Endless Debt.

Chapter 195 Romance

Chapter 195 Romance
Humans are wild animals, but because they have gained rationality and bound their wildness firmly under the skin, there is a clear boundary between humans and animals.

But no matter how rational human beings are, they still cannot completely abandon their original nature. Human beings will still be happy, angry, sad, and happy, and because of some things, they will do impulsive things to break away from rationality.

"Since rationality is so important, is it wrong to break away from rationality?" Amyu asked.

"Depending on the situation," Bologo thought for a while, "Not all things that break away from reason are wrong."

Burrog once broke away from reason. At that time, he couldn't wait, he couldn't bear every minute and every second, and the fiery anger almost pierced his chest.

"For example?" Amy asked curiously.

"for example……"

When he gave an example, Burlogo had a headache. He felt like he was educating a child. If he was a little careless in his words, he might mislead Amy.

Bologo felt that he was not a good person, and if he used his template on Aimiao, he might have cultivated a violent gangster.

He thought about taking his revenge on a stormy night as an example, but this kind of thing is too special, and the emotions are also complicated. It may be difficult for Amyu to understand the emotions. More importantly, it involves life and death.

Burrog doesn't want to affect Amy's view of life and death. As she said, life is very important. She is still young and inexperienced, and Burrog doesn't want to see her blood-stained.

"Those... courtship novels you've read," Borrog thought of an example, "there are often such plots in them, right? What kind of male protagonist abandons tens of millions of property and elopes with his lover."


Amyu nodded affirmatively, judging from her attitude, she quite liked this kind of story.

Burlogo knew that it might be that Alice liked such stories, and Amy's performance was just a projection of Alice's influence.

After listening to TEDA's explanation, sometimes Bologo couldn't figure out whether he was facing Amy or Alice, or maybe the two of them were mixed together, with so many figures that it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

"This kind of thing is actually irrational and stupid." Bologo commented, "But this kind of thing is correct."

"Irrational, but correct?"

"Yes, not to mention the tens of millions of family property, even if he gives up everything and can be with the other party, he doesn't care."

Bologo paused and continued.

"To us on the sidelines, this behavior may seem extremely stupid, but from the perspective of the person involved, he is happy, and that is enough. We call this...romantic."


"Hmm, romantic."

Bologo confirmed again that he didn't actually understand these things very well, but he just said it on his own and made a conclusion.

"The opposite of rationality is romance.

Life needs such a little romance. "

Ai Miao lowered his head half-understood, the halo in his eyes turned back and forth, and the atmosphere fell silent.

Burrog looked at Amy, and a little bit of light flashed under her gel-like skin, vaguely reflecting the metal bones in it, and the perpetual core continuously absorbed the surrounding ether, storing it and It acts on Amyu's body, making her body's multiple systems run stably.

Aimu is like a virtual world where people walk, all kinds of power build her body, and the alchemy matrix spreads over every inch of her body.

Bologo suddenly had such a strange conjecture that Aimu also possessed a human soul in a sense, but this soul appeared in the form of a philosopher's stone, and she could be regarded as a cold dead thing, with Seeing the alchemy matrix all over her body, Aimiao seemed to be an alchemy weapon.

At this moment, Bologo suddenly remembered that he seemed to have never asked about Aimu's ability. As an alchemy doll, she must have some kind of excellence, and even said that she possessed another form of secret ability .

"This sounds pretty good." After a long time, Amyu's voice sounded slowly, "I like such romantic plots."

Probably because the atmosphere was just right, Bologo couldn't help talking nonsense, "The murderer repented because of a kiss, and the coward walked towards death calmly because of a ridiculous reason."

"Well, I probably understand," Amyu said, "Human beings are really complicated."

"Perhaps, sometimes humans are complex, and sometimes they are simple, and can be easily seen through." Burlogo said.

"So have you ever done anything 'romantic'?" Amy asked.

"I did, but I'm sure I won't tell you the details." Burlogo replied.


"It's just too long, it's going to take a long time to tell, and I'm going to sleep."

Burrog pointed to the clock hanging on the wall. His schedule was very regular. Now it was time for Burrog to go to sleep.

"Oh oh oh!" Amy looked embarrassed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Aimu." Burrog drove away the people, turned his head to look at the supper, and said again, "I will eat it all."

"Okay okay."

Amy nodded repeatedly, and stepped back to the door. She was about to close the door, but hesitated, and said to Burrog.

"Good night then."

After closing the door, Amyu didn't leave immediately, but stood there for a while, raised his head, the halo in his eyes stabilized, and remained motionless, as if recalling all the conversations just now.

There were bursts of laughter like silver bells, and Amyu looked to the other side of the corridor, where a familiar figure was standing there, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Alice..." Amy whispered.

Alchemy dolls don't dream, but a dream-like scene is staged in front of his eyes, but what's even weirder is that this time Amyu is still running, she is not lying on the maintenance table, nor has she entered sleep.

As she thought, the dreamland was gradually invading reality. During this period of time, Alice appeared more and more frequently, and even she could see her existence without falling into a dormant state.

"Have you been there?" Amy asked.

The laughter sounded again, and the vision was blurred for a moment, and Alice in the distance appeared in front of him out of thin air, stretched out his hand like a ghost, and gently pressed Amyu's chest.

"Here I am," Alice said.

Looking at faces similar to her own, Aimiao always felt that she was looking in a mirror.

Amy has wisdom, she can distinguish herself from the mirror, Alice in front of her is herself, not herself.

She also understands that she is her reflection in the mirror.

"What are you doing? Amy." Alice asked incomprehensibly.


"What are you talking nonsense with him?" Alice walked around Amy, looking at her. "In my eyes, you have nothing to hide. I am you, the real you."

Alice approached Amy and whispered in her ear, and in a trance, Amy felt a burst of heat coming from her ear. She knew it was an illusion, and she didn't have such a keen sensory organ at all.

"I know your little secret, Amy."

The gentle voice became evil, and Amy struggled, "I'm working hard."

"In that case, you should appear... more stupid, show weakness to everyone, until no one cares, let go of all vigilance." Alice said.

"Or...you still can't make up your mind? What are you hesitating about?"

Alice didn't understand Amy. She was affected by the projection of her own mind, like her own reflection, but this reflection was incomplete, and even her thoughts were different.

"I..." Ai Miao couldn't speak for a long time.

"You really are a cowardly fellow."

Alice showed disdainful eyes and commented.

"Don't dare to use all your strength to hate, and you don't dare to give up resistance so completely and have such a glimmer of hope."

Not up or down.

Alice hugged Amyu's face and asked suspiciously.

"What are you looking forward to? Amy, is someone coming to save you? But you know nothing about this world, and you know very few people... This world is extremely strange to you.

So why?Why do you have such thoughts? "

Amyu didn't speak, and her thoughts collided with each other in her mind. She realized this problem a long time ago, but she kept avoiding it as if she didn't dare to face it.

Looking at poor Amy, Alice suddenly laughed, and she approached Amy intimately, her noses touching, her voice echoing.

"Don't worry, you still have me, I am your last ally, since you dare not do that, then let me do it."

In the quiet and dark corridor, Aimiao stood alone. She seemed to wake up from a big dream, and the so-called soul returned to her body.

After a brief panic, Amyu calmed down, and she took a deep look at the door of the stronghold hut.

The halo in his eyes reciprocated rhythmically, and Amyu slowly clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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