Endless Debt.

Chapter 225 Screening Value

Chapter 225 Screening Value

When different forces fought to the death in the venue, the Wandering Fork Road seemed surprisingly quiet. As usual, the place was gloomy and deep. After the blizzard, icicles covered every corner of this deformed building complex.

There are a lot fewer pedestrians on the street, and even in the Spiderweb Bar, there are very few customers.

I don't know whether it was the bad weather that restricted people's travel, or that people were also invited by the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce to participate in the chaotic fight.

Some people knew such information, and then looked suspiciously behind the bar of the bar.

Compared with these incidents that happened secretly, what really made them curious was that Vika, who had never been absent, did not appear behind the bar today.

Now Nelly is working as a bartender. Someone asked him about Vika's whereabouts, and he replied calmly that Vika was off today.


No one believed such an answer. For many people, since they knew him, Vika had never left the bar. If the Cobweb Bar was the center of the Wandering Fork, then Vika was the center of this bar. Now he Leaving always makes people feel a little uneasy.

Above the spider web bar, among the twisted buildings, countless cables passed through each other, and finally intersected on the weird building above, which looked like a huge meat egg.

Everyone who comes to the Spiderweb Bar can look up and see the giant egg in the deep mist, surrounded by countless cables, as if it was really born by some kind of creature, and it is pregnant with Weird and crazy.

Now in this huge egg building, there is only one extremely dark room. Vika sat on the dilapidated sofa, his body limp comfortably.

The air was filled with the smell of alcohol, and there were already several empty wine bottles under his feet.

The black and white TV in front of him was the only light source in the room, and accompanied by the noise of electric currents, the pale light hit Vika's face, leaving his face without a trace of blood.

He focused on watching the content on the TV, which showed wanton growth of flesh and blood, which continued to spread and devoured all the people around him.

A familiar figure slashed and killed the monsters born of flesh and blood one by one.

Vicar knew this man, his name was Borogo Lazarus.

"Is this really good? It's a rare harvest value, but it ended up like this."

Vika spoke suddenly, as if he was talking to another person, but in this dark room, he was obviously alone.

"From the very beginning, we all know that we can't control something like the immortal heart. Even if we control it, the Bureau of Order will not accept it, but what about the fruit of fantasy?"

Vika shook his head incomprehensibly. Even after getting along for so long, he still couldn't understand the idea of ​​these existences... Also, these guys are incomprehensible existences.

"The fruit of fantasy needs someone to use it to show its value. It is just another boring collection in my hands."

Another voice sounded, and for Vika, he was so familiar.

Vika turned his head and looked at the other side of the sofa. There was no one sitting there, but a mirror was placed, and a familiar but unfamiliar face was looking at him in the mirror.

"This is a screening, a trial, to select the most valuable person..."

The self in the mirror rejoiced.

"And then?" Vika asked.

"I want to see what he will wish with the fruits of his imagination," replied the tyrant.

"That's all?"

Vika continued to ask, he knew that the monster in the mirror had absolutely no such kind intentions, he had another purpose, a cruel purpose.

"Well... I want to see if his wish can be realized, and I also want to see if he will..."

The tyrant didn't continue speaking, instead there was a hoarse laughter.

Vika was not surprised by this, he was already familiar with the style of these devils.

The devil never lies, never cheats, he is honest and follows the rules, but sadly, every advice given by the devils will lead people to the abyss of craziness, and the saddest thing is that people are conscious After seeing all this, there is no reason to refuse.

"Who do you like?"

Vika understands the little thoughts of the tyrant, and his own effect on the tyrant is limited, and it is only his carrier in the physical world.

What the tyrant needs is not a carrier like Vika, but a real agent who can execute orders for him.

"Is it him? Is it him?"

Vika pressed the remote control, and the screens on the TV switched rapidly.

First, there is a guy who seems to be lost. He looks around and stands in front of the fortified gate. The screen switches, and another woman wearing a veil is walking forward. Judging from the structure of the building, the two are about to meet .

"Huh? No, both of them have been chosen by my brothers and sisters."

The tyrant shook his head and said in a low voice.

"Beelzebub is okay, she looks crazy, but in fact she is a glutton, as long as she is full, she doesn't care what happens.

But the other one is more troublesome. We all hate him. If I can, I don't want to disturb him for the time being. "

"What about them?"

Vika continued to press the remote control.

The black and white images continued to switch, a group of heavily armed gray and white warriors were attacking a wall covered with light trails, their firepower was full, and the solid virtual domain and the wall were shattering little by little, as if they would be destroyed in the next second. was completely destroyed.

"Oh, Bureau of Order? I have always suspected that my brothers and sisters are behind them, but I still can't tell who they are." The tyrant murmured.

"What about these people?"

In the black-and-white picture, another group of people are running wildly in the corridor. Unlike the crowd in the melee, these people have obviously received standard training, and everyone has a murderous aura and a clear purpose.

"Interesting, I have been observing them, maybe they will bring me a different kind of surprise." The tyrant said meaningfully.

Pressing the remote control, the screen switched to the other end of the corridor. Two people who should not have appeared here appeared in front of the tyrant. The two of them walked slowly, and they didn't know what they were looking for.

Seeing the two of them, the tyrant laughed directly, pointed to the TV and said, "I like these two guys."

"It's a pity that they have his eyes," regretted the tyrant, "what a pity."

"What about him?"

Vika showed another person. In the chaotic venue, he hid in the shadows, his eyes were always on the immortal heart, and he never left.

The tyrant didn't say anything, he just laughed like he was laughing at the man on the screen.

In the end, the screen switched back to the original perspective, just like what I saw before, the violent man waved the sharp weapon in his hand, crushing all the monsters that approached into a pulp.

The tyrant fell silent, admiring the scene in front of him. After a long, long time, he stared at Bologo in the picture and said in a low voice.

"Excellent value."

Listening to it, Vika put down the remote control and watched all this quietly.

No one would have guessed that this is the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce...or the purpose of the tyrant. Those who really donate value to the tyrant are not the commodities sold at the auction, but those who come here for their desires.

His identity, what they did, and their influence on the trajectory of the world.

This is where the real value lies.


Olivia walked quickly in the corridor. She accepted the invitation from the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce just to find the information she needed from that terrifying existence. As for shopping, she followed the trend.

But the situation on the scene changed too quickly, with the attacks of the Scarlet Rot Sect, followed by successive explosions, it was obvious that someone had set up layers of traps here, and he was unlucky enough to fall into it by mistake.

"These psychos."

Olivia cursed in a low voice. She just tried to go to the atrium where she came from, but before she arrived, a violent explosion turned the place into ruins, and all the doors were destroyed.

Unlike others, as an ancient night clan, she also has all the means to break the rules, but then she heard the voice of the tyrant, that madman turned this place into a Colosseum, and the power of madness descended, every time It is difficult for individuals to leave.

Olivia was really moved when she heard the fruit of fantasy. For her, the value of this thing is far more than flesh and blood and the heart of immortality, but she also knows one thing, the things promised by the devil are not worth it. So easy to get.

Now she just wants to stay away from the strife, and then find a suitable time to escape here.

"The real big guy hasn't arrived yet."

Olivia was talking to herself, she knew the location of the meeting place, and she also knew the colossal monster that was staring at it outside this land.

So far, the bureau of order has not appeared, and it may have appeared, but it is hidden in the shadow that he cannot see.

She had dealt with the Bureau of Order, but that was a hundred years ago, in the Daybreak War that destroyed the Night Clan.

For the undead, such a period of time is not too long, everything seems to have happened yesterday.

In addition to anger, it is full of fear. She knows very well what they will do when they encounter people from the Bureau of Order in such a ghostly place.

that's too bad.

Olivia even wondered if this auction would be a collaboration between the Bureau of Order and the Tyrant. After all, this was not the first time they had joined forces.

So are they fishing for themselves?
Olivia quickly ruled out this idea. If their target was herself, she should have been controlled by now, maybe she was being exposed to the sun.

Orangutan sect?

There is a possibility, Olivia knows what is hidden under this big rift, and the Scarlet Sect is definitely the most unwelcome guest of the Bureau of Order.

They can allow the tyrant to establish his own country here, but they will never allow the Scarlet Sect to approach.

It's just... It's just that Olivia feels that all this is not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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