Endless Debt.

Chapter 628 Burning Sacrifice

At this unexpected moment, the situation developed rapidly in an unexpected direction. Palmer didn't react at all. He didn't understand why Cinderella suddenly became like this, let alone Irving and Burlow. The weird tacit understanding between Ge.


Palmer opened his mouth suspiciously, at this time Canary stopped Palmer, raised his crossbow, and pointed forward vigilantly.

"She's not Cinderella," said Canary, "Cinderella never existed."

Aimu reacted, and said with lingering fear, "This is just the identity that the Desire Witch uses to disguise, one of her many identities."

Palmer's face turned pale, and a great sense of crisis enveloped his heart. Recalling all the things along the way, he looked at Irving in disbelief.

"Have we been targeted from the beginning?"

"I am not sure."

Irwin shook his head. He was the first person to meet Cinderella among the few people. Looking back now, Irwin couldn't tell whether all this was a coincidence or a long-planned conspiracy.

But in any case, the original purpose is no longer important. The reality before several people is that Cinderella has realized her wish, and the development of her identity card has been completed, so she was collected again by the Witch of Desire.

A strange thought arose in Irwin's mind. He didn't know whether Cinderella had really existed at a certain moment in the past, or whether it had always been a hypocritical illusion.

Irving has a lot of things he wants to question the other party, but Irving knows that the other party probably won't give him an answer, just like when he asked Cinderella's secret.

"Is all this a coincidence?" Irwin knew the result, but he still couldn't help asking, "Or you made it on purpose!"

Facing Irwin's question, Asmodeus smiled and said nothing, her smile is so charming, how could anyone be angry at her, but Irwin's heart was filled with a nameless anger, which burned more and more intensely .

Irving thought of Cinderella's words with himself. All of this was so real, but in the end it was just an overly realistic illusion.

"Compared to these, you should first care about yourself."

Asmodeus replaced Bai Gull as the new host, a more headstrong host who ignored the rules.

"Whose turn is it?" she asked.

Burrog clenched the dice in his hand, he did not obediently roll the dice, but looked at Asmodeus more vigilantly, "I thought you, as the big villain, would appear in the next link, not now. "

"That's right," Burlogo affirmed his thoughts more and more, "This kind of appearance is not dramatic enough, and it doesn't meet your ideas, isn't it?"

In Burlogo's calculations, she should have had a more dramatic appearance, rather than a girl who took over her presence eerily after her wish was fulfilled.

"What hastened your appearance?"

Asmodeus narrowed her eyes, and an orange-red light similar to the storm outside was shining in the gaps. She seemed to be looking at Bologo, and she seemed to be looking at the uninvited passenger standing at the car door.

"I just said he's very perceptive." Belphegor leaned against the wall and looked at Asmodeus with a smile. "You can't grasp everyone's heart."

Belphegor did not know when he appeared on the fast-moving Dawn, and what was even more strange was that only Asmodeus seemed to be able to see him this time. He was completely independent from the world, like a spectator.

"I prefer to let nature take its course. Only the creation without interference can give birth to perfect works."

Belphegor raised his hand as he spoke. He brought out Irving's first draft and read it all the way. He was about to finish reading it, and it happened that Irving would also use reality to describe the final ending for him.

"I know what you want."

Asmodeus spoke, she seemed to be speaking to Belphegor, and she seemed to be threatening all those who had desires.

Irving was expressionless. Although he was an author, he didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, as if all the words and sentences he had learned and knew were difficult to fully interpret his heart at the moment.

Burrogo asked rhetorically, "So what exactly do you want?"

"The legendary witch of lust has been lurking beside us early in the morning to create this crazy game... What are you doing for it?"

Bologo couldn't guess that, unlike the other devils he encountered, those abominable guys were running for some kind of profit, but when it came to the Desire Witch, profit was secondary to her, she really What I want is something that can stir up emotional ups and downs.

"I just want to play a game with you," Asmodeus said frankly, "and this game is about a certain gamble."

Asmodeus stood up suddenly, and she came to Irwin's side almost in a floating way, and Irwin's appearance was reflected in her jewel-like pupils.

"I remember you, Irving Fleischer."

The slender white palm fell on Irwin's face, and she gently opened Irwin's eyelids, and the old and cloudy pupils were completely exposed to the air.

"We've seen it before, but we didn't expect you to grow old like this."

Irwin stared at her blankly, and he saw the shadow of Cinderella on Asmodeus, as well as the appearance buried deep in his memory.

As if reacquainted, Asmodeus showed a perplexed performance, and beckoned, the book of flesh and blood flew into her hands, and the bloody pages flipped through.

Asmodeus turned the pages and said to himself, "Which card is it from? Sorry, I can't remember clearly. It should be this one? Or this one?"

She seemed to be picking out clothes in front of a closet, and countless identity cards flashed back in Asmodeus' hands. Perhaps it was too long ago, and Asmodeus failed to find the identity card that Irwin was familiar with. For this reason, she took out Cinderella's identity card again, and under Irving's gaze, she changed back to her familiar appearance again.

"I can't find it, can I use this one?"

Asmodeus smiled and took out another one, "It's still the same? How?"

The lightness of a girl and the grace of a woman overlap and alternate on her body, and each time she changes, she brings an amazing sense of beauty, like the reality of the concept of desire.

Irving stared at her blankly. When her performance completely angered Irving, Irving grabbed her wrist and asked with a low growl, "What are you doing?"

Anger ran high in his heart, and Irving thought about the devil's distortion, but when she really appeared in front of him and played with his memory and emotions wantonly, Irving still felt that he had underestimated the devil's evil.

"Oh? I'm just satisfying everyone's desires, don't you like it?"

Asmodeus didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, she even looked up at Burrog, and asked Burrog loudly, "Don't you want to?"

While she was narrating, Bologo was surprised to find the change of Asmodeus. Her eyebrows changed into another familiar appearance. Bologo knew who she was going to become, but that was Bologo's inviolability. Memories, compared to Irwin's low growls, Bologo always prefers to put them into practice, so he swung his long sword silently, vowing to cut off Asmodeus' head.

Bologo burst out silently, and the long sword approached Asmodeus, and just before being hit by the long sword, Asmodeus turned into countless burning butterflies and dissipated, then reorganized in front of the chess table, sitting lazily On the chair, raised her snow-white thighs and put them on the chess table.

"I really don't understand, I'm obviously trying to satisfy your desires with good intentions, why are you so angry at me?"

Asmodeus said, he looked at Palmer and smiled at him, "What do you think?"

Under Palmer's horrified eyes, Asmodeus changed into the appearance of Vossilin. From this moment, Palmer knew what Irwin and Bologo saw on Asmodeus's face .

Palmer murmured, "The big villain is here..."

"Haha! The big villain!"

Asmodeus laughed out loud, and as her laughter sounded, the howling wind outside the car became louder and louder, the screams of metal breaking continued, and the storm following the Dawn was tearing apart everything it touched. Rails, tearing them apart and crushing them, throwing them into the wind.

"Since everyone is so resistant, let's change the game."

Asmodeus stretched her waist, then snapped her fingers, the car door behind her slammed open, but what slid out of it was a twisted meat grinder, with countless sharp and deadly blades rubbing against each other, sending out A menacing grinding sound.

The meat grinder is always connected to the locomotive at the front of the car, as if it can provide energy for the train.

"Now it needs a sacrifice to move forward."

Asmodeus said softly, at the same time, the Dawn seemed to have lost its power, and its speed dropped sharply. The furious storm grabbed the carriage at the rear, and the violent shaking almost overturned the entire train and sank to the bottom of the sea.

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