Endless Debt.

Chapter 590 Romanticism

Chapter 590 Romanticism
Burrog stood in front of the door, hesitating for a while, not knowing whether it was right for him to visit the other party, but he quickly made a decision and raised his hand to knock on the door panel.

There was a sound of walking behind the door. A few seconds later, the door was pulled open, and Canary poked her head out. After noticing that it was Bologo, her tense nerves relaxed a little.

"It's you."

As the poet of Belphegor and the Canary who was ordered to hunt down the white gull, she knew a lot of inside information, such as the connection between Burrog and Belphegor.

Therefore, Canary's attitude towards Bologo is obviously much more relaxed than that of other people. In her eyes, Bologo should also be a member of the Unbound Poetry Club. After all, he still has Belfine in him. Grid branding.

Burrog said, "Could you come in and talk?"

After observing Gauld's situation, Amyu took the initiative to choose to stay and study Gauld's strange state and the nature of the original thing together with Dewar. In order to avoid further accidents, this time Levius chose Accompanied by the two, Jeffrey went back to rest due to injuries.

Burrog took a break for a while, and after thinking for a while, he chose to come to see Canary.

After the battle, Bologo was resurrected again. When Lebius appeared in front of him with a pack of wolves, he was very worried about the development of the next incident.

After all, Canary is not a member of the Bureau of Order. As a person in power, she suddenly joined this dispute. In the style of Lebius, no matter what purpose she has, she must first neutralize it.

Bologo was ready to adjust in it, but he never expected that Lebius behaved calmly, as if he had known Canary a long time ago, but in the follow-up questioning, Lebius said that he Don't know Canary.

Kelebius is familiar with the power of Belphegor, the devil hiding in the depths of the Bureau of Order.

For a moment, Bologo suddenly had a strange feeling. In a sense, the Unbound Poetry Society and the Bureau of Order are in the same camp. The only difference is whether they are completely controlled by the devil.


Canary didn't struggle too long, she moved out of the way to let Burrog into the room.

There was an inexplicable sense of tacit understanding between Canary and Lebius. After the incident, Lebius and Canary had a brief chat, and then allocated this cabin for her on the Terror. Others did not question too much, and everyone trusted Lebius.

Looking back now, Burrog understands why. It was Belphegor who linked them together. While the Bureau of Order recovered the original thing, it was also regarded as assisting Belphegor to complete revenge.

Thinking of Bolog's clenched fist, the brand of the sun is still engraved on his palm. Even at the last moment, Bolog didn't use the devil's power, but the devil's goal has been achieved, just like an irreversible fate, It made Burlogo feel a little powerless.

Bologo sat on a chair on one side, and Canary sat back on his bed. Bologo didn't know how to start the conversation, and his eyes wandered around. Canary felt nothing. She picked up the book that she hadn't finished reading, Turn the pages carefully.

"What about that guy?"

After a while, Burlogo asked.

Canary said, "You mean the White Gull?"

"White Gull?"

Only then did Bologo realize that he didn't know the other party's name. What was even more strange was that the other party, like the canary, was named after a certain bird. He began to wonder if this was some kind of tradition of the Unbound Poetry Society.

"He's here, he's safe, don't worry."

Canary probably understood the purpose of Bologo's visit. She took out a black cloth wrapped thing from under the bed, which exuded a stench of blood, and a viscous dark liquid smeared the surface. A deadly dagger stabbed into it.

"I tested it carefully. The immortal nature of the White Gull is to keep the flesh and blood alive. That is to say, no matter what kind of trauma, his flesh and blood cannot be killed, but it is limited to this. His flesh and blood did not 'dead' concepts, but they cannot heal each other, so he needs that strange suture to re-suture the flesh."

Canary generously placed it on the table, and the dark blood spread.

"This dagger is a contract item, named Fang of Death."

Canary tapped the handle of the dagger, "Its effect is very simple, it will seal the target's ether, making its alchemy matrix completely silent, but the corresponding price is that my ether will fall into the same silence .”

A dark illusory chain extends from the dagger, it wraps around Canary and White Gull respectively, and locks their ether and alchemy matrix together.

"You've gone to great lengths to keep him under control," Burrog said.

"For traitors, we will never show mercy."

Canary showed a charming smile, but now it seems that this smile is extremely cruel.

Burrog pointed to the head, "Is that all that's left?"

"Well, that's all that's left," Canary said indifferently, "Anyway, he only has a head in the future."

The canary chopped up the white gull's body and threw it into the roaring sea. Now these flesh and blood should be eaten by the fish. They will not be digested, but spread to every place in the Seven Seas along with the fish. Even if the white gull can get out of trouble, he will not be able to recover his whole body for a while, at least it has been like this for hundreds of years.

Canary then asked, "Do you have anything to ask him?"

Burrog shook his head, "No... I have nothing to talk to madmen about."

"That's good."

Canary continued, "I gouged out his eyes, threw one into the sea, and put the other in a bottle, maybe I will use it later.

His ears were smashed by me, and I kept the flesh and blood. After all, I still need him to listen to the declaration of judgment. The same is true for his throat. He can't speak for a while, but when he meets the bystanders, I will give him back one Opportunity to argue for yourself. "

It can be heard that Canary hates the white gull very much. If it wasn't for the blessing Nie Chao Weile that made all the torture ineffective against the white gull, otherwise she would be happy to regard torturing the white gull as her life's work.

"Can you talk to me?" Burrog asked. "About what the White Gull did, the corruption of the Unbound Poetry Society."

Burrog is very curious about these things, but he doesn't want to ask Belphegor, that's a total narcissistic bastard, you have to communicate with him while being held on the head by him, admiring his dozen long Hours of chaotic videos.

This is a long torture for Burlogo. He doesn't want Belphegor's behavior to make him hate the movie. Canary is a good backup option. Perhaps from her mouth, Burlogo can get An answer that satisfies me.

Canary laughed, "Oh? Why should I talk to you about this?"

"For this."

Burrog opened his hands, revealing the sun brand left by Belphegor, "I think he should have mentioned me to you."

Canary smiled playfully, and she stuffed the white gull back under the bed, with her legs crossed in front of her, and her hands on her knees.

"There is no complicated story," Canary said, "It's just a dispute of ideas."

Burrogo guessed, "The dispute over the Endless Verses?"

Canary narrowed her eyes, "Continue."

"Belphegor promises you the beauty and eternity after death, while the Desire Witch promises you pleasure in this world. There are disputes among you, and the white gull is the core figure."

Burrog remembered the Gull's hatred for him. He mistakenly believed that he was Belphegor's debtor and had the gift of immortality. He was extremely jealous of himself.

"The White Gull doubted the beauty of the afterlife, he was shaken, he asked Belphegor for the gift of eternal life countless times, but Belphegor refused all of these, and the Witch of Desire took advantage of it, and she gave the White Gull Everything you want, and use white gulls as minions to corrupt more poets."

Burrog continued his speculation, "Belphegor's promise is too far away, but what the Desire Witch can give is real and within reach.

The following story is very simple. Not many people can refuse the temptation of the Witch of Desire. The Unbound Poetry Club collapsed on its own. You all betrayed Belphegor, and no one continued to write "Endless Poetry".

You are the only poet, embarking on a path of vengeance. "

Canary was silent for a while, and her face became indifferent as Burlogo narrated, but she finally showed a smile.

"Look, don't you already know everything?"

"It's just a guess. I need someone to confirm my guess."

Canary leaned back lazily, "Then you guessed right, at least most of them are correct."

Burlog asked rhetorically, "So did I guess wrong?"

Canary was silent for a while, and after a brief struggle, she said, "For example, I don't think I'm a real poet."

Burrog was a little surprised, he didn't expect Canary to say this, "Do you mean that you also betrayed Belphegor?"


Canary couldn't tell either.

The room was quiet, and Bologo waited patiently for Canary's answer. Canary's eyes wandered around, as if she was recalling an old story, but it was too long and covered with gray Dust, for a moment Canary didn't know where to start.

"Bologo, do you think "The Endless Psalm" can really be realized?"

Suddenly, Canary doubted, "A materialized entity filled with all the poems and artistic fantasies in human history... Do you think it can really be born?"

"That's something you should ask Belphegor, not me," said Burlogo.

Canary didn't get angry when Burlog called the bystander's real name, as if she didn't really care about Belphegor, which made Burrog unable to understand Canary's position.

"But I can understand how difficult it will be to realize "The Endless Verses."

Bologo went on to say, "It will cover everything about human beings, that is to say, no matter how the times change, it will always be in the state of writing. Only when human beings end will it be considered to record everything about human beings. "The Endless Poems "is the real birth."

"Compared to any huge book for people to read, I think this is more like a tombstone, a tombstone of human beings, telling the magnificent past of mankind to the latecomers. Of course, whether the latecomers can understand these is another matter."

Burrog looked at Canary, he could keenly detect the changes in the woman's emotions, and her faith was trembling.

"Sounds hopeless, doesn't it? But it's not bad for you poets. It's like a strange religious belief. When mankind ends, you will reunite in Belphegor's cinema and enjoy this great work together. "

Canary murmured, "Yes, let's share the reward together, but what about after that?"

This sentence stopped Bologo, and Canary smiled bitterly, "We have enjoyed the largest work in human history together, and we will also usher in the end of humankind..."

Canary thinks very far away, farther than other poets, just like the steep mountains in the distant mountains. Since this possibility exists, Canary wants to figure it out.

Burrogo asked, "If the "Endless Psalms" is completed, it will mean the end of mankind, but if it is not completed, you will never reach the ideal end point. Are you struggling with this?"

Canary smiled disdainfully, "No, Bologo, what I am worried about is not the end of human beings. Do you think people like us really have extra thoughts to care about other people?"

"Then why did you..."

"I've often wondered, what awaits us when the psalms are over?

After all, no matter how magnificent and long the "Endless Psalms" is, it is destined to have its own ending. It may take hundreds or thousands of years, but it will eventually come to an end.

What about after the ending?
Will we truly die, or sink into absolute nothingness?Or that instead of dying, we recite the story, over and over, for endless ages, until each of us is tired of it all? "

Canary sighed helplessly, and gave Burlogo an example, "Even if you like a movie, after watching it countless times, you will feel disgusted, right?"

Burlogo recalled his terrible moviegoing experience with Belphegor, nodding in approval, and echoing, "It sucks, it sucks."

Noticing Bologo's confused expression, Canary paused for a while, and explained, "Before the Desire Witch corrupted the Wubin Poetry Club, there were many differences within the Wubin Poetry Club."

"As I just said, some people began to question the eternity after death, some people doubted the end of poetry, and some even suspected that it was a bystander... Belphinger's conspiracy.

How could the devil be so kind?He must have wanted to collect all the poems, and burn them to pieces the moment he finished writing The Endless Poems, feasting on the pain and despair of the poets. "

Canary waved her hand, and she couldn't explain these things, "It may be that the progress of the times has made us all become more realistic, and everyone is no longer romantic, no longer holding that stupid ideal, but With sharp pros and cons."

"The differences between you are getting bigger and bigger."

"Pretty much, until White Gull blew it all up."

Canary recalled the past days, "White Gull used to be the best poet among us. He wandered among the countries all the year round, collecting stories passed down by folks and recording them on paper, making people They become part of the Endless Verses."

"White Gull looks forward to the eternity after death, even if it is very far away for him.

But one day, the white gull changed, and he began to fear death. He repeatedly asked Belphegor for the gift of eternal life, hoping to run around in this world and witness the birth of "Endless Psalms" with his own eyes, and you know the result All his requests were rejected by Belphegor.

I guess, long before that, the Witch of Desire began to corrupt the white gull. With the intensification of differences, more people chose the pleasure of this world instead of the satisfaction of the distant future.

We questioned Belphegor, hoping he could explain something, but he just shook his head and said we weren't qualified, much to his disappointment, and the Unbound Poetry Society fell apart. "

Burrog said, "But you're still working for Belphegor."

"It's just the same interests."

Canary explained, "I don't know the truth of "Endless Verses", and I don't know whether I will be able to appear in that movie theater in the distant future after my death, but what I know is that the white gull ruined all of this , he betrayed us and killed all my friends, even if it wasn’t for the Wujie Poetry Club, for my friends, I would have revenge on him.”

The atmosphere fell silent again, Canary was immersed in the joy of revenge, and Bologo fell into thinking because of Canary's story.

The Zongge Orchestra and the Unbound Poetry Club represent two extremes. The former is to abandon everything, whether it is pain or sorrow, and replace it with absolute joy. Under that extreme joy, individuals do not have to worry about the distant and unknowable In the future, there is no need to think about the complexities of life.

The Witch of Desire reduces all the complexities of human beings, retaining only the only enjoyment, and dominates everyone's spirit with an irresistible lust instinct, making them sink in eternal happiness.

In contrast, the Unbound Poetry Society is like an ascetic monk. Poets travel around the world, collecting countless stories and poems, and putting them together. They are bound together by the same romantic ideal, eager to die eternity after.

Burrogo understood that what poets care about is not true immortality, but what they long for is the privilege of reading all the poems in the world.

This is like the knowledge seekers of the Brotherhood of Truth. If the devil promises the knowledge seekers, he will tell the knowledge seekers the truth of the secret source, and the price is that the job seekers will die the moment they learn the truth.

Bologo felt that no seeker would refuse the promise of the devil, and the seekers would go to the altar in groups, and after knowing everything about the secret source, they would die calmly.

The same is true of poets. They are eager to know all the poetry collections in the world, and they are willing to sacrifice their souls to the devil for this. But unlike the fanatical seekers, the secret source can at least be observed, and the "Endless Psalms" is too far away. What is far away cannot be touched, and even poets have begun to have doubts about what is far away.

Burrog said, "You're afraid, Canary."

"Why do you feel that way?"

Hearing what Bologo said, Canary smiled, not understanding why Burlogo would say this suddenly.

"In the beginning, I thought you were just like the white gull, only afraid of death. Even if you obtained eternity after death, you were also afraid of the monotony and nothingness brought about by the infinite repetition of poems, and even more unknowable endings... "

"Actually, you are afraid of the end of the Psalm?"

The smile froze on Canary's face, as if Burrog had found her weakness, seen through her layers of disguise.

"When the Psalm is written, it dies."

Burrogo relaxed his body, imitating Canary's movements and raised his legs.

"So what are you going to do next? Stop Belphegor? Stop the birth of "Endless Verses"? After all, its appearance symbolizes the end of poetry."

Canary said, "Do you think this is useful? Poetry was born because of human beings, but human beings will die out completely one day, and poetry will naturally disappear with it. This cannot be changed by human power."

"Yeah, unchangeable, like a heavy rolling stone, you can only watch it roll down, everything will eventually return to death, so you are desperate and empty."

Bologo groped Canary's mind and continued, "Are you starting to waver too?"

Canary said nothing.

"Even if "Endless Psalms" can be born, even if you can read all this magnificent things, even if all this damn things will be perfect...but it will still be completely over, just like the last page of a novel."

Burrog stood up, "Actually, you have thought about it, why not join the Zongge Orchestra? At least before the end, you can experience absolute joy, instead of torturing yourself like an ascetic."

Canary took a deep breath and smiled again.

"Maybe I still have some romanticism left in me."

 I glanced at the owner group, Guigui, there is a problem with the heating in our building, I said why is it the Ice Age, no matter how hard Brother Qiaodong is, he can't stand this.Still two in one.

(End of this chapter)

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