Endless Debt.

Chapter 630

Chapter 630
Even though he knew that he possessed the power of immortality for the time being, it still required a lot of courage to make such a decision. Irwin didn't know whether he made such a decision because he was angry because of being teased and lost his reason, or after careful consideration. Afterwards, the noble deeds performed.

In short, no matter what the reason for driving Irwin is, the fact of the iron law is cruelly presented before his eyes. Irwin is deeply involved in countless intertwined blades. He can clearly feel the cold and sharp metal passing through his body. Tear off his skin, cut off his bones and tendons, and tear his internal organs into a bloody mess.

A wave of pain washed over Irving's nerves back and forth, as if sharp steel needles pierced his brain along his temples, and there was a high-pitched friction sound between the metals, as if ghosts were screaming beside his ears.

Irving's body fell apart, but quickly reassembled. The high-speed rotating blade kept pushing him outward, and soon half of Irving's body was squeezed out by the meat grinder.

"I'm a stubborn guy...I'm a stupid guy..."

Irwin muttered in a low voice, facing such a crisis, people always need some ridiculous lies to deceive themselves, so as to have a suitable reason to do those stupid things.

As if he didn't feel the pain, he tried his best to straighten his hand. Even though the meat grinder pushed him away, he turned back without hesitation, and saw his limbs turned into a ball of meat again, being swallowed by the greedy machine.

Vaguely, Irwin felt that the meat grinder in front of him came alive. Under the nourishment of blood, it made a weird and grotesque laugh with a metallic sound, devoured the undead sacrifice, and used flesh and blood as fuel to drive the Dawn. Boom forward.

The sky-piercing storm is close at hand, but it can no longer catch up with this train. It speeds across the sea, like a picture in a fantasy, without stopping for a moment.

Asmodeus watched all of this, the stench of blood spilled into the air, and the others smelled the strong smell and instinctively vomited, thinking that these came from Irving, the distorted sense of nausea became more intense.

The blood was beaten into a light red blood mist, Asmodeus took a deep breath, she could taste Irwin's pain and sorrow, strong emotions filled her throat like honey, like a blooming rose, her body The posture became more and more coquettish and beautiful, and even the pupils of the eyes burned at this moment, turning into magnificent gems.

Asmodeus likes strong and straightforward emotions, which is different from the joy her followers can bring her. Irwin is not blessed by evil and joy, he cannot convert pain into pleasure, he can only directly endured all this.

"It hurts, Irving."

Asmodeus walked towards Irwin, and she began to understand that Belphegor had fallen in love with him, and Irwin's choices were always so interesting that people wanted to completely control him.

"You can avoid that."

Asmodeus stretched out her hand towards Irving. As long as Irving is willing, she can bestow protection on Irving at any time, and then the pain caused by the meat grinder will no longer affect him.

Irwin resisted the pain and asked, "Then what's the price?"

Asmodeus was rejected again, but she was not angry, instead she had a smile on her face. She suddenly turned her head and looked at the rear of the carriage. Belphegor was standing there quietly, watching Their words and deeds.

"That's how the game is fun."


Belphegor rarely agreed with Asmodeus, "We are omnipotent, but we cannot conquer a poor soul."

Irwin is indeed a stubborn guy. Asmodeus knows what he wants, and his wish is close at hand, but Irwin stops. Is he cherishing his soul?Or are you hesitating about something else?
Asmodeus has experienced this kind of game countless times, and she has also seen many souls. Everyone feels that they are special, but in the end, it turns out that they are just mediocre ones.

The same is true for Irwin, he is just a mediocre one, but now Irving has not been crushed, not pushed to the limit, when he is on the verge of collapse, Asmodeus will easily win.

"I'll get him."

Asmodeus said and shook his head, "He won't refuse me, otherwise he wouldn't be stupid enough to board this train."

"Then show me." Belphegor was not eager to enter the competition. "Are you the sun or the north wind?"

The dice thrown are superimposed, and a new round of event cards is arranged in front of him. Burrog draws cards decisively. This cruel game is developing in a more twisted direction. He wants to end all of this quickly. God knows to continue What happens if you drag it down.

"Pressure, only when faced with pressure and choices, can a person's true value be revealed."

Just before Burlog was about to pick up the cards, a ghostly voice rang in his ears. Burrog remembered that voice, Belphegor's voice.

Burrog turned his head sharply, seeing nothing, and then his eyes moved to Canary.

"What's going on? What are you planning?"

Burrog questioned Canary loudly. He didn't think it was his hallucination. There was more than one devil in the game right now, and for some unknown purpose, Belphegor contacted him on his own initiative.

The strange umbilical cord connects everyone, like balls of wool, entangled together and drifting together.

"I...I don't know."

Canary shook her head, she didn't know Belphegor's plan, and the order she got from the beginning to the end was only to hunt white gulls.

Bologo paused for a moment. Just as he was about to ask questions, the card in his hand seemed to be on fire, burning the palm of Bologo. The cards dissipated in a puff of black smoke.

At the same time, heavy footsteps sounded from behind the carriages.

Bologo stared straight at the open car doors one by one, and a thicker smell of blood came with the wind. Asmodeus also turned around at this time, looking with interest in the direction of the sound.

"My lovely pet."

Accompanied by Asmodeus's soft laugh, the bloated and terrifying figure struggled to squeeze the narrow compartment, its thick blood-stained arms waved and climbed wildly, and the dense eyeballs like insect eggs peeped at the people in the checkerboard compartment.

One of Asmodeus' collections, the limb-severing person that Bologo had seen before appeared on the train. This is not the monster that existed in the original "Night Journey", but in Asmodeus's Under the influence, the magical reality gradually distorts the weirdness.

Palmer swallowed, the scariest monster they have encountered so far is the Dread Eater, and now the amputee must be far superior to the Dread Eater both in terms of appearance and actual strength.

The sharp and high-pitched roar was deafening, and the amputee seemed to smell the breath of a living person, waving countless arms, like a huge fleshy spider made up of severed limbs, madly heading towards the chessboard carriage rushed.

The door of the car couldn't stop it at all, it collapsed under its impact, and even the carriage began to twist. Canary immediately shot a series of crossbow arrows, but the arrows jingled and hit the amputee's body, unable to kill it at all.

Burrog drew his sword decisively to meet the enemy. He needed to stop the amputee in the next car. Once it rushed into the chessboard car, they would have no room to maneuver.

"Have you heard the story of the north wind and the sun?"

When several people were fighting to the death, Asmodeus chatted leisurely with Irving as if they were having afternoon tea.

"Do you want to say that you are the North Wind?"

The intense pain strangled Irving repeatedly. It had only been a few minutes since he stepped into the meat grinder, but he felt that it was as long as several years. Every second of persistence was an extremely strong test for Irving.

"You torment us with these sufferings, trying to make us kneel before you one by one?"

Irwin's voice was intermittent. It was not easy for Irwin to maintain a rational dialogue while enduring pain.

"Why not?" Asmodeus still had that haughty, playful attitude, "As long as you surrender to me, this will all be over, Irving."

"What do you want?"

Asmodeus pondered, "The love hidden in my heart? Or end this long pain? Oh, by the way, don't you want to live forever?

As long as you surrender, none of this is a problem, and the only thing you have to pay is your illusory soul. "

Asmodeus laughed as she spoke, her laughter was as elegant as she remembered, and as Asdemo approached, the stirring of the blades also slowed down, as if to give Irving time to think.

Asmodeus showed a puzzled expression, "Think about it, Irving, what is the meaning of the soul to you? You can't see it, and you can't touch it."

"Or...you still want to reject me?"

Asmodeus was silent for a moment, her figure became unreal, and she stepped into the meat grinder to observe Irwin's hidden expression.

Entanglement, pain, silence, sadness... Incomparably complex emotions flashed back in Irwin's eyes. Just smelling this complex emotion can bring great satisfaction to Asmodeus, and she likes it more and more Erwin made this fun toy.

"So to put it another way, Irving, if you reject me, you will be in this long pain forever, everything you hold dear will be destroyed, you won't be able to save anyone, and your so-called nobility will be destroyed by me little by little. Crush."

Asmodeus has seen many people, many people who think they are noble and will not succumb to the devil. There are too many examples. Everyone feels that they can overcome their desires, but they will eventually become one of their own collections .

Irwin coughed up a lot of blood, and the blade cut his throat. He needed to wait a few seconds for his throat to heal itself, and his voice became hoarse.

"Want to make a bet? Asmodeus."

Irving raised his head hard and looked at her with disdain.

The roaring impact came from the next car, and Burrog was slapped against the wall by the amputee, and there was a dull pain in his chest. Burrog felt that he had been knocked out of several ribs.

The blade in his hand is full of gaps and cracks. Even though Bologo can dodge the attack of the severed limb vigorously, his blade is still difficult to kill the severed limb. Just tickle it.

A series of shallow wounds emerged on the amputee's body. Even if Bologo completely penetrated the body of the amputee, the length of the blade and the killing area would not affect this monster at all.

On the contrary, as long as the amputee hits Burrog with a random blow, this blow is enough to break Burrog's bones and take most of his life.

Burrog coughed in pain, blood stained the corners of his mouth, and the black shadow covered him again. Burrog tried to get up and move, but he just stood up halfway, and the severe pain from his legs made him unbearable. Sit down in control.

A deadly black shadow covered the top of the head, and the severed body excitedly swung a heavy blow, eager to dismember Bologo's body. All Bologo could do at this moment was to wearily set up the long sword.

Another tall shadow covered Borrog, the heavy shield collided with the sharp claws, and after the dense sparks, he slammed into the other side of the carriage, and slammed open the door, almost falling go down.

"Are you dancing on me?"

Hart clutched his chest and complained while vomiting a large amount of seawater. At this extremely critical moment, Hart finally got rid of his nightmare.

In such a dramatic scene, Bologo was shocked and speechless. He always imagined events in the worst direction. In Bologo's eyes, Hart was no different from a dead person, but he stood up again.

"What are you staring at?"

Hart stood up in embarrassment, and picked up the heavy shield again. He couldn't understand what was happening right now. He was clearly traveling on an ordinary train before he fell into a coma, but now he was driving on the storm and the sea.

"Guess what I got!"

The sound of ecstasy came from the chessboard car, and Palmer waved the card in his hand ecstatically, then threw it vigorously at Burlogo.

The card was flying in mid-air, and halfway through the flight, the card surface twisted and burned, and in the gorgeous firelight, a slender long sword burst out of the fire.

It was a sword with a strange shape. The blade was narrow and slender. It seemed to be forged from a single piece of metal. The straight blade extended all the way to the hilt, and there was no guard in the middle to block it.

The sharp body of the sword is completely pitch black, like a pitch black silhouette. If you can't touch the existence of the entity, at first glance, you may even feel that it is a blade made of shadows.

Burrog recognized this black spike-like blade. He had read it in the book "Night Hunter". It was the sword of the protagonist in the story, and it was also the sharpest and deadliest cold weapon in the story.Palmer actually drew the strongest equipment card in "Journey from Never Night".

Burrog remembered its name, Grudgebite.

Flopping grabbed the spike-like blade, Bologo turned around and drew out the sword with a roar. The pitch-black blade collided with the countless sharp claws of the amputee, as if chopping on cotton , the blade of the resentful bite severed the amputee's arm without hindrance.

Bones and flesh broke and flew, and the terrifying and hideous countless arms fell apart. The tissue sections were clearly visible, as if they had been carefully dissected by a doctor.

 It's still uncomfortable, maybe it's all single changes this time.

(End of this chapter)

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