Endless Debt.

Chapter 636 Dice

Chapter 636 Dice
Bologo couldn't look directly at the light for too long. Even though he was facing Belphegor's account, this endless light still blinded Bologo's eyes. It took him a while to heal himself, and When he regained his light again, it was all over.

The whole battlefield was just as I remembered, there were towering gray and white salt pillars everywhere, the ground was dry and cracked, dyed a strange scarlet, as for the sacred city, it had disappeared, replaced by terrifying scars across the land .

Bologo didn't show too much shock. He already knew this part of the information in the conversation with Nethaniel.

King Solomon is also the chosen one of the devil. He created a certain power called "Red Dragon" that can end disputes. After talking with Belphegor, these information corresponded one by one.

The devils fear human development which does not exist in the future but has already been achieved in the past.

Red Dragon.

The devils are afraid of the birth of the next red dragon, and long for such power to win the dispute.

Belphegor snapped his fingers, and all the light and shadow dissipated. Burrog felt his body sink and sat down uncontrollably. The chair caught him firmly. After the darkness, he returned to the movie theater again.

What was projected on the screen was the picture after the destruction of the light. The picture seemed to be frozen. Except for the billowing smoke, there was no change in the picture.

Burrog asked, "I was also on this battlefield. Have you described how I became a debtor?"

"It should be recorded."

Belphegor showed a troubled look, and continued, "Then what's the price?"

"what do you want to do?"

"Not ready yet."

"I thought you'd let me help you win Irving's soul."

Belphegor laughed when he heard this, "If Irving succumbs like this, he will become worthless instead."

Bologo was puzzled, "You devils are so strange, you want to get his soul, but you are afraid that he will give in so easily."

"The more he fights against fate, the more valuable he is. I look forward to the moment when Irving collapses, and I hope he will last longer. There is no contradiction."

Belphegor continued to look at Burrog, "I also look forward to the day you collapse, and I will definitely offer you a good price for your remaining soul."

"Then promise me?"

Belphegor stretched out his hand, "Want to see you at that time? Aren't you always curious? Now the answer is close at hand."

Burrog took a deep look at Belphegor and smiled disdainfully, "No, I will find the answer myself."

"I like your stubbornness."

Burrog stood up, he didn't want to entangle with Belphegor anymore, he did get part of the information from the mouth of the devil, and confirmed the other part of the information, now his patience is exhausted, he just wants to leave quickly This.

The bet between Asmodeus and Belphegor is not over yet, and Irwin is still in danger. For whatever reason, Burlogo feels that he should help Irwin and disrupt the conspiracy of the devils.

The continuous battle between the Unbound Poetry Society and the Zongge Orchestra is in line with the interests of human beings and the Bureau of Order. The alliance between the two is the last thing Burlogo wants to see.

"Are you leaving?"

Belphegor saw Burrog walking towards the door, and he then shouted, "One more reminder!"

Burrog's figure paused slightly, before he could turn around, Belphegor said playfully.

"Bologo, do you think this game is really over?"

The moment Burrog turned around, the lights flickered, and after the darkness gradually became clear, Burrog returned to the familiar corridor. Belphegor and his weird theater had disappeared, leaving Burrog alone in a daze. Stand still.

A weird and absurd idea rose in Burlogo's heart.

How many points did Irving cast.


A gust of chill invaded the body, exhaustion and sleepiness affected the spirit together, Irving turned over, wrapped the blanket more tightly, and covered the top of his head, as if hiding in a body bag.

Weird and strange pictures appeared in his mind. He dreamed of the rumbling train, and also dreamed of bloodthirsty and crazy monsters. He also dreamed of the blue sea, and the woman who took off her hypocritical veil in the whale song.

Irving woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes suddenly. At the same time, the chill all over his body became clear and penetrated into the bone marrow.

The muddled will froze for a while, and then the memory washed over Irving's mind like a sea tide, and he realized that it was not a dream, but a fact that had happened before.

After 33 years of chasing, Irwin returned to that train again, but what was waiting for him on the train was not the familiar figure in his memory, but a lustful devil.

Irving sat up from the ground and leaned against the bookshelf. He remembered that he had made a wish to escape from that game, and when he opened his eyes, everything was as he wished. He returned to Daisy Castle and the familiar big library.

The crisis of chasing after him finally dissipated, and his highly concentrated spirit and tense nerves were also relaxed at this moment. Irving's whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he collapsed on the spot.

At this moment, he finally had time to sort out his emotions. Complicated and indescribable emotions rose in Irwin's heart. He felt that he might be sad or disappointed... Even after living for so many years, such a It was also the first time he experienced emotions.

Irving warned himself that he was already prepared, no matter what the result was, but when it was all over, Irving was still a little unbearable.

This is not a good result, but he has to accept it all, because this is the truth, which cannot be disputed or rejected.

He tried to clear his head, and stood up staggeringly. It seemed that the others had also returned to their homes. According to the character of Bologo and the others, maybe they had already prepared and were ready to look for him.

Irving had heard about the Bureau of Order's behavior from Noren, and they would not easily let someone like him who knew the extraordinary world like him go, not to mention that he was planning to write all of this into a book.

But Irwin felt that Burlogo and the others should not hurt themselves, and more like their own editors, they put forward endless review standards before allowing their books to be published.

Irwin walked to his workbench. He tried to think of some messy things to make him forget about Asmodeus, Cinderella, and...and...

"damn it!"

Irving swung his fist and slammed the table. No one can maintain a high degree of rationality. At this moment, Irving couldn't bear it, and chose to release his emotions.

The high emotions come and go quickly, and it may be that Irving is too tired, and he doesn't even have the energy to be angry and sad.

Irving noticed a pile of manuscripts next to the workbench. He picked it up and looked at it. It turned out that it was the record he wrote while recording the game in the Happy Garden.

Irving stared intently at the pages that testified to the authenticity of Pleasure Garden, and then he picked up his first draft, and the blank pages were inserted into the typewriter.

Due to his solitary life, Irwin rarely experiences intense emotional ups and downs, and when such ups and downs come, he often chooses to numb himself with work.

His new book is not yet perfect, and Irwin can't stop. He pours all his emotions into the keys at his fingertips, and one after another, fresh ink characters are tapped on the blank pages.

According to the world view in his book, Irwin slightly modified the story he experienced.He is very good at doing this, like lying, changing a little detail and the story will be completely different.

"The story of "Night Hunter" has always been true, and I just wrote it as a documentary.

Under the power of the monster king, I and other hunters were involved in an illusory game, and I saw her again in that game, and she was as beautiful as I remembered..."

Irving tapped the keys tirelessly. Before he knew it, his nails gradually cracked due to exhaustion and force. Blood flowed along his fingertips and seeped into the typewriter. Soon the printed ink was also bloody. And all this Irwin did not notice.

He seemed to be possessed, and only his own story remained in his eyes, until at a certain moment, he heard a familiar smile.

Irwin turned his head abruptly, but he didn't see anything, and then he noticed something more in his field of vision. The paper of the first draft placed aside was slightly raised, and something was pressed under it. Irwin uncovered it. A sheet of paper, on which a familiar twelve-sided die lay quietly.

Time seemed to freeze, Irving murmured something he couldn't understand, and then grabbed the dice in a mysterious way, and then his palm seemed to lose control, losing all strength, and the dice fell out of his fingers after being picked up halfway.

Accompanied by the sound of jingling, the twelve-sided dice rolled a few times, and lay quietly into the corner of the shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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