Endless Debt.

Chapter 411 Tired of disputes

Chapter 411 Tired of disputes

After sending Borrog away, the astronaut was free again. To be precise, he has been quite idle. All these years, the only thing he needs to do is to clean up what remains in the nothingness after Borrog comes back to life every time. corpse inside.

One is that the astronaut still likes the dead and desolate scenery, and he doesn't want the corpse to spoil the scenery. On the other hand, he thinks more about Borrog.

Every time Burrog reached the void, it was after death. When Burrog opened his eyes, he was alone in this empty world—and those corpses like a sea of ​​sand.

That was too bad, it was a very strong shock to Bologo's mind, even though Bologo's mind was extremely tough.

Thinking of this, the astronaut laughed to himself, and walked slowly back to his open-air theater. After laughing, he became serious again. The astronaut knew that it was just a ridiculous lie, and his real reason for doing so was, Just trying to make Burlogo less suspicious.

Anomalies will arouse people's suspicion. What the astronauts have to do is to reduce the occurrence of anomalies as much as possible, such as this pile of corpses.

If Bologo sees these corpses, with his temperament, he will inevitably ask himself endlessly, and even said that in order to see himself, he kept trying to commit suicide.

The devil never lies...but sometimes, it's okay to play a good joke.

The astronaut controls this territory, and he really has control over Bologo's activities here. It's like the living room of his house, Bellogo is just an invited guest, and he can kick Bellogo out at any time.

"Hey...does it always feel like the progress is too fast?"

The astronaut sat back on his chair and picked up a thick book from nothingness. This is the script written by the astronaut, but the progress of filming is clearly ahead of the script's planning.

"You are really good, Bologo."

The astronaut murmured that he attributed the situation to Burlogo.

The leading actor is so good that the astronauts thought it would take a year or two for Burrog to get a preliminary understanding of the existence of the devils, but now Burrog has met many of his brothers and sisters, as well as another chosen one.

After continuing to turn a few pages backwards, the astronaut held a pen out of thin air, wrote and drew on the script, and made appropriate revisions.

He was halfway through writing when he suddenly noticed something unusual, an eerie laugh.

"You actually did that? Burlog."

The astronaut raised his head and stared at the mountains and boulders floating above his head, and the roaring thunder shuttled continuously among them.

Surprised, the astronauts had a new understanding of Burlogo. At some point, Burlogo could indeed do stupid things in a serious manner.

Stretching comfortably, the astronaut looked at the screen in front of him. At this moment, the picture was still the same as before, with the picture within the picture, collapsing into an endless pit.

The nihilistic camera didn't leave because of Bologo's return to the world, it was still here, watching the screen.

"The world after death? From your point of view, this is indeed the world after death..."

The astronaut waved his hand lightly, and the pictures on the screen began to switch.

First of all, over the floating mountains, the huge blue and clear planet gradually appeared, and then through the thick clouds, the cold and weird steel forest stood on the ground...

The astronaut admired all kinds of scenes in the picture, and when his mood reached the limit of joy, the huge emptiness captured him.

Bursts of deep whispers echoed, like the last words of the dead.

"I'm tired of fighting, it's time to end this...

together with us. "


Opening his eyes, a pale light came into his eyes. As if waking up from a nightmare, Bologo sat up suddenly, and then roared uncontrollably.

"What do you mean!"

The roar echoed in the empty darkness, and a glimmer of light appeared on Bologo's body surface. Amyu broke away from him and landed beside the ceremony stage.

Burlogo had a splitting headache. He remembered the poet's life, the storm and the anchor, and the conversation with the astronaut in nothingness.

Now the memories of the astronauts are starting to turn yellow and shattered. Just as Burlogo returned from the void before, it is difficult for Burrog to retain the memories of the void in reality. They are like dreams. After waking up, it will quickly subside.

Just like the ebbing tide, the sea water disappeared at the end of the field of vision, but there was something left over from the ebbing tide on the soft sand.

Burlogo hadn't completely forgotten everything about the astronauts, only the memory was fragmented and withered.

Looking around nervously, the experience of nothingness gave Burlogo a huge impact, and the huge amount of information exploded in his mind. For a moment, he even forgot that he was in the promotion ceremony.

"The promotion was successful!"

Bailey's cheers interrupted Burrog's thoughts, and Amy, who was on the side, jumped over happily and hugged Burrog.

Burrog didn't pay much attention to Bailey. As the director of the sublimation furnace, she would always find some strange reasons to take everyone to the logistics department for team building, eat and drink, and often hear her energetic cheers.

"You are a believer now, Bologo!"

Amy looked at Bologo with excitement and fear. It seemed that something bad happened while Bologo was in a coma, and then Bologo noticed the difference in Amy.

Her clothes were piled on the floor, and her body was covered in a weird, inky color that looked like a tights.

In order to solve the nature of the secret energy, the co-string body, which can penetrate all clothing, in order to allow Amy to use the secret energy more conveniently and quickly, Bailey began to design a costume that can match Amy's secret energy a long time ago.

The black tights Amy is wearing now is the result of Bailey's research. It is similar to the concealer's coat. It is also an alchemy weapon. Bailey named it "Second Skin".

The Second Skin uses a lot of technology from the Frontier Sanatorium. During dangerous field operations, many field staff will suffer from large areas of skin contusion. In order to make up for the lack of skin, the Frontier Sanatorium has developed artificial skin through alchemy.

The black tights covering Amyu's body can be understood as a layer of artificial skin that can be worn. When the co-string body activates, it will also be nihilized by the co-string body.

It can be said that in addition to many necessary functions, its biggest function is as a piece of clothing.

That's right, use it as a piece of clothing.

Burlogo didn't have time to comment on Amy's almost perfect figure, but looked at Bailey who was on the side.

Bai Li had a look of joy, and she was still holding the stainless steel scalpel in her hand, and she was still holding it with her backhand. From Burlogo's perspective, she looked like a crazy doctor and murderer.

Seeing that Bologo woke up, Bailey let out a long breath. There were many accidents in the middle, but Bologo was promoted smoothly in the end.

Noticing Burrog's gaze, Bailey pointed to the scalpel in her hand, and just about to explain why, Burrog suddenly snatched the scalpel from her hand, and then, under everyone's horrified eyes, pointed at the scalpel. My heart came a bit.

"Don't think you can get rid of me like this!"

While penetrating his heart, Burlogo also spoke harsh words.

Pulling out the scalpel, he casually threw it aside, the heart was punctured, and a large amount of blood sprayed out, like a small fountain, and the blood evenly covered the two people beside the ceremony stage.

Burrog fell heavily on the ceremony stage and returned to nothingness again. He finally found a clue that Burrog could not let the astronauts go so easily.

Bai Li and Aimu froze in place, they couldn't handle the strange situation in front of them, until the warm blood ran across their cheeks from the top of their heads, and bursts of wailing accumulated and rose in Bai Li's throat.

After the promotion ceremony was successful, the indoor blockade was lifted, and the container storing the cylinder had long since disappeared, along with those mysterious men in gray robes. Immediately after the gate opened, Palmer, who was still waiting behind the door, came cheering.

"Borlow... Ge!!!"

Palmer hadn't finished calling his name when he saw Burrog stabbing himself to death.

The expression seamlessly changed from joy to horror, Palmer's silky expression switching, even an actor who has been in the industry for many years would be willing to bow down.

Then men's, women's, and screams of different styles resounded.

(End of this chapter)

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