Endless Debt.

Chapter 299 Self Sacrifice

Chapter 299 Self Sacrifice
It was already late at night, and the streets of Opals became quiet. On the empty streets, only the lonely figure of Amy was walking slowly.

Soon, Aimu walked towards the center of the city, the huge scar across the ground.

Bursts of mist rushed towards the face, and many people were very panicked when they saw the big rift for the first time. After all, this land is so weird and terrifying.

But Amyu was different. In her short life, it can be said that almost all of her time was spent in this dark and humid crack.

The terrible rift in the eyes of others is a warm hometown for Aimu.

She had only left for a short time, but she felt that she had been away for many years.

The beam of light in the eyes gradually became clear. This is a function that was set in the perpetual core to deal with emergencies a long time ago. Now it is activated to guide Amyu's direction.

Alice's figure followed closely behind Amy. She looked at Amy from time to time, observing her trembling pupils and her pretendingly calm face.

The chaotic electric sound echoed in Amyu's ears, and then a familiar voice sounded not far away. Aimiao was stunned, stopped, and looked at the rolling darkness in the mist.

The darkness dissipated, and the two familiar figures stood at the edge of the corridor.

"Okay, we can just get here." The tall figure said.

"Why can't we continue to move forward? There is still a way ahead." The short figure didn't understand.

The tall figure said softly, "The outside is a world that doesn't belong to you."

The short figure tilted her head. She obviously didn't understand why the outside world didn't belong to her. She had already been born, so why was she imprisoned in this small land?

But she didn't bother about it for too long, she didn't know anything about the outside world, and she didn't have any desires, not to mention that she liked this kind of life very much now, even if she didn't go outside, she didn't feel anything.

"You are an outlier, and outliers are not welcome in a group, but it is different here. The Great Rift welcomes everyone."

He stretched out his hand and stroked her face lightly, his rough fingers slid across the gap between the metal splices.

She could barely understand these things, and raised her hand. The exposed palm was hard and cold metal. The rivets were arranged along the edges, and blue and red cables could be seen in the gaps.

She was different, his body was soft and warm, while she was hard and cold.

But she thinks it's nothing. She can do many things that he can't do, such as smashing nails with her hands, instead of using tools like him.

"Is that so? Then stay here forever. I don't think there's anything wrong with it." She said.

Alice watched the illusory scene from a distance, and was about to say something, but she heard the footsteps gradually going away, and when she turned around, Amy had already walked a long way.

Aimiao tried her best to keep calm, ignoring the hallucinations of those memories, but no matter how Aimiao ignored them, there were still countless figures erected in the thick fog.

Those two figures appeared in the air corridor again, the tall figure lifted the short figure up, and the short figure stretched out its hand, collecting the shimmering gas above.

"This alchemy waste gas is everywhere in the big rift. After collecting it, I can go back and teach you how to decompose them."

"it is good!"

Aimu walked through the air corridor, smashing the illusory figure into spilled dust.Alice followed closely behind her without saying a word, like a wolf following its prey.

Walking through the air corridor, the wandering fork road is close at hand. Under the cliff on the edge, two figures shrink in the shadow.

"Look, whenever it rains, the stagnant water will pour into the big crack, and the torrent will pour down from the cliff one by one, just like a waterfall."

He pointed to the cliff in the distance, and the flowing water rushed through and sprinkled into the big crack.

"Should we go home quickly? Or I'll get rusty!" She wasn't in the mood to appreciate the scenery.

"It's okay, it's okay, after this upgrade, I replaced it with alchemy metal, so don't worry about it," he said.

She raised her hand again, and the rough metal palms were no longer, but delicate hands like handicrafts. The metal surface was polished and shiny, and the slender fingers danced deftly.

Then there are more figures.

The tall figure replaced her with new eyeballs, installed a new hearing system, and then carried out overall repairs to make her more human-like.

She is like a piece of clay sculpture, under constant smearing and correction, she becomes a human being bit by bit, becoming...someone.

Amyu stopped, she could see the light rising from the mist, that was her destination, but she who had never slowed down, slowed down uncontrollably and stopped at this moment.

"Are you going to escape? Amy, it's still too late to turn around now. You can go back to the reclamation room and pretend nothing happened. I can cover your tracks for you. No one will know what happened tonight..." Alice's voice It rang in my ears.

Amyu ignored her, and since she stepped into the Great Rift, she stopped responding to Alice's words.

The temporary pause encouraged Amy, as she said before, she had to make a break.

Without further hesitation, Ai Miao stepped into the mist. It seemed that there were evil spirits lurking in the mist, and there were constant frightening whistling sounds.

Stepping up the steel corridor, and then stepping onto the wooden floor, the air was filled with stale air, Amy froze in place, illusion and reality overlapped, she stood in front of a door, her hand was already on the handle .

Turning the doorknob, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure stood in front of the door.

She looked at herself, her eyes changed from shock to excitement, she hugged herself, and she could faintly hear crying, only she could hear her repeating it over and over again.

"Alice, is that you? Alice."

Who is Alice?
I didn't understand this, and soon the other party also realized that the situation was wrong, and the other party quarreled with him. During the quarrel, I learned that the name of the visitor was Bailey Iyeta, and she called him Teacher, under the excitement, Bai Li still called the name Teda Yazdet.

He watched the quarrel from the sidelines, and then Bai Li left. Before leaving, he looked at him reluctantly. In the silent house, he looked much older in an instant. He walked over and asked softly.

"What is Bailey? What is Teda?"

"It's her, it's me."

"This is... the name?"

I have seen in books that everyone is referred to by a certain vocabulary, and this is the name.Only then did she notice that she didn't have a name, and he never said it to herself.

"Then... what am I?" I asked again.

TEDA was silent for a long time, and said in a cold tone.

"Alchemy puppet."

Going through many hallucinations, walking along the rusty corridors, and walking through the twisted and weird buildings, Aimu walked towards the depths of the big rift until the beam of light was close at hand.

She tried her best not to listen to those voices, but the quarrel and noise gradually became more intense until it was deafening.

The fog almost covered the entire field of vision, the promenade loomed in the chaotic gray and white, and another door appeared in the fog.

Amyu remembered the door.

In the days that followed, Aimiao always wondered if everything would have been different if she hadn't opened that door.

But I always have to push it away, this is predestined.

So she pushed open the door and saw another self lying on the bed.

She thought she was unique.

It's ridiculous.

"What are you doing?" Taida was always gentle, but this time he was full of anger.

"She is..." She didn't understand, her eyes were frightened.

Teda's anger was suddenly extinguished, and he stood there for a long time, giving his explanation.

"Alice Adhet, she is my daughter."

The false house-playing game is over, and Taida thinks it's time to explain all this and draw a line.

She couldn't deal with these problems for a while, her mind was in such a mess that she was almost about to explode.

Looking at the sleeping figure on the bed, looking at the body that was no different from her own, and looking down at her hands, an indescribable sense of fear erupted from the bottom of her heart.

She staggered back and sat down against the wall, screaming and wailing in terror.

"No... no, this is not right..."

She murmured, she is herself, it should be like this...

Taida didn't speak, he lifted her up, led her to another door, and threw her in.

She was thrown into the trash, she didn't understand why Teda became so vicious, obviously he was not like this in the past... Is he sick?She knows that human beings are very fragile, they will get sick, and some people will change their temperament drastically when they get sick.

Yes, TEDA is sick, as long as he recovers, he will become what he is familiar with.


"As you can see, she is my daughter."

Teda said without emotion, explaining to her everything about his resurrection plan.

Those words were like the babblings of demons, and the light of ether flickered continuously on her body surface, and she felt that she was about to be overloaded and damaged.


She shook her head vigorously, denying all of this.

"I'm your daughter?"

Taida looked at her coldly, and then said, "Look around you."

She turned her head, and one after another the discarded puppets fell together, their pupils were empty, as if dead, densely packed, filled with darkness.

After the fear reached its peak, her emotions became numb. She remembered those beautiful memories, everything was so real, but the pain right now was equally sharp.

She didn't understand why Taida was so kind to her before, why she is so cruel now, just because of her different identities?
Taida closed the door slowly, and all the light disappeared at the same time. She crawled over in embarrassment, but still failed to prevent the door from closing.

He knocked on the door vigorously and kept pleading, but there was no response from behind the door.

She huddled in a corner in fear, and Aimu walked over and sat beside her.

No one knows that Amy is not as well-behaved as she looks, on the contrary she is a cunning and liar.

The sad identity of the alchemy doll made everyone who knew her feel a little sympathy, and the numbness of her expression and the indifference of her tone also made her lies seamless.

Bologo had heard this story from both Amy and Teda, but neither of them told the truth. Only they knew what happened that day.

"That's the day you showed up." Amy whispered.

Alice stood aside with her hands behind her back, "You need me, so I'm here, don't you?"

Aimu didn't respond, she heard footsteps coming.

Teddy is here.

When Taida opened the door again, it was already the second day, and she sat quietly on the doll's corpse, just like another doll.

TEDA asked, "Are you clear about your position?"

She didn't answer, just kept mumbling something, her voice was so low that only she could hear it.

"I'm not someone's replacement, I'm not... I'm special, I'm unique..."

Like a spell, she forced herself to believe it.

The hallucination suddenly collapsed, a rock wall blocked the way, Amy looked a little tired, but she still slammed into the wall, and then passed through it, the familiar door was close at hand, she hesitated for a moment, knocked on the room Door.

Footsteps sounded from behind the door, and then the door was pushed open a small gap, revealing a terrifying face in the gap.

The sense of familiarity is no longer there, but a frightening strangeness. The beard grows messily all over his face, the eye sockets are deeply sunken, and the pupils hidden in the darkness are shining with crazy light.

Amyu was a bit afraid to recognize the man in front of him, he was so haggard, but there was a frenzied smile on the corner of his mouth, like a hysterical lunatic.

Taida stared at it for a long time. He didn't comment on Amyu's current appearance, but just pushed the door completely open, "Come in, the Void Realm has been open for too long, and they will find out."

Walking into the alchemy workshop, Ai Miao froze in place, the smell of engine oil that had permeated it disappeared, replaced by the stench of blood.

She saw thick blood vessels protruding from the dark corner, the blood surged and torrented under the membrane, and the vine-like flesh and blood were entangled between the steel. They in turn drove the machinery to run, and the ground was also covered with a layer. A flesh and blood creation similar to a creeper, with fine granulation swaying endlessly.

Amyu could vaguely hear a low-pitched sound, as if a war drum was beating in the dark, and along with it came the slightly trembling ground.

In this lair of flesh and blood, there seems to be an incomparably huge heart, which is currently sleeping in the darkness, and it is hard to imagine what it will look like when it wakes up.

TEDA locked the door behind him, and the Void Realm was once again closed to isolate others from prying eyes. As for the current twisted and noisy situation, TEDA has no intention of explaining it.

"Is Alice okay?" Teda asked without emotion.

Amyu covered her chest, "She's safe."

As the creator of Aimu, TEDA guessed what Aimu had gone through as early as the first time she saw her. Only when the body was completely damaged did she need to carry out this complete remodeling.

Taida didn't care about Aimiao, but emphasized, "You are just borrowing her life, if you can't protect her..."

"I understand." Amy replied indifferently.

"That's good."

Taida turned around and got busy, reaching out to tear apart the sticky flesh, and took out the metal parts.

He still didn't forget to order, "The Immortal Heart has been implanted, and now we just need to wait for it to fully merge with Alice. There is nothing you need to do during this time, just stay quietly aside."

The aether surged beside Taida, and the imaginary arms grabbed the heavy parts and piled them aside.

In addition to being busy with Alice's resurrection, TEDA was basically working on these things this time, and he was building the alchemy workshop into a fortress little by little.

Taida understands that the virtual domain here cannot protect him forever, and he will be discovered eventually. Fortunately, he doesn't have to fight to the death with the Bureau of Order, he just needs to drag it out until everything is over.

"Why are you still here?" Taida turned around and found that Aimu was still standing there, not leaving.

"I just want to take another look here."

Aimiao looked up at the unrecognizable alchemy workshop, and could not hear sadness or joy in his voice.

"After the fusion is over, the Philosopher's Stone in the Perpetual Core will be taken away, isn't it? Reverse the condensation and return the soul to the body," Aimiao said quietly, "I should be damaged by then, right?"

All the previous suspicions were just deceiving Borrog. Amy knew her end very well, but what she didn't expect was that Borrog was so easy to deceive, as if he believed whatever she said.

This is not good, the more deceitful Burlogo is, the sadder it is for Amy.

"Are you scared? If so, why did you come back?" Taida asked.

"I'm not afraid. I'm an alchemy puppet. I don't think in the same way as humans," Amyu said calmly. "Humans are afraid of death, but I don't."

Amyu laughed, "On the contrary, I will be delighted that the fate of the tool has been implemented."

The value of a wrench does not lie in rusting in idleness, but in being broken while turning a screw.

Ai Miao walked aside, peeled off layers of flesh and blood, and took out a familiar puppet mask from it. Memories of the past kept flashing before his eyes.

After a long silence, Amy couldn't help but speak.

"Father, I..."

The depressed ether interrupted Amyu's words, Taida turned his head slowly, his haggard face was full of anger and ferocity.

"How many times have I told you, Amy."

Aimu didn't back down, but asked instead, "Shouldn't parents love their children?"

After saying this, Ai Miao suddenly felt very relaxed. She finally asked this question all this time.

"What am I to you?" Amyu continued to ask.

"Alchemy puppet."

Without the slightest hesitation, TEDA replied, "A tool to revive Alice, are you satisfied with this answer?"

His voice was calm, revealing an unspeakable sense of fatigue.

Aimu did not refute, but replied mechanically.

"I see, teacher."

Aimiao didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked to the depths of the alchemy workshop. She wanted to rest on the maintenance platform, but the place was already covered by overgrown flesh and blood.

In the end, Amyu pushed open the door of the stronghold hut, and Burlogo and Palmer handled the room very well. Under the closed condition, it was not infiltrated by flesh and blood, and everything was as it was when they left.

Amyu closed the door tightly, sat down slowly on Burlogo's single bed, then hugged her knees and huddled into a ball.

She finally came back here, got the answer to the question from Taida, and made a break, but after the expected relief, there was a burst of unspeakable bitterness.

"Look, I just said it would be like this? He never cared about you, even if you pretended to be a delusional person, cooperated with him to do so many things, even sacrificed yourself and resurrected Alice, he would not give you a second look of.

Poor Aimu, you still have some kind of expectations that you shouldn't have. Do you think your self-sacrifice will make him care about you? "

Alice sat on Palmer's single bed and said provocatively.

"A tool is a tool, and you were never his daughter."

Amy lowered her head lower.

"Speaking of which, you are really an easy-to-satisfy guy."

Alice laughed, came to the table, and casually fiddled with the things that Burlogo and the others left here.

Burrog's personal belongings are hammers and knives. This guy is like a cold weapon collector, with drawers full of deadly weapons, and Palmer is piles and piles of fantasy novels.

The only thing the two have in common is that they both prepared a lot of record tapes.

"Even Bologo, who is closest to you, didn't guess your wish correctly. What is the incarnation of a human being? In fact, you just want the so-called... fatherly love?
Or, some kind of sense of identity chosen by others? "

Alice fiddled with the records, throwing them around like darts, and some of them hit Amy, but she didn't respond.

"Actually, you don't have to come back at all. Bai Li treats you very well. Even after showing these things, you can definitely win love and approval from her.

Bologo is also fine, a violent maniac that I'm afraid of when I see him, and you've been playing around with him. It shouldn't be easier to cheat some love from him, right? "

Alice said and looked at the time, "He should be asleep now? Dreaming about you?"

Amidst the constant ridicule, Alice put a record on the record player, and as it turned slowly, bursts of light singing sounded.

"Look, you have so many choices. If you stay in the sublimation furnace core honestly, maybe Taida will die tomorrow, and everything will be over."

"If I don't come back, I won't know the answer anymore." Amyu finally responded.

"Huh? Why do you want Taida's approval?" Alice didn't understand, "Just because he is your creator? Your nominal...father?"

Amy didn't answer.

"Well, you know the answer now, but it's not easy for you, Amy." Alice walked towards Amy, "Actually, you thought it would end like this a long time ago, right?"

"You gave TEDA the right to choose, but TEDA didn't choose you...the reason why you concealed it from Burlogo is also for this purpose, right?"

Alice tore open Amy's wound without mercy.

"Not even your father would have chosen you, let alone Bologo.

You dare not test Burrog, and if Burrog also chooses you, your last hopes will be annihilated.

From this point of view, Amyu's short life was too much of a failure. "

There was no response, Amyu shrank herself even tighter, and after a while, her voice trembled.

"Why don't parents love their children?"

"Why can't I?"

"Just because I'm an alchemy puppet?"

"But I feel that I am no different from human beings. I have the same consciousness as them, and I even do better than most of them."

"So why?"

"Why should I be born as someone's substitute?"

Amy fell silent, trying to recall some good things.

Her appearance will always give people the illusion of age, but in fact Aimiao is just a child, and there are not many beautiful things in her short life.

She thought of the festival of vows, the first time she tasted a cake, the first movie she saw, the detective and the hound...

Give the alchemy doll wisdom and tell her that she is doomed to be replaced.

This is too bad.

Alice came to Amyu, squatted down slowly, and looked at the embarrassed Amyu playfully.

"Stop giving the right to choose to others, Amy, your fate should be decided by yourself, instead of giving everything for that ridiculous wish."

Alice shook Amy's shoulders vigorously and yelled at her.

"Now you have got the answer you want. He doesn't love you. Even if you sacrifice yourself, this will not change."

Alice couldn't stop laughing when these were mentioned.

"It's the way kids are, the emotions you crave don't get reciprocated, no matter how hard you try.

So you only have the most extreme choice.

self sacrifice.

Punish Teda with death, let him repent and recognize your existence. "

But even so, there was still no response, compared to Aimu who was more like a person, and Teda was just some kind of machine that faithfully carried out orders.

"What do you want to do now? Kill TEDA? I can help you, or destroy Alice. I can do that too.

I can make TEDA extremely remorseful, make him live in pain and self-blame for the rest of his life, and I can inflict all the tortures in the world on him! "

Alice approached Amyu and said firmly, "As long as you choose me, I will be omnipotent."

Amy shook her head.

"No, I don't want to hurt anyone. Alice died in the first place. This matter has nothing to do with him. Teacher... Teacher is just too persistent..."

Alice was silent, then she laughed.

"Look, Amy is really kind. You can understand them, but who will understand you? And who can love you?"

"You are right, your wish is really small and not worth mentioning, as long as Teda is willing to give you a little love, you are willing to sacrifice yourself... Even if he is pretending, you can accept it.

But even this small wish cannot be realized. "

Alice became angry, "You should be more selfish, Amy."

She clenched her fists hard, as if she wanted to control her fate.

"It's time to think about yourself! Don't make a wish for others, go for yourself and make a wish that you really want!"

Amy raised her head slightly, showing sad eyes, and asked the question again, "Alice is dead, who are you?"

Alice smiled at this, and her voice was soft and unfaltering.

"Does it matter who I am now?"

Amy shook her head silently, "Yes, it doesn't matter anymore."

Bitter laughter gradually rose, and Amy leaned his head against the wall, talking to himself.

"I read a sentence like this in a book, except for injuries and diseases, all human suffering comes from their own thinking.

But I don't have pain and disease, all my pain comes from myself. "

Amyu slowly closed her eyes, no one would choose her firmly, even at the cost of death.

She dared not test the intentions of others. Instead of trusting others, she would have moved forward alone from the beginning.

Ai Miao suddenly understood why human beings like to keep pets. Only pets absolutely belong to him, and only pets will never betray him.

She got it.

Only by absolutely possessing someone, something, or something that can be used to entrust emotions, can human beings give all their emotions without reservation, fearlessness, and regardless of cost...

In fact, Amy already knew who Alice was, but she didn't feel scared.

Aimu just felt a little absurd, like a doomed fate, you know what will happen, but you can't stop it.

There is nothing to stop.

So Aimu stretched out his hand and held a piece of fragmented illusion.

Amy made a wish, a selfish wish.

There were knocks on the door, and the doorknob was turned, but when the door was opened, it was no longer the familiar corridor, but chaos and darkness.

The familiar figure stepped out of the darkness, and there was an aura of madness lingering around him.

"I got the fantasy seed... so we can settle the matter, delusional."

Gray said and put the iron box under his feet. He didn't stop or say a word, closed the door, and disappeared into the hazy darkness.

Only Ai Miao was left curled up in the room alone, singing gradually
"I want a perfect body, a complete soul.

I wish I could be like you, but I'm so weird and out of place. "

(End of this chapter)

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