Endless Debt.

Chapter 182 The Mystery of the Secret Energy

Chapter 182 The Mystery of the Secret Energy

The most mysterious and noble unknown existence among all things, the shackles that maintain human nature, and the cornerstone that make Sublimator embark on the path of the extraordinary.

Since human beings realized that there is a soul, the research on the soul has never stopped.

Judging the boundary between humans and demons by the amount of soul stock, the pale void left after the soul is removed, the phagocytosis prompted by the instinctive desire for the soul, the condensed blood-colored philosopher's stone, and even the remaining in the philosopher's stone memory echoes...

Soul, a magnificent and beautiful thing.

After Bologo said this, he fell into silence. His blue eyes looked at Teda's expression, trying to capture all his reactions in his sight.


Taida whispered, he was lost in thought because of Bologo's judgment, and after a while, he smiled and shook his head.

"Who knows such a thing?"

"Don't you know?" Bologo was a little surprised, he thought Teda would know more.

"How could you know that you are the first sublimation person who successfully usurped the power of the overlord in seven years. Before you appeared, all our research materials came from those surviving memories and the corpse of the overlord Xilin. "

Taida sighed, but soon he lifted his spirits again, looking at Burrog as if he were looking at a treasure.

"You should know Xilin's life, right?" Taida said again, "In the secret sword of the king who knows the inside story of the bloody night, someone once called Xilin a fugitive. A nightmare of a bloody night."

Burrog nodded. Before coming, he had done his homework and carefully read the materials given by TEDA several times.

The bloody night had a huge impact, and once the crazy truth was revealed to the public, it would only cause turmoil. For this reason, the king's secret swords spent a long time blocking and modifying the news.

Layers of lies finally covered up the truth of the bloody night, and those who died silently disappeared into history.

"During the long escape, Xilin joined the King's Secret Sword, and constantly promoted and improved his status. There were several times when the King of Slaughter wanted to recall him, but Xilin refused...he was disobeying the king's order. ’” Ted said.

"But he is the only heir of the King of Slaughter. Even if he violates the order, the king will not kill him. At most, he will be put under house arrest like an animal." Bologo stated.

"That's right, but what's interesting is that the king's secret swords all support Xilin. Although they are directly serving the royal family, there are only two people left in the royal family. In the eyes of many of them, the young Xilin Far more worthy of allegiance than the mad Lord of Slaughter."

TEDA continued to talk about the unknown secret.

"According to the information, there are constant disputes between Xilin and the Pillar of King Power, but as he becomes stronger, the restraint of the Pillar of King Power is also weakening day by day, until Xilin becomes a man of glory. The King of Slaughter has to admit that he can no longer control his child."

"I've read all of these in the information... Is there anything worth noting?" Burrog asked curiously.

"Don't you notice the contradiction?"

TEDA was a little surprised, he thought Bologo could notice this.

Bologo was silent for a few seconds, a strong sense of surprise rose from his heart, and he spoke.

"We still don't know why the King of Slaughter set off a bloody night, and we don't understand why only Xilin survived in the entire Kogadel royal family.

But if the King of Slaughter wants to restrain Xilin, the easiest way is to let Xilin live as an ordinary person, instead of implanting an alchemy matrix for him and making him a sublimation person. "

The silver snake was wrapped around the palm, and the delicate scales scratched the skin of Borrog, bringing a slight chill.

"In this case, it is impossible for Xilin to become a sublimation person, and it is impossible to bear such a strange power, let alone become a glorious person."

Listening to what Bologo said, TEDA nodded with satisfaction and said affirmatively.

"This is a judgment circulated within the Bureau of Order. Perhaps Xilin and the King of Slaughter are in opposition, and in the opposition, there is another force that helped Xilin... You must know that during the bloody night, he was just a Child, even if someone in the king's secret sword leans towards him, he will not be able to keep him safe under the hands of the King of Slaughter."

"Overlord Xilin is the most powerful sword holder in the history of the king's secret sword. The alchemy matrix he carries has been an unsolved mystery before I appeared," Borrog muttered to himself, "If the order The Bureau's judgment is correct, so in order to control Xilin, the King of Slaughter will never hand over such power to Xilin..."

"We assume another mysterious and powerful existence is that he protected Xilin, nurtured him to grow, and gave him such an alchemy matrix."

Teda's expression became excited, and the frenzied emotions on his old face were completely released. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Burogo.

"We don't know who that existence is, but now... this power has passed on to you."


The excited discussion between the two didn't last long. Compared with theoretical words, both Bologo and TEDA prefer to get started. For this reason, various metal products appeared on the blank workbench for a while.

Like a blacksmith, Bologo kept hammering the metal with secret energy, shaping the material it touched. With bursts of blue light bursting out, Taida put on thick eyepieces and watched from the sidelines.

It feels like being on a construction site. Burogo is a skilled master, repairing the metal in his hand with an electric welding torch, and Taida is a hard-working apprentice, wearing a protective mask, watching the master's operation.

Well, Bologo has to admit that Palmer has a strange appeal. After acting with him for a long time, your thinking is like being corrupted by mental retardation, and sometimes you will suddenly come up with some boring jokes.

But Bologo can effectively control this, so at work, he is still the cold expert, and treats all kinds of jokes made by his partner as he is talking to himself.

The eyepiece worn by TEDA is not a protective mask to protect eyesight, but a kind of alchemy equipment called "ether flow eyepiece".

Ether is like air, overflowing in the world and everywhere. Correspondingly, they are also like air currents, with their flowing tracks. Driven by some desublimers, ether will even set off invisible storms.

The ether flow eyepiece is a kind of alchemy weapon for observing the ether, making these nihilistic forces have colors and entities.

In the eyes of some desublimators who master ether perception, ether is vaguely visible, but the requirements for alchemists are too high. For this reason, most alchemists use ether flow eyepieces to observe ether .

At this moment, in TEDA's eyes, he could clearly see the blue trajectory entwining Bologo's body. Where the ether is thicker, the color will be brighter and brighter, and even turn into dazzling daytime. Where the ether is thinner, The color will be dim, tending to gray and colorless.

After Bologo learned about this thing, his first reaction was to wonder if this thing could be used in battle, but TEDA quickly dismissed Bologo's thoughts.

There is a certain delay in the observation of the ether flow eyepiece, and it will interfere with the line of sight. It is not suitable for use in battle, but this is not absolute. According to TEDA, some desublimers of the original school will use it in battle. equipment.

"I heard you say that, but when I saw this, it was really interesting... First, the alchemy matrix was extended to the material, and then the ether was injected to distort it."

TEDA took off the ether flow goggles, rubbed his sore eyes, and said to Bologo.

"It reminds me of my apprenticeship days, when there is something new waiting for me every day, curiosity is like a firework that cannot be extinguished."

"Sounds good." Bologo said as he released the secret energy, and the glow that burst out from his body dimmed. "Anything you found?"

"Hmm...Actually, this is the first time I have encountered a control school like yours." Taida thought for a while, and said such an unclear sentence.

"What do you mean?"

"The school of control uses ether as the medium to order matter, but you are different. You need to extend the alchemy matrix to order," Taida gave an example. "Do you remember your partner? He is also the school of control Yes, but during the battle, you didn't see the glow of the alchemy matrix spreading all over the storm, did you?"

"Of course, we can't say it so absolutely. The so-called schools are just classified according to the characteristics of the secret energy, which is convenient for us to understand later.

The school has developed for so many years, from the original six schools to the current eight schools, and it is not impossible to have a few wonderful special cases. "

Taida pulled the chair over and sat down, with his back to Burlogo, writing something like experimental records on the workbench.

"Are you saying that I'm a special case of the School of Control?"

Bologo didn't feel much about it. After knowing the mysteries and weirdness of the Overlord Cylinder, he didn't think his alchemy matrix would be so simple.

"Probably... Maybe you are not from the School of Control." Taida said amazing words.

"What are you talking about? It's not the School of Control." Bologo was stunned.

"Didn't you hear what I said? The division of schools is just the classification of secret abilities of different natures. Sometimes there are often such special cases, which conform to the classification of multiple schools. would be classed as Constructive Schools.”

TEDA continued, continuing to tell his thoughts.

"Of course, your current secret energy feature is mainly from the school of control, but as you advance, this power will gradually reveal the full picture, and then you will know its true nature."

Taida turned his head, looked at the somewhat surprised Burlogo, and said in a deep tone.

"Wish I had the chance to witness that day."

(End of this chapter)

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