Endless Debt.

Chapter 412 Moved

Chapter 412 Moved
When Bologo woke up again, the familiar gray and white ceiling came into his eyes, and he turned his head to see the open windows, and the breeze carried the scent of flowers into the ward.

Burrog recognized this familiar place at a glance, this is the Frontier Sanatorium.

what happened?

Burrog remembered that he had performed the promotion ceremony in the sublimation furnace core, and then...

There was a faint sharp pain in his mind, and then those crazy and treacherous memories came back like a tide, and Burrog could see the memories full of cracks and cracks, in which the silhouette of the astronaut blurred and disappeared.

Ah... that damned devil, Bologo saw him!

Burrog tried to think of other information, but apart from what the astronaut said to him to "end the dispute" and the weird chess game, Burrog couldn't remember anything else.

There was a faint pain in his chest, and Burlog immediately remembered his crazy actions after resurrection. In order to return to nothingness and face the astronauts, Burrog killed himself mercilessly.


Nothing happened next, and Bologo didn't have the slightest memory about the void in his mind. It seems that as he inferred, only when he ascended the ceremony and explored the depths of his soul can he have the ability to live in the void for a long time. The ability to act, it could also be that the astronauts are in charge there, denying themselves a visit.

That bastard is planning something, himself, the axis of time travel, the memory of his previous life...all of these are part of his conspiracy.

Bologo slammed the bed board and finally found the clue. It was so close to him, but Bologo couldn't reach it no matter what. What's more was the fear after the sense of security was broken, which was regarded as safe by Bologo. The afterlife of the house is not even as reassuring as the Undead Club.

"The Chosen One..."

Burrogo gradually became quiet, savoring this strange word.

I am different from other debtors. Those people bear the debts of the devil, and while I bear the debts, I also have the chips that the devil bets on.

Everyone else is an abandoned son, but I am the White King who needs to win. If I lose, then the astronauts also lose.

In a strife unknown to Burrog.

"Prisoners bound by power."

Burrogo murmured in a low voice. He didn't immerse himself in this depressed emotion for too long. A few seconds later, the door of the ward was pushed open forcefully. Several familiar figures stood behind the door, with different expressions on their faces. different.


The first mournful howl came from Burrog's dear partner.

Palmer's face was full of sadness, and he ran towards Burlogo with snot and tears, and before he fell on Burlogo, Burlogo was one step ahead of him and kicked Palmer straight. Kick down.

Hart followed closely behind. He wanted to give Burlogo a big hug too. Seeing Palmer like this, he slowed down, restrained his excited smile, and then stood obediently by the bed, raised his Hands greeted Burlogo.

"Good morning."

Burlogo nodded at Hart, and greeted him in a mysterious way.

Hart glanced out the window, it was almost noon, how could it be morning.

Church walked in silently, stood aside, and nodded to Bologo. Just as Bologo was about to speak, there was another rush of footsteps.

The speed of the other party was very fast, but when he approached the ward, he began to slow down. Burlogo could hear the harsh friction sound of the soles of his shoes against the ground, and then his pace became smoother and unhurried.

Amyu appeared outside the door. She tried hard to control her expression, but the ever-changing halo in her eyes undoubtedly exposed her ups and downs.

She looked hesitant and wanted to say hello to Burlogo intimately, but with so many people around, she felt a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Amy only bothered for a while, and she knew that there was another thing more important than These are all important.

"Congratulations! You have successfully been promoted to be a believer."


Burrog's blunt expression gradually became more colorful. Burrog had experienced too many terrible things that day, and he completely forgot about the promotion ceremony.

Evoking the ether, cumbersome light trails are densely covered on Bologo's body. This time, the alchemy matrix not only covers his arms, but also extends to his chest and shoulders.

Power far exceeding that of the past is filling Bologo's body at this moment, and he feels once again that he can influence the growth direction of the alchemy matrix.

It's time to decide on your leanings and complete the Ascension of the Calling Hand to gain access to even more powerful arcane powers.

Surrounded by everyone, Bologo felt that something was wrong, and he asked, "Where's Bailey?"

I am very tired of this crazy director of the sublimation furnace core, but I also need to be sure that since I became a Sublimator, Bai Li has always provided me with a perfect backing, and her figure is interspersed on my road to promotion.

Burlogo was reluctant to admit that, in a sense, Bailey was also one of his few friends.

Xilin Kogadel's power continues in her own hands. As a scholar, Bailey should not miss the moment when she decides her direction, but she is not here now.

Faced with Burlogo's inquiry, the expressions of several people were a bit complicated, and so was Amyu. Her mood darkened for a moment, and she looked at Burlogo with a bit of pity and concern.

She came closer, reached out and rubbed Burrog's head as if she were petting a large dog.

"Bologo...it's okay, as long as you get the treatment, everything will be fine."

Amy looked like she was about to cry when she said this.


Burrog froze.

"Yes, yes, Bologo, as long as you listen to the psychiatrist more and take medication, there is nothing you can't get through."

Palmer got up now too, looking at Burlogo sadly.

Amy looked at Burlog in this way, and Burlog felt okay, but when Palmer's eyes full of pity fell, Burlog felt a nameless anger. When did he need this hapless ghost to pity himself? Well, that's certainly a shame.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing?"

Burrog moved his butt back, keeping a safe distance from them.

It feels very strange, very strange, like when you wake up, a group of people gather around your bed, looking at you crying, as if you have some kind of terminal illness, and everyone is going to take you through the last joy Life.

It's nice to have such a group of friends...

The problem is, Bologo is undead!Let alone a terminal illness, even if he shot himself in the head now, it would only take a few minutes to lie down.

"Bologo...sorry, I went too far before."

A familiar voice sounded from the door, Bai Li appeared, her eyes were red, as if she had just cried a lot.

Burrog was completely stunned, the unfolding of the plot had surpassed his imagination, Burrog rubbed his eyes, and he wondered if he had read it wrong.

"What are you doing!"

Burlogo understands the so-called "weirdness" deeply.

If he wakes up surrounded by a group of demons, Bologo thinks this is normal, and will maintain a normal mind, smashing their heads one by one.

But it's different now. I obviously feel that I am in a great state, but from the eyes of these people, it seems that I have encountered some kind of suffering.

If the meeting with the astronauts is a misery, Burlogo thinks it is right, but how do they know what is between nothing.

"Bologo, it's okay, everyone knows that you are under a lot of pressure, stop pretending to be strong, and stop trying to kill yourself."

Aimu looked at Burrog with grief and indignation, and put his hand on Burrog's shoulder.

"We found the best psychiatrist for you." Hart also nodded vigorously.

Everyone is more or less experienced and has seen people with strong winds and waves, but they have never seen anyone committing suicide during the promotion ceremony. Everyone was shocked, even the white-robed masters and apprentices behind the observation window were stunned. In place.

Under emergency rescue, Bologo was sent to the frontier nursing home. On the way, everyone did not understand why Bologo did this. As a rational expert, he made the craziest move at the most important moment.

Slowly raising his hand, Hart chatted with the others about how he had seen Burrog commit suicide in the combat room, and then Palmer, who also spoke of Burrog's self-destructive tendencies.

After several conversations, under the fuel of everyone's fantasies, Burlogo seemed to be shaped into a poor man who was strong on the surface but on the verge of collapse inside.

"Woooooh, Bologo..."

Palmer actually wiped away his tears, but Burlogo clearly saw that this guy wasn't crying at all, this bastard was pretending!He must have known what was going on and had misled others.

Bologo wanted to complain loudly about all this, but he still couldn't hold back the self-movement of these people.

Amyu was the first to hug Bologo, and then Hart, feeling the rhythm of his muscles, Burlogo felt that he was going to be crushed to death, and Church also leaned over, putting one hand on Burlogo. On Logo's body...

Soon, everyone in the ward huddled together, and Bologo was in the middle. Amid the emotions of everyone, he looked confused and dazed, as if he shouldn't be here.

 It broke out in September. I originally prepared a wave of stud monthly tickets, but I chatted with the operation officer. This month's fairy war is still counting, but I said that I will update more. I will work harder and randomly update more. Thank you bosses, bosses are generous.

(End of this chapter)

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