Endless Debt.

Chapter 510 Tickets

Chapter 510 Tickets
Desire witch.

It wasn't the first time that Bologo had heard of this name, Serley had mentioned it to himself before, judging from Serley's performance at that time, he was terrified of this Desire Witch.

"You want me to avenge you? Fight against the Desire Witch."

Intelligence doesn't come for free, and now Birrogh senses what Belphegor is asking for.

Belphegor grinned, "Why, the devil never forces others. I just told you some necessary information. As for what you do next, that's up to you."

Burrog took a deep breath, this feeling was very familiar, and it was also the same when he traded with the tyrant, and the tyrant provided him with help so that he could complete his revenge.

It seems that the tyrant helped him, but in fact, he also acted for the tyrant invisibly, intercepting the train, so that the mammon coins did not flow out.

The same is true now, the Zongge Orchestra is eyeing him for some unknown reason, and the Desire Witch is eager to include herself in many collections, Belphinger reaches out to him in due course, he understands that he will eventually Towards the opposite of the Desire Witch.

Everything made sense, but the thought that he might unknowingly accomplish something for Belphegor made Burlogo uncomfortable.

"Okay, Mr. Lazarus, that's all for now."

Belphegor said suddenly, at the same time, the picture on the screen froze and the video stopped playing.

It didn't stop, but the film was only shot here, and Bologo also looked forward. At this moment, a weird picture appeared on the screen.
Countless shattered mirrors interspersed together, and all the fragments reflected the same figure, the figure of Borrog.

"Mr. Lazarus, you have the potential to be a poet."

Belphegor suddenly grabbed Burrog's hand. Under his restraint, Burrog couldn't lift any strength, and then a severe burning sensation rose from the palm of Burrog's hand, as if Belphegor's Hands turned into soldering irons.

Burrog looked calm, and Belphegor looked at him gravely.

"Whether it is a cold transaction or an interpersonal communication, sincerity is always the cornerstone of our mutual trust."

Belphegor slowly let go of Burrog's hand, and the burning sensation was fading rapidly.

"I won't let you face it alone."

Bologo withdrew his hand, and a burning scar appeared on the palm of his left hand. At a glance, it looked like a burning sun, or like a cluster of thorns, with sharp thorns spreading out.

The violent power surged in it for a moment, and soon fell silent, just like ordinary scars.

"Then...I look forward to meeting you next time, Mr. Lazarus."

Belphegor smiled and snapped his fingers.

The light flickered, the space began to distort, and Burrog opened his mouth. He tried to say something, but the sound from his throat turned into a meaningless whimper.

The field of vision fell into darkness, and then lit up again after a few seconds.

Boluoge's will is still clear, but his body feels weak for a while, and then he loses his balance and falls forward.

Just when Burlogo was about to fall, a pair of hands hugged him from behind, preventing Burlogo from falling.

Burrog leaned on the wall, and his body that had lost consciousness returned to control. His eyes were tired and dry, and he blinked vigorously. Only then did Burrog recognize the surrounding environment.

He was at the door of Lebius' office at the moment.

"Are you ok?"

A familiar voice sounded behind him, and the other party asked with concern, "Are you thinking about something? I see you've been in a daze."


Burrog coughed a few times, turned his head, and Amy stood behind him with a look of confusion on his face.

"It's nothing, I just didn't sleep well."

Burrog shook his head and forced a smile, "Good morning, Amy."

Amy ignored Burlogo's words and asked, "Is it really all right?"

Burrog said to himself, "I am undead."

Amyu stared at Burlog, the halo in his eyes shrank and turned into a horizontal line.


Amy was successfully deceived by Burlog, she opened the door of the office, Burlog followed behind her, this series of things, Burlog needs a little time to relax.

Suddenly, a pain came from the palm of his hand, and Burrog opened his hand. The scar left by Belphegor was engraved on the palm of his hand, warning that what happened just now was not an illusion.

To make matters worse, the Time Axis did not respond to such a scar. It remained in his palm forever as if unaffected by Borrog's gift.


After seeing off Burlogo, Belphegor was the only one left in the cinema, and he looked lonely in the huge space.

Belphegor picked up the remote, and the screen went dark, and soon it came back on, this time projecting a completely different scene.

The angle of view of the film is No.1, with the movement of the characters, the camera shakes endlessly.

The tall giant tree covered the sky, the bright light was cut into pieces, and when it fell to the ground, it became extremely dim.

The sound of the character's breathing echoed in the theater. He held the dagger in his hand and looked towards one side vigilantly, and then an etheric reaction rose from the front.

The opponent's attack has not yet been released, the screen began to distort and deform due to the high-speed movement of the character, and the sound of howling wind passed by.

The character saw the glow shining in the dense forest, he raised his hand, and the next moment the ground at the target's position collapsed suddenly, and then the towering giant trees also began to collapse, as if there was an invisible giant hammer that crushed the road along the way. everything.

The etheric reaction in front weakened, and then completely dissipated, and the mournful cry of dying could be heard gradually.

The character is close to the collapsed position, and the entire area is collapsed very flat, a standard circle with sharp edges and corners.

The target fell into the collapsed circular depression, half of his body fell into the ground, the exposed bones were also broken and bent, and a lot of blood spilled out of his body.

The fatal injury was in the target's spine. Under the crushing force, the target's body was broken. He breathed with difficulty, and every time he breathed out, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The character stood in front of the target, and then he lowered his body, covered the target's eyes with one hand, pierced the short sword along the throat with the other hand, picked it up vigorously, pierced the skull from the lower jaw, and then twisted the neck. Completely cut off the opponent's vitality.

After all this was done, the character's hands were covered with blood. He put away the dagger and searched for something on the corpse. Soon, he found a brand new ticket in the blood-stained clothes. Like water and fire, blood can't get on it, keeping it clean.

"I got the ticket."

For the first time in the long silence, the character speaks, either to himself or to Belphegor.

Belphegor smiled silently.

The character flips through a thick book and turns the pages. This book seems to have changed several owners, and the handwriting of each part is different, and the texture of the paper also looks old or new depending on the sequence.

Inserting the train ticket into the crack of the latest page, the character puts away the book, walks over the corpse, and walks into the depths of the jungle.

Belphegor looked at this scene with satisfaction, with a strange smile on his face, the devil never lies, he just... didn't tell the whole truth.

Even though the Witch of Desire promised the beauty of the present, there are still a small number of poets who still believe in eternity after death.

(End of this chapter)

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