Endless Debt.

Chapter 362

Chapter 362
"No reason?"

Hot tears mixed with dirty blood covered Taida's face. He looked at the monster in front of him in puzzlement. She was clearly his familiar daughter just a few seconds ago.

"Father... TEDA..."

Alice hadn't spoken for too long, her voice was hoarse and distorted, her cracked head was like a petal, one letter after another stretched out her hand, gently licking Teda's face, asking for his tears and blood.

Teda had no strength to resist. He was strangled by Alice and dragged to his eyes little by little. The cracked petals wrapped Teda's head from all directions.

The sharp fangs protruded from the soft flesh, and the stench of blood emerged from the deep darkness under the throat. Just by smelling that smell, Taida could imagine the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

The world has completely turned into a blood-red hell, where endless corpses are accumulated, and the viscous filth flows slowly, and everyone sinks and howls in it. There is no concept of time and death here, and there is only eternal pain ...

Now TEDA is only a stone's throw away from that hell, and the deep throat is like a door, which will lead TEDA to that crazy world.

The sticky and smelly liquid dripped on his face, Taida's empty eyes flashed a little struggle, he regained a brief sobriety, and murmured.

"You're not Alice..."

The petals gathered violently, and when they were about to devour Teda, the movement of the petals stopped, and the letters wrapped around Teda's neck scattered.

The faint light shone on Taida's face again, and the petals reorganized together, turning back to that familiar face.

There was a little blood on Alice's face. Instead of looking at Teda, she turned her head to look at the silver armor beside her.

When Alice hugged Teda, the silver knight swung his sword. The cold blade penetrated Alice from one side of her body, and protruded from the other side of her body, completely piercing her slender body.

The silver knight slowly twisted the hilt of the sword, and the secret sword further strangled Alice's body, and its own power continued to spread, giving the order to cut off the white body.

Bursts of whimpering screams sounded from Alice's throat, and the wound on the blade was gradually expanding, as if countless tiny blades were slashing at the flesh and blood inside.

According to common sense, when the secret sword hits Alice, her body will be torn into countless pieces, but this time is different, the severing of the sword of cutting iron and Alice's self-healing maintain a strange balance of power.

Alice couldn't completely heal her wounds, and the Silver Knight couldn't kill her completely with this sword.

Letting go, Alice threw TEDA aside, holding the cold secret sword in one hand, the palm of the hand was reincarnated in repeated cuts and healing, and the other hand was slowly raised, with all five fingers aligned into a hand knife .

The silver knight pulled out the secret sword at the same time as the hand knife fell. It was obviously such a petite body, but as the secret sword was pulled away, a lot of blood gushed out wildly.

The Silver Knight seemed to have opened a floodgate. In addition to the blood, the wound was also mixed with bone residue and intestines, soaking the ground, and on this sticky filth, there were many fragments of tissue. Things like maggots are struggling to roll.

Things happened very quickly. After the Silver Knight drew out the secret sword, she turned around to avoid Alice's knife. Her movements were light and weak, but out of vigilance against evil, the Silver Knight was not going to let any blow from Alice hit her. up.

The silver knight dodged and shifted behind Alice, and the secret sword raised high again, like an executioner standing behind a sinner, and the cold blade fell towards Alice's smooth neck.

The secret sword was in contact with flesh and blood without the slightest sense of obstruction, just like cutting butter. Under Taida's gaze, Alice's head was easily cut off like a broken sculpture. It rolled down slowly, and stopped in front of TEDA twisted.


Taida couldn't say anything, he watched all this with trembling eyes, and saw that the broken head was not dead, on the contrary she was full of vitality.

Alice looked at TEDA with a smile, blood overflowed from her mouth and nose, but the smile on her face still did not fade away.

The silver knight was about to pierce Alice's heart, stripping the immortal heart from her body, but before the secret sword pierced out, the silver knight's figure froze completely, as if it had been poured into a stone pillar by cement, unable to move .

He heard the thin and deep sound, and the slender red fluff overflowed from the gaps in the armor, like growing seaweed.

They piled up in the gaps, and every movement of the silver knight seemed extremely difficult at this moment. Flesh and flesh proliferated, entangled and covered the armor, and the crimson light burning inside the armor also became dim. With the erosion of the armor, the first The connection between the three seats and the Silver Knight is constantly being weakened.

The Silver Knight tried to swing his sword, but he couldn't move his arm at all. No matter how deadly his Iron Cutter Sword was, it would be meaningless if he didn't swing it.

The contribution of the ether raised another rank, and the silver knight squandered his strength, only hoping to crush those flesh and blood. His limbs were free, but this freedom was also short-lived, and the flesh and blood would grow up again in a short time.

The sword light flashed, and the Silver Knight had to fight quickly. The cold secret sword pierced out again. At this time, a sharp flying knife hit in the wind, and Palmer blocked the Silver Knight at this critical moment.

Palmer didn't think he could pose any threat to the Silver Knight, but as long as he could hinder him a little.

The flying knife scratched the armor, sparks flashed, a hook line pierced through the air, and was nailed into Alice's body. The knight's slash, and the end of the hook rope was held by Bologo.


The silver knight roared angrily, few people dare to provoke him like this, even if Lebius is fighting with him, he must be extremely vigilant.

But Boluoge is different, he is undead, and the death that makes ordinary people fear endlessly is just commonplace for Boluogo.

The identity, rank, and strength of the Silver Knight, all of these are meaningless to Bologo, let alone a defender, relying on the power of the undead, even in the face of the Glorious One, Bologo also has Provocative confidence.

"I still have a clear idea of ​​priorities."

As he spoke, Burrogo picked up an iron spear and threw it towards the Silver Knight.

From the beginning to the end, the crazy illusion caused by TEDA can be regarded as an internal matter of the Bureau of Order. However, after the participation of the servant King Shield Guard, the nature of the matter changed. Before studying how to deal with TEDA, Burlogo felt that he should first It is only right to get rid of the Silver Knight.

The secret sword easily swung away the iron spear, and the silver knight was about to chase Alice. The fallen Alice slowly stood up, and the headless corpse hugged the severed head, stroking it pitifully, and then she put The head was straightened in his arms, and his empty eyes gradually became brighter.

"Father...it's me, I'm Alice..."

Alice kept calling, and every time she made a sound, a large amount of blood overflowed from her head, as if Alice's body was connected to another space full of blood.

Teda was completely sluggish, his pupils gradually trembled, and his emotions over the years had completely collapsed.

He wanted to reach out and hug Alice, but even TEDA, who was so crazy, clearly realized at this moment that the person in front of him was definitely not his daughter.

It could be anything but Alice.

But even so, TEDA still raised his hands numbly, which even he couldn't control.

So what if it's not Alice, this is the last trace of Alice left in this world, it is not her own daughter, but it is the closest existence to Alice.

Taida moved forward little by little, and then he found that he couldn't move, not because he was covered in flesh and blood, but because a silver palm grabbed him from behind.

Burrog pulled hard and pulled Teda violently, while still swearing angrily.

"Although I really want to beat you up, it's obviously not the right time!"

Taida fell heavily beside Bologo, a group of snakes wrapped around his body, and then the soft liquid condensed into a solid state, firmly locking Taida's body and imprisoning him in place.

"Bologo, what are you doing!" Taida roared out of control.

"I'm saving your life!"

Bologo didn't want to argue with TEDA, the snakes covered TEDA's mouth and silenced him.

"Amy... do you have anything to say?"

At this time, Bologo asked Aimiao what he thought. After going through all kinds of difficulties, he thought that Aimiao and TEDA could make a decision, but the subsequent situation was completely out of their control.

In addition to solving the Silver Knight and stopping the conspiracy of the king's shield guard, Bologo can't figure out the rest. For this person who only thinks about fighting and killing, this kind of complicated and entangled problem is still too much. It's a headache.

There was a golden light from the corner of Burrogo's body surface, and Taida also noticed this light, and he knew what it meant.

Complex emotions flickered on Teda's face, anger, resentment, bewilderment...but no remorse.

This lunatic is still silent in his own fantasy, and Bologo can understand TEDA to some extent, after all, this is the only thing in his broken mind.

"Ai Miao, is that Ai Miao? Yes, the Philosopher's Stone! There must be a lack of the Philosopher's Stone!"

Taida was seriously injured, but he still summoned the only strength he had, broke free from the shackles of the snakes, and continued to utter the crazy ravings.

Burrogo looked at Taita in such a sad state, with no emotion in his heart, only numbness.

"It's so pitiful, Teda."

Bologo looked at TEDA who had lost his composure, and the only respect left in his heart disappeared. He pulled TEDA up, his voice full of anger.

"Can't you wake up?"

Burrogo scolded Teda, "Look what you've done!"

Teda didn't respond to Burlogo's reprimand, his cloudy eyes were empty, and he kept repeating Alice's name.

"He has gone mad, dragged by the whispers of the devil into the hell of madness."

Amyu's voice sounded in her mind, and she looked at TEDA with the same sad eyes. She knew very well that TEDA in front of her was just an empty shell, and that wise soul had long been corrupted.

From a spiritual point of view, TEDA was already dead, and what appeared in front of their eyes was just a leftover wreckage.

Bologo didn't respond. He didn't like TEDA very much all the time, but he remembered how he got along with TEDA before, and how TEDA helped him...

Bologo's emotions were very complicated, and it turned into a helpless sigh.

The group of snakes wrapped around Taida's body again, solidified into sharp thorns, bound him tightly.

During this period, Aimu said nothing, she completely ignored all this, in order to get some peace of mind.

"Are you sad?" Burrog asked softly.

"No, I'm not sad, I'm just sad for him."

Amyu replied calmly, she seemed to have really stepped out of the cage in her heart, and even though TEDA was right in front of her eyes, she still couldn't shake her heart.

Amyu's heart is very peaceful, she doesn't have any ideas except to solve this crazy timeline disorder.

She felt that this was a mess she caused, and she should solve it by herself. As for the things that Amyu had been pursuing...

Amy felt the ether filling her body, recalling the car that hit Cronin, she couldn't help smiling.

Amy felt that he had got what he wanted.

Bologo nodded gently, looking forward. Now Teda is just an old man who is unconscious and seriously injured. He does not pose any threat. Even if he is to be tried, he must be brought back to the Bureau of Order .

In any case, the knowledge in Taida's mind is extremely precious, and it is not clear whether Crow's Nest can recover this knowledge.

On this huge flesh and blood that is constantly decaying and corrupting, the three forces confronted each other again.

Burrog and Amy remained absolutely vigilant. Palmer was waiting for an opportunity in the distance. The silver knight tore the flesh and blood wrapped around his upper body. His strength was constantly being weakened, and there was not much time left to fight.

The headless body hugged Alice's head, and as the head trembled slightly, pairs of compound eyes opened from beside Alice's pupils, looking in all directions, taking all the vision into the eyes.

She seemed to know everyone's thoughts, and there were mocking tones in her throat. The voice was full of profanity, and just listening to it would shake a person's mind.

Burrog's breathing was suppressed, his connection with the devil was extremely deep, and Alice's laughter echoed in his ears like thunder.

It felt terrible, and for a split second Borrog saw vague visions flashing before his eyes, full of horrific images.

Fortunately, this kind of visual impact did not have much impact on Bologo. Bologo had been involved in the real hell...the battlefield of scorched earth and flesh and blood. Since then, Bologo has no longer been afraid of these.

The Silver Knight was about to strike with his sword, and then he also heard Alice's charming voice. The body of the third seat was not here, but the voice still affected himself in the Fog Abyss Fortress through conduction.

The third seat didn't see those horrible pictures, but he saw a dark room, and a woman's figure emerged from behind the hazy curtain. She fiddled with her body to her heart's content, highlighting her sexy curves, and then she approached He stretched out his hand and lifted the curtain.

"Surrender, or die?"

 The state is poor this time, Jia Kawen, the update is a bit numb, I need to update myself for a while, and adjust myself.

(End of this chapter)

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