Endless Debt.

Chapter 477 Conspiracy

Chapter 477 Conspiracy
This is an extremely tidy room, no matter the floor, walls, or ceiling are covered with a layer of pure white color, bright and dazzling light fills the room, and there is nowhere to hide even the shadows.

Derby and Zephyrin were wearing a tight straitjacket, with circles of iron chains tied around their bodies, and the chains were floating with shimmering light, sealing the ether in their bodies. Now they are under restraint, and they are like the lambs waiting to be slaughtered. No difference.

Zephyrin was already unconscious, his head was drooping, his cheeks were covered with sweat, and a little blood was spilling from his eyes, which looked like the red eyeballs had melted.

Ivan removed his hand from Zephyrin's head, shook his head in distress, and then set his eyes on Derby.

Derby noticed Ivan's gaze, and recalled the experience that Zephyrin had just encountered. The fear made Derby struggle continuously, but no matter how hard he tried, he was still firmly bound in place, unable to move.

Ivan looked at Derby, and according to the document report, Derby's position was negative, which meant that he was more troublesome than Zefeilin in dealing with it.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Ivan has dealt with such a power bearer. He skillfully picked up the awl and pierced it along the holes in the restraints.

The heartbreaking pain spread from his body, and Derby trembled in pain, but this was not the end. There were many holes in the straitjacket, and Ivan slowly sent one awl after another into Derby's body.

These awls are not ordinary mortal objects, but an alchemy weapon. Under their strangling, Derby's Moment Soul criticality began to collapse and became riddled with holes.

Ivan gestured, "Open your mouth."

Derby's eyes hesitated, but recalling what happened to Zeffilin, he still opened his mouth in humiliation and bit the towel handed by Ivan.

Then Ivan picked up the razor, carefully cleaned the hair on Derby's forehead, and pressed his palm on his forehead.

The alchemy matrix emerged from Ivan's arm, and with the penetration of the Ethereal School's secret energy, Derby's consciousness was invaded.

"No! No!"

Derby felt as if he had been electrocuted, his body twitched violently, his eyes began to turn white, and blood oozes from the white towel.

The mental pain far surpassed the physical torture, and the piercing beeping echoed endlessly in Derby's mind, as if someone was squeezing his skull with an electric drill, drilling flesh and blood, penetrating bone, and stirring the soft brain tissue into one bloody mess.

Thousands of nerves were screaming, and the physiological instinct forced Derby to faint, but before the consciousness was completely extinguished, the medicine injected in advance took effect at this moment, strengthening Derby's sanity and keeping him awake.

The invasion of consciousness didn't last long, Ivan raised his hand, and as the glow dissipated, he released the secret energy.

Flipping through other people's consciousness is also a lot of consumption for Ivan. It feels like asking you to read a book in a few minutes and capture key information from the book.

Derby collapsed completely like a dead man, and the blood seeped into the towel little by little, dripping blood at the end.There have been similar cases in the past where prisoners' mouths were blocked with towels, causing vomit to get stuck in their airways, suffocating them to death.

Suffocation can't kill the Night Clan, but Ivan habitually opened his mouth, pulled out the towel, turned and left the room, Ivan took off his gloves and let out a long breath.

As usual, he returned to his office and recorded the fragmented information obtained in the minds of the two during the subconscious invasion.

Before Ivan could write a few lines, the landline phone on the desk buzzed, and when the receiver was picked up, a familiar voice sounded.

"How's it going?"

"Generally," Ivan picked up the pen and tapped on the desktop, "Their memories have been encrypted, and they can only get some broken information."

After glancing at the neat handwriting on the paper, Ivan continued, "I'm trying to put them together."

"Okay," the voice in the microphone was silent for a moment, "In the morning, Threi came."

Ivan clenched the pen tightly, his expression became tense, "What happened?"

"Nothing," Vaughn said, "just a brief refresher, and some... information about this matter."

"It can now be confirmed that the altered text on the "Dawn Oath" was done by Thurley. His move was to hide someone. As long as we find out who that person is, we may be able to find clues."

"But that was 100 years ago."

"There are not a few people who have survived from 100 years ago."

Ivan took a deep breath, "Okay, I will report this to the decision-making room, is there anything else?"

Looking at the schedule, Ivan has a full schedule of work these days.

"Well, actually, I have another guess about this matter."

"Tell me about it."

Vaughn said, "Don't you think this attack by the Night Clan is a little too aggressive? Whether it's Ralph's rebellion or a targeted attack by the Night Clan, what you need to know is that what they are facing is the morning Fortress of the Wind."

Inside Morrowind, there is the rebellious Ralph, outside there is Derby who ordered many alchemy creatures to commit suicide attacks with blood boiling, and there is Zephyrin who penetrates the defense of the virtual domain with the poison of breaking the soul, and many people who participated in the war night clan...

Their plan is perfect, but no matter how perfect the plan is, it seems very aggressive and ridiculous when faced with this insurmountable difficulty.

"I couldn't understand these things at first, but after Seri found me, I suddenly realized."

Vaughn spoke of this terrible possibility.

"Perhaps the Prince Regent's target isn't the Crakes family, nor the Dawn Oath.

For the Prince Regent, compared to the hatred of the Krex family, what really made them intolerable was Threy's betrayal. "

Vaughan was deeply touched by this situation. He hated Ralph's betrayal more than the Night Clan that night.

"The regent must know something, such as the identity of the person hidden by Thurley. He is using this to launch an attack on us in order to lure Thurley."

A crisp sound sounded from Ivan's hand, and I saw that the pen had been twisted off by him, and the ink overflowed from the gap, like black blood.

Ivan murmured, "Since the Daybreak War, Threi has been hiding in the Undead Club. As long as he belongs to the Undead Club in name, no one can hurt him, and he can't interfere in this world either. It can only exist as an absolute bystander."

"The real purpose of the regent is to send a signal to Threi. He knows who that person is, and he is trying to drag him into the water. If Threi wants to continue protecting that person, he will definitely leave the Undead Club...then He could just be killed."

In the microphone, Vaughn's voice was suppressed and deep.

Ivan sighed, "For someone?"

To be so crazy about someone sounds romantic and silly.

"Who knows? Don't look at Threi's appearance, he's actually very mysterious," Vonn thought divergently, "Maybe 'that person' is just a synonym for something?"

Ivan asked, "Have you talked to Seri about this?"

"No, I don't think I have really understood Thrai, just like I have always been unable to understand what is in that island bathed in eternal sunshine.

But I understand that Threi is an arrogant and unscrupulous guy. From the fact that he chose to destroy the Eternal Night Empire for that person, it can be seen that if I told him this, he would immediately leave the Undead Club and fight with the Regent King. You die and I live. "

Vaughn's voice paused, "This is no longer the era of 100 years ago, no matter how young Thurley looks, he is actually an old guy, with no strength, but the alchemy matrix he carries is extremely cumbersome.

For Seri, the world today is full of dangers, no matter how proud the night clan lord is, what he holds is only a rough blunt sword. "

The alchemy matrix is ​​engraved in the soul, and once it is implanted, there is no possibility of changing it. For an existence like Thurley whose lifespan is much longer than that of Ralph, the alchemy matrix implanted by Thurley can almost be used as a "primitive" to describe.

"Retired people should always retire. I persuaded him that this matter will be taken care of by the Bureau of Order."

Vaughn continued to sigh, "Sometimes I also feel strange, Serai is a real scumbag, but he is indeed my friend."

Ivan said, "I will focus on monitoring the movement of the Undead Club."

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

Vaughan hung up the phone, his words filled with deep confusion.

No one knew what Threi was thinking, just like no one knew what happened during the Dawn War.

Ivan paused, staring straight at the paper on the table, the overflowing ink stained the paper, Ivan sighed long, crumpled the paper, threw it into the trash can, got up and prepared handwashing.

Opening the door, a strange figure was standing at the door. Ivan immediately became vigilant. Just as he was about to launch an attack, the strangeness gradually faded, and a sense of familiarity returned.

As if the forgotten memory was picked up again, Ivan looked at the visitor suddenly, and then his eyes were a little unbearable, as if he was pitying the other party.

It took tens of seconds for Ivan to remember the identity of the other party, but the strangeness still affected Ivan, and he tentatively mentioned the name in his memory.


A familiar yet unfamiliar face said, "Hello, team leader, it's me."

"Church Bolton."

(End of this chapter)

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