Endless Debt.

Chapter 363 The Red Tide

Chapter 363 The Red Tide
The woman questioned herself, and the condensed blood rushed towards her.

In his memory, it was the first time that the third seat met that lady, and he knew what kind of filth was hidden under that delicate skin at the moment of meeting.

The tenacious will resisted Alice's attack, and a deep roar sounded from under the armor. The silver knight encouraged himself with the roar, breaking through the illusory illusion.

At this moment, the fear of the past turned into endless anger in Silver Knight's heart. He squeezed his joints vigorously, completely crushing the flesh and blood that got in the way, even if it would damage himself.

With sharp mournful cries, Alice's body cracked like a flower, and the body surface peeled off one by one, like fish gills, and scarlet fluff overflowed from the gaps in the flesh and blood.

In an instant, the scarlet spider web spread out to the surroundings, and all the materials touched were covered with a large scarlet web, followed by the sound of strong acid corrosion, the surface of the spider web was not only covered with sharp spikes, but also had transparent The corrosive liquid seeps out.

Like a roaring red tide.

Boluogo rushed towards the center of the red tide, and the snake scale fluid was built in front of him, turning into a huge shield wall that could protect his body, but even so, the ear-piercing corrosive sound filled his ears at the moment of contact with the red tide.

There are deep dents on the hard and wide shield, and the inside of the dents are still being corroded continuously.

This is not just corrosion, Bologo can clearly perceive that the ether on the shield is being greedily plundered, the "soul of cold iron" is being swallowed up, and the matter that lost the soul and ether is annihilated into large swirls of flying dust.

"This is the authority of gluttony!"

The voice of Lebius rang in Bologo's mind. Hearing the voice of the team leader at this time gave Bologo an unexpected sense of security. Unfortunately, this sense of security did not last long.

Bologo could only hear Lebius' voice, but couldn't see his figure, and even his etheric reaction was vague. He should still be fighting the enemy and couldn't get out.

"Insatiable hunger, uncontrolled gluttony, which will brutally plunder and devour all souls."

Bologo probably understood what Lebius meant, and even if he didn't understand it, he experienced it himself.

The snake scale liquid is gradually turning into gray dust. I can only inject a large amount of ether to make it self-proliferate continuously to resist Alice's devouring.

Soon the flesh and blood penetrated the armor and landed on Bologo's body. The unbearable burning pain hit his body. Bologo felt that he was being eaten by countless maggots, and the dense pain was superimposed on his body. Together, it almost made him faint.

Now it seems that the devils have two kinds of power, one is the protection of their believers, and the other is the authority they hold. According to the original sin represented by the devil, the protection and authority are also different.

The authority possessed by the mistress of gluttony is the plundering and gluttony of the soul. In the extreme pain and torture, Burlogo suddenly felt a little trance.

The matter lost its own soul and turned into dust all over the sky. This scene evoked the memory of Bologo, and then he remembered the scene when he implanted the ceremony.

This kind of swallowing that cannot be refused is so similar to his own recruiting hand, so close to the power of the overlord Xilin...

Burrog didn't continue to think about it. He felt that things were not that simple. After all, no matter how powerful the Overlord Cylinder was, he was still a human being, but the Scarlet Mistress was one of the demons who ruled the shadows.

Without the protection of the armor, Bologo continued to move forward relying on his flesh and blood. His flesh and blood were cut off, and then quickly healed. At this moment, life and death reached a balance.

Relying on his immortal body, Borrog briefly gained a foothold in this red tide, while on the other side, the Silver Knight was also in bad shape.

The power of gluttony is plundering the soul of the armor. The clean and delicate armor is mottled at this moment, and the lingering etheric light has also become dimmed. The edges of the armor are covered with rust, as if the torrent of time passed by it, bringing Thousands of years have passed.

Even so, the iron-cutting sword in the silver knight's hand was still extremely sharp, as if it was not affected, and even the illusory power was cut off by it.

"For... the real king!"

The Silver Knight roared, and the ether reached its peak in an instant.

Under the successive battles and injuries, Silver Knight's ether strength has already dropped from the defender to the power bearer, but now he is high again.

The pure ether gathered together and condensed into solid fireworks. The raging ether flames burned the flesh and blood, breaking through all kinds of constraints.

At this moment, there is no other thing in the eyes of the silver knight, only Alice at the core of the red tide, Alice has lost her human form, like a deformed monster full of cracks, the only thing that can confirm her former human identity is The head held in both hands.

With his head twisted, Bologo could only gain a short foothold in the red tide, while the Silver Knight could pose a real threat to it while gaining a foothold.

Instinctively driven, Alice roared at the Silver Knight, and the melody passed into her ears, giving rise to crazy hallucinations. This was not Hood's secret power, but the natural power of these evil beings.

Demagogy, play with fate.

Alice looked at the Silver Knight expectantly, enjoying the cry of his failure, but the Silver Knight was unmoved.

Far away in the Fog Abyss Fortress, the third seat stood beside the Shadow King as always. Relying on the connection with the Silver Knight, he could completely project his own senses there, so as to achieve the purpose of long-distance combat.

The third seat closed his eyes tightly, a little light leaked from the gaps in his eyelids, and blood flowed out little by little from his ears.

At this moment, the third seat could not hear anything.

The silver knight stepped forward, raised his sword high, and the red tide swept over the mottled armor, and soon the extraordinary metal was deprived of its soul and ether, and at the same time it returned to the mortal, it collapsed into dust all over the sky.

The outer armor was rusted and peeled off, and cracked layer by layer, revealing the complex mechanical internal structure of the Silver Knight, and then filled it with scarlet flesh and blood, the left arm began to tremble, and then it was completely twisted, and the severed limb hadn't landed yet. It was broken down into dust all over the place.

But the Silver Knight still stubbornly came to Alice, holding up the Iron Cutting Sword with one hand, and lowered the verdict towards it.

The sword light flashed, the red tide of gluttony stagnated, a slender red thread emerged from the deformed body, and then, like a broken mirror, the red thread split into more red threads, densely covering the body, and then shattered.

The red thread was cut off, Alice's body was shattered into countless pieces of flesh, and a large amount of blood overflowed, repeatedly washing the decayed tarantula carcass under her feet.

Burrog grabbed a long sword and stabbed vigorously, so as to stabilize his body in the wash of blood. At this moment, Burrog's body was bloody and his skin was bitten by the red tide, and the bloody muscle tissue could be clearly seen.

Looking up, Bologo's face was also stained with blood, one eye had turned into a black blood hole, half of his mouth had lost flesh and blood, and the bloodshot gums were directly exposed to the air, like digging a grave of evil spirits.

Regardless of his injuries, Bologo struggled to stand up and stepped forward. He could see the confronting figure. The broken silver knight kept the last movement of swinging the sword, and in front of the silver knight, the deformed The monster disappeared, leaving only the entangled figure of white bones.

Like a human being being torn apart alive and then spliced ​​back together, distorted limbs tangled together.

Beneath the piles of flesh and blood is a bent spine, with intestines hanging in the ribs, holding the good-looking head in both hands, in the rib cage behind the head, the immortal heart beats gently, and the thick blood vessels flow slowly. Spread over bone.

The Silver Knight successfully wounded Alice. If it weren't for the existence of the immortal heart, his sword would be enough to kill Alice completely.

The Iron Cutter Sword does not just cut and disintegrate. If this order acts on a living body, it is no different from death.

Now is the time to compete for the fruits of victory. The Silver Knight drives the broken body and tries to grab the heart.

Burrog gritted his teeth and dragged his body. He couldn't keep up with the silver knight's movements. His left leg was eaten away and only bones remained. He fell heavily after moving a few steps, even though Burrog Even though he is immortal, he also needs a certain amount of time to recover, and this short period of time is enough for the Silver Knight to achieve his goal.

"pass it to me!"

Amyu's voice sounded, but this time it didn't sound in his mind, but from beside his ears.

The brilliant golden light flashed, and Aimu released the attachment of the co-string body, separated from Bologo's body, and then she took a step and rushed towards the heart of immortality.

Ai Miao's strength alone was obviously not enough, so she raised her hand high, and there was a whistling response in the wind, and she firmly grasped an attacking dagger.

"Come on!"

Palmer's cheers came from a distance, and Aimu jumped vigorously, his figure leaped high, and stabbed the dagger towards the immortal heart.

(End of this chapter)

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