Endless Debt.

Chapter 224 Induction Training

Chapter 224 Induction Training
For Amy, this was definitely the worst day in her short life.

First, TEDA suddenly revealed the key and chose to participate in the auction of the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce. Aimu didn't know the details of these events, but from the reactions of Bologo and TEDA, it could be seen that this was a bad thing, and it would even make them Become hostile.

In order to persuade the teacher to go back, Aimu and Burlog came here together, and then witnessed the beginning of this madness.

After releasing the co-string body and co-existing with Borrog, Aimu felt like he was watching a movie.

Yes, movies.

A bloody, first-person perspective film.

This should be the most realistic movie in the world, you can even feel the emotions of the main characters in the movie.

Ai Miao saw with his own eyes that he smashed one head after another, and split the twisted flesh with his sword. In the scarlet ecstasy, he pressed the switch and detonated the pre-planted bomb like a terrorist.

All in one go.

Judging from the emotions fed back by Burlogo, this guy has no hesitation at all, he is decisive and cold.

Is this the real burrogo?
Amy felt that he had re-acquainted with Burlogo, and also re-understood what his so-called field staff's job was, and... the world.

This crazy and chaotic world.

Aimu was so well protected by TEDA, she knew nothing about the darkness of this world, and now Burlogo didn't hide anything, and brutally tore all this for her to see, witnessing all the bloody things.

"Are you afraid?" Burrog asked suddenly.


"This is unavoidable, you need to hold a sharp sword in your hand to be able to reason with others," Bologo enlightened Aimu, "Only holding a sharp sword in your hand can you prevent things you don't want to see. "

"Will something bad happen if you let it all go?" Amy asked.

"Huh? I'm really not sure about this," Burrog looked at the surrounding collapsed buildings and the growing carpet of flesh and blood, "but it looks like this."

The emotions that Amyu had finally brewed up were wiped out by Burlogo's damn tone.

"But...it has nothing to do with the current situation. Sometimes you need to know a truth, Amy."

Burrogo suddenly began to speak seriously again, knowing that Amy knew nothing of the cruel laws of this world.

Even if she knew something in the book, it was just an illusory story in the book. She never really stepped into hell, even now.

She just hid under the shell of Burrog, and Amy never really faced it all.

Burrogo doesn't believe that there is any absolutely perfect protection in this world, even for Amy, and she will have to face these sooner or later in the future.

"You can't get mercy by praying. Whatever you want, you have to take it with your own hands."

Burrog's voice was harsh.

"Fate is only in your own hands."

Ai Miao was slightly absent-minded, and she asked, "Can a person decide his own destiny?"

"I don't know." Bologo said simply.


The ups and downs made Amy confused, but he went on to say, "But letting fate manipulate you, and resisting but still being manipulated are two different things."

"Isn't the ending the same?"

"But the process is different," retorts Burlogo, "like everyone dies, so why not die early? They all die anyway."

"You won't die."

"That counts as an exception for me."

The conversation between the two fell silent, but during the conversation, Burrog didn't stop fighting. This guy fully assumed the role of a terrorist and fought against the flesh and blood monsters around him.

Ai Miao suddenly laughed. It was absurd to think that the two of them were still discussing such a serious issue in such a terrible situation.

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" Amy asked inexplicably.

"Induction training."

"Induction training?"

Hearing Amyu's doubts, Burlogo became even more confused. He said, "Didn't you agree to join the Field Service Department?"

Ai Miao was taken aback, hell, this psycho is serious!


The roaring explosion raised the chaos on the scene to a new climax. Everyone was blinded, hit each other hard, or fled in a panic.

Among the collapsing boulders, Latis also put away his composure, and quickly stepped up to the high platform. He wanted to embrace the immortal heart in his arms, but when he was about to approach the immortal heart, he felt like As if suddenly waking up, he suppressed the frenzy in his heart, swallowed his saliva and called out.

"Protect the sacred object!"

The scattered cultists leaned towards the high platform one after another. As for the knights, they obviously couldn't obey orders, and just followed their instincts to attack the nearby living creatures.

Large chunks of flesh and blood covered the ground, and in a blink of an eye, most of the venue was covered with a layer of sticky creeps. Some desublimators created fiery fireworks, but the flames couldn't burn the flesh and blood at all. They regenerated rapidly, shedding their pitch-black scorched shells and growing tougher scarlet branches.

"Forget those rotting roots!" Latis yelled.

The knights are just containers that bind them. Once the container is damaged, these rotten roots grow wildly like plants, absorbing all the available nutrients nearby.

These ghosts are flesh and blood creations researched by the Scarlet Sect. Under the insatiable hunger of the Scarlet Mistress, these creations that contain the power of the Scarlet Mistress also have the same desire to overeat, even the sheltered believers They will also be devoured by them when they get too close to them.

Any one falling on the ground would cause a catastrophe of flesh and blood, but today Latis released a large number of rotten roots.

These creations are extremely dangerous, but they are also extremely precious. If it wasn't for regaining the Indestructible Heart, Latis would not have paid such a high price.

The most important thing is that without these rotten roots, with his current strength, he is really not sure of regaining the heart of immortality.

There will be not only the enemies of the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce, but also those guests who desire the immortal heart, as well as the ruler of this land and the Bureau of Order.

Now the Gorilla Sect has controlled the scene, but it doesn't mean they have won. The Bureau of Order has not yet entered the arena, and no one knows how these guys will appear.

A cultist came over, without any hesitation, he used a dagger to melt his abdomen, and his internal organs flowed all over the floor, but as if he couldn't feel the pain, he stretched out his hand to grab the heart of immortality, and stuffed him into the abdominal wound.

Latis knows the power of the Immortal Heart better than anyone else, and also knows how weird this thing is. To transport it safely, various protective seals must be carried out. Right now they obviously don't have time to do so, so they have to use flesh and blood body to transport it.

This could only temporarily stabilize it, but it was enough for Latis.

"Build the Blood Gate!"

Latis ordered again.

Another group of cultists carried a large amount of flesh and blood, and piled up broken limbs and internal organs into a shape similar to a door.

The entire venue was hidden in rocks and dirt, and Latis found its specific location by resonating with the Immortal Heart.

It is easy to come, but it becomes difficult to leave. After all, this place is in a big rift, and unknown forces bind this land, making the key of the winding path impossible to use. Only the power of the devil can barely break the rules.

The tyrant obviously wouldn't open the door for them so kindly, so they could only call out for the gluttonous existence.

Still staying in the venue... No, the desublimators in the Colosseum are all tired of dealing with the ever-growing rotting roots, and Latis does not hide the power of his power bearer, and the ether hovers beside him , to warn everyone who has malicious intentions.

For this reason, the actions of the Scarlet Rot Sect were unexpectedly smooth, and no one interfered until now, but what no one noticed was that the host who had died before slowly got up, looking for the headless body, and finally found Found his own head in a mass of carrion.


The ear-piercing sound rang out, overshadowing all the hustle and bustle, and what came with it was an undeniable force.

Everyone stopped their movements, even the crazily growing flesh froze, and everyone's eyes fell on the source of the sound.

The headless corpse held its head high, and the voice sounded from under the golden mask of the head.

"How do you show your piety to a god?"

The voice questioned, and then answered by itself.

"Penancery, abstinence, prayer day after day, constantly inflicting pain on oneself, to prove one's piety."

Everyone listens, is forced to listen.

"I don't need that kind of piety, I don't want your pain, I don't need your dedication, all I need is value.

Demonstrate your worth.

Offer up your worth to me and to my land. "

The sound was like a storm, passing over everyone. It not only echoed in the Colosseum, but also echoed in the entire space, every inch of land that the virtual domain could cover.

"Correspondingly, I will also lower my shelter, and the most valuable person will get the fruit of fantasy...

fulfill his wish. "

The words fell silent, and the headless corpse lost all its power and fell down, the power was gone, and it was really dead.

Everyone was silent, it was strange that they didn't need to think about the content of the words, the truth or falsehood, they could confirm the authenticity of all this and the promise of the voice in the moment of listening.

What broke the silence was an ear-piercing whistle, and then a sharp iron spear spanned a long distance, precisely hitting the unfinished Blood Gate, destroying severed limbs and flesh into countless pieces.

At the end of the trajectory, Bologo slowly withdrew his spear-throwing hand, carefully staring at the texture on the palm, besides the alchemy matrix of himself and Aimu, another layer of faint blue arc was looming on it at this moment.

Burrogo affirmed something, and the others affirmed the same thing.

So far, everyone believed what the voice said.

...the sanctuary has come.


Tilas hissed and roared, he knew who the voice was and what he was going to do, but he couldn't figure out why the tyrant would intervene in all this.

The power of the tyrant is supposed to be limited, he cannot directly interfere with this world, but just like the scarlet mistress can use sacrifices to release blessings for believers, the tyrant also has his privileges, and this privilege only belongs to this land land.

This is a land where wishes come true.

(End of this chapter)

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