Endless Debt.

Chapter 361 Returning to the Mortal World

Chapter 361 Returning to the Mortal World

A deep voice sounded from under the armor, and the Silver Knight stared at Borrog for a long time.

"Almost," Burrog moved his body, feeling uneasy about being killed, "You don't look very surprised...many people will be shocked."

Whenever he is resurrected, one of the great joys of Burrog is to observe the reaction of his opponents and see what expressions they will show when he comes back from the dead.

It's a pity that Bologo rarely encounters opponents who can kill him. Most of those people are shocked when they come back from the dead. There are not many people who are as calm as the Silver Knight.

It may also be that the Silver Knight has seen many undead. After all, the opponent is a defender, and his experience in combat must be higher than his own.

Burrog took a deep breath. He had already suffered a lot of injuries in the previous battles. If he died a few more times, he would fall into a coma, and then he would be unable to do anything.

Taking life as the price of trial and error is really high, but relying on these, Bologo has a preliminary understanding of the power of the Silver Knight.

This is a powerful enemy in the true sense, not to mention killing him, even if I try my best, it will be difficult to hurt him.

Fortunately, the instructions Lebius gave himself were just to delay the time. When Lebius and Jeffrey ended the battle, the balance of victory would fall to them again.

Use your life to procrastinate?It certainly seemed like a task only Burrog could accomplish.

The silver knight said quietly, "What is your purpose? Disturbing the progress of the world and capturing more souls?"

"If that's the case, there's no need to be so troublesome, is there?"

The Silver Knight spoke words that Bologo couldn't understand, and Bologo didn't bother to understand. He seldom listened to the enemy's words seriously, and he was not a priest, so there was no need to listen to their confession.

A group of snakes crawled on his body, building layers of tough armor, which could not stop the attack of the Iron Cutter Sword, but at least it could delay for a while, so that the blade could not touch his body so quickly and cut himself off. torn.

"You don't seem to know," the Silver Knight said to the unresponsive Burlogo.

"Informed? I can't even understand what you're talking about."

Burrog shook his head. If possible, he would rather have a chat with the Silver Knight. Anyway, it's just a matter of delaying time. Dialogue is better than fighting.

The Silver Knight fell silent. He knew that destroying the devil's conspiracy was not as easy as he imagined, but he never thought that Bologo was actually an undead person.

If Bologo is allowed to grow, sooner or later he will become the second Overlord Cylinder, and he will still be an Overlord Cylinder who will not die.

The silver knight couldn't figure out what was going to happen next. Even if he wanted to figure out the many conspiracies, he would have to spend a lot of thought, and now is not a good time to think about things.

After a short period of hesitation, the Silver Knight made a decision immediately. The expected battle did not break out. The Silver Knight completely ignored Borrog, turned his head and rushed towards the lair of flesh and blood.

His speed is fast, and the strong ether boost makes his steps extremely heavy. Every time he steps, it feels like a giant is stepping on the ground, bringing a roaring sound and crushing the ground under his feet.

Under his stampede, the huge tarantula actually tilted to one side, like a building about to collapse.

"Stop him! Palmer!"

Burrog roared, and the last thing he wanted to see happened, that is, the silver knight completely ignored him.

There were bursts of howling wind from high above. Palmer was not in the frontal battle, but he was also under pressure now.

"I can hardly tell who hit whom!"

Palmer took out the only remaining alchemy grenades on his body, and threw them into the wind without forgetting to mutter.

"Boss! It's more or less helping you fight now! What a starting point!"

Berlogo thought that the boss Palmer was talking about this time was not Lebius, but the lady who took part of Palmer's soul.

Scarlet Matriarch.

Calculated in this way, Palmer's protection of the Heart of Immortality from being snatched by the Silver Knight is also fighting for the Scarlet Matron to a certain extent.

The starving lady seemed to really hear Palmer's call, and she responded.

The alchemy grenade was caught in the wind, and after a few seconds of delay, they exploded one after another. They exploded above the battlefield, and the rain of fire fell all over the sky, like a collapsing doomsday.

Burrog raised a round shield to cover his body, and rushed forward in the rain of fire.

The explosion set off a gust of wind, the airflow squeezed and accelerated in the narrow gap, and finally the strong wind gradually gathered together, forming a tornado rampaging in the large gap.

The fire and rain all over the sky were drawn into it, forming a burning storm that completely engulfed the tarantula, interspersed with fiery fireworks.

Seeing this scene, Palmer was a little dazed. He could indeed use the weather to strengthen his secret energy, but he didn't expect that he could actually trigger a storm by mistake.

The red flame storm couldn't defeat the Silver Knight, but it could inflict heavy damage on the tarantula. The flesh and blood continued to collapse under the high temperature, and the flesh and blood ground under their feet began to disintegrate, and even the progress of the Silver Knight was hindered.

In the high temperature, the delusional man let out a burst of mourning, the scorching fire devoured his few lives, and then a large amount of flesh and blood rushed towards him, wrapping the delusional man heavily, like a star Meat and eggs, resisting the burning.

Boluogo was advancing in the storm of red flames, and the high temperature made his armor slightly red. In the red world, he witnessed the silver knight stepping into the lair.

Burrog quickened his pace, over the eggs that encased the delusional.

The shell of the meat egg was scorched into a pitch-black hardness. Under the erosion of red mercury, there were many cracks on the surface. In the deep darkness, Bologo could faintly hear the greedy and crazy panting.

Bologo didn't look sideways, but his heart twitched a few times. He didn't think it was Taida...at least it wasn't the Taida he was familiar with, at most it was a residual shadow of Taida in this world.

The main target right now is the Undying Heart.

Bologo persuaded himself in this way, he thought Aimu should think the same way, don't think about TEDA for now, and wait until all the dust settles...

The pace of advancement stopped, and Bologo stood on the spot, his bones seemed to be nailed to death in an instant, and even his muscles and blood were frozen together.

An indescribable chill descended in an instant, vigorously kneading his heart, and accompanied by faint force, it was about to completely kill Bologo's life.

"Did you... feel it? Amyu."

A low voice was forced out of Burrog's throat, and he stared wide-eyed, looking straight ahead.


There was a short response in his mind, even though he was hiding in his body, Aimu felt the same feeling.

Not only the two of them, but everyone noticed that a terrifying force descended on this place. It was so strange and crazy that everyone stopped their actions and fell into a brief silence.

After the silence, madness broke out.

A high-pitched etheric reaction erupted from the lair of flesh and blood, and Burrog could only see a few flashes of sword light, and then everything collapsed.

Under the order of the iron-cutting sword, all the substances that come into contact with the secret sword are collapsing, even if there is no cutting by the blade, they are also self-disintegrating and shattering.

In an instant, it seemed as if a thousand years had passed. The huge flesh and blood body began to decay, and the flesh and blood became pale and rotten. Large pieces of flesh and blood were like peeling off the wall, falling off continuously, and a rotten blood rain began to fall, viscous and sticky. The filthy blood mixed with the intestines hung down like festive ribbons, and the rotten breath spread out like a poisonous mist.


The sound of war drums sounded from decaying flesh and blood, as if someone's reviving heartbeat.

The drumbeats gradually became denser, and the hearts of all those who heard the drumbeats also trembled.

Burrog clutched his chest and half-kneeled in pain. He was gasping for breath, trying to suppress the fatal heartbeat... He felt his heart was about to explode.

The scarlet flesh and blood under his body lost all its color, as if the strong vitality had been swallowed up by some more greedy monster.

Then Bologo saw it, and with a metallic clang, the figure of the silver knight slammed backwards and slammed into the cliff on one side.

Bologo's heart sank. There are not many people who can repel the Silver Knight on this battlefield, even if the current Silver Knight is just a dominator of a defender.

The cyan pupils suddenly froze, and Bologo had no time to observe the state of the silver knight. His sight was firmly attracted by the scene in front of him, and even his breathing was forgotten, and he held his breath.

Not only Bologo noticed what was happening in front of him, the meat and eggs behind him cracked, and the paranoid stuck his head out, looking at the figure that came out of the decay.

The delusional person felt that he was watching the arrival of the angel. She was the same as in his memory, even after so many years, she still hadn't changed at all. Familiar figures overlapped together, and hot tears gushed out from under the broken mask.


The delusional man stretched out his hand and let out a vague raving.

In the den of decaying flesh and blood, a familiar figure walked out of the filth barefoot, a little blood remained on the suet-like skin, and the chest was covered with scarlet flesh, and a beating heart was embedded on the chest.

Alice looked at the world blankly, without the slightest emotion.

"Alice, she..."

A shocked voice sounded in Burlogo's mind, and Aimu lost control of his emotions for a moment when he saw this face similar to his own.

The delusional man finally achieved his crazy fantasy. He implanted the immortal heart into Alice's body, and brought her back to the world with the forbidden vitality.

Alice was resurrected, and now the most familiar stranger stood in front of Amy in real life.

"She could be anything...but not Alice."

Burlogo interrupted Amy's wandering thoughts with a harsh voice.

"When a person dies, he is dead, and there is nothing left. The only trace left in this world is the philosopher's stone on your body."

Burrog's spirit was highly concentrated, and under the extreme tension, Burrog even felt a little vomiting now.

He didn't usually act like this, even when facing the Silver Knight, he didn't have such a reaction, but now just looking at the figure coming out of the filth, Bologo had the feeling of looking at the strange things in the world.

The soul is pulled along the line of sight until it is pulled out of the body, leaving only pale dust.

No one can change what has happened, not even the devil.

So Alice is dead, and the person who is alive now is absolutely impossible to be Alice, she is just some... monster in Alice's skin.

The roaring noise interrupted Borrog's thinking. The silver knight leaped from the gravel of the cliff and charged towards Alice again. Now the Immortal Heart and her are completely fused together, trying to capture the Immortal Heart , you need to kill Alice.

Before the iron-cutting sword fell, Alice raised her hand, and the huge tentacles rolled up, directly rolling up the silver knight by the waist.

This is not enough to stop the silver knight, the sword light flashes, no matter how huge the body is, it will only collapse under the swing of the secret sword.

But after the silver knight broke free this time, he realized that something was wrong.

The Silver Knight's movements gradually slowed down, and the joints seemed to be filled with obstructions, making them dry and dull.

On the usually smooth and silver armor, there are many tiny blood streaks at this moment. They actually resisted the coercion of the silver knight aether, and tenaciously took root and grew in the gaps in the armor.

The Silver Knight could hear the dense and undulating gnawing sound, these flesh and blood were nibbling away at his armor bit by bit and penetrating continuously.

Right now, the real body of the third seat is not in this battlefield, he is in the Fog Abyss Fortress, protecting the Shadow King personally.

The silver knight who is acting now is itself an alchemy weapon, and can be used as a dominator for long-distance actions. It can completely transmit the power of the defender, but it cannot add the effect of the secret energy.

That's why the third seat also brought out his saber, and used this deadly iron-cutting sword to fight.

According to the third seat's calculations, these forces were enough to defeat TEDA, but accidents followed one after another, until now Alice, who could break through the armor defense, also appeared.

Alice has fully integrated the power of the immortal heart, and the corrupted flesh and blood greedily devours all matter and energy, and this is the power of evil.

Bologo has seen the scene in the abandoned land, and the evil eats all the essence hungry. In the final analysis, it is not just eating simple food, but eating everything with "energy".

After the ether was devoured, it began to devour the mortal matter. After the digestion of evil, it brutally usurped those "cold iron souls" that belonged to matter and turned them into countless dust.

Now the power of evil has been fully displayed on Alice. The flesh and blood attached to the Silver Knight is devouring the Silver Knight's own ether. In an alternative way, it has achieved the effect of breaking through the critical moment of the soul.

The complete fluidity of the Silver Knight's own ether was broken, like a water cup with several small holes broken, and its own power was constantly spilling out.

This is good news for Burlogo. The Silver Knight has been weakened, but even if it is weakened, it is still not an existence that he can fight against.

Burrog tried his best to restrain the uneasiness in his heart. There was no chance of winning this battle head-on. He needed to take action when Alice and the Silver Knight were both wounded.

Alice absorbed all the essence of the tarantula, and the flesh and blood under her feet withered and died, while her strength reached its peak bit by bit, and the terrifying etheric reaction was unstoppable.

Gently raising her hand, Alice seemed to be calling for something, and soon bursts of roaring sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​fog in the Great Rift. The call of the heart, try to break free.

"Did she become evil?" Amy asked in disbelief.

Burlogo was also confused about the situation, and he replied, "I don't know."

All kinds of unknowns fill the battlefield, and fortunately, the Silver Knight will go forward for Burrog, and make all the trials and errors.

The Silver Knight couldn't refuse, and his goal was also that precious heart.

The ether was restless on the surface of the armor, and the Silver Knight couldn't eradicate this evil force, but it could still be suppressed for a short time, and the flesh and blood went dormant one after another, slowing down the speed of gnawing.

The Silver Knight looked at Alice, her body was pure white, as if soaked in the morning light, with a dazzling halo.

Alice is like an angel who descended into the world, but everyone knows that this is just a hypocritical illusion. The angel does not come from the heaven behind the clouds, but the deep red hot hell.

Except for one person, he is still immersed in his fantasy, crazy.


The delusional man stretched out his hands and staggered forward. He blinked repeatedly and squeezed out big bloody tears from under the mask.

Even now, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. The delusional man succeeded, and Alice came back to life, standing in front of him like this.

Burrog watched from the sidelines, and so did the Silver Knight. Facing the revived Alice, they all kept a distance, alert to potential danger.

Only a delusional man who fell into madness, he completely ignored Alice's threat, like a father who wanted to hug his child, he opened his hands and approached Alice little by little.

He has worked so hard for so long, he has given up everything and stepped into madness...

The delusional person has paid so much, and today it is finally achieved.

The successive battles and the eating of flesh and blood had already left the delusional man's body shattered, but he still dragged his bloody body and came to Alice's body little by little.

Alice's eyes were empty, she seemed to be looking at the delusional man, but she didn't seem to, allowing the delusional man to come to her.


The delusional man's voice was hoarse, and he seemed unable to make other sounds.

He knelt down slowly, then hugged Alice's body, and rubbed against Alice vigorously with the mask covered in blood, feeling this warm sense of reality, it seemed that the delusional man could finally stop, and there was a sound in his throat A whimper of contentment.

Alice didn't respond to this, and she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, she just looked at the delusional man with cold and empty eyes.

The delusional man raised his hand and tore off the mask on his face. He had worn this mask for too long, as if it had grown together with flesh and blood.

Viscous streaks of blood were pulled out from the tearing, and the flesh and blood on the face were broken, revealing the withered and dying face.

"It's me, Alice."

Teda called expectantly, until this moment Alice finally responded, she tilted her head slightly, and looked at Teda.

She stretched out her hand towards TEDA, as if to caress TEDA's cheek, TEDA was also completely immersed in a sense of satisfaction, and the remaining rationality was gradually extinguished.

TEDA opened his arms and waited for Alice's embrace... Then he was strangled by Alice's neck.

Alice stared at TEDA, and with the force of his wrist, the suffocation stopped TEDA. He tried to struggle, but his body couldn't lift any strength.

Taida looked at Alice incomprehensibly, and Alice showed an evil smile under his gaze, and then the corners of her mouth cracked upwards, and fine bloodstains opened from the middle of her lips.

In the blink of an eye, Alice's head split into several petals like a blooming fleshy petal, and each fleshy petal was covered with fine fangs, swaying like poisonous snakes, extending to the inside of her throat. Deep in the dark.

Taida heard the call from the abyss.


(End of this chapter)

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