Endless Debt.

Chapter 301 Extreme Desire

Chapter 301 Extreme Desire
Enter the Bureau of Order, pass through the court of winding paths, arrive at the court of pillars, take the elevator all the way forward until the gate opens, and the hot sublimation furnace core is revealed in front of you.

Bologo didn’t encounter any abnormalities along the way. Thinking about it, even if there are any abnormalities, they will never happen in the reclamation room. This is the headquarters of the Bureau of Order, and there is no safer place in Opus. .

The anxious heart gradually calmed down, and Burlogo told himself that he was just too nervous and thought too much, and everything was normal.

I came too early, far before the stipulated working time, and there were not many people in the sublimation furnace core, only a familiar figure was still busy.

After getting along for a long time, Bologo has also learned how to identify each other through the heavy protective clothing. Everyone has their own characteristics. Some behavioral language is like written notes. They are similar, but there are still identifiable differences.

"Good morning, Baldr."

Bologo said hello, and Baldr was pushing a trolley filled with all kinds of alchemy weapons. Bologo looked at a few of them that he was familiar with, and they were the fire callers he encountered in the previous battle stick.

"You look bad, are you having a nightmare?"

Badr looked at Bologo, and Bologo ran all the way here in a nervous mood, his forehead covered with sweat.

"It's okay, but it's much better now."

Bologo wiped his sweat with his sleeve, and there is no need to care so much at this time, "There is nothing unusual here, right?"

"Anomaly? No, the reclamation room has a complete set of security mechanisms, as long as we are in it, it will protect us."

Badr raised his head and glanced at the silent and magnificent building.

"That's good……"

Bologo breathed a sigh of relief, because of the closeness of the umbilical cord and the devil, he felt that he should also get used to the hallucinations he often saw.

"Where's Amy?" Burrog asked afterward.

"It's not time for work yet, she should come with Bailey." Bader said.

Hearing this, Bologo felt a lot more at ease. He rubbed his eyes, took a long breath, and turned to look at these things on the trolley.

"What are you doing?"

"Identify these alchemy weapons. You should understand this. These are all circulated in the wandering fork, by delusional people..." Badr paused, "these are the alchemy weapons created by the teacher."

"I've been working on this stuff lately."

"What's there to study?" Bologo reached out and fiddled with them. He didn't understand the significance of them being studied.

"There is really nothing to study." These are inferior alchemy weapons and should be destroyed centrally, "but I always feel that all this is not that simple.".

"What do you mean?"

"Judging from the report of the Field Service Department, these alchemy weapons were all made by the teacher, but as his student, I don't think it was made by the teacher."

In the middle of speaking, Badr turned to something else, "You should have heard of such words as traces, right? Just like everyone's different handwriting, when an alchemist constructs an alchemical matrix, he also has his own unique traces."

"The traces in these alchemy weapons do not match the traces of the teacher. It can also be understood that in order to hide his identity, the teacher deliberately used and forced himself to construct the alchemy matrix in another way... It is like writing from the right hand and changing to the left hand." write.

The traces can change, but the teacher's construction ideas will not change. When he manufactures alchemy weapons, he always pursues its stability, even if it is this kind of low-quality weapons produced in batches. "

Baldr picked up the fire-calling staff, and gave an example to Bologo, "For example, if the alchemy weapon is made by the teacher, even if it is a degraded weapon, when it loses control, it should just stop normally. , but actually when it gets out of control, it explodes violently and is very unstable."

"From the perspective of thinking, this doesn't look like something a teacher would do."

Baldr was confused.

This sentence touched Bologo, and he suddenly thought of Serley's reminder, Bologo didn't want to think in that bad direction, and he didn't want to doubt his friends, but he had to make such a decision due to his uneasiness. Decide.

"Then what do you think is all this going on?" asked Burlogo.

Badr shook his head, and he replied, "You won't like this answer."

"You think the delusional is someone else, don't you?"

Bologo knew what Baldr wanted to say, the silver snake crawled out of the cuff, and then broke into large and condensed water droplets, which landed on the trolley.

"Perhaps from the very beginning, there was more than one delusional person."

Burrog's voice became indifferent, "This Snake Scale Liquid is the work of Aimiao, how long do you need to compare it?"

Bader was a little surprised by Burlog's decisive reaction. He knew Bailey and Burlog's attitude towards Amy, so he thought that Amy would investigate secretly by himself while he was in the sublimation furnace core.

"It's just a comparison, and it will end soon."

As Badr said, he was about to push the trolley, but in the next second, the group of snakes that stretched out firmly grabbed the trolley and lifted it up.

"You lead the way."

Burrog controlled the group of snakes, and the silvery white scale liquid overflowed and flowed from behind, as if another silvery white monster was hidden under the humanoid body.

"Is this an expert? Just like a hunter, when he smells a trace, he will never let go."

Badr began to trot, and with Burlogo helping him carry things, their moving speed was much faster.

"I just want to avoid mistakes as much as possible." Burrog's tone became completely cold.

Badr said, "Truth wise, I thought you would defend Amy just like Bailey did, so I didn't tell anyone about it."

"You should have told me," Burrog said in a low voice.

"At least it's not too late," Bader said, "Baili knows the importance of Amy. Without her leadership, Amy will not be able to leave the reclamation room. You can rest assured about that."

Burrog took a deep breath and replied calmly.

"hope so."

The two soon arrived at the laboratory where the comparison was carried out. Badr took out some of the Snake Scale Liquid, put it on the vessel, and put the other Firecalling Rod aside.

While Badr was busy, Bologo stood aside anxiously, blaming himself, "Why didn't I think of this?"

Burlogo felt it was his responsibility.

"From the very beginning, in our cognition, the interests of Amy and the interests of the teacher are contrary. The teacher needs Alice's Philosopher's Stone, and if you hand over the Philosopher's Stone, Amy will undoubtedly suffer irreversible damage... That is death."

The aura of the ether flickered, Baldr began to operate while talking, he is different from Bailey, his arcane energy is not from the mystical school, so for the operation of the alchemy matrix, he needs the help of instruments, which will undoubtedly be slow on many.

"In this way, we will all feel that Aimiao is one of us, and we are not on the same side as the teacher.

But now, maybe the two of them are together, Aimiao has been assisting TEDA, even as a delusional person. "

Badr's words accelerated the breeding of doubts.

All kinds of suspicious behaviors of Aimiao before flashed back in front of Burlogo's eyes, and even the suggestive words last night.

He didn't understand why he made such a mistake.

Bader also noticed the tangled eyes of Bologo, and he comforted, "It's okay, everyone will have such an experience, being blinded by something."

"For example, the teacher is driven by the desire to resurrect Alice, so that he completely ignores those unknown dangers, and this is the same for you.

You too, and Bailey too, you're both so focused on what's in front of you that you lose sight of everything else. "

"You mean, I was tricked by Amy?" Burrog asked.

"It can't be said to be a lie." Badr actually laughed at this time, "Bologo, have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Badr stopped Burlogo, and carefully recalled his short and long life. Except for the smooth life when he was a child, the rest of the time was either fighting or killing. .

"You mean?"

Bologo was not stupid, he knew what Badr meant, and thinking of that result, made Bologo's brain stop for a second.

"That's right, Bologo, congratulations. After so many years, your blood is still hot and your heart is still beating vigorously. This is a good thing, at least it proves that your mentality is very young!"

While he was busy, Badr still didn't forget to give Burlogo a thumbs up, "You didn't do anything wrong, and she probably didn't lie to you... Probably, you were just overwhelmed by emotions, and experts can't do anything about this kind of thing." Avoid, after all, you are still a flesh and blood human being, not a cold machine."

"But the bad part is here, what should you do next?" Badr muttered in his heart.

The aether's glow kept flickering, and Bologo couldn't understand Baldr's operation, so he could only wait on the sidelines.

The machine on the side started printing, and then two sheets of paper were spit out, and Badr overlapped them and exposed them to the strong light.

"How did it turn out?" asked Burrog.

Baldr didn't speak, just held the paper up high, and Bologo leaned over, and saw that there were cumbersome arrays carved on the paper, and their huge parts overlapped one by one.

The results are obvious.

Burrog's heart turned cold, and he murmured, "Why would she do this? Doesn't she know Teda's purpose?"

When the hypothesis became reality, the shock of the moment made Burlogo a little trance.

"Maybe this is exactly what Amy wanted?" Badr threw the paper into the shredder, watching them being shredded into pieces.

"What does she want?"

"Life is indeed precious, but there are always some things that will make you desperate," Badr continued, "Everyone will desperately desire something, as long as this desire can be fulfilled, it doesn't matter even if you die, just like an alchemist and The relationship between secret sources is the same."

From the beginning to the end, Bader witnessed all this as a bystander. When he saw the cold and serious experts, he would smile at others, and he also saw the nervous ministers, who unexpectedly had such a gentle side.

"You are the person who knows Amy best, you should be able to guess."

Badr leaned aside, he was thinking about how to finish it next, whether to hand it over to Burlogo to handle all this, or to make a broadcast first and arrest Aimu.

Fortunately, all of this was handled in a timely manner, and the disaster was stifled before it broke out.

Bologo lowered his head slowly, he remembered the time when he first got along with Amy, and he knew what Amy wanted.

Looking at it this way, her wish is really small.

The sudden sound of the door opening interrupted Burrogo's thoughts. At the door, Bailey was wearing a pajamas, panting heavily, and looked at him in horror.

It goes without saying that Burlogo knew that the worst had happened.

Bailey yelled.

"Aimu is missing!"

(End of this chapter)

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