Endless Debt.

Chapter 631 The only wish

Chapter 631 The only wish

Clenching the grudge in his hand, the black and narrow blade easily cut off everything it touched, whether it was steel or flesh, under the wave of Bologo, all of them were shattered, and the warm blood foam and debris danced wildly, Like paint, it is swayed and painted on the metal.

Bologo felt the lethality of the sharp blade in his hand. Its nature was a bit like the sword that cut steel and cut iron that he had faced before. The cold metal has absolute cutting ability, and all the substances touched by it will be destroyed. Totally shredded.

In this situation, obtaining such a weapon brought an unimaginable improvement to Bologo. From this moment, although he is still a mortal, he also has the power to kill powerful enemies.

The hideous and terrifying amputee is no longer an incomprehensible existence, as long as Bologo sends the grievance bite into its heart, it will still completely kill this twisted monster.


Burrog called for Hart's support, the tall figure stood up in embarrassment, and flew towards Burrog. Hart completely gave up all offensive methods, just to block Burrow with a shield again and again. fatal blow.

The sharp claws slammed on the shield, leaving dents on the solid metal. Hart was repelled again, and his whole body was slapped heavily on the wall, his blood surging.

Hart's state was very bad. He had just endured a long nightmare, and his whole spirit was on the verge of collapse. As a result, he faced this terrible battle again before he rested.

Taking advantage of the gap that Hart had won for himself, Bologo grabbed the black shadow and jumped up, his intertwined arms blocked in front of him. The amputee tried to block Bologo's slash with his strong bones, but just as As described in "Night Hunter", the Grudge is made of special metal and has been blessed by the potion masters. This is a broken blade from the story.

"Step aside!"

Bologo growled, biting his resentment like a hot knife cutting through butter, and very calmly split all the intertwined arms. Bologo didn't even feel the resistance from the hilt, or it might be extreme anger, He has neglected the existence of this sense.

The amputee wailed, and after being hit hard one after another, it rarely felt a fearful emotion. The warning from instinct made the amputee take the initiative to evade Bologo's sword, and it slammed open one side of the car door forcefully. The howling wind poured into the room, and Burrog couldn't lift his head under the pressure.

The section of the limb is clearly visible, a large amount of blood spilled out, and then more arms protruded from the fat torso of the amputee. They scratched the metal indiscriminately, accompanied by the clanging sound, like a giant spider The body climbed out of the car.

Bologo could hear the dense sounds coming from outside the carriage. The amputee did not leave, but hung on the outer wall of the carriage, looking for the moment to come again and launch an attack.

It's good news that he's temporarily repelled the Severe, but the bad news is that the game has become more and more chaotic.

"Damn it! Irving, what's going on!"

After Palmer passed the weapon to Bologo, he raised his dagger and confronted Asmodeus. No matter how slow Palmer's reaction was, he could see that the complicated relationship between Irving and Asmodeus relation.

Irving didn't have time to deal with Palmer, he devoted all his energy to fighting the pain, and countless blades cut him into pieces one after another. Such real pain and suffering almost drove Irving crazy, but he Still withstood, did not succumb to the temptation of Asmodeus.

As long as you bow your head to her, the protection from the devil will turn the pain into pleasure, but Irving is a stubborn person, and he doesn't want to admit defeat to the devil.

Asmodeus turned his head and explained to Palmer with a smile, "You haven't realized yet? In fact, he came all the way for me."

"Aren't you doing immortality for some shit?"

Palmer yelled, and before he finished speaking, he realized his mistake. Perhaps eternal life was just a lie of Irving. Recalling the story he read in the first draft, the broken information was connected together, and a terrible truth before Palmer's eyes.

"Damn... you actually fell in love with a devil."

Palmer was bewildered, and his grip on the dagger was slightly relaxed, but the next second he clenched it again, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

For a moment, Palmer didn't know what to do. Irving was suffering unimaginable pain for others, but how long could Irving last under the washing of this pain?

If all the stories in the first draft are true, then Irving has known Asmodeus since 33 years ago. Thinking about what Irving once said, he felt that he lost something on that train. In order to retrieve that thing, he boarded the Happy Garden again after 33 years... and brought them with him!
Palmer wondered if he could trust Irwin completely, that he could take it all?Or, after the pain reached a certain limit, he bowed his head to Asmodeus.

All these decisions are in the hands of Irwin. Once he is here, others will only be reduced to Asmodeus' toys. Palmer hates this feeling, especially the feeling of entrusting his fate to others, which makes him even more angry. What is disgusted is the emotion of doubt.

Damn thoughts crazily grew in his mind, Palmer didn't want to doubt Irwin's nobility, but recalling the collections he had seen before, Palmer's thoughts uncontrollably doubted.

"No one is special, everyone is replaceable..."

Palmer gradually realized that this was a struggle between Irving and Asmodeus. Irving felt that he was special and could withstand the test of Asmodeus, but Asmodeus felt that Irwin did not have What specialness, sooner or later he will fall in front of him like other collections.

A battle between devils and mortals.

"Irwin, I've seen too many guys like you," Asmodeus continued to attack Irwin's mind, "They all lost in the end without exception."

"Since I'm the same as everyone else, why do you value me so much?"

Irving held back his pain, "As an omnipotent devil, why are you wasting time on me?"

"Yeah, I'm not special, what's special is the situation I'm in."

Among the blood, Irving could vaguely see Belphegor's figure, and he looked at himself without saying a word.

What Irwin knew was the real special game between devils and devils, fighting each other with their souls at stake.

"It's not that I need you," Irving suddenly laughed, "It's you who need me, you need my soul, to win the bet with him."

Irwin seemed to be supported by some kind of force, he turned around in the meat grinder with difficulty, and faced Asmodeus, "That is to say, I can sit on the ground and raise the price, right?"

Asmodeus froze for a moment, and then an uncontrollable smile bloomed on her face, and then her whole body trembled violently, as if she had heard a very funny joke.

"Irving, are you blackmailing me?"

Coercing a devil, looking at the past, Asmodeus rarely encountered such a thing.


Irwin's eyes wandered between Asmodeus and Belphegor, "You don't want to lose, and I don't want to lose either."

Asmodeus suddenly chatted about the story of the north wind and the sun, "In the story, no matter how the north wind blows the traveler, it just makes the traveler wrap his clothes closer and closer. On the contrary, the warmth of the sun makes the traveler take off his clothes. clothes."

"I understand, you are the North Wind, because you think that human beings are cowardly, hypocritical, and failed. Even if I am full of nobleness, as long as you exert a little force, you feel that you can crush me."

Irwin endured the pain, endured the erosion of the north wind, and let the blade cut himself and crush him.

Asmodeus snapped his fingers, and the churning blades stopped, freeing Irwin from the pain. The meat grinder seemed to have absorbed enough blood. Even after the strangulation stopped, the speed of the Dawn still did not slow down. a cent.

The end of the torture made Irving slightly distracted. He fell into a pool of his own blood, and it took a long time before he recovered his spirits and stood up unsteadily.

Raising her head, Asmodeus's face was close at hand. She squatted down and looked at Irwin with a sad face.

"Then you say, how can I get your soul?"

Asmodeus said and clenched his hands, "Continue to put pressure on you?"

The invisible big hand held Irwin, and the huge force squeezed Irwin's body. His face was flushed, his eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot, and the continuous sound of bones breaking came from under his body, and his chest sunken strangely. , the internal organs seemed to be crushed into dirty blood.

"Irving, we have had a good time together, and continuing to torture you will only make me feel like a pervert."

Asmodeus said, he let go of his hand, and the huge force exerted on Irwin also disappeared. Irwin knelt on the ground and retched, and the fragments of flesh and blood piled up on the ground.

He wiped the corner of his mouth and sneered, "Are you serious?"

"That time can't be denied, it was fun."

Asmodeus smiled at Irwin. For a moment, Irwin felt that she had changed back to Cinderella, but it was only a deceptive moment.

"My patience is limited, Irwin," Asmodeus thought about it, and then she thought of a way, "How about we have a serious chat?"

"What do you want to talk about?"

"About your wish, I am serious. What is in front of your eyes is a devil who is obedient to you."

Asmodeus held Irwin's face tenderly, her eyes were innocent, as if the behavior just now was just an inadvertent evil.

"For example... For example, how about I let you go back to that good time? In this beautiful dream, you will enjoy almost eternal warmth, or, I create an existence you love? This is for the devil It's not difficult to say, let's say..."

Asmodeus thought of it, and she said pleasantly, "I can erase the memories in your mind, all unpleasant memories that affect your will, such as what happened 33 years ago, so that you will not be hurt by me again. troubled.

The lover who will never leave, the good times, the power of eternal life, power and status... Tell me, Irving, what do you want? "

Asmodeus is in extreme distress. Even an omnipotent devil needs the wish of others to exert his power. If Irwin does not express his wish, Asmodeus does not know what to do.

"Aren't you willing to give your soul? It doesn't matter, we can postpone the transaction until the moment of your death, how about it? Anyway, after you die, your soul will disappear, so it's okay to hand it over to me at that time, right? ?”

Irwin stood up silently, pushed Asmodeus away, "No, that's not necessary."

There was a faint pain all over his body, and Irving felt that he had been torn apart and put together again, which felt terrible.

Asmodeus asked loudly, "Then how do you realize your wish?"

She could detect the strong desire hidden in Irwin's heart, which was firmly bound by Irwin's reason and the so-called nobility. What Asmodeus had to do was to defeat Irwin, and no one It's special, and so is Irving, who will lose sooner or later.

Irwin staggered to the chess table and grabbed his own card with bloody palms.

"What I said... it's just that you didn't care."

Irwin murmured, "I'll draw that wish card, and it will grant all my wishes."

There was burning pain in his fingertips, and Irving laughed self-consciously, while Palmer and Amyu stared at the card with disbelief written all over their faces.


Palmer thought that his luck was good enough, but obviously, compared with Irving, he was still far behind, it was like a blessing of fate.

Irwin showed the card in his hand to Asmodeus, and under the burning of the fireworks, it turned into a ball of dazzling light, suspended in Irwin's hand.

wish card.

"No soul, no price..."

Irwin walked towards Asmodeus talking to himself, and Asmodeus's expression also turned cold at this moment, she never expected the follow-up development to be like this, and then she showed confidence With a smile, she knew that Irwin would not reject her, he would only gradually degenerate.

What would his wish be?
After a brief shock, Palmer suddenly came back to his senses. Irwin miraculously got the wish card, so what would his wish be?

Burrog stepped into the chessboard carriage, the incident came into view, and doubts grew again. Irwin's wish will determine the direction of the next incident, so what wish will he make?

The answer is already obvious.

The light cluster condensed into a dice in Irwin's hands, and the number of points Irwin cast would determine the degree to which his wish was distorted.

Irwin walked towards Asmodeus, and the two got closer and closer, and a strong sense of crisis broke out in the hearts of several people, just as they said at the beginning.

No one is special. Under the temptation of desire, everyone will show their ugly side.

Irwin stood upright in front of Asmodeus, and Asmodeus smiled confidently, she knew that Irwin would come back, just as Irwin had never left.

"My wish is..."

As Irwin said, he stretched out his hand and hugged Asmodeus. The sudden approach made Asmodeus a little at a loss, but she still hugged Irwin, and looked at him provocatively. Silent Belphegor.

"I won."

Belphegor shook his head in disappointment, turned and left, and his figure completely disappeared in the carriage.

Asmodeus was immersed in the joy of victory, Irwin hugged her tightly, buried his head on his neck, as if kissing her, but then Asmodeus heard Irwin beside her ear Whispering, she thought she had heard it wrong, and then a pain burst from her chest.


Asmodeus stared blankly at Irwin in front of him. He looked indifferent. He clenched the dice with one hand and hugged Asmodeus' waist. He held the dagger in the other hand and pierced Asmodeus. De's chest.

Irwin didn't think this would kill the devil, but he didn't care, he just wanted to express his emotions by acting on his own, and then he yelled at Asmodeus, repeating his wish again.

"Let's leave!"

Irwin rolled the dice in his hand, without looking at how many points he rolled, and at the same time, the wound on Asmodeus' chest began to collapse.

As if the dagger pierced the boundary between spaces, Asmodeus' body shattered like a mirror, and the wound twisted into a black hole, swallowing the surrounding matter, annihilated and shattered.

Asmodeus still maintained that unbelievable expression. She stretched out her hand as if to grab Irwin, but Irwin ran wildly without looking back. When he passed Palmer, Irwin pulled hard Palmer yelled at him.

"What are you in a daze for!"

With the annihilation of the black hole, the entire chessboard car began to twist under the strange suction, Asdmo opened his mouth, let out a sharp and hoarse whine, and scolded Irwin.

"you you you you!"

Palmer was completely dumbfounded. Irving's various behaviors completely violated his conjectures, and the successive changes made his thinking simply unacceptable.

"What are you! What do you think I will wish for!"

Irwin yelled as he ran, "Make a wish to marry the devil back home? Are you crazy, or am I crazy!"

Palmer was dumbfounded, he was sure that he was not crazy, but he felt that Irving was definitely not a normal person.

The chessboard car was completely distorted into a mass of continuously compressed iron lumps, and the destruction continued to the next car. At this time, Bologo couldn't help questioning.

"So what are you working so hard for? That damned woman!"

Facing Burlogo's questioning, Irwin laughed and responded, "I did it for her. I fell in love with a devil. I admit this, but this is only part of the reason!"

"Bologo! I have a tough editor and I need a happy ending to please him, and my deadline is approaching! So figure it out! Guys!"

From Irving's words, Belogo couldn't read the slightest nervousness. Instead, he felt that this guy was talking nonsense and was just telling jokes to himself.

The crackling sound came from the top of the head. It was the amputee. It stretched out its arms and swept across the carriage. Bologo quickly jumped over the obstruction of the arms and hugged Amyu by the waist. She was running too slowly, so fast Overtaken by the collapse.

"Did I trick you?"

While fleeing, Irwin still kept telling jokes. For some reason, this guy was unexpectedly happy at the moment, "Tell me, did I trick you?"

Burlogo ignored him, and so did Palmer, and Irving continued to shout excitedly, "The author is the perfect liar! Even the devil was fooled by me! Haha!"

Irwin succeeded, he deceived everyone, Bologo thought he would surrender to his desire, but he didn't expect Irwin to fulfill his promise, as he said at the beginning, if he got the wish card, Irwin Will take everyone out of here.

The collapse of the carriage was close at hand. Amidst the mournful wailing, even the amputee was swallowed up by the destruction caused by Asmodeus. The terrifying figure was squeezed and distorted, turning into a mass of spilled blood.

Burlogo slammed open one car door after another, and the world became more and more deformed behind each door. When he didn't know how many doors were pushed open, a strong light was released from behind the car door, and the world became more and more deformed. Then the light engulfed everyone, and after a few seconds, they were all destroyed by the ensuing destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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