Endless Debt.

Chapter 193 Disputes

Chapter 193 Disputes
The atmosphere in the office was dead silent. To be precise, only Bologo was dead silent. Whether it was Yas or Jeffrey, it was obvious that these guys who had experienced secret wars already knew about this information.

Only Bologo stood there alone, unable to react for a while, and seemed a little at a loss.

"The Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce and the Wandering Fork Road are one..."

Burrog muttered in a low voice, then looked directly at Lebius, all the threads were connected together, and at this moment he realized what these guys were hiding.

"That is to say... do you also know the existence of the tyrant?"

Bologo looked at Yas and Jeffrey again. From Nethaniel's words, he thought that the Bureau of Order might also make a deal with the devil, but he never expected that it all started a long time ago. And judging from the reactions of these guys, the closeness between the bureau of order and the devil far exceeded my expectations.

"In the secret war, it is not the Great Rift, the Wandering Fork, or the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce, but the master of all of these who really fall to the Bureau of Order.

Tyrant. "

"Do you feel sick? The most trusted organization turned out to have an affair with the devil." Lebius asked calmly.

Burrog didn't respond, he mused in silence, and then spoke his mind.

"That is to say, just like the Scarlet Sect, the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce is actually a variant belief group, and what they serve is the tyrant, right?"

Bologo asked, and Nethaniel has not replied to himself so far. All kinds of mysteries make Burlogo's curiosity unstoppable. Now he finally found a few people who know the insider, so that this complicated mystery can be clarified.

"It is even said that the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce is selling alchemy weapons and other acts. From their perspective, it is also a kind of sacrifice to the tyrant... Mammon coins, constantly throwing Mammon coins into the Great Rift is a kind of sacrifice. sacrificial act."

Bologo spoke very fast, and under the excitement of his thoughts, he walked directly to Lebius' desk and faced him directly.

All the dots are connected into a line, and the countless lines outline a grand picture, and Burlogo finally sees all this clearly.

"Are we so close to these crazy things?"

There was a smile in Burrog's voice, and no one knew whether he was angry or excited.

In this city of oaths, Opals, where countless people live, everyone lives under false stability, and they are separated from the evil existence only by thick fog.

Like people and shadows.

In the face of Bologo's numerous questions, Lebius nodded slightly, affirming all of this. After realizing that his speculation was correct, the joy in Bologo's eyes became a little bit heavier, and then he asked seriously.

"Then what is the original sin represented by the tyrant?"

Both Yass and Jeffrey became nervous. It was obvious that Burlogo was asking something that shouldn't be asked. As Carnegie, the leader of the ninth team at the time, said, ordinary employees knew these taboo secrets, maybe In the next second, they will be arrested by the ninth group.

Lebius didn't look like he was going to keep hiding it, he said frankly.

"Greedy mammon."

The moment the real name was revealed, everyone clearly noticed that the atmosphere in the room fell into a momentary stagnation, and then flowed again.

Burrog sat down on the chair opposite the desk, as if everything was expected, with a helpless smile on his face.

"This guy is so narcissistic that he named the coin after himself."

Names are magical. Those who know a little bit of information will refer to these existences with those noble names, so as not to draw the attention of these existences to themselves with an inadvertent whisper.

Scarlet Mistress, Tyrant...

Bologo has personally experienced the feeling of being watched by the devil. This feeling is terrible. Even if he is immortal, he doesn't want to experience it again.

Surprisingly, under the design of the tyrant, he split himself into two roles, one is the tyrant who is taxed by the wandering residents, and the other is the mammon portrayed on the coin.

"When someone uses Mammon, when someone whispers the name..."

Bologo whispered, he guessed that the tyrant used this method to control everything, and every call would make human beings appear in the darkness of ignorance.

No one interrupted Burlogo's thoughts, and everyone waited patiently for him.

"Although it was expected, I'm still surprised that things turned out like this." Bologo quickly adapted to the status quo. "That is to say, am I involved in the dispute of the devil?"

"It looks like this. I don't know if the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce was instructed by the tyrant, but you are indeed being targeted by the tyrant." Lebius said.

"Huh? It feels good, and I don't know what he is going to do."

Bologo didn't feel much about it. Long before all this, he had a connection with the tyrant. Everything now is a continuation of the stormy night, like an unknown fate, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, But these are already doomed.

"Don't you have any feelings?" Jeffrey asked curiously at this time.

He could understand that Bologo thought of himself as a villain, and even regarded the entire Bureau of Order as a violent institution, but in any case, there was a bottom line in all of this, and that bottom line was undoubtedly the devil.

The Bureau of Order loathes the devil, but it has indeed made deals with the devil. In many cases, they are not absolute opponents, and they will be allies when necessary.

With Burlog's violent and stubborn attitude, Geoffrey expected his reaction to be stronger, but in fact, Burrog didn't seem to care at all.

"What do you think? I don't think so. Our deal with the devil does not conflict with our desire to kill the devil."

Burlogo has no such awkward thoughts at all, and he is not bound by his position.

"Besides, only when you know your enemy well enough can you know how to pierce his throat."

Geoffrey expected to see himself torn between good and evil, which might disappoint Geoffrey, and Burlogo didn't think of it at all.

Yas also seemed a little surprised. When wandering the fork in the road and telling him the relevant information, Yas was a little skeptical, worried about Bologo's emotions after knowing the secret.

Their worries are justified. As experiencers of the secret war, in order to win the difficult extraordinary war, Yas and Jeffrey were full of unwillingness and even self-doubt when they traded with the tyrant. .

The firm position began to waver, and even the faith trembled.

Fortunately, they are not the angry young people on the battlefield. The years have made them more mature, calm, and sinister.

But these successors are different, they are young, vigorous and full of anger. For this reason, the information about the exchange with the devil is all listed at a very high level in the Bureau of Order, and few newcomers can get in touch with it.

"I'd say he's a good fit for the job."

Lebius smiled and spoke, he had expected such a cold reaction from Bologo.

Boluogo is different from other newcomers, he is too special, he knows the evil rules of this dark world, and even he is the representative of these rules.

"The Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce believes in the tyrant, but as you said, this is a variant belief group. They wander among the countries all the year round, and they will exchange for things of extraordinary value in the transaction. In the end, they Will be loaded with these values, return to the wandering fork, and dedicate it all to the tyrant."

Hearing Lebius' explanation, Bologo responded, "Is it a feast every few years? I thought they were more grand."

"The whereabouts of the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce are very strange. They usually seldom act in groups. They are more divided into several caravans. Each caravan roams in different areas and returns at different times... If they gather together, Returning to the Great Rift, this will be regarded as a declaration of war by the Bureau of Order," Lebius said.

Boluoge nodded, suddenly there was so much extraordinary power pouring in, just like the invasion of the king's secret sword back then, anyone would think it was a war.

"Wandering Fork Road is the residence of the tyrant, the end of the long journey of the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce, and all the value will be paid in that darkness."

"Value... is still value. Sometimes I feel that the wandering fork in the road is shrouded in power, a kind of devil's power, which contains the absolute rules." Bologo looked directly at Lebius and said, "The difference between value and value an absolutely fair deal.”

Lebius was silent for a while, and after a little hesitation, he said.

"There have always been such rumors in the Wandering Fork Road, as long as you pay enough mammon coins to the tyrant and make enough value to the Wandering Fork Road, your wish will be granted... But there are no real records of such rumors so far. It's skeptical."

"Then, can I understand that as long as there is enough value to the tyrant, these values ​​can be used to replace the soul, so as to trade with the tyrant?" Bologo speculated.

"I don't know, since the secret war, we have no contact with the tyrant, we don't interfere with each other, and we live in peace with each other." Lebius said.

"But now you send me to the Great Rift," Burrog demanded.

"No matter how peaceful they are, it's still hard to feel at ease with such a terrifying thing there." Ya Si said quietly.

Bologo has no objection to this. The King's Secret Sword is the most difficult foreign enemy of the Bureau of Order, and the tyrant is a sarcoma rooted in this land. More importantly, no one knows what lies in the fog of the Great Rift. Next, what else is there,

"So these people are eyeing my value?"

Bologo thought, he had been in contact with the tyrant, although the number of times was not many, given that Bologo knew about the tyrant, he should not take the initiative to influence himself.

This guy prefers to push himself gently at key points, so the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce's attack is likely to be spontaneous.

The tyrants consider themselves of great worth, and they want to give themselves to the tyrant.

Burlogo felt a little subtle, like being followed by a group of perverts.

He leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, looked at the gray ceiling, and muttered in a low voice.

"Strife, endless strife."

(End of this chapter)

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