Endless Debt.

Chapter 300 Fork in the Road

Chapter 300 Fork in the Road
Bologo sat on the edge of the bed blankly, and it took a few minutes to fully wake up his dull consciousness. He looked at the clock on the wall. He woke up very early, and it was only morning now.

Standing up slowly, Bologo simply washed up and arranged his clothes in front of the mirror.

It was clearly early in the morning, but the Undead Club was still too dark. In order to keep the Void Realm closed, it blocked all the light.Serei likes this very much. This night clan has avoided the sun for hundreds of years, and now he just wants to continue to avoid it.

I didn't see Wei'er when I got up today, and Bologo didn't find out where it went. These undead are more mysterious and erratic, and Bologo is used to their elusiveness.

Leaving the room, there was a deafening snoring sound from the next room, Palmer was still in a coma, Burlogo didn't bother to pay attention to him, and went directly to the bar downstairs.

To Burlogo's surprise, the bar today was very tidy, as if Serley hadn't been drinking too much at night, the tables and chairs were neatly placed aside, and the floor was clean.

He didn't see Bode and Val, and when Burlogo glanced behind the bar, he was stunned.

In the past, Serley stood behind the bar with a drunken face, handed him breakfast, and chatted with himself, but this time it was not Serley standing behind the bar, but a guy that Bologo had never thought of .

Saizong is still wearing the dog outfit, standing behind the bar and mixing drinks. In Bologo's memory, this is the first time Saizong has stood up. Could it be that this guy has been a dog for decades and finally feels boring? , think it's time to play something else?
The pupils under the dog's headgear noticed Burrog's arrival, and he patted the tabletop of the bar counter, motioning Burrog to come over.

Boluoge didn't refuse, and sat vigilantly in front of the bar. He still remembered what Seri said to Saizong. This guy definitely has a problem with his brain, but at the same time, he is also among the undead that he has learned. The oldest guy in the club.

Sai Zong hummed the tune and fiddled with the wine glass for a long time. The whole Undead Club was eerily silent, as if only the two of them were left.

Sai Zong mixed the wine and put the glass on the bar, but he didn't push the glass to Bologo, but drank it all by himself.


Sezon made a sound of satisfaction, and Burrog was confused. He didn't know what Sezon was going to do.

"Good morning, Mr. Borogo Lazarus."

Perhaps it was because he hadn't spoken for too long, Saizong's voice sounded distorted and hoarse, like a child learning to speak.


Burrogo whispered his name, and the uneasiness in his heart grew stronger at the same time.

Horror movies often have such a plot, when the normal world becomes abnormal, people will have a sense of security breached horror, as Burlogo first met Sezon, a human being played as a A dog, as if cursed.

With the passage of time, Boluoge got used to all this and regarded this abnormality as normal, but now that the abnormality has been corrected, the sense of distortion brought by it made Bologo once again fall into the suspicion that his safety was breached.

Under the dog's hood, he stared at Bologo with deep eyes. He dipped the wine in the glass and drew a water stain on the table of the bar.

"Look, this is the trajectory of fate."

As Sai Zong said, the track of the water stain forked and turned into two parallel paths forward.

"Now we have come to a fork in the road of fate."

The trajectory bifurcates again, like a growing towering tree, separated one after another, becoming countless parallel and forward trajectories. They all start from this moment and differentiate into countless futures.

While fate kept forking, the lingering uneasiness in Burlogo's heart continued to rise until it exploded completely.

"Trust your instincts and make the right choice."

Burlog stood up abruptly and asked loudly, "What the hell are you talking about!"

"What? I didn't say anything."

Thorey raised his head slowly, looking at Bologo with a tired face, not knowing what he was getting nervous about.

Cold sweat drenched the back of Bologo's clothes, he looked at Seri in front of him stupidly, and looked around tremblingly.

The bar was in a mess, the tables and chairs were overturned, wine bottles were rolling around, and there were a few high-heeled shoes among them, as if not long ago, there had just been a carnival party.

As usual, Bode mopped and washed the floor, tidied up the things in the bar, and waited for the next day to dawn before they were disturbed again.

"Three, you..." Bologo murmured.

"What are you? Finish your meal quickly and go to work."

Maybe it was because he had too much fun last night, Serley's head is hurting, he doesn't want to reply to Bologo at all.

Burrog looked at the bar in front of him. As usual, breakfast was placed in front of his eyes, accompanied by a glass of orange juice.

"Where's Sezon?"

Burrog was sure that it wasn't a so-called hallucination just now, something must have happened.

"Saizon?" Selei didn't understand why Bologo mentioned that annoying dog, "Isn't he here? He must have gone out for a stroll. What's wrong?"

"No... nothing."

The beautiful morning was messed up by Sai Zong. Bologo was not in the mood to eat breakfast at all. He clutched his forehead, his confused consciousness and pain were looming. He left the Undead Club without saying anything.

"Damn it! Don't you even touch a single bite of my loving breakfast!"

Seeing Bolog leave directly, Serley shouted and cursed behind him, but Bolog didn't turn his head.

Sai Zong's words kept echoing in his mind, he was hinting something to himself, but this guy refused to say it clearly.


Burrog walked quickly, then trotted and loped.

The figure of the man was rampaging on the street, like a company employee who was about to be late, but it was still early, and even the sky was only dimly lit. It was hard to imagine what kind of black-hearted company would require clocking in at this time.

There were very few pedestrians and vehicles on the street, and he ignored the warning of the red light, like a wolf rushing into the city.

The picture gradually zoomed out, and then it was covered with a layer of snowflake texture. In the dim hut, the tyrant nestled comfortably on the sofa, watching the running of Bologo on the screen, and let out bursts of laughter.

The door was pushed open, and another person walked in. He glanced at the bald man on the sofa, and he knew that this was one of the carriers of the tyrant in this world.

The visitor was carrying a case of beer in his hand, as well as a few bottles of fine wine that had been sealed. If Selei was here, he would definitely recognize these fine wines. These are all his treasures, in order to avoid being discovered by Palmer , he hid all these things under the bed.

"Move to the side."

The visitor sat down, squeezed the tyrant, and then he leaned back, looking comfortable.

"What do you smell like?"

The tyrant covered his nose and looked at each other with disgust.

"The smell a dog should have," Sezon replied.

The tyrant wondered, "Is being a dog really fun?"

"It's not interesting, but it's quite suitable to pass the time." Sai Zong bit open a bottle of beer, "Just follow the most basic instinct, don't have to think about anything, and the corresponding troubles are much less."

Sezon bit off another bottle of beer and handed it to the tyrant.

"Have you started to like drinking?" The tyrant took the bottle and recalled, "I remember that you prefer to kill people. Every time I talk to you, you are killing, non-stop."

"You know that those people in the Undead Club are real alcoholics. After a long time, they will inevitably pick up some bad habits."

The tyrant seemed to have heard some kind of joke, and laughed uncontrollably, "Compared to your heightened desire to kill, drinking alcohol is already a good habit."

"How long has it been since you were bloodied?" the tyrant asked further.

"It's been a while," Sai Zong didn't hide. "That's the advantage of concentrating on being a dog. My heart has become very peaceful."

"You know it's an illusion, and you can't hold back your instincts all the time," said the tyrant.

"Then do you want to experience my instinct?" Sai Zong squinted at him.

The tyrant was silent, then shook his head with a smile.

"So what is this, are you picking your debtors?" Sai Zong looked at the TV screen.

"A new round of disputes is about to begin, and we are all accumulating strength."

The tyrant's words faltered, and he became stricter, "You shouldn't be in contact with Bologo."

"But you interrupted my subterfuge, I'll spoil your plan, we're even," Sai Zong drank self-consciously, "You gave the fantasy seed to that girl? Is it worth it?"

"That's hers, she's so unique, isn't she?"

"And what about the Burlog?"

Saizong cared about the attitude of the tyrant, "Bologo is already a debtor, why do you pay so much attention to him?"

"He's just a supporting role...and don't you wonder who took Burrog's soul?"

The tyrant pressed the remote control, and the picture zoomed into a close-up view, where Burlogo's appearance was clearly visible.


"Shh, don't talk, just watch quietly."

The tyrant stared at Bologo in the picture, vaguely seeing the cyan light spot overflowing from his body, and he murmured in a very low voice.

"I found you."

(End of this chapter)

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