Endless Debt.

Chapter 629

The charming figure is behind the chess table, and her burning eyes are erratic on people. She seems to be watching people, and she seems to be looking into the distance... You never know whether you will be in her eyes .

Burrog clenched the dice in his hands. What was in front of him was a huge staggered and high-pitched meat grinder. Let alone flesh and blood, even if steel was thrown into it, it would most likely be crushed into iron slag in an instant.

The Liming gradually lost its power, and the trailing gust of wind howled and raged. It set off sand and stones all over the sky, like countless arrows raining, jingling on the carriage, and twisted the body like a big hand, shaking the solid steel mass Into a misshapen mess.

The sound of the collapse came in an instant, and during the moment of hesitation of Bologo, a carriage was crushed, some parts were caught in the storm, and some sank into the water together with the rails.

Asmodeus smiled and said nothing, Bologo had already begun to hate her charming appearance, and wished to punch her to pieces, Bologo felt that Asmodeus would not refuse his sadism, these devils It's all like this, even if you smash their faces and tear their bodies apart, they won't feel angry, but will laugh non-stop.

"Roll the dice, Burrog."

Irving, who had been silent all this time, spoke. He looked a little bad now, as if he had aged many years in an instant. The youthful vitality in his eyes was gone, and instead there was an inexplicable exhaustion and melancholy.

"We have no choice but to play this game."

Irwin continued, his chest swelled and fell, and he urged Burlogo as if he had figured out something.

"Don't hesitate."

Burrog was silent for a moment, and before another carriage was about to be swallowed by the strong wind and waves, he rolled the dice towards the chessboard.

The dice roll was rotated. This time the game went very quickly. Irwin rolled the dice at the end, the points overlapped, and a new round of event cards emerged out of thin air.

While drawing the event card, Bologo did not forget to pick up the python corpses on the ground and throw them into the meat grinder. The flesh was cut into pieces by the blade, and the meat grinder seemed to be alive, devouring it recklessly The python's flesh and blood sucked them clean, and with the blessing of the flesh and flesh, the slowing speed of the Dawn actually increased a bit.

Now it needs more sacrifices, as Asmodeus said.

"Can you have fun with this?" It was Borrog's turn to draw a card, and he asked Asmodeus, "It's like flooding ants, watching these poor guys struggling, but powerless to die process, does it touch your heart?"

The event card was suspended in front of Asmodeus. She leaned lazily on the back of the chair and replied casually, "Who knows? I might just be passing the time."

Burrog turned over the cards, hoping to draw vicious event cards, and it would be best to bring a large number of monsters for him to kill, so that the meat grinder can have enough sacrifices, so that the Dawn can continue to run wildly.

Event Card·Quiet Time.

For the first time Burlogo cursed his luck, wondering whether it was good luck or bad luck.

This can be regarded as another form of attrition. After losing Cinderella, they lacked a person to roll dice and a chance to draw a card.

After Burlogo was Palmer. Everyone stretched out their hands nervously, picked up the cards, and pinned their hopes on the next card to reverse the situation in front of them.

Asmodeus narrowed her eyes, she always looked like she was still awake, with a vague smile, "Compared to these... what are you waiting for, Irwin."

The topic was brought up to Irving, and he raised his head numbly, as if he could see through Asmodeus' disguise. That amazing charm did not affect Irving in the slightest.

"Huh? Didn't you come here to find me?"

Seeing Irving standing there dully, Asmodeus opened his hands as if to hug him, "I'm here now, what are you waiting for?"

Asmodeus looked at Irwin playfully, and Irwin took a deep breath. He avoided his gaze, and then reached out to pick up the card that should belong to him.

Recalling all the things on the road and the stories he and Cinderella told, Irving laughed to himself. He felt that he was a little ridiculous. The hidden secrets were exposed to the eyes of the devil early in the morning. Before, I stepped into a certain trap.

Irving mustered up the courage to look at Asmodeus. In the eyes of the woman, he saw the familiar color again. Even after so many years, this color is still so stunning, as if it was a jewel inlaid Into the eye socket.

Asmodeus stretched out his hand, as if asking Irwin to kiss the back of her hand, she asked again, "What are you waiting for, Irwin."

All light, sound, and temperature are rapidly fading away. The dark world enveloped Irving in an instant. In the dark world, only Asmodeus, who was waving to him, and another figure revealed in the darkness remained. .

Irving didn't look back, but he knew who the other person was, and Irving's connection to him was made long before this all started.

Whispering in a low voice like a dream, Irwin said, "Belphegor..."

Belphegor remained silent. He and Asmodeus looked at each other, with Irwin sandwiched between them, and then... a decision.

No one told Irwin what to do, but as if a force guided him in the dark, he needed to make a choice between the two, and this choice would lead to unexpected things.

"Irving, I'm right here."

Asmodeus stood up, and she opened her arms to Irwin, "Don't you miss me all the time?"

Asmodeus knew what Irwin wanted, and she knew it from the very beginning, so she always looked like she was sure of winning. It was very simple to get Irwin, as long as she walked towards him.

Her gaze provoked Belphegor in the distance. Asmodeus had the upper hand early in the morning, so she dared to make a bet with Belphegor. Belphegor ignored Asmodeus, and he stared at Irving's back , looking forward to what Irwin will do.

Irwin asked puzzledly, "What do you want from me?"


It was Belphegor who answered Irving, the bystander hiding in the darkness, who really interfered with the game from this moment.

"I made a bet with her to see whose embrace you will fall into."

Belphinger walked towards Irwin, persuading him softly, "Irwin, you have seen the true face of this woman, you should know her true nature... She will only reduce all the story, but I am different, we Wasn't it a pleasant chat before? Don't you long to see the "Endless Poetry"?"

Belphegor had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and he felt that Irwin should have no reason to reject him after going through all this.

Irwin didn't look back, all the conspiracies were connected in series, he felt a burst of panic, he didn't expect that he could attract the attention of the two devils, and then he felt absurd again, with a strange smile on his face.

Irwin stood in the darkness for a long time, and at a certain moment he got tired of waiting, and he walked towards Asmodeus, but at this moment a strong hand grabbed him, and the darkness receded in an instant, and Bologo's voice approached within easy reach.

Burlog asked nervously, "What are you going to do?"

Irwin was stunned for two seconds, he blinked, he couldn't see Belphegor when he turned his head, and Asmodeus was still in front, as beautiful as he remembered in his long memory.

"You love me, Irving, short and cheap...but I'm here, and everything you want is within reach."

Asmodeus stood still and waited for Irwin. She did not take the initiative to approach, but waited for Irwin to welcome him.

"Are you afraid? What are you afraid of?"

Seeing that Irwin was unmoved, Asmodeus frowned. The progression of the plot was different from what she had imagined. According to her calculations, when she showed her true face and invited Irwin, Irwin would It's time to lean over happily, just like many people who admired themselves in the past.

As long as you beckon yourself, no one can refuse.

"This is a test, Bologo."

Irwin said softly, "What she wants is distortion, contradiction, and collapse under conflict."

Burrog couldn't understand Irwin's words, let alone the grievances between Irving and Asmodeus. Burrog's idea was very simple, he wanted to take other people out of here alive.

"A test? Then she shouldn't be testing me, right?"

Among the many bad news, there are still one or two good news. For example, Bologo has discovered that Asmodeus's target is Irving. For what reason, he is not clear.

Hell, it seemed that from some time in the distant past, the traps of the devils had been set, and he was unlucky to be caught in it... At first, Bologo even thought that he had killed Irving.

While Irving smiled helplessly, Burrog raised his hand, ready to use a dagger to make a cut in the palm of his hand, but before he could draw it down, Irving reached out and stopped Burrog.

"It requires a blood sacrifice," Borrog explained his actions. "I may die...but I am undead."

This round of event cards was not going well. Bologo had already thrown all the python corpses into the meat grinder, but this was not enough, far from enough.

Burrog is going to use his own blood to nourish the meat grinder. Although he said that he may lose blood to death, but he himself is undead. .

This kind of thinking is bad, but now Bologo must use everything he can. If he falls into the hands of the Desire Witch, maybe the astronauts will rescue him.

Burrog didn't want to entrust his fate to the devil, but now he really had no other choice.

"This is a test for me," Irwin emphasized, "I know her purpose."

As Irving spoke, he looked at Asmodeus who opened his arms, as if he knew what Irwin was thinking. Asmodeus asked Irving back, "Irving, how much will you pay for your nobility?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"I question everyone," Asmodeus suddenly approached, and she appeared in front of Irving like a gust of wind, "I question all human qualities... Humans are nothing but a group of beasts of desire. Being able to maintain etiquette is just restraining and suppressing one's own desires."

"Why not let go of your nature?"

Pressing her slender fingers on Irwin's chest, she wanted to draw out Irwin's desire, and watched him smash the so-called nobleness to the ground.Asmodeus likes games like this.

Irving looked at the meat grinder, "Is this some kind of bet?"


"It's not just a bet between you and him, but a bet between you and me?"

Irving pushed Asmodeus away as he said, "I don't know the conflict between you and him, but you... you and me, do you want to see my collapse with your own eyes?"

Asmodeus smiled, "Perhaps, in the face of pressure, can you still maintain elegance and nobility?"

"I'm very curious, Irving, I'm very curious about what kind of expression you will show when everything is defeated, I want to know how long your so-called nobility can last, I want to know even more, the desire you pursued so hard, obviously It’s so close, why do you stop moving forward?”

Asmodeus hadn't met such a weird person for a long time. She knew what Irwin wanted, but until now, Irwin didn't open his mouth to ask her for it.

"Let me see, a promise? A good life?"

Asmodeus said, he took Irwin's hand, and she gently rubbed Irwin's rough skin, "Irwin, this is the reward you have been pursuing so hard, as long as you ask, you will get everything , why don't you ask for it?"

A series of words made Irving a little sluggish. He seemed to have finally gained courage, and he and Asmodeus looked at each other. Irving knew that the woman in front of him was not the one he was chasing. The fact that he was familiar with the shadow made Irving feel great sadness.

"Speak your wishes, Irving."

Asmodeus read countless emotions from Irwin's eyes, and she felt that she had a winning chance.

"No... She didn't exist from the beginning, she is your shadow, one of your many faces, a corner of countless fragments, she is you, but you are not her, you are the medium that is closest to her that I can touch .”

Irwin was very sad, and he gradually realized that what he fell in love with was not only a devil, but also a illusory phantom, a person who never really existed.

The muscles tensed up, and a violent breath lingered on Irving's body. His voice became severe, and he reprimanded Asmodeus loudly.

"Don't you want to test me? Come and see! Devil!"

Irwin shook off Asmodeus' hand, and under the shocked gazes of the others, Irwin stepped on the chess table, just as he had done before.

Bologo didn't have time to stop Irving, but Irving reached out to touch the meat grinder without any fear, and let the sharp blade cut off his fingers, crushing his entire arm into bloody foam, and then most of him The body was pulled into countless blades, cut and smashed.

Amy closed her eyes in horror, unable to bear to see Irwin's tragedy, Canary also looked away, but the expected death and screams did not happen, Palmer recalled the rules after a brief shock what the book says.

"Bards don't die...at least not before we do."

Irwin's figure did not fall in the meat grinder, his body began to reorganize while being crushed, his blood poured into the machine like endlessly, the huge pain washed his nerves, but it was not enough to make him feel sick. He let go of his hands.

From the first time Irving saw the meat grinder, he knew what the sacrifice Asmodeus was talking about was. She wanted to squeeze her limit, so it was up to him to prove it to her.

Amid the foaming blood and broken limbs, Irwin suppressed his voice, and the Dawn was poured with his blood, and its speed increased sharply.

Burrog froze in place, until the warm blood foam hit his face, he reacted belatedly from the shock, as if he was cheering himself up and cheering up Irving, Burrog Roaring and throwing the dice.

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