Endless Debt.

Chapter 511 The Original Thing

Chapter 511 The Original Thing
Through the observation window, Lebius noticed the wounded lying on the hospital bed. Under the rescue of the Frontier Sanatorium, they were all out of danger, but due to their severe injuries, most of them were still in a coma and were under follow-up observation. .

Looking back, the wide and quiet corridor was filled with heavy pressure. Everyone's face was gloomy, and there was unresolved sadness between their brows, but no one sighed. Everyone held their breath in their throats and suppressed it.

The smell of disinfectant and blood lingered on the tip of the nose. The smell was unpleasant. Although no knives or guns were used, it felt like a war.

Levius leaned on his cane and tapped on the solid ground, making the only noise in the silence.Jeffrey followed behind Lebius. At this moment, he also had a serious face and frowned.

At the end of the corridor, Yas, the leader of the sixth group and the anti-riot operation group, stood there with his arms folded, and Hart stood beside him. attract attention.

Several people made eye contact, Lebius pushed open the door on the side of the corridor, and the others followed behind Lebius.

The smell of disinfectant and blood in the ward became stronger, as if she had just undergone a major operation, and Rachel had been waiting here for a long time.

Lebius asked, "Shall we begin?"

"Okay," Rachel nodded, and said with some concern, "He's not in a good condition, it's best to end it as soon as possible."

"Well, I see."

Rachel left the ward, handing over the space to the Field Service.

The curtain was opened, and a wounded field worker was lying on the hospital bed. His face was pale, his breath was weak, and his entire right foot disappeared out of thin air, leaving a flat section.

Mallory, the unlucky guy who broke his leg in Palmer's mouth, if he was a few seconds slower in entering the winding path, Mallory's broken leg would not be broken, but half of his body.

Relying on the emergency rescue at the Frontier Sanatorium and various overdoses of alchemy potions, after several hours of hard work, they finally snatched Mallory back from the clutches of death.

Mallory was physically tortured, but his mental state was not bad enough to stay awake and talk to several people.

"Hello, everyone."

Mallory smiled wryly, and nodded to the two team leaders, they were more or less old acquaintances.

Levius moved a chair and sat down beside Mallory, looking at Mallory's broken leg. Levius should have comforted him, but now there are more important things than comforting him. And since everyone is a field worker, this kind of thing couldn't be more normal.

"What exactly happened?"

Lebius questioned, since the incident of the tenth group, the Field Service Department has sent several teams to investigate the situation, but there has been no reply so far.In Lebius' opinion, it is better to ask these parties directly than to wait for them.

After a simple balance, Rachel agreed with Levius' idea, and the doctors managed to wake up one team member, and this person was Mallory in front of her.

Mallory sighed. Sure enough, although he hadn't seen him for a while, Lebius still looked like a workaholic he was familiar with.

The others were also used to Levius' appearance, and Geoffrey, who was standing behind Levius, nodded apologetically to Mallory.

Mallory struggled to fight back the physical pain and collect his thoughts.

"Everything was normal at the beginning, and every step was carried out strictly according to the plan.

We surrounded the town of Iris Flower, which is an important stronghold of the Scarlet Sect in the Narrow Kingdom, and an extraordinary disaster, the Immortal Rot Land, has already occurred inside. According to the disposal regulations, we poured hundreds of tons of red blood into it. Mercury, the fireworks soaring into the sky can be seen tens of kilometers away. "

Recalling that difficult battle, Mallory felt depressed. The tenth group's operation against the Scarlet Sect lasted for several months. It was undoubtedly the craziest battle in the long battle.

The flames dried and cracked the earth, and burned all the flesh and blood. The air flow easily set off the Foehn, and the ashes in the sky blew towards everyone like a blizzard.

"As stipulated in the regulations, every time we destroy a piece of immortal rotten land, we will move forward. The whole process went smoothly. The flesh and blood monsters that the scarlet rot sect is proud of were burned to ashes by red mercury. They also died in the fire.

Only a few high-level desublimators resisted the intrusion of fireworks, but the few high-level desublimators could not resist us at all, let alone a defender on our side. "

Mallory was referring to the leaders of the tenth group, sheltered by the defenders, their offensive was called fury, crushing the enemy with ease.

"Honestly, it's unimaginable that everything went so well, we just got rid of these bastards so easily."

In the middle of Mallory's speech, his expression became ferocious. Hart walked over quickly, picked up the tranquilizer, and injected Mallory for a while. After waiting for a few minutes, Mallory's condition improved a lot.

"According to your report, after several months of pursuit, the power of the Scarlet Sect has been greatly weakened. The Scarlet Sect in Iris Town is just a remnant force, relying on the immortal rotten land to survive. Your attack It went well and within reason."

Lebius said that before coming, he carefully read the report of the tenth group and knew their actions well.

Mallory nodded in agreement with what Lebius said, and he said, "Then...then we started to clean up the scene, and as you all know, there must be no flesh and blood of the Scarlet Sect on the scene, even if the fire has burned, we must Check again."

"In the hinterland of its core, we found a cellar, which is extremely important to the Scarlet Sect. They built a wall of flesh several meters thick there to resist the burning of red mercury. When we found it, It was not affected by the fire at all.

We broke into it, and then a battle broke out. After the battle, we found that there were not only the cultists of the Scarlet Rot Sect in the cellar, but also another group of uninvited guests. "

Lebius asked, "Who are they?"

Mallory explained, "The Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce, those strange merchants are also there, we deduce that they should be conducting transactions with the Scarlet Sect, but before the transaction is over, they are surrounded by us, merchants and cultists There was no other way to escape, so he hid in the cellar."

"In your report after the tenth group's operation, there is no mention of these things."

Yas wondered. As the leader of the sixth group, he also checked the action report of the tenth group, but there was no mention of the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce in it.

"Don't worry, let me speak slowly."

For the doubts of several people, Mallory had expected, and he had enough reasons to explain all this.

"It was Gould's instruction, and it was he who made us keep the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce's appearance a secret."

Several people fell silent, and the Gould that Mallory mentioned was the leader of the tenth group, the chariot in the fourth stage, defending the base.

"The battle in the cellar was fierce, as if they were protecting something, they had a strong desire to resist, but under the attack of our team leader, their defense line disintegrated and routed in an instant.

During the subsequent clean-up of the scene, the team leader found something, which should be the goods traded between the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce and the Scarlet Sect. "

Rebius realized that the cause of this incident might be the trade item that Gould discovered. He did not urge him, but remained patient and listened to Mallory's narration.

"I think you want to ask what is that trading item now?" Mallory smiled ugly, "I'm sorry, I don't know what it is either."

"Judging from the team leader's reaction at the time, the trade item must be very important. He has always been a steady person, but after seeing the trade item, his emotions rarely got out of control, and he drove us out of the cellar. leave him alone.

The team leader stayed alone with the trade item for a while, and when he came out, he carried the trade item and ordered us to return to the Bureau of Order as quickly as possible. "

Mallory felt a headache. He covered his head, took deep breaths repeatedly, and tried his best to control his will. Hart wanted to inject another sedative for Mallory, but Mallory refused.

"Phew... this feels really bad."

Mallory panted heavily, and after suppressing his breath, he said in a weak voice, "It seems that the team leader believes that the trade item is extremely important, and he didn't even write it in the report, but kept it secret and personally escorted it Return that trade item to the Bureau of Order."

"For this reason, he even disrupted the original plan. You know, in the action we have formulated, we will have to patrol the narrow countries for a week before returning to the Bureau of Order."

"Will the entire tenth team escort this trade item?"

Lebius felt a burst of pressure as he spoke. This was a force that should not be underestimated, but it was used for escorting.

But even so, something went wrong with the escort operation.

"The next thing you know is that we are in the stronghold of the Narrow Kingdom, and we are going to use the winding path to return to the Bureau of Order, but in the process of our return, we were attacked by an unknown group."

Mallory murmured, "It seems that this trade item is really important... Maybe the actions of the Scarlet Sect during this period are also for this trade item."

Lebius nodded, now that they knew enough, it was time to report to the decision-making room.

"The original thing."

Suddenly, Mallory threw out an unknown word. He looked at Lebius and continued, "The team leader didn't explain to us what the trade item is, but he called it 'the original thing'."

"Okay, we got it."

Lebius nodded to Mallory again, and Mallory passed out after persisting for a few seconds.

The will to be maintained by drugs can no longer hold on at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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