Endless Debt.

Chapter 336 Come out!

Chapter 336 Come out!
On a beautiful morning, the two collapsed in a mess in a dark alley, one sitting next to the trash can and the other sitting in the trash can.

Burrog imitated Amy's movements and looked up at the sky.

Cumulus clouds pervade the sky above Opals, blocking the light behind the gloom, but there are still many cloud gaps, which reveal a golden glow, like a ray of hope sprinkled in the absolute darkness.

"I think of Palmer. According to him, if Secret Energy Wind Source continues to be promoted, he will also have the ability to fly to a certain extent... I really want to fly to the sky and see if there is a so-called heaven."

Burrogo recalled, "After I told Palmer about this, he laughed at me as a fool. Now that humans have developed airplanes and conquered the sky, there is nothing above the clouds."

"But I think maybe they didn't fly high enough? As long as they break through the clouds and cross the sky... I think there must be something waiting for us there."

After Bologo finished speaking, he looked at Aimu in the trash can. Strange liquids of various colors leaked out of the trash bag, exuding a disgusting sour smell.

Amy had no sense of smell, and she had no sense of it, and Burlogo had smelled worse in the trenches, and he could live with that.

"Can you be quiet for a moment?"

The voice came from inside the dumpster, and Amy was sick of Burlogo now.

Bologo let out a burst of begging laughter. There was no way, the plot was too dramatic, and he couldn't help it.

Staggering to his feet, Burlogo put his hand on the edge of the dustbin, and rolled himself into it.

With an extra burrogo, the trash can suddenly became crowded.

"Move, make room for me."

Burrog pushed Aimu, and the two of them seemed to be fighting for the sofa, but there was no room to move in the trash can, and the two were so close together.

"This feels really bad. I thought I could control my own destiny, but in fact, so what, I can't resist anyone."

Aimu's tone was lonely, all her reliance came from the reset of time regression, but now besides her, there is also a guy like Burlogo who walks in the gap of time.

Just like the fake identities I used, all of these are delusions after all, returning to nothingness.

"You know my wish, what about you? Bologo, what do you want to do?"

Amyu turned his head and looked at Burlogo beside him. Every time he went back in time, he relied on the tracker to find himself, just like a dog chasing a Frisbee, never tired of it.

Burrog said, "Will you believe me when I say I'm here to save you?"

"Save? Boluogo, you sound like a bad guy, which is completely different from my impression of you in my memory."

"How should I put it, I have experienced a lot of fighting and killing, and I also want to do something else," Bologo told me about the past, "This is a suggestion from a friend of mine. She said that my strength can be used more than In order to destroy, maybe it can also save others.”

"So you came to save me? Do you think I'm so humble that I need your rescue?"

"Isn't it? Look at your embarrassed appearance."

Burrog looked at Amy who was lying in the garbage dump. She looked a little bad, with scratches and dents everywhere, and of course these were the marks left by Burrog.

"That kind of thing sounds so arrogant."

Ai Miao shook his head and sarcastically said, "There are still many people in this world who need to be saved, so you don't need to waste time with me."

Burlog denied, "It's different, and I don't know them."

"What do you want to prove? Bologo, prove that I know you, so I will be saved by you. You are also proud."

Amy racked her brains to come up with words that could be attacked, "Oh, poor Amy, it's a good thing you know a savior, or you wouldn't deserve to be saved!"

Bologo smiled, stretched out his hand and hooked Amyu's shoulders, Amyu did not resist, she knew that resistance was meaningless, this damned undead could not be beaten or driven away, even if time went back, he would Will follow up tenaciously.

Aimu has never had such a headache for a person.

"Someone asked me a similar question, he asked me, there are so many evil people in this world, I can't beat them, and my answer is, first knock down what I can see, and then beat down what I can't see .”

Burrog stiffened.

"The answer to you is also the same. Yes, knowing me, Bologo, is worthy of being saved. It is a miracle. I have traveled thousands of miles to save you, just because I saw you. What's wrong with arrogance, what's wrong with arrogance, Do you think I care about this?
And you're discussing this with an undead?You are the only problem! "

Burlogo made a rogue speech, which made Aimu not know how to refute, and Burlogo then continued.

"This is a magnificent world, the fate of an individual is meaningless in front of it, whether it is you or me, it is so cold and cruel.

But if there is a prefix, it will be different. In the world of Bologo, the fate of an individual is still meaningless, except for you...you are different, and you are worthy of being saved. "

Aimu hugged her knees and curled up, looking at the sky, without saying a word.

"Aimu, you are...a fragile, curious, weird, and inferior life.

What do you need to believe that you are loved and recognized, and even say that you long for a trial, as long as you pass this trial, you have a certain qualification, and this qualification will Sustain you and carry you through all difficulties and obstacles.

Even if it's just a thin piece of proof, a casual promise, or an inexplicable recognition, it's enough to make you strong.

Yes, your wish is so small. "

Following Burrog's narration, Amy crawled out of the trash can. With her back turned to Burrog, she walked out of the alley, and Burrog also crawled out.

The speed of the two was the same, unhurried and unhurried, maintaining a safe distance.

Burrog said suddenly, "Are you afraid of being rejected by me?"

He still remembers the dilemma of choice that Amyu said, some things can only be done by himself, and expecting others will suffer more harm.

Thinking of this, Burlogo began to realize the importance of a good educational environment for individual consciousness. Look at what TEDA has made of Aimu.

"Aimu, you have human theory but no practice, if you don't try, you will always know what will happen.

Just like you are afraid of being rejected by me, if you don't ask me for help, how can you know whether I will reject you or help you? "

Amyu stopped and said without looking back, "Because I understand you, you are an expert, a cold-blooded and efficient expert, you will only make rational and decisive decisions, and you will not let your personal emotions affect you at all."

Amy, who had had a good and bloody time with Burlogo, knew exactly what the expert looked like when he went to work.

"Is that the only way? Then your understanding of me is too superficial," Burrog shook his head, "It's all like this anyway, why don't you try?"

Silence lingered between the two, and a strong etheric reaction arose in the distance, like a god of death demanding their lives, and their time for chatting was running out.

"Why did you save me in the abandoned land?" Amyu asked, "You gave me the ether, and you will fall into hibernation."

"It's just dormant, it's not really dead, and we are good brothers who go through life and death, aren't we?"

Bologo then talked about the bad words with Palmer, "I once made such a plan with Palmer. If I encounter a situation where I can't resist, I will allow Palmer to use me as a human shield and carry it. Let me flee from the battlefield.

You know what I mean, that is, he runs ahead and I get shot at the back. Anyway, I am undead, am I not? "

Aimu couldn't help laughing, just thinking about that kind of picture is ridiculous.

"My God, Bologo, it's like this every time, every time..."

"What 'every time'?"

"Every time I make up my mind, you always pop up and let me see a glimmer of hope, such as the time in the abandoned land, if you didn't give me the ether, I was ready to start my plan. "

"This time too?"

"Probably, to be honest, it's too bad to be remembered for that embarrassing look, but you are undead, so I can't kill you to silence it."

"Ahahaha," Bologo laughed a few times, "You said it, you trusted me."

"But the more I trust you, the less I dare to tell you my request. It would be too sad if you refused me."

"Why do you think I will reject you? You have to ask to know the answer, don't you?"

The conversation fell silent, and the silence lasted for a long time before being broken by a hesitant voice.

"Then . . . the time of decision has come, Borogo Lazarus."

Amyu turned his head, and his words gradually became firmer without any emotion.

"As an expert of the Bureau of Order, take action against me and protect the property of the Bureau of Order, or as my friend, do nothing and let me go, let me realize my own wishes."

Burrog didn't answer, and Amy gave Burrog a deep look, then turned and left.

Amy felt inexplicably relaxed. Burlog didn't stop her, but let herself go. This should be the best ending, but she still felt a little sad, and she didn't know where the sadness came from.

Just as Amy was about to walk out of the alley, an earthen wall rose from the ground, blocking Amy's way, and then her body flew into the air, and the silver hand grabbed her and pulled her back to Burrog.

"Are you still going to hinder me!"

Sure enough, no one would choose himself, and the same is true for Burrogo. He is an expert in iron and blood, and he is only his mission target.

Amyu turned around and punched, but her fist was empty, and what greeted her was a hug.

Aimu was stunned, and Bologo's roar rang in his ears, making his already confused mind even more confused.

"I choose the third option!

I not only want to maintain the property of the Bureau of Order, but also help you realize your wishes! "

Burrogo let go of Amy, then grabbed her face with both hands, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Do you understand now, Amy!"

Amy was completely stunned, she couldn't figure out what was going on, she had never thought about such a development, she broke free from Burrog's control, but her body didn't obey, like a child being scolded, honestly Stand still.

"Damn it, listen up! Amy!
I agree with your existence, recognize your soul, and believe in everything about you! "

Aimu has no memory, her brain can no longer handle these things, and she is extremely dull.

Bologo quickly explained, the softness just now was gone, and his tone was extremely stern, "After the time regression starts next time, find a way to escape and meet me here, do you understand?"

Burrog said it almost in a growl.

"If you don't try, you will never know what will happen, even if I remove the cage that traps you, but if you don't want to take the first step! No one can save you, you understand ?
Now you are only one step away, Amy, come out, wait for me here, I will come to save you! "

Before the words fell, the etheric reaction of the power bearer was close at hand, the roaring sound wave destroyed the street, and the thick roots walked with it, constantly approaching the two of them.

The king's shield guards came, and the oppression of the ether was like an approaching storm.

"Remember! Come out!"

Burrog's roar extinguished the glow in Amyu's chest.

The fantasy was destroyed, and the white light burst out in an instant, sweeping towards the surroundings, engulfing the entire city in the blink of an eye, and collapsed again after expanding to the extreme.

When Aimu regains her sight, she has returned to the beginning of everything.

In this familiar stronghold hut, Aimiao's expression was a little dazed, and the previous scenes flashed back and forth in front of her eyes, filling her mind.

She couldn't figure out what was going on, and countless thoughts were entangled in her mind, like poisonous snakes biting each other.

There was a vague tactile sensation on his chest, as if the hug just now was just an illusion.

This is not an illusion, Amy believes it is real, absolute, undeniable truth.

Something was moving in the silence. Amy looked up and saw the record player. The record was spinning slowly like a vortex, swallowing everything in the world into the dark abyss, singing endlessly, rising from the shadow .

"Break through the darkness and drive away the suffering.

Bless birth and welcome new life. "

Aimu didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment, her hands began to tremble, and so did her own body.

The halos in his eyes tightened together, and Amy looked towards the door as if asking for help.

Bologo's words rang in his ears, and the extinguished flames rekindled, swaying in the wind into sparks all over the sky.

walk out!
Amy stood up hesitantly, and took a step. Her steps became faster and faster, and her eyes became firmer.

"Search your soul, touch your heart."

The small room became much larger in an instant, like a vast and endless wilderness, even if Aimiao exerted all his strength, he could not escape from this place.

But this time Amyu didn't stop, she saw that there was Amyue's wish behind the raised door.

walk out!
The darkness behind her squirmed, as if thousands of hands were about to reach out in a trance, dragging Aimiao back into the darkness, but Aimiao didn't care about this at all, and she ran forward without looking back.

walk out!
The darkness is howling and annihilated, and the melody of cheers continues amidst the destruction. Countless people are celebrating this moment. People are singing the praises of the Holy Spirit with one voice, and everyone is carnival!
"So shining! So holy!
He is the Holy One! "

Amyu pushed open the heavy door, walked out, and rushed to Redemption.

 The song mentioned is David Bowie's Somebody Up There Likes Me, and the double update will resume tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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