Endless Debt.

Chapter 194 Unreal World

Chapter 194 Unreal World
Great Rift, Alchemy Workshop.

As night approached, Bologo returned to Teda's alchemy workshop, with bursts of noise coming from above his head, it seemed that Teda was still busy.

Burrog went straight back to the stronghold hut in the corner, sat in front of the table, and placed a document on the table.

After leaving the Bureau of Order, Bologo considered whether to go home or come here. After repeated choices, Bologo finally returned here, the core of this conspiracy, and was full of worries.

Opening the document, this is an action file and related materials. Even though Burlogo has many guesses, they are just guesses. No one knows what these businessmen want to do.

But Bologo has been involved in it, and has even become the key to it, so Bologo was compiled into the sixth group of actions against the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce.

To be precise, this is a cooperative operation between the Special Operations Group and the Sixth Group. Burlogo is active in the Great Rift, and he will assist the Sixth Group when necessary, and vice versa.

The sixth group began to investigate and search for the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce. This was an extremely tedious and tedious process. Fortunately, these had nothing to do with Bologo. After a brief look at the documents, Bologo's position in the operation was more like a bait , thugs and the like.

If the Gray Trader Guild's target is themselves, then they will meet again sooner or later. What's more perfect is that Bologo is not a cowardly lamb, but a vicious hound. Logo bites back.

Boluogo's life is back on track for the time being, and the rest is just waiting for the news from the sixth group. Yas also said that he will take himself to meet the members of the sixth group when he has time.

In the Ministry of Field Support, the composition of each action group is different. Some are as small as the Special Operations Group with only a few people, and some are as large as the tenth group, with nearly 50 members.

The number of people in the action team was limited to a certain extent by the functional tendency of the action team. The special action team was established not long ago, and the team members were all debtors, so it was difficult to recruit fresh blood.

The tenth group is in charge of the area outside the city of oath Opus. They wander around the countries sandwiched between the Rhine Alliance and the Kogadel Empire all year round. They are the tentacles of the Bureau of Order. The complex area is vast, and their number increases accordingly.

There are more than ten people in the sixth group, which are usually divided into different two-person groups. During important operations, they will gather together to form a terrifying force, and this is what makes Bologo curious. .

According to Jeffrey, the hordes of sublimation killers of the Origin School are veritable sublimation killers. He really wants to witness this battle and see how these sublimation killers fight.

Closing the file, Burlogo locked it in the safe, his mind preoccupied with another event.

After bidding farewell to Adele, Bologo thought that he had completely severed himself from the bad past, and that he was greeted with a new life and a long journey.

But on the way back to the stronghold hut, Burlogo kept thinking, and the heavy thoughts troubled him very much.

Feeling in his pocket, Burrog picked up a golden coin and put it under the lamp.

Under the radiance of the light, the symbol of mercury, just like its weird nature, seems to be completely broken into a table of water drops in a trance, turning into real mercury.

Bologo noticed one thing. The current disputes can be regarded as leftovers from the secret war, which can be traced upwards. The secret war is also a follow-up to the fall of the holy city.

Continuation of continuation.

"The beginning of everything."

This is the starting point of the fate of Bologo, and also the starting point of all the current disturbances, the continuation of that weird war...

Burlogo's thoughts were interrupted by knocks on the door. He turned his head and looked at the door. There was no need to guess, as Burlogo knew who was coming.

"Come in, Amy."

The door was pushed open, and Amy poked her head in cautiously, she asked curiously.

"How do you know it's me?"

"Guess." Burlogo didn't bother to explain.

The only ones who can knock on the door are Aimu, Taida, and Palmer. When he came back, Taida was still busy. Even if he finished his work, this guy knocked on the door very hard, and he would not wait for Burlogo's consent. He was knocking on the door After being reminded, he will directly push the door and enter.

Palmer?This guy is even simpler. First of all, this is a day off. This guy will never appear in the workplace, and this guy never knocks on the door.

Empty the messy things in his mind, Bologo looked at the visiting Amy, and didn't know what this guy wanted to do. She pushed the door completely open, holding a dinner plate in her hand, which contained bacon and fried food. Egg Sandwich.

"Do you want supper?"

Amy hesitated for a moment, then continued.

"I read in the book that food is a necessity for human beings. When you eat, you will have a sense of satisfaction. I don't know what satisfaction is, but it is said that this thing will make you feel happy... especially eating late at night , the joy will be doubled."

"Ah..." Listening to her words, Burrog held his forehead slightly.

"Do you not like it?"

"No, I'm just a little tired. It's too bad to work overtime on rest days. Fortunately, there is overtime pay."

Rescuing Kemp and Shelley is regarded as a mission attendance, not only overtime pay, but also additional mission bonuses, but compared to financial rewards, Burlogo wants to take a break, the spirit has been tense, it is really exhausting .

But these are all lies, and Burlogo just thinks that Aimu is more troublesome than these troubles.

Whether it's the Gray Trader Guild or the Tyrant, Bologo just needs to smash their heads with a claw hammer one by one, but Amy is different. She troubled Bologo, but she didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, She also has a great deal of kindness towards herself.

Bologo has lived for so many years, and there are not many people who radiate kindness to him, and more people want to put himself to death.

Amy put the dinner plate on Burlogo's table and stood aside a bit cautiously.

"Are you flattering me?" Burrog asked abruptly.

"Ah... ah?"

Amy was dumbfounded by Burlogo's question, and the halo in his eyes became like waves.

"I... I thought you were angry with me." Amyu said cautiously.

"Why should I be mad at you?" Burrog asked rhetorically.

"But you look a little bad today."

Amyu was referring to the conversation in the morning, and Burlogo's attitude towards her suddenly became indifferent, which made her feel a little overwhelmed.

"It's nothing, Amy, human beings are like this, our emotions change a lot... This is a normal situation, you don't need to worry too much about it."

Amy was more sensitive than Burlogo expected. It is estimated that during the time she left, she kept thinking about how she provoked herself.

Bologo couldn't help laughing, Amy is like a child, who doesn't understand these disturbances, she shows the strange mud to the adults, just because she thinks it's very interesting, but she doesn't understand Why do adults show disgusted eyes.

"Normal...?" Amy was a little surprised by Burrog's answer.

"Has no one told you this?"

"No, there is no such thing written in the book," Aimiao shook her head, "The stories in these courtship novels are too twists and turns, I can't read them."


Burrog looked at Amy suddenly seriously, which made Amy feel a little panic, and then Burrog put his hand on Amy's shoulder and said seriously.

"Aimu, don't read that kind of book. It's doubtful whether the author of that kind of book can figure out this kind of thing himself, let alone the stories he wrote."

Burrog seemed a little confused, as if he didn't know how to explain this to Amy.

"The human world is not like this, it will mislead you."

"Huh? In other words, hunters don't exist?"

"What is a hunter?"

"In the book "Night Hunter", monsters roam the cities, and hunters will set off at night to hunt these guys." Amyu said.

"That should not exist. The only ones wandering around the city are demons. The guys who hunt them should be Desublimers." Burogo began to discuss seriously.

"Then... at the time of life and death, the life-saving rescue full of human brilliance is also fake?"

"According to the regulations of the Bureau of Order, when rescue is hopeless, we should preserve our strength and give priority to tasks."

Burrog said icily.

Amyu cracked, literally cracked, the halo in her eyes was broken into several pieces, and even her body was slightly hot, Burlog felt that she was overloaded.

Amyu’s cognition of the world comes from books. In her opinion, the stories in the novels all happened in reality. In the outside world, there will be hunters out in groups at night, and people will fall in love during the day. You can abandon your family property and elope.

Bologo shattered the illusion of the alchemy doll, telling her that there are no beautiful illusions in this world, and what remains is only hard and cold.

"But... the world is not always so absolutely rational."

Just as Amy was about to explode, Burlogo said at the right time, to get her out of the complicated thoughts.


"Reality is rational, but it is also because it is too rational and cold that people create some illusory works and place the beauty in their hearts in them... The stories you see are fake, but the emotions inside are real of."

Burrog said to Amy in a way he could understand.

In this regard, Bologo is actually somewhat similar to Amy. During the long time in the dark prison, Bologo has a strong desire for stories. He likes watching movies, reading books, and listening to violent music...

All of this is like a safe haven, allowing Burlogo to temporarily withdraw from the busy reality and enjoy that moment of inner peace.

"Because human beings are too rational, do we need emotional fictional stories?" Amyu asked in a low voice.

Burrog thought for a while, then nodded in affirmation of Amyu's words.

(End of this chapter)

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