Endless Debt.

Chapter 591 True Events Adaptation

Chapter 591 True Events Adaptation
The bright sunshine sprinkled from the clouds, warming the city that was invaded by the tide, like the peace and beauty after the disaster, burning into green shoots growing under the gray and black rotten wood.

After three days of emergency repairs, Freeport has gradually restored order, but on the chaotic streets, there are still many places with stagnant water, and a large number of dead rats float on the water, like dark swarms of insects. The sun's exposure and the fishy smell mixed together into an unbearable rotten smell.

Mosquitoes and flies are flying on the water, and large plaques grow on the damp wooden boards, like some kind of spreading plague. Even people's bodies are covered with similar abscesses, and the slender branches of fungi fluttering in the wind like hair.

Irwin withdrew his gaze from the porthole. With his cloudy eyesight, he couldn't see things so far away, but Irwin experienced many of these things in Freeport when he was young. Just thinking about it, he can Guess what's going on in Freeport right now.

Once the black stagnant water gets on the body, large areas of ringworm and abscesses will appear. At that time, they tormented Irwin for a long time. Because there was not enough money to see a doctor, Irwin could only Find some old ship doctors who healed their wounds with red-hot irons.

Looking back now, Irwin still feels a dull pain and can smell the smell of burnt flesh.


Irwin uttered a slight mournful cry. Compared with the pain in his memory, the pain his body inflicted on him at this moment was truly unbearable.

Joining the crazy battle between the sublimation people with a mortal body is beyond stupidity.

Irving has lost count of how many times he has brushed shoulders with death, as if fate was playing tricks on him. Whenever Irving thinks he is doomed, he always finds a turning point in desperation, but soon comes back again. will fall into deeper despair.

No... It's not so much dancing with death as it is tangoing with Satan.

At this moment, Irving was tightly bandaged and his leg was still in plaster. The nurse would visit him every once in a while to make sure he was still alive, and the doctor would come to see him from time to time to inform him of his physical condition.

White Gull's bliss injury had a profound impact on Irving. Even after three days, Irving still felt muddled and sometimes had hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. He couldn't remember what the doctor said to him. Cleared up, I only know to take medicine on time and cooperate with nurses for infusion.

Thinking of this, Irwin glanced at the vial hanging on the infusion stand. There was a light blue liquid rolling in the transparent vial, which contained a little bit of starlight.

Based on Irving's knowledge of the extraordinary world, he felt that this should be some kind of alchemy potion. In order to save himself, these people of Xitao put in a lot of effort.

Withdrawing his gaze, Irving reached out and groped for a while, then picked up a notepad and pen from the side cabinet.

The original notepad was destroyed in the battle with the devil, and Irving didn't feel bad about it. Just like what he and Cinderella said at the beginning, the really important things don't need a carrier to record them, and they will always be buried. In Irving's head.

If a thing can be easily forgotten by oneself, then it proves that it is not important to Irving at all.

Opening the notepad, lying on the bed for the past few days, Irving recorded the events that happened on the Paradise when he had nothing to do. These are his writing materials, and sorting out the stories will help Irving activate his thinking. The wounds healed from the wounds of the spirit.

The crooked words were arranged little by little, and Irwin flipped to the middle of the notepad, which contained two tickets, one new and one old.

Irving caressed the old ticket, his eyes full of nostalgia. It was the only thing he took away on that train 33 years ago, and it was also the only thing in the world that could prove the existence of that train.

Open the old ticket, and the new ticket is exposed. There is very little information marked on the ticket. There is no departure station, no destination station, and there is not even a boarding location.

Irwin noticed that the time marked on the new ticket had changed. He was not surprised by this. He had noticed the strangeness of the new ticket early in the morning. The time on it was always changing, and sometimes the travel time would become very far away. , Sometimes it is very close, so close that it is only a few minutes by car.

This is a weird ticket that will take Erwin to an unknown and mysterious place.

Irwin deceived Noren. He was so passionate about everything in the extraordinary world, just to find this ticket and find clues related to that train. As for writing a book or something, it was just incidental. After all, Irwin’s investigation needed enough Funding, and that's it, Irwin wasted decades, and he's nearing the end.

Gently stroking the ticket with his fingers, Irving felt a sense of satisfaction, and even the faint pain in his mind was healed and disappeared.

Owen stared at the ticket obsessively, as if his mind was drawn into it.

"Cough cough."

The coughing sound shattered the weird atmosphere. Like a rat in a panic, Irving nervously closed the notepad under the watchful eyes of the wild cat, and looked vigilantly in the direction of the sound.

The door was pushed halfway open, and Cinderella leaned halfway in, looking at Irving in confusion.

Cinderella asked, "Are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine, nothing."

Irwin swallowed, put the notepad under the pillow, and glanced at Cinderella. She looked like she was poking her head out of a rabbit hole. He complained, "Can you knock on the door?"

Cinderella said, "I knocked, and knocked for a long time."

"Are you a little...too indulging in your own fantasies?"

Cinderella tried to describe Irwin in her eyes, "Is this an occupational disease?"

"Maybe." Irving gave a vague answer.

Cinderella asked again, "Is the author usually like this?"

"I don't know. I'm a very lonely person in my private life. Except for my editor, few people keep in constant contact with me, let alone colleagues."

Irving relaxed a lot, and communicating with people helped him clarify his consciousness.

In order to hide his pursuit of the extraordinary world, Irwin has almost no friends. As the world knows, he is a lonely and weird guy, and few people can understand his thoughts.

"I do get lost in fantasies sometimes."


Cinderella turned over the fruit basket on the bedside and took out an apple from it. It was supposed to be for Irving, but she bit it down unceremoniously, making a constant crunching sound.

"Just... just like a certain sense of substitution, I will imagine that I am a certain character in the story, think and act from their perspective, and when writing some dialogues, I will even act like the character in the story Same expression."

Cinderella put down the apple and fantasized about the scene. Irving was typing back and forth in front of the typewriter, showing smiles and sadness from time to time, his expressions switching like a roulette wheel. People who don’t know may think that he is Schizophrenia.


Cinderella thought it was funny and laughed happily.

Seeing her like this, Irving was at a loss for a while. He couldn't understand this girl. After experiencing the impact of the Paradise, he almost lost half his life. Now he still feels that his head is heavy. As long as he leans on the soft pillow, fall asleep easily.

But Cinderella is different. She has a tough mentality, and it may be the vitality of young people. Except for the nightmares in the first few days, the bliss injury has little effect on Cinderella.

Under Irving's care, Cinderella didn't suffer much trauma, but the invasion of cold water caused her to catch a cold recently, her voice was a little hoarse, and she always had a runny nose. The tip of her nose became red after repeated rubbing with tissue paper.It reminded Irving of the red-nosed reindeer in holiday posters.

Cinderella leaned over, "What were you looking at just now?"

"Nothing, just some records, writing materials."

Irving's expression was extremely calm. He was the author, a natural liar, and Irving was very comfortable with lying.

"Writing material?"

"Well, it's what I've experienced in the past few days. I think this thrilling incident can be written into a book. I'm already thinking about it."

Irwin was still holding the pen in his hand, tapping the end of the pen casually as if trying to kill boredom.

A lie is also a kind of story.

Telling stories is what Irwin is best at. Cinderella was immediately intimidated by Irwin. She thought for a moment and said excitedly, "Adapted from real events?"

"Yes, adapted from real events."

"That is to say, I will also appear?"

It turns out that Cinderella's focus is here. Judging from her performance, she is looking forward to appearing in the story, cheering like a child, bouncing around Irving's hospital bed, and making various absurd demands in her mouth.

Irving also couldn't help laughing with Cinderella. He didn't understand what was so funny about it, but the atmosphere aroused his emotions and he couldn't help being with her.

Cinderella suddenly asked, "What is my end?"

"I have not decided yet."

Irwin shook his head, it was not easy to conceive a story, he could only see a hazy one.

Cinderella emphasized, "Well... it must end well!"

"Of course, of course, it must be a happy ending," Irwin said, "Look, didn't we all survive?"


Cinderella folded her arms and started pacing on the spot. Irwin didn't know what she was going to do, but she peeked at Irwin from time to time, like a thief who was about to attack, and took a last look at the fat sheep she liked.

Suddenly, Cinderella sat by the bed and asked, "I have a question."


"Why blue jays?"

Irving didn't understand, "Huh? What's the problem?"

"Why is your pseudonym Blue Jay?"

Cinderella asked this question that she had been struggling with for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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