Endless Debt.

Chapter 335 Kill Kill Kill!

Chapter 335 Kill Kill Kill!

Bologo Lazarus, a debtor who is known as an expert, but unfortunately, although Bologo is an expert, this so-called "expert" also has limitations.

Burlogo is a violence expert who is good at dealing with all violent incidents and resolving them with greater violence, but Burlogo knows nothing about anything other than violence.

In the current situation, a negotiator is needed to calm down Amyu and change his mind. Obviously, Burlogo's negotiating skills are very poor, which directly leads the matter to the bad side.

Looking at Burrog in the wall, when Amy thought of herself nestling in Burrog's arms and saying those words that needed courage and couldn't be remembered to him, she felt a kind of urge from the bottom of her heart. shame.

Not only did this bastard remember everything, he also deliberately pretended not to know anything.

Thinking of his ridiculous reactions, Burlogo had seen through it all!
Humiliation, anger, incomprehension... All kinds of emotions were mixed together, which almost made Aimu lose his mind.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill..."

Amyu was completely out of control, a violent voice squeezed out from between her teeth, and all kinds of brutal fighting techniques flashed in her mind, she insisted on showing Burlogo today, what is the alchemy puppet rebellion.

"Keep calm! Amy! Keep calm! Get yourself under control!"

Burrog was also a little panicked, realizing that he was playing things big.

"Bologo! I'm going to kill you!"

Aimu didn't listen to Burlogo's words at all, and rushed over with fists raised.

Don't talk about escaping from Opus and starting a new life. If you can make another wish now, Aimu will definitely make a wish to beat Bologo to death.

"Don't live!"

The perpetual core is roaring and running. If the alchemy doll has a heart rate like a human being, Aimiao's current heart rate must have exceeded the limit, flickering in the red zone.

Hearing Amyu's angry words, Burlogo felt a chill in his heart.

It can be confirmed that Aimiao has indeed lost his mind. You must know that you are an undead!She actually wanted to kill an undead person, what did she think?

Burrog struggled to climb out of the wall, and before Amy swung his fist, Burrog picked up the lamppost knocked down by him and swung towards Amy.

There was only a loud noise, and the lamppost was bent by Amyu's punch. This was not the end, and she quickly approached Borrog.

Mysterious Power · Calling Hand.

A cyan light trail appeared on the lamppost, and then it began to bend and twist, breaking into several chains in Burrog's hands, and winding towards Aimu.

Aimu lowered her body, dodged the sweep of the chain with a slider, and then she jumped up and threw a heavy punch at Burrog.

Bologo almost brushed past the front of the fist and hit the ground with a heavy fist, leaving a deep dent.

Seeing this scene, Bologo exclaimed in his heart, Amy really didn't hold back!

Aimu raised his head and glanced fiercely at Bologo. After a punch, a raging steam was released from the machine, like scorching anger.

Bologo swallowed, without any hesitation, he kicked Amyu's body and kicked her out forcefully.

I expected that my kick should be able to kick Ai Miao several meters away, but Ai Miao only took a few steps back, and a layer of ether barrier had already risen on her body surface.

Amy injected a huge amount of ether into the armor given by Bailey. First, the ether barrier blocked Burrog's kick, and then the powerful impact was released from her hands.

Bologo didn't even have time to curse this time. The storm swept across the street, and the glass windows along the way were shattered. The broken crystals were like scattered and sharp blades, and they attacked Bologo together.

During the rapid rollover, Bologo clenched the group of snakes tightly, swung a spear into the ground, fixed his body, and swayed in the wind like a flag, and then the ground shattered, and the wall rose from the ground .

But soon, Amyu arrived with the wind, broke through the wall with a punch, and hit Burlogo.

After a cry of grief, Bologo fell to the ground, and Aimu pressed on top of Bologo. She knocked down her opponent and was ready to pursue the victory.

"What are you doing so early in the morning!"

The battle between the two had obviously reached the level of disturbing the people. There was a desperate guy standing in front of the window and yelling at the two people on the street.

Aimu rode on Bologo's body, grabbed Bologo's collar with one hand, and made a fist with the other hand to fly into the air. She frowned and looked back at the desperate guy.

The man was stunned by Amy's cold eyes, and then another hand stretched out from the window, pulling him back.

"When people quarrel, don't go there to scold them!"

"But this is too much!"

"Young people are under a lot of pressure now, please understand!"

The absurd conversation was over, and Bologo showed an awkward smile at Aimu, and he did not forget to give his thumbs up and agreed, "Everyone seems to be under a lot of pressure."

Amyu responded blankly, "Yes."

After she finished speaking, she punched Burrog's face hard, and Burrog turned his head, causing his fist to hit the ground, and then he strangled Amy's throat with one hand, and slammed the ground with the other.

The ground swelled, and Burlog turned over and pinned Amy under him. Now Burlog is looking forward to having a copy of "Amy's Operation Manual". He will definitely read how to dismantle Amy over and over again.

Burrog wanted to reprimand Aimiao in a reprimanding tone, but when the words came to his mouth, he also lacked confidence, "Calm down! Aimiao! You have fought so many times! Haven't you fought enough?"

"Bologo! I'm going to kill you! You bastard!"

"Anyway, it has already happened, why not accept it calmly! How about we have a good chat?"

The snake scale fluid was cast into sharp fist blades, and Burrog punched Amy on the shoulder, trying to dismantle her limbs.

The metal rubbed against each other, and dazzling sparks burst out. Amyu waved his hands vigorously, and started fighting with Bologo, like two wild cats pinched together. Ge.

Bologo screamed again and again, but he was happy to hear him screaming, but after a few rounds, Bologo actually had the upper hand.

Aimu was aggressive, but her hands were firmly locked by Bologo and the Snake Scale Liquid. After struggling a few times, she couldn't break free from the restraints at all.

So angry!Angry Aimu's teeth were itchy and her body was shaking, but she couldn't do anything. Without the help of traps, she was just incapable and furious in the face of Bologo's blockade.

Burrogo's expression was also very complicated. It was obvious that Amyu was already furious. Once he let her go...he would never let Amyu go.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"How can you make me calm down!"

Aimu was firmly controlled by Burrog, and was pinned to the ground in shame.

Amy yelled, "Let me go!"

"Let go of your words, can you calm down?"

"Let go of me first!"

"No, I let you go, what if you do something to me again?"

Emotions piled up together, and Amy let out a hysterical wail. Is there something wrong with Bologo?

In desperation, the brilliant golden glow lit up, and Burogo's vision became dizzy for a while.

Amy's arm became illusory, and Bologo was unprepared for this, allowing Amy's sympathetic body to penetrate the snake scale liquid and his body.

It’s over.

"You said you would calm down..."

Before Burlog could finish his words, a straight punch hit Burlog in the face, and the nosebleeds were splashing everywhere, followed by Amyu's voice.

"It's a lot calmer now!"

Aimu calmed down and looked at Burrog who was on top of her. She suddenly raised her knee and hit Burrog on the back.

Bologo lost his balance and fell forward. Amyu took this opportunity to roll and get up. She wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue.

But thinking of his own wish, Aimiao still tried hard to restrain his emotions.

Yeah, there's no need to have a hard time with this psycho, as long as he doesn't get in his way.

Aimu's anger had been extinguished a lot, and he turned his head and crawled towards the alley.

But just after taking a few steps, the hook rope broke through the air and wrapped around Aimiao's ankle. She lost her balance and fell head-on to the ground.

Burrog stood up slowly, wiped the blood from his nose, and walked towards Amyu while retrieving the hook rope.

He was like a fisherman fighting a shark, after going through many dangers, he finally caught this big fish by himself.

But the voyage is not over until it is safe to return to the pier.

Amy seemed to give up resistance, but just when Burlogo dragged her to him, Amy jumped up like a cat and threw herself on Burlogo.

Burrog is too familiar with this trick. In the last time regression, Amyu used this trick to beat himself.

"You never-ending guy!"

Amy cursed, Burrog was so annoying, how could there be such a person in the world?Or do the undead live for too long, and they will turn into this weird appearance?

Her thighs clamped around Burrog's waist, her calves were tightened behind her back, and Amy swung a set of combined punches at Burrog's face from the start.

Burrog reached out and grabbed Amy's fists directly, and the two froze together as if wrestling.

In order to ensure that he would not be overwhelmed by Boluoge, Aimu clamped his thighs. Boluoge felt a little tight in his chest, followed by a burst of pain. He felt that his ribs were broken.

Damn it, why is this alchemy puppet so powerful!Bailey, what the hell have you been up to?
"Aimu, I know you're upset, but let's get things done first, okay?"

Bologo's words were a little stiff. He had enough patience with Amy, but when he thought about what he said and did just now, he felt a little bad.

"After the matter is resolved, we can fight in the combat room for three days and three nights!"

"Do you think the point of the matter is here!"

Aimu was about to go mad with anger, and every time Burlogo explained, it added fuel to the fire.

At this point, Aimu can be sure that it is true that Burlogo said that he has never been deceived by a woman. After all, the blind man will lie to him without any trouble!

Facing Bologo, he must have been fooled, but he was really angry.

The more Amy thought about it, the more angry he became. At this moment, Burrog hesitated and asked desperately.

"Isn't that the point?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Borrog, you bastard! You've lived for almost 100 years, and you haven't made any progress!"

During the reprimand, Amyu's fists broke free.

Aimiao is a studious child. She doesn't have a teacher in martial arts, and she has learned all her skills from books.

Burlogo might not believe it, but how Amyau would repair cars was not because Amy was interested in cars, but simply because there was a book on car repairs on the bookshelf.

The daily life of the alchemy puppet is very boring, she read all the books she could read.

The two wrestled and staggered into the alley. Amyu punched Burrog, but no matter how hard Amy tried, Burrog never fell down.

She knew that Bologo seemed to be beaten by her and was weak, but in fact, Burlogo was just not serious.

How could Burlogo, an expert on violence, be any weaker than himself on how to use violence?
Thinking of this, the hatred in Aimiao's heart became more violent. Even if he was so serious, he still couldn't make others face him, even if he was fighting to the death.

In Bologo's view, his angry appearance is just the incompetent rage of a child, right?Even the whole showdown was the same, just kids throwing tantrums.

"Seriously! Burrog! We're fighting!"

Aimu shouted angrily, but as soon as she said it, the snake liquid swallowed her like a tide.

The metals solidified and locked Aimiao's limbs. She tried to break through the restraint by increasing the output of the body and increasing the ether, but this time the power of the snake scale liquid was far stronger than before... No, this is Bo Luo Goblin's power.

Like a solidified stone statue, Amyu gradually stopped waving his fists. Burrog's eyes glowed with blue light, and then Amyu retracted his fists uncontrollably.

It was Snake Scale Liquid, and a group of snakes covered his arms, forcing him to retract his fist.

A great sense of powerlessness swept over Amy's mind. It turned out that he was still so fragile after working so hard. Thinking of this, Amy angrily gave Burlogo a powerful headbutt.

The limbs were restrained, and Aimu bit on Burrog's shoulder, and fought back with a wild dog's posture. Blood seeped into her throat, and then overflowed again.

Amy struggled non-stop, and even staggered with Burlogo's steps. The two stumbled and fell into the trash can.

Burlog let go of Amyur, and the snakes crawled back under his sleeves, and he staggered to one side, and sat down against the damp cliff wall, among the overflowing rubbish.

Aimiao fell into the trash can, and the black trash bags piled up under her, like a sea of ​​black flowers.

The battle came to a halt, and the two had a tacit understanding and entered the intermission.

There was a gradually subdued mechanical sound in the trash can, and Borrog's breathing gradually stabilized. He took out his pocket and took out the crumpled box of cigarettes. After thinking for a while, he threw the box aside again.

Burrog called out tentatively, "Amy?"

"leave me alone."

Aimu huddled in the corner of the garbage dump.

He couldn't fight, he couldn't fight, this time Ai Miao lost completely, a disastrous defeat in all aspects.


(End of this chapter)

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