was the same as before, as if in the eyes of the alchemy puppet, there was no such thing as holding grudges.

This is where Bologo feels the most powerless. In the face of other problems, such as the battle between sublimators, he has a lot of information to learn and understand, but in the face of alchemy dolls, everything is unknown of.

Regarding this brand new life, Bologo somewhat understood the feelings of those adventurers when they discovered the New World, driven by pure curiosity, trying to understand the will under this metal body.

"Don't worry, Amyu's cooking is quite delicious." Taida said with a smile.

"I don't have a sense of taste, and I can't eat, but as long as I strictly follow the instructions, I can make good food." Aimiao added in a timely manner.

Burrog nodded. In fact, Amyu didn't say that, and he didn't have any thoughts of resistance. He had gnawed on the bark when he participated in the war.

Picking up the food, Burlogo chewed a couple of mouthfuls. Just like Taida said, Amy's cooking is quite delicious.

And then... a scene that is both warm and weird appears.

On the weekend morning, in a quiet room, Taida and Burlogo discussed the next thing while enjoying the food made by Amy, harmoniously just like the daily life of an ordinary family.

But after thinking about it, an immortal debtor, a fanatical truth seeker, and an alchemy puppet, the three of them calmly coexist in the same room.

Most importantly, what they were in was not a normal person's residence, but a large crack surrounded by mist.

There is normality in the weirdness, and all this is simply absurd.

"It's been a few months since you became a Sublimator?" Taida said.

"It's about the same?" Burrog calculated the date, and it was not much different from TEDA's estimate.

"Are you ready for the next promotion?" TEDA asked again.

"I haven't figured it out yet... I don't know much about this power yet, and my soul hasn't stabilized yet, let alone cross the triple law."

Burrog said that he thought of the mechanical watch, his grasp of power was far from superb.

In Sublimator's promotion system, after the alchemy matrix is ​​implanted, the transformed soul is not stable. It is necessary to wait for the soul to gradually stabilize and the cornerstone to become solid again before proceeding to the next level of promotion.

In addition to these, there are three prerequisites for promotion, also known as the triple rule.

In the theory of alchemy, the human soul is divided into the triple soul of desire, will, and reason, which correspond to the triple substances of salt, sulfur, and mercury, alluding to the human body, mind, and spirit.

If the sublimation person wants to advance to the next stage, he must first sublimate his triple soul more closely one by one, and condense it into a more tenacious soul. After all the triple souls have been ritually sublimated, the cornerstone created will make human beings The overall soul is sublimated, and then touches a higher authority.

Burogo has only become a Desublimer not long ago, and he is still in the stage of stabilizing his soul. It will take some time before he can perform the ritual of the triple law.

"It's not bad, at least the Bureau of Order will pay for your ceremony," Taida nodded after hearing this. "Many sublimation practitioners want to be promoted, but they are first overwhelmed by the alchemy materials consumed by the triple law."

Bologo silently agreed. What Teda said was correct. The triple ceremony required a large amount of alchemy materials, and as the rank increased, the consumption would also increase.

The Bureau of Order, which has a large family and a large business, will provide free resources for the ceremony of sublimation promotion to believers, but in the stage after the believers, they need to work hard on their own. Many alchemy materials are extremely scarce even for the Bureau of Order. of.

Fortunately, there are very few people who can be promoted every year, and the time for everyone's soul to return to stability is different. Some people need a few months, some need a few years, and the ceremony is also accompanied by extremely high risks. Not everyone is blindly chasing power.

But these problems do not exist for Bologo. He is a debtor. Although his soul is not complete, which makes his promotion ceremony difficult, he will not die. It is nothing more than trying a few more times.

"You also provide many people with the implantation of the alchemy matrix... Will you provide them with promotion ceremony services?" Burrog asked abruptly.

TEDA will implant the alchemy matrix for ordinary people and charge a high price to maintain the operation of his alchemy workshop.

"How come, my equipment can barely support the implantation ceremony, not to mention the promotion ceremony, and even the alchemy materials are difficult to gather," Taida said, "Those key materials have been used by many people. Extraordinary organizations secretly control it, and few of them are circulated in the market."

"Indirectly controls the number of Desublimers, doesn't it?" Borrog said.

"Yes, this is the consensus of many organizations. Everyone can allow a large number of sublimation practitioners to wander outside, but not allow the existence of higher ranks. Instead of spending a lot of manpower to maintain order, it is better to directly make promotion difficult. ’” TEDA explained.

Boluoge understands that the sublimation person of only one stage is a powerful existence that is difficult for ordinary people to fight against. If it is a believer, a person in power... If these people are powerful enough, they can easily Capture a city.

"But the appearance of the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce broke all this. These people not only brought alchemy weapons, but also brought enough alchemy materials for these sublimation practitioners who are struggling to be promoted, as long as they are willing to pay the price."

Thinking of all this, Bologo became serious, and asked TEDA, "Do you have any contact with the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce?"

"Are you trying to track them down through me?" Teda understood what Burlogo meant, and he shook his head, "I have no contact with them, it's the truth, and even if there is, I can't reveal too much to you, Isn't it?"


Bologo knows that he is still too naive. Since TEDA left the Bureau of Order, even if he sits at TEDA's home, eats the food cooked by Amyu, accepts TEDA's teachings, and cooperates with his research... No matter what he does, he can't Change, the fact that they are not a gang.

Everyone is in different camps, but they are temporarily bound together by the same interests. When the interests are no longer consistent, no one knows what will happen.

"Have you finished eating?" Taida asked.

"It's finished, do you want to start?"

"Well, let's go to the second floor."

Taida said and picked up the lab coat hanging on the back of the chair, with the white skirt covering his knees.


The facilities in the alchemy workshop cannot be compared with those in the Bureau of Order. Under the strange characteristics of the "reclamation room", Burlogo can destroy it however he wants, but here he is bound by layers of restraint.

"Control your power and don't affect the surrounding buildings." Taida repeatedly warned.

The alchemy workshop is a whole with a closed inner loop, and the Void Domain is shrouded in it. Bologo's Calling Hand is very suitable for destroying buildings. Once any damage is caused, the closed Void Domain may collapse.

TEDA has spent a lot of hard work here. If Bologo just collapsed after playing like this, this old guy will definitely kill Bologo, even if Bologo is undead.

"I know," Burrog promised.

Seeing Bologo's serious attitude, TEDA was somewhat relieved, and then said, "Actually, you should have discovered that when you activate your recruiting hand, you need to extend your own alchemy matrix first."

"Well, because of this, there will be a short delay from when my secret energy is activated to when it takes effect."

As Bologo spoke, he called out the silver snake, which crawled along his fingertips, and there were cyan traces between the silver scales.

"In fact, we can think of it this way. You are not manipulating the substances you touch, but through the extension of the alchemy matrix, you turn the substances covered by you into a part of your body, thereby distorting and modifying a part of your body... …give orders to the extension of the body as you do to the limbs.”

Taida stared at the silver snake, and suddenly said such a theory. From this point of view, the recruiting hand is similar to the school of ascending the body. .

"Is that so? Interesting thought."

Bologo flipped his palm in doubt, and the silver snake was also writhing in it. Suddenly, Bologo thought of something, and he continued.

"Actually... can all this be understood as my alchemy matrix spreading to the souls of those substances?"

Burlogo looked away and looked at TEDA.

"The alchemy matrix is ​​rooted in the soul, and these substances also have souls, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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